Oil India Limited Placement Papers Ramco Placement Papers Rockwell Placement Papers3i Placement PapersABB Placement PapersAccel Frontline Placement PapersAccenture Placement PapersAcumen Software Placement PapersAditi Placement PapersAdobe Placement PapersADP Placement PapersAgile Placement PapersAgreeya Placement PapersAIG Placement PapersAkamai Placement PapersAks Software Systems Placement PapersAlcatel Placement PapersAllahabad Placement PapersAlle Placement PapersALLFON Placement PapersAlter Placement PapersAlumnus Placement PapersAmdocs Placement PapersAMI Placement PapersAndhra Bank Placement PapersANZ Placement PapersAppLabs Placement PapersAricent Placement PapersASDC Placement PapersAshok Placement PapersAshok LeyLand Placement PapersAspire Placement PapersASPNET Placement PapersAST Pvt Ltd Placement PapersAsto Placement PapersAtlas Placement PapersAxentis Soft Placement PapersAxes Placement PapersAztec Placement PapersBAAN Placement PapersBajaj Placement PapersBank Of 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Bajaj Placement Paper : BEL Placement Paper Technical & Aptitude 17 Sepember 2012

BEL previous year paper with answers, BELcomputer engineering solved question papers, recruitment question papers,Bel electronics and electrical,(EE), computer science( CSE) mechanical engineering,(ME) solved question paper Bel sample placement paper, Bel syllabus for electronics and electrical, computer science,cse,mechanical engineering me Bel aptitude, general awareness, reasoning technical, job recruitment interview questions Bel written test pattern, selection procedures Bel upcoming recruitment question papers learn and practice

Bel sample electronics solves question paper

1. Which one of the following is provided by a data dictionary ?
(A) User data
(B) Functional data
(C) Database structure data - Answer
(D) Sorted data

2. Which one of the following is a direct benefit of databse normalization ?
(A) higher query processing efficiency
(B) smaller number of tables
(C) reduced I/O for most queries
(D) reduced data redundancy- Answer

3. What is the result of the following SQL statement ?
SELECT A.Employee_Name, B.Spouse_Name
ON A. Employee_ID = B.Employee_ID
(A) A list of all employee’s names, including the name of their spouse if they have one- Answer
(B) A list of all employees that have spouses, with spouse names included in the list
(C) A list of employee’s spouses
(D) Two lists : One list of employees, the other of spouses.

4. The ability to modify the conceptual schema without causing any change to the application program is known as :
(A) Physical data independence
(B) Logical data independence- Answer
(C) External data independence
(D) Static data

5. A field or a combination of fields that has a unique value is called :
(A) Secondary key
(B) Foreign key
(C) Primary key - Answer
(D) Alternate key

6. Relational operator that yields all values from all rows in a table is known as
(A) difference
(B) product
(C) select
(D) project

7. Referential integrity controls relationships between :
(A) attributes in a table
(B) operations of an object
(C) instances of a class
(D) tables in a database.- Answer

8. What will be suitable criteria that should be entered for a query to search for Employee Names beginning with M ?
(A) Start with M
(B) Like M
(C) Like ‘M?’
(D) Like ‘M*’

9. What rows will this select statement return ?
SELECT * FROM products WHERE ordernumber > = 1000
(A) All rows in the products table whose order number is greater than or equal to 1000- Answer
(B) All rows in the products table whose order number is less than or equal to 1000
(C) The first 1000 rows of the product table
(D) All rows in the products table whose order number is greater than 1000

10. A television broadcast is an example of ______transmission.
(A) Simplex - Answer
(B) half-duplex
(C) full-duplex
(D) automatic

11. ______ is the protocol suite for the Internet which we use presently :
(A) TCP/IP - Answer

12. _______ switching is well suited for voice communication while______ switching is better suited for data and other non-voice communication.
(A) Message; circuit
(B) Circuit; message
(C) Packet; circuit
(D) Circuit; packet- Answer

13. Forty-five physical channels link________devices arranged in a mesh topology.
(A) NINE (9)
(B) TEN (10)- Answer
(C) FORTY (40)

14. The most frequently used UTP connector is _______ .
(A) category 5 connector
(B) EIA 232
(C) RJ45- Answer
(D) JR45

15. The natural mask for class C IP address is _______ .
(A) - Answer

16. The Internet began as an experimental network called
(A) Intranet
(B) ARPANET- Answer

17. Clock speed is measured in
(A) Bits per second
(B) Baud
(C) Bytes
(D) Hertz- Answer

18. Cache memory enhances
(A) Memory capacity
(B) Memory access time- Answer
(C) Secondary storage capacity
(D) Secondary storage access time

