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Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Placement Paper hyderabad 23 May 2010

Hi all,
there are 4sections all together.

5 puzzles are where we find such like arrangements.
a1 a2 a5 a6
a3 a8 a7 a4

this is the answer for the question.two rows each of 4 people.the average of the subscriptsof one number in ist row and next row should give the subscript of the number in next (1+3)/2=2 (2+8)/2=5...
other puzzle was on coloring of coins in different colors.

once again very different.program is given and number of iterations,no of passings,what does the program do,so on..

based on class and objects.inheritence..etc.
flowcharts are given which are very easy.u can easily score marks.


very easy and simple.attempt this section first.but dont waste time on comprehension.u can easily find answers for the questions.

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Placement Paper Convergys Hyderabad 2 November 2010

There were 4 sections

1) Reasoning: 20 questions
2) Programming: 20 questions
3) Technical: 20 questions
4) Verbal: 15 questions

Total 75 questions.
Test duration is 85 mins.

Verbal section was very easy consisting of 2 passages, fill in the blanks and synonyms. Reasoning questions were very confusing and time consuming, better not to touch this section first. Programing section has two flow charts and 5 question on each flow char, this was also very easy.

In Technical and programing they concentrated more on C and C++ concepts like inheritance, constructors,abstraction, arrays and recursion.

Few questions were there from sorting but i think those questions were wrong because they did not mention the sorting technique to be used to sort the given array. It is also time consuming.

Some questions were directly asked in programming.

To crack the exam it is better to start with verbal section first, two flow charts, technical, programming and lastly attitude.
Time management is very important.

In technical round they asked

1. More about my mini and main project and asked me to write code for my project.
2. OOPS concepts with examples.
3. Pointers concept and a program using pointers.
4. Program using pointers.

Interviewer is not familiar with .NET technology.

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Placement Paper OGI bhopal 16 July 2010

Convergys came in our collage on 17th July the selection procedureis :
1) written test
2) Technical
3) HR
4) Panel interview
it was an open campus n more than 2000 students participated n 161 cleared written. i also cleared
he written test would comprise of:

Section #

Section Name

No. of Questions




Analytical Reasoning




Programming Abilities




Technical Test




English Language Test


technical , programing n englishsection was vry easy but reasioning was time consuming n little bit tuf n if u hv clear concepts of programing n basics of technical u can clear it because i thought there was overall cutoff n no -ve marking.
in the evenning we called for interview some for HR n others for tech. i was called for technical intevw. at 8:30pm they declare the result 69 cleared i was also lucky this time.
next day we had other interview n at 11:45 i went for HR . i was satisfied with hr but when they declared result my name was not in their list i don,t know why??????
after all 22 student selected n panel intervw was just to check ur confidence n ur project of final yr . n they were saying again n again that "they r hieruing future directors of company" .
so it was a good experience n if u r lucky u r selected .

Convergys Placement Paper : Cconvergys Candidate Experience and Placement Papers September 2010

Am happy to share my experience with you here.I had attended convergys on sept 4th,2010.we had a written test at 11.00am... about 2500+ attended the drive.we reached there by 10.30am, they checked our hall ticket and told us sit in hall.After 30mins,they started d exam.
I dont rememeber the time but there were 75 questions....

out of them.
20q-programming(mostly que frm data structures)

Told they vl mail us if cleared the written by 8.00pm the same day.out of 2500+
500(rough fig)cleared d written and am one of them.the very next day abt 200 were called for written.
I waited for about an hour... and entered inside.. we were given a visitor ID.. and got seated... abt an hour after i was called for the tech round...
my tech interview followed...

me:may i come in sir..
inter:s,come in... tak ur seat...may i hav ur resume..
inter:was impressed wid my academics...said d same to me...
me:thanq sir..
inter:asked me to sme SQL queries...
inter:asked oops concepts..
inter:asked who invented C++??
me:could nt recall bak.. bt inter was focussing on my went on askng que on prjt..told...
then asked me to leave.
said thank you and left.

Interviewer was sooo cooool......I enjoyed... but was tensed as my interview was only fa 15mins... we were asked sit in hall to announce d tech result....

Hurrah!!I cleared d tech....
then the HR...
The same very coool panel.... both madam,s.... it was abt fa 15mins again...
cleared d HR....

Finally the panel round.... very big panel of 7 members....

they were asking all ques... tech,HR, panel went around 10.30pm..

said the results will be announced by sept 15th...

Very much prayed the god... all d tym...but i didnt get d mail on 15th... i was so depressed as that was my 13th cmpy.....

But on 17th i got mail that i was selected and now am the member of convergys family...

Hav hope.... pray god...u vl definitely succeed..As i did....