19. A user complains that he has created a shell script ‘myuse’ that will report his usage of disk space by a directory in UNIX, but when he executes the script he only receives the message : myuse : cannot execute. What is the probable cause of the error described above ?
(A) The file ‘myuse’ contains syntax errors
(B) The file ‘myuse’ cannot be located because the user has not set his PATH properly
(C) The user does not have permission to read his directory
(D) The file mode for the owner of ‘myuse’ is not executable- Answer
20. Three players A, B, C are in a race. A is twice as likely to win as B and B is twice as likelyto win as C. Then the probability that B wins =
(A) 1/2
(B) 2/3
(C) 1/3
(D) 2/7- Answer

21. In following Java code snippet, what will be the output of following :
int var 1 = 5, var 2 = 7;
System.out.println(“Result=” + var l * var 3);
(A) Result = 35
(B) Result = 57
(C) Result = 3
(D) Error- Answer

22. Consider the following segment of a Java program,
int num, alpha = 10;
num = 4;
switch (num)
case 3 : alpha++; break;
case 4 :
case 6 : alpha = alpha + 3;
case 8 : alpha = alpha + 4; break;
default : alpha = alpha + 5;
System.out.println (alpha);
What will the output be when the above segment is executed as a program ?
(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 17 - Answer
(D) 18

23. The region of memory sufficiently large to hold all pixels of the display is called a
(A) Frame buffer - Answer
(D) Cache Memory

24. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Bitmap images ?
(A) They are based on lines and curves
(B) They are best for real-world images like Photography and Painted pictures- Answer
(C) They have a small data size
(D) One does not need to compress the file for transferring.

25. ………… is a process model used to show the flow of data through a system and the work or processing performed by the system :
(A) Document Flow Diagram
(B) Data Flow Diagram- Answer
(C) Entity Relationship Diagram
(D) Use Case Diagram.

26. Consider the following two relations :
A (Students) B
St_Id Name Address St_Id Name Address
1000000004 Ratan Mumbai 1000000001 Mahesh Gangtok
1000000001 Mahesh Gangtok 1000000002 Samir Indore
1000000008 Babita Delhi 1000000004 Ratan Mumbai
1000000002 Samir Indore 1000000008 Babita Delhi
Applying a certain SQL statement to relation A gives relation B. Which of the following statements
could this SQL statement be ?
(A) SELECT * FROM Students ORDER BY St_Id;- Answer
(B) SELECT * FROM Students ORDER BY Name;

27. Consider the code snippet given below : & lt H1 & gt Hello BIT & lt H1 & gt Which of the following is correct in relation to the above code snippet ?
(A) Hello BIT is displayed as the output with H1 font.
(B) Hello BIT ; is displayed as the output with H1 font.
(C) ; is displayed as the output with default font.
(D)Hellow BIT is displayed as the output.

28. When you are creating a structure in C/C++, you need to use the keyword
(A) structure
(B) object
(C) struct - Answer
(D) record

29. 54__7 = 5. Which arithmetic operator can replace the blank to make the statement correct ?
(A) –
(B) /
(C) % - Answer
(D) *

30. What is the output of the following code in C ?
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
{cout << i% 2 << ” “;}
(A) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(B) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
(C) 10101010101
(D) 10 10 10 10 10

31. In C++, if a catch statement is written to catch exception objects of a base class type, it can also catch all ______ derived from that base class.
(A) Exceptions for objects - Answer
(B) Objects of classes
(C) Arguments
(D) Errors

32. The design of classes in a way that hides the details of implementation from the user is known as :
(A) Encapsulation - Answer
(B) Information Hiding
(C) Data Abstraction
(D) Reusability

33. Can two classes contain member functions with the same name ?
(A) No.
(B) Yes, but only if the two classes have the same name
(C) Yes, but only if the main program does not declare both kinds
(D) Yes, this is always allowed.- Answer

34. What is printed when the following sample code of C is executed ?
char *ptr;
char my String = “abcdefghijklmnop”;
ptr = myString;
printf (“ptr=%s/n”, ptr+5);
printf (“ptr = %s”, ptr);
(A) ptr = fghijklmnop
(B) ptr = fghijklmno ptr = fghijklmnop ptr = abcdefghijklmnop- Answer
(C) ptr = efghijklmnop
(D) ptr = efghijklmnop ptr = abcdefghijklmnop ptr = efghijklmnop

35. How many times will the “while” body be executed in the sampe code above ?
int ch = 10;
int ci = 15;
while (ch > ci)
cout << ch << endl ;
++ ci; — ch ;
(A) 0 - Answer
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

36. What standard include file is needed to use the exit ( ) function ?
(A) None
(B) Stdlib.h- Answer
(C) stdio.h
(D) std.h

37. The processing speed of different computers is compared using :
(B) GHz
(C) MIPS - Answer

38. Who is associated with the development of ‘C’ language ?
(A) Niklaus Wirth
(B) Donald Knuth
(C) Dennis M Ritchie- Answer
(D) Charles Babbage.

39. Boolean expression for NAND gate with two inputs x and y can be written as :
(A) x – y
(B) x + y
(C) x + y - Answer
(D) xy + xy

40. Two’s complement of 1011.01 is :
(A) 0100.10
(B) 0100.11- Answer
(C) 1011.10
(D) 0100.01

41. A friend function can be used to :
(A) avoid arguments between classes
(B) allow access to classes whose source code is unavailable
(C) allow one class to access an unrelated class- Answer
(D) increases the versatility of an overload operator

42. In TCP, which layer is not present ?
(A) physical layer
(B) data link layer
(C) transport layer
(D) session layer- Answer

43. The digit F in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to ________ in decimal system.
(A) 16
(B) 15- Answer
(C) 17
(D) 8

44. The output of a______gate is only 1 when all of its inputs are 1 :
(C) AND - Answer

45. 110012—100012 =
(A) 10000
(B) 01000- Answer
(C) 00100
(D) 00001

46. Which is correct :
(A) A.A=0
(B) A+1=A- Answer
(C) A+A=A’
(D) A’.A’ = 0

47. The basic storage element in a digital system is
(A) flip flop - Answer
(B) counter
(C) multiplexer
(D) encoder

48. AB + AB’ =
(A) A - Answer
(B) B
(C) 1
(D) 0

49. In UNIX, which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order
(A) sort
(B) sh
(C) st
(D) sort –r- Answer

50. The commonly used UNIX commands like date, ls, cat etc. are stored in
(A) /dev directory
(B) /bin directory - Answer
(C) /tmp directory
(D) /unix directory

Bajaj Placement Paper : BEL Placement Paper 30 Oct 2012

Bharat Electronics Limited-BEL latest selection procedure for probabatioanry engineers,BEL recruitment process consists written test Technical and Hr intercview,BEL written test consists 150 questions,in 120 minutes,BEL written test consists 30 aptitude questionsBEL recruitment pattern same as GATE Examination BEL practice question papers,BEL technical and non technical questions and answers,BEL free solved sample placement papers

I had appeared for the Bharat Electronics Limited written test for Probationary Engineers on July 1, 2012.

The paper was similar to GATE pattern & there were no general knowledge questions.

120 questions were departmental questions & 30 aptitude questions.

In order to clear the test completing the paper is not necessary as there are 150 questions to be completed in 120 minutes it is impossible for anyone to finish the paper hence the paper somewhat becomes an MCQ paper with choice, as to which questions I will attempt.

There were 50 vacancies in Computer Science & as the 1:3 rule 150 students cleared the written test from all over India & I was fortunate to clear it.

The interview date was September 18, 2012 in Bangalore.

BEL was extremely professional in the sense that I was asked to report at 8:30am, they did start the verification process exactly at that time. After the verification I was asked to go for my interview.

There were three members in the interview panel. The interview was short unlike BARC where it was one & half hours. Here it was about 15 minutes.

These were the questions asked.

HR: So what does your name mean?
HR: Was it difficult to find this place?
(The interview was not held in any BEL office but in a place called Dodda Gubbi in the outskirts of Bangalore City)
Me: Yes sir, especially in an unknown city had it been Kolkata it might not have been so difficult but in an unknown state it was.

HR: So what was your final year project?
I explained it.

HR: What do your parents do?
Me: Sir my father was a government servant he retired this year, my mother is a home-maker.

HR: So as your father is retired any pressure on you for employment as such, that you will be the earning member of the family?
Me: No sir I am fortunate that way, there is no such pressure & we are financially well-off & right now am sitting here just for myself.

HR: What are the subjects you like?
Me: OS,DBMS,Theory of Computation, Data Structure.

HR: What are the methods for inter-process communication?
Me: Answered about the memory sharing & message passing stuff, the critical section problem with memory sharing etc.

HR: What is priority scheduling?

Me: Answered about the priority levels & pre-emption may be possible or priority only during process selection by short term scheduler.

HR: What is business tier in J2EE?
Me: I only knew the partial answer & my concept was not clear about it hence I said sir I did it in one of my semesters but I don,t exactly remember now. This seemed the better option than giving a haphazard answer.

HR: Did you apply for any other PSU?
Me: Yes sir, I had applied for BARC & cleared the written test but unfortunately couldn,t clear the interview.
(The HR was impressed that I cleared the BARC written test as only 38 people all over India had cleared that & for us general category students that number is half ie., 19)

HR: What are your other options other than BEL?
Me: Sir I have job offers from TCS & Accenture which I got during my campus placements.

HR: In case you get all three which one will you chose?
Me: Sir, definitely BEL.

HR: Why because of the pay package?
Me: Sir if I say not at all because of the package I will be lying, pay is definitely one of the reasons, but not the primary one. Before my interviews in Accenture or TCS I had done a little bit of research on the kind of work that they do & had done the same for BEL. The work at BEL has intrigued me more like the R&D of Tablet PC or Encryption. If I selected & if I get a chance to work on tablet pc, I don,t think there can be anything better than that for me. Learning the technology & the working atmosphere will be a big learning experience for me.