Now am happy,wid d gud package... the "MEMBER OF CONVERGYS"
Thank god...

All d best to u al guys and gals...... C u in convergys.....

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Placement Papers 6th and 7th march 2010

Hi friends!!!!!
Iam Dowlath Bibi ,MCA final year student of Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam. I attended Convergys off campus held at Pydah College on 6th and 7th march 2010. Around 1200 students attended and 25 students were shortlisted and am very glad to say that I was one of them. The process was as follows
(i) Written Test
(ii) Technical Interview
(iii) HR interview

The written test had the following sections

(i) Aptitude+Reasoning 20Q -- 20M
(ii) Programming Ability 20Q -- 20M
(iii)Technical Ability 20Q -- 20M
(iv) English 15Q -- 15M

For written there was no negative marking and the cut off was 38 out of 75 marks.Written 248 students cleared. Next round can either be Technical or HR.

I had HR as my second round. The interviewer was a lady and she was very kool.
She asked me the very first expected question to tell about me. I told it very well. She then asked about my project which i did. Basically the next question wud arise from ur answer to the previous question. So be prepared for what ever u answer as it will lead to the next question. I understud that my HR round went fine and she finally shook hands and wished me gud luck!!!

The results were announced batch wise and i cleared the HR round. Next day was my technical round. There were 99 students waiting for the final round.

The interviewer asked me wat subjects i had in MCA and on listing all the subjects asked me questions from most of the subjects which i could sucessfully answer except 1 or 2.He was also a kool person with a smile on his face throughout the interview.

The interviews were done by around 4 pm and all of us were desperately waiting for the results. At around 5pm a list of students were called for a short round and i was one of them. In this round we were given 2 min to tell about our project.

At around 6pm the Convergys team came to announce the results and all of us were very tensed as we came to know that only 10 students would be selected and therefore the probability of getting in was less. However the HR Director Mr.Koushik told that we did perform well and therefore he selected 25 students and announced the list. On hearing my name i was just out of the world flying in air. Thank God !!!!!!!!!!

So guys and gals work hard. All the very best to all of U!!!

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Whole Testpaper 5


Hi  I m Raja Sekhar I attended for the Convergys in Dec 15 in Hyd  This is the Convergys pattern
It has totally 5 sections
Total Questions—100
Total time----------103 mins

The 5 sections are
5) C++

1) ENGLISH SECTION—20q (20 min)
 It has totally 20 spaces were given in the passage we should estimate the appropriate word in the blank space….4 options for each blank  the passage is given below  i don’t remember the all dashes  but this is the passage  

Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When used appropriately, humor can work for you.

Humor that Uploads Also Uplifts

Humor has the power to make people feel special. When you include people in fun it simultaneously improves morale, reduces stress and facilitates team building. With the prevalence of telecommuting and workgroups scattered geographically, the challenge of furthering working relationships, bonding and building camaraderie is real. At one San Francisco Bay Area company a workgroup staged an elaborate Remote Baby Shower. The expectant mother, who was out-of-state, called in for a pre-arranged conference call with her workgroup. When she did...surprise! Everyone was having a party in her honor. They uploaded digital photos of a decorated conference room and each other, and e-mailed sound files with well wishes. Everyone shared in the good cheer. This creative use of technology brought employees closer to each other, figuratively if not literally.

Humor That Brings People Together

Workplaces are full of opportunities to use humor for the benefit of all. Milestones are a natural place to employ humor. Dress like the recipient as a tribute during a surprise birthday party. Other celebrations to mark anniversaries, project completions or similar accomplishments are perfect opportunities to utilize humor. Even surviving certain projects is cause for celebration and fun.

Holidays are another natural time to employ humor. Halloween is a time for contests to see who can best decorate conference rooms; for other companies the anniversary of their founding is cause for celebration. Silly speeches, skits and spoofs abound.

And the Award Goes To...

Staging award ceremonies is a great way to have fun, recognize each other and revel in the shared work experience. Whether the categories mimic those found at the Oscars, Emmys or Tonys, or are derivative, esprit de corps rises when the team laughs at itself and each other. Best Supporting Actor, Best Impersonation of an Inanimate Object, Best Special Effects, Most Likely to Secede, or Lifetime Achievement Award.

Pranks can alternately be uplifting or uprooting. A desktop publisher, on April Fools Day, adorned his co-workers cars, windshields with mock yellow parking tickets, complete with envelopes for remittance. Upon closer inspection, these true-to-life replicas of tickets had whimsical offenses of significance to the recipients. The departmental joker,s ticket cited him for "excessive use of farce" and the hard charging corporate counsel,s infraction charged him with a "Failure to Yield." Of course the initiator of the gag was later cited for impersonating an officer. Everyone laughed at the spoof once they realized it was a joke. Judge Judy,s signature at the bottom of the ticket gave it away.