HR: Well we are not too sure that if selected whether you will be placed in tablet PC, you might get signal processing or encryption.
Me: Sir, I am more interested in R&D and like the question you asked me in OS, I knew the answer but If you ask me to apply it in real life systems I will not be able to & now I want to learn to do that.
(The HR smiled at my answer)

HR: Well thank you then.
Me: Thank you sir.

Bajaj Placement Paper : Bajaj Question Paper Aptitude 07 Auguest 2011

First Round – Written Test – 53 questions in 1 hour. 25 technical + 28 aptitude

2ND ROUND – GD – Topics- 1. How to improve quality of chappathi?

2. Case study on how to introduce artificial chapathi into market ?

Duration of both GDs was 30 minutes out of which

first 10 minutes are compulsory preparation time.

3RD ROUND – Personal interview.

GD alone was not shorlising round.


What is the material of Crank Shaft?
Standard time=
a. normal time minus allowance b. reliability time

3. Energy stored in the spring when it is fully compressed without any deformation is -------- ans. Resilience or proof resilience

4. Question on the relation ΔL=PL/AE. What is ε (strain)? Ans. P/AE

Lower spindle speed is necessary for?
if diameter of w/p is large
when depth of cut is high
6. For which of the following material machinability is high? Ans. Aluminium

7. 24 & 2 in M24X2 represent which of the following two parameters respectively?

What is the equation governing kinematic links and pairs?
a. L=2p-3 b. L=2p-4 c. L=3p-5]

Pick out the wrong statement

Joule cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes

Otto cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes

Ericsson cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes

For same compression ratio which of the following cycles is more efficient?

The angle between face of the tool and plane parallel to the base of the tool is

Bevel gears are used for transmitting torque between

Intersecting & coplanar shafts

Non-intersecting & non-coplanar shafts

Non-parallel & non-coplanar shafts

None of the above

Expansion process in Otto cycle lasts

30 degrees before TDC till 50 degrees before BDC

30 degrees after TDC till 50 degrees afterBDC

Which type of thread is more effectve for power transmission in one direction?

The state of a liquid during evaporation is

Throttle valve is used in steam engines to


12 members to be allotted for line and staff function (4 questions

6 members to be allotted for shifts on 6 consecutive days (4 questions)

Passage on general statements regarding preventive medicine was given.
Then some statements were given. We have to find out whether they are definitely true or probably true or probably false or definitely false (4
Questions like--- All radios are electric goods. All electric goods are table lamps. Then which of the following is true?

One more question similar to previous one. Answers were Statement 1 follows or Statement 2 follows or both follows or none follows.

Passage was given on investment of Tata Motors. Then a statement was given. We have to tell whether the decision is correct or not correct.

Question on data interpretation. Table was given on per capita expenditure for oil, minerals, food, milk, etc. (4 questions)

Question on data interpretation. Chart and table on rural and urban area consumption, expenditure for 1973,1978,1983 was given. (4 questions)

Bajaj Placement Paper : Bajaj Candidate Experiences 31 Dec 2010


1.Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division.
Find the original number divided.-18

2.Find sum of digits of D. Let A= 19991999 B = sum of digits of A, C = sum of digits of B, D = sum of digits of C. (HINT: A = B = C = D (mod 9))

3.There is a 50m long army platoon marching ahead. The last person in the platoon wants to give a letter to the first person leading the platoon. So while the platoon is marching he runs ahead, reaches the first person and hands over the letter to him and without stopping he runs and comes back to his original position. In the mean time the whole platoon has moved ahead by 50m. The question is how much distance did the last person cover in that time. Assuming that he ran the whole distance with uniform speed.

4.If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the maximum number of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same edge twice, never remove the marker from the cube, & never trace anywhere on the cube, except for the corners & edges? 9

5.One of Mr. Bajaj, his wife, their son and Mr. Bajaj,s mother is an Engineer and another is a Doctor. If the Doctor is a male, then the Engineer is a male. If the Engineer is younger than the Doctor, then the Engineer and the Doctor are not blood relatives. If the Engineer is a female, then she and the Doctor are blood relatives. Can you tell who is the Doctor and the Engineer?

6.Three men - Sam, Cam and Laurie - are married to Carrie, Billy and Tina, but not necessarily in the same order. Sam,s wife and Billy,s Husband play Carrie and Tina,s husband at bridge. No wife partners her husband and Cam does not play bridge. Who is married to Cam?

7.There are 3 persons X, Y and Z. On some day, X lent tractors to Y and Z as many as they had. After a month Y gave as many tractors to X and Z as many as they have. After a month Z did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24. Find the tractors each originally had?

8.A certain street has 1000 buildings. A sign-maker is contracted to number the houses from 1 to 1000. How many zeroes will he need?

9.There are 9 coins. Out of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more. How many iterations of weighing are required to find odd coin?

10.In a sports contest there were m medals awarded on n successive days (n > 1). On the first day 1 medal and 1/7 of the remaining m - 1 medals were awarded. On the second day 2 medals and 1/7 of the now remaining medals was awarded; and so on. On the nth and last day, the remaining n medals were awarded. How many days did the contest last, and how many medals were awarded altogether?

11.A number of 9 digits has the following properties: The number comprising the leftmost two digits is divisible by 2, that comprising the leftmost three digits is divisible by 3, the leftmost four by 4, the leftmost five by 5, and so on for the nine digits of the number i.e. the number formed from the first n digits is divisible by n, 2<=n<=9. Each digit in the number is different i.e. no digits are repeated. The digit 0 does not occur in the number i.e. it is comprised only of the digits 1-9 in some order. Find the number.

12. 1/3 rd of the contents of a container evaporated on the 1st day. 3/4th of the remaining contents of the container evaporated on the second day.
What part of the contents of the container is left at the end of the second day?
(x-1/3x)-((x-1/3x)3/4)=2/3x-1/2x= 1/6x

13.Vipul was studying for his examinations and the lights went off. It was around 1:00 AM. He lighted two uniform candles of equal length but one thicker than the other. The thick candle is supposed to last six hours and the thin one two hours less. When he finally went to sleep, the thick candle was twice as long as the thin one. For how long did Vipul study in candle light? 3 hrs

14.If you started a business in which you earned Rs.1 on the first day, Rs.3 on the second day, Rs.5 on the third day, Rs.7 on the fourth day, & so on. How much would you have earned with this business after 50 years (assuming there are exactly 365 days in every year)?

15.A worker earns a 5% raise. A year later, the worker receives a 2.5% cut in pay, & now his salary is Rs. 22702.68 What was his salary to begin with?

16.At 6,o a clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and last ticks is 30 seconds. How long does it tick at 12,o.

17.In Mr. Mehta,s family, there are one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters and one daughter-in-law. How many members are there in Mr. Mehta,s family? Give minimal possible answer.

18.When Alexander the Great attacked the forces of Porus, an Indian soldier was captured by the Greeks. He had displayed such bravery in battle, however, that the enemy offered to let him choose how he wanted to be killed. They told him, "If you tell a lie, you will put to the sword, and if you tell the truth you will be hanged." The soldier could make only one statement. He made that statement and went free. What did he say?

20.A person wanted to withdraw X rupees and Y paise from the bank. But cashier made a mistake and gave him Y rupees and X paise. Neither the person nor the cashier noticed that. After spending 20 paise, the person counts the money. And to his surprise, he has double the amount he wanted to withdraw. Find X and Y. (1 Rupee = 100 Paise)

Bajaj Placement Paper : Bajaj Placement Papers and Candidate Experience 2008

Overall pattern: ---------------

jumbled-10 analogy-7 odd man out-8 english alphabets pattern-5 c-5 microprocessor-3 fill in series - some

Some of the question i can get r

1.What is the bit?

2.One that connects different networks? a) Routers b)bridges c) Gateways d)Repeaters

3.type of main to accept command line argument?

4.print syntax :

5.Not a primitive datastructure.

6.Tree to heap conversion

7.CHAIR is decoded as EGCHT. then TABLE is decoded as .............


9.Odd man out: handle,cycle,chain,break


11.Medium resolution coordinates (0,0) to (199,...)

12.words in barrons odd man out a lot.


Wipro Systems. --------------

Q1) john weighe twice as much as Marcia. Marcia,s weight is 60% of Bob,s weight.Dave weighs 50% of Lee,s weighs 190% of John,s wight. Which of these 5 persons wighs the least?

A) Bob B) Dave C) John D) Lee E) Marcia

Ans) E

Q2) A trip takes 6 hours to compleate. After traveling 1/4 of an hour, 1 3/8hours, and 2 1/3 hours, howmuch time does need to compleate the trip?

A) 2 1/12hours b) 2hours, 2 1/2 minutes c) 2 hours,5minutes d) 2 1/8 hours


Q3) It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size ofthe bactiria doubles each day, how long did it take

for the bactiria to fill one half of dish?

Ans) D ( 29days)

q4) A car wash can wash 8 cars in 18 minutes, At this rate, how many cars can the car wash wash in 3 hours?

ANS) C ( 80)

Q5) If the ratio of the areas of 2 queres is 2:1, then the ratio of the perimeters of the squares is

ANS) C ( sqrt(2):1 )

Q6) There are three types of tickets available for a concert: orchestra , which cost $12 each; balcony, which cost$9 each: and box, which cost $25 each. There were P orchestra tickets , B balcony tickets, and R box tickets sold for the concert. Which of the following expressions gives the percentage of ticket proceeds due to the sale of orchestra tickets?