Pole Position

A fast growing company didn,t have enough office space for full cubicles for its new hires. One unfortunate hire,s assigned cubicle had a giant pole in its midst. To her credit she never complained. Co-workers felt for her. One night they hit the streets, collecting various fliers from telephone poles in their neighborhoods. The next day when the new hire reached her cubicle, the offending pole was now covered with notices about missing pets, renters seeking apartments, cheap movers for hire and even local GRE study groups. Not only did the employee know her co-workers felt her frustration, it bonded them as well as they pulled together to help one of their own.

One Person,s Humor is Another Person,s Horror

When targeting humor consider targeting yourself. Everyone has a different idea of what,s funny and what,s not. Many a well intentioned prank or joke has backfired. One co-worker sent another a prank letter impersonating a local media figure. The recipient mistook it for real, interpreted it as harassment and called the FBI. Oops!

The Benefits of Self-Effacing Humor

When we make fun of ourselves it actually demonstrates our healthy outlook, showing we don,t take ourselves so seriously. As a result, we,re regarded as more approachable and down to earth. Don,t make fun of yourself excessively. Such humor loses its effectiveness with overuse.

Everyone from politicians to CEOs to Southwest Airlines flight attendants use self-deprecating humor - humor that makes fun of themselves - to get people laughing at, and consequently with them. You can too.

While gallows humor may feel appropriate during layoffs and cutbacks, strive to employ humor that uplifts and taps universal themes for best results. Here,s to laughter!

2) REASONING PART—45q (48 min)
 It has totally 45 questions we should answer them in 48 min  Out of 48 questions
10 questions from data sufficiency
10 questions from Venn diagrams    
5 questions from *, & questions
5 questions from painted cube problems
5 questions from seating arrange ment problems
4 questions from Blood relations
Remaining 6 questions are different and simple problems like directions  

3) UNIX—10q (10 min)
The questions are easy we can answer them if we have basic knowledge in UNIX

Some questions what I remembered are
1) --------- acts as a command interpreter
     A) Unix shell b) kernel   c)   d)          ans) a
2) Combine $x=1;[x -ge 10] into a single statement
3) Wats the output of the code snippet
                         echo hello
                         Eval echo Hello
                         Eval echo eval Hello
                         Ans: hello

4) What does $* represent  

4) DBMS--- 10q (10 min)
 All questions are very easy the questions are

 1) Which statement is true to dbms?
    a) Collection of data
    b) Collection of interrelated data and set of programs to access that data
    c) Collection of inter related data no need of any programs
    d) Collection of data and set of programs  

Ans) b  

2) Values should dependant on primary key in which normal form?
    a) 1 NF   b) 2nf     c) 3nf   d) 4nf   

3)  Mathematical representation of joining tables ----------
    a) Union   b)             c) Cartesian product    d)  

4) A Question on view  

5) Question on data objects and constraints  

6) Use of normalization?
a) Reducing redundancy   b) little storage space    c)    d) all the above

7) What r the types of joins below
A) Interior & outer b) inner and outer joins c)   d)
Ans)  b                                                                        

5) C++ ---15 q(15 min)

The code that could be written in which block to raise exceptions?
A) Catch       b) try      c) finally     d) none

Ans) b  

2)  Some programs on pointers some tricky questions 

3)  By using which keyword we can’t change value after initialization?
       a) Int      b)     c)   d) const

 4)   Class one
enum {name1,name 2, name 3}
Wt is the value of name 2
a) 0    b) 2     c) 1    d) 3
(this question is not full, like this only)   ans) c 

5) Which of the following is true for constructor?
  a)         b)         c)    d) constructor can not be inherited  

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Technical - Other

Hi Friends,.................

                         This Paper was submitted by me, Anurag and my friend Nayan from ICFAI Tech

The Convergys paper,s are five sections
1) Inferential Vocab (20Q) (20 mins) - long passage with blanks numbered 1 – 20 and 4 options for each and every row.
2)Set Theory + Venn Diagrams, Data Sufficiency, Mathematical operations, Calender, Blood relation, Cube painting, probability(45Q) (48mins)
5)C++ Programming

There was sectional cut off and they choose you based on the ratio of correct answers out of total attempted ones.

Out of 695 students who appeared to give the examination only 11 cleared the Aptitude examination to reach the Interview Round.


Section 1

This was the paragraph given to us in the paper although the options given were altogether different yet the blanks were at the same place.

“NEW YORK -- Some questions even stump Stephen Hawking.

The famed British astrophysicist and bestselling author has turned to Yahoo Answers, a new feature in which anyone can pose a question for fellow internet users to try to answer