Ans) B 100*12P/(12P+9B+25R) Q7). In a survey of town of Wasco, it was found that 65% of the people surveyed watched the news on television, 40% read newspaper, and 25% read a newspaper and watched the news on television. What percent of the people surveyed neither watched the news on the television nor read a newspaper?. Ans: (E)20%

Q8). City B is 5 miles east of City A. City C is 10 miles southeast of City B. Which of the following is the closest to the distance from City A to City C? Ans: (D) 14 miles

Q9). If the area of a square increases by 69%, then the side of the square increased by Ans: (B) 30%

Q10). There are 30 socks in a drawer. 60% of the socks are red and the rest are blue. What is the minimum number of socks that must be taken from the drawer without looking in order to be certain that atleast two blue socks have been chosen? Ans: (E) 20

----------------------------------------------------------------- 1) problem on stock, face value, brokerage 4 questions see RS Agrawal, edition 1998, 454page, tabulation(ex 5) loan disbusrense by 5 banks 6 questions are intermixed.

2) Averages-7( 124page of RS AGrawal) problem on example 3 problem on age

3) page-291- 16th, simple interest-2.5%

4) problem on calculation of cost price, given market price discount on ANS) 270 5) frequency of the letter in give strings --------------------------------------------

reasoning: ----------

1) problem on series non verbel series around -12 questions 2) problem on direction test 3) problem on logical venn diagrams - 10 questions refer test of reasonong Agrawal page 239 4) blood relations problem ans) Nephew

5) analogy

bouquet: flower :: chain: link--ans

The first section has 15 questions and 15 answer them.they are very simple. just have a look at the topics mentioned. don,t bank on the answers provided.check them out for yourself. 1.a+b/c*d what will be its postfix notation? 2. what will be the prefix notation of the above __expression? 3. to represent hexadecimal number in binary how many digit are required? ans : 4 4.decimal to octal conversertion? 5.unix is written in which language? 6.which generation of computer used LSI? 7.TCP/IP has how many layers? ans : 5 8and9 simple programs on c language? 10 which name is associated with punched cards? ans: herman hollerith 11 which program converts mnenomics into machine language? ans : assembler 12 what are the uses of the registers of the computer used for? 13 one question from database. 14 which has a compiler ? ans:cobol 15 what is the size of an integer type data?one option was .depends on compiler. 16.area where program can be rewritten. ans-Eprom. 17.program which can be read &written. ans-prom. does the user communicates with the kernel. ans-API. 19.Two ques. on binary to decimal. (1)5.125 ans-101.001. (2)17625 20.question on QUICK SORT 21.Best sorting is same as worst sorting (Ans: HEAP SORT) 22.Last 8 bits are used for subnet masking for which classes Ans:CLASS A,B,C 23.What is the tool which connects user and computer - ANS: INTERPRETER 24.Question on access time and recovery time 25. Question on call by value,call by reference, call by lvalue and rvalue 26. Question on Binary tree 27) Which of the following languages needs compiler a. """This option i don,t remember:) :)""" b. LISP c. COBOL d. ORACLE Ans. ORACLE 28) which of the following has the direct connection with the operating system? Ans. Process Scheduler 29) Which of the following connects LANS with same protocol? Ans. BRIDGES 30) Octal equivalent of (176) base 10 is Ans. 260 31) Dialouges Sharing is done in which layer of OSI? Ans. Session layer 32) Arithmatic and Logic calculations are done in which Register of the microprocessor? Ans. Accumulator 33)Give the output of the C program.. main() { int i=10,j; for(j=0;j<1;j++) { int i=20; printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); } a. 10,10 b. 10,20 c. Garbage Value d. Multiple declaration error Ans. 10,20

34)Give the output of the C program.. main() { int i; printf("%d",i); } extern int i=20;

a. 20 b. 0 c. Error d. Garbage Value

Ans. Garbage Value

35.identify two level logic gate 1.nand 2.ex or 3.inverter ans:nand

36.if there 6 inputs to or gate how many combination possible 1.2 2.32 3.64


37.Identify error

main() { int n=6; print("%d",n) ; }

ans -no error

38.a hexadecimal odumeter reads 53F.What is next reading?

1.532 2.53f 3.530

ans-530 question on lower triangular matrix.Don,t remember fully question on sparse matrix.SAme don,t remember

41.Tcp/ip is

a)connectionless b)connection oriented c)both a & b; d)none

ans b

42)main() { int i; i=2300*10+20+1900*0; printf("%d",i); } a)0 b)-320000 c)230020

ans c

43)main() { int arr[5]={2,4}; printf("%d %d %d \n",arr[2],arr[3],arr[4]);


44)main() { struct e{ char name[20]; int a; float b; }; struct e ast={"Hell"}; print("%d %f \n",ast.a,ast.b); }

45) what is the depth of a tree? 46. what is LAN? 47. what does modem do? 48. which data structure is not dynamic?

the aptitude section has 30 questions in 25 min.I can,t give you the exact questions but tell you the pattern. 1. Rearranging the jumbled sentences in right order - 2. QUESTIONS each containing around 4 sentences 3. Pick the odd one out - 3 QUESTIONS 4. Passage questions-2 5. Series question -1 : 1,2,6,15,31,_ Ans:56 6. Antonyms (opposites): - 2 7. Analogies : - 2 8. Sentence completion - 2 9. Coding -2 Question . for Ex-if OCTOBER IS something like 2367589 then TOBOCER IS .......... 10.ccdic corresponds to delhi then bombay corresponds to

11.many questions on reading comprehension.(LOOK UP BARRON AS WELL AS IMS CAT MATERIAL)

12.ANALYTICS like 1.CACTUS GROW IN DESERTS 2.CACTUS HAVE THICK LEAVES. 3.DESERT PLANT HAVE THICK LEAVES. does the third sentence concludes the first two.

Bajaj Placement Paper : BAJAJ SAMPLE PAPER 2008 - DELHI by Vivek Ranjan Singh


1ST ROUND - Written Test - 53 questions in 1 hour. 25 technical + 28 aptitude ( 0.5

marks negative for all questions)

2ND ROUND - GD - Topics- 1. How to improve quality of chappathi?

2. Case study on how to introduce artificial chapathi into


Duration of both GDs was 30 minutes out of which

first 10 minutes are compulsory preparation time.

3RD ROUND - Personal interview.

GD alone was not shorlising round.


What is the material of Crank Shaft?
Standard time=
a. normal time minus allowance b. reliability time

3. Energy stored in the spring when it is fully compressed without any deformation is -------- ans. Resilience or proof resilience

4. Question on the relation ÄL=PL/AE. What is å (strain)? Ans. P/AE

Lower spindle speed is necessary for?
if diameter of w/p is large
when depth of cut is high
6. For which of the following material machinability is high? Ans. Aluminium

7. 24 & 2 in M24X2 represent which of the following two parameters respectively?

What is the equation governing kinematic links and pairs?
a. L=2p-3 b. L=2p-4 c. L=3p-5]

Pick out the wrong statement
Joule cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Otto cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Ericsson cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
None of the above
For same compression ratio which of the following cycles is more efficient?
a. otto b. diesel

The angle between face of the tool and plane parallel to the base of the tool is
a. rake angle b. clearance angle c. cutting edge angle d. lip angle

Bevel gears are used for transmitting torque between
Intersecting & coplanar shafts
Non-intersecting & non-coplanar shafts
Non-parallel & non-coplanar shafts
None of the above
Expansion process in Otto cycle lasts
from TDC to BDC
30 degrees before TDC till 50 degrees before BDC
30 degrees after TDC till 50 degrees afterBDC
none of the above
Which type of thread is more effectve for power transmission in one direction?
a. square b. acme c. buttress

The state of a liquid during evaporation is
a. vapour b. steam c. water vapour

Throttle valve is used in steam engines to
control pressure of steam
control volume of steam
control temperature of steam
none of the above


12 members to be allotted for line and staff function (4 questions)
6 members to be allotted for shifts on 6 consecutive days (4 questions)
Passage on general statements regarding preventive medicine was given. Then some statements were given. We have to find out whether they are definitely true or probably true or probably false or definitely false (4 questions)
Questions like--- All radios are electric goods. All electric goods are table lamps. Then which of the following is true?
One more question similar to previous one. Answers were Statement 1 follows or Statement 2 follows or both follows or none follows.
Passage was given on investment of Tata Motors. Then a statement was given. We have to tell whether the decision is correct or not correct.
Question on data interpretation. Table was given on per capita expenditure for oil, minerals, food, milk, etc. (4 questions)
Question on data interpretation. Chart and table on rural and urban area consumption, expenditure for 1973,1978,1983 was given. (4 questions)

Bajaj Placement Paper : Bajaj Whole Testpaper



1ST ROUND – Written Test – 53 questions in 1 hour. 25 technical + 28 aptitude ( 0.5

marks negative for all questions)

2ND ROUND – GD – Topics- 1. How to improve quality of chappathi?

2. Case study on how to introduce artificial chapathi into


Duration of both GDs was 30 minutes out of which

first 10 minutes are compulsory preparation time.

3RD ROUND – Personal interview.

GD alone was not shorlising round.


What is the material of Crank Shaft?
Standard time=
a. normal time minus allowance b. reliability time

3. Energy stored in the spring when it is fully compressed without any deformation is -------- ans. Resilience or proof resilience

4. Question on the relation ÄL=PL/AE. What is å (strain)? Ans. P/AE

Lower spindle speed is necessary for?
if diameter of w/p is large
when depth of cut is high
6. For which of the following material machinability is high? Ans. Aluminium

7. 24 & 2 in M24X2 represent which of the following two parameters respectively?

What is the equation governing kinematic links and pairs?
a. L=2p-3 b. L=2p-4 c. L=3p-5]

Pick out the wrong statement
Joule cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Otto cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Ericsson cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
None of the above
For same compression ratio which of the following cycles is more efficient?
a. otto b. diesel

The angle between face of the tool and plane parallel to the base of the tool is
a. rake angle b. clearance angle c. cutting edge angle d. lip angle

Bevel gears are used for transmitting torque between
Intersecting & coplanar shafts
Non-intersecting & non-coplanar shafts
Non-parallel & non-coplanar shafts
None of the above
Expansion process in Otto cycle lasts
from TDC to BDC
30 degrees before TDC till 50 degrees before BDC
30 degrees after TDC till 50 degrees afterBDC
none of the above
Which type of thread is more effectve for power transmission in one direction?
a. square b. acme c. buttress

The state of a liquid during evaporation is
a. vapour b. steam c. water vapour

Throttle valve is used in steam engines to
control pressure of steam
control volume of steam
control temperature of steam
none of the above


12 members to be allotted for line and staff function (4 questions)
6 members to be allotted for shifts on 6 consecutive days (4 questions)
Passage on general statements regarding preventive medicine was given. Then some statements were given. We have to find out whether they are definitely true or probably true or probably false or definitely false (4 questions)
Questions like--- All radios are electric goods. All electric goods are table lamps. Then which of the following is true?
One more question similar to previous one. Answers were Statement 1 follows or Statement 2 follows or both follows or none follows.
Passage was given on investment of Tata Motors. Then a statement was given. We have to tell whether the decision is correct or not correct.
Question on data interpretation. Table was given on per capita expenditure for oil, minerals, food, milk, etc. (4 questions)
Question on data interpretation. Chart and table on rural and urban area consumption, expenditure for 1973,1978,1983 was given. (4 questions)


Bajaj Placement Paper : Bajaj Paper Whole Testpaper DELHI



1ST ROUND – Written Test – 53 questions in 1 hour. 25 technical + 28 aptitude ( 0.5

marks negative for all questions)

2ND ROUND – GD – Topics- 1. How to improve quality of chappathi?

2. Case study on how to introduce artificial chapathi into


Duration of both GDs was 30 minutes out of which

first 10 minutes are compulsory preparation time.

3RD ROUND – Personal interview.

GD alone was not shorlising round.


What is the material of Crank Shaft?
Standard time=
a. normal time minus allowance b. reliability time

3. Energy stored in the spring when it is fully compressed without any deformation is -------- ans. Resilience or proof resilience

4. Question on the relation ÄL=PL/AE. What is å (strain)? Ans. P/AE

Lower spindle speed is necessary for?
if diameter of w/p is large
when depth of cut is high
6. For which of the following material machinability is high? Ans. Aluminium

7. 24 & 2 in M24X2 represent which of the following two parameters respectively?

What is the equation governing kinematic links and pairs?
a. L=2p-3 b. L=2p-4 c. L=3p-5]

Pick out the wrong statement
Joule cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Otto cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
Ericsson cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes
None of the above
For same compression ratio which of the following cycles is more efficient?
a. otto b. diesel

The angle between face of the tool and plane parallel to the base of the tool is
a. rake angle b. clearance angle c. cutting edge angle d. lip angle

Bevel gears are used for transmitting torque between
Intersecting & coplanar shafts
Non-intersecting & non-coplanar shafts
Non-parallel & non-coplanar shafts
None of the above
Expansion process in Otto cycle lasts
from TDC to BDC
30 degrees before TDC till 50 degrees before BDC
30 degrees after TDC till 50 degrees afterBDC
none of the above
Which type of thread is more effectve for power transmission in one direction?
a. square b. acme c. buttress

The state of a liquid during evaporation is
a. vapour b. steam c. water vapour

Throttle valve is used in steam engines to
control pressure of steam
control volume of steam
control temperature of steam
none of the above


12 members to be allotted for line and staff function (4 questions)
6 members to be allotted for shifts on 6 consecutive days (4 questions)
Passage on general statements regarding preventive medicine was given. Then some statements were given. We have to find out whether they are definitely true or probably true or probably false or definitely false (4 questions)
Questions like--- All radios are electric goods. All electric goods are table lamps. Then which of the following is true?
One more question similar to previous one. Answers were Statement 1 follows or Statement 2 follows or both follows or none follows.
Passage was given on investment of Tata Motors. Then a statement was given. We have to tell whether the decision is correct or not correct.
Question on data interpretation. Table was given on per capita expenditure for oil, minerals, food, milk, etc. (4 questions)
Question on data interpretation. Chart and table on rural and urban area consumption, expenditure for 1973,1978,1983 was given. (4 questions)


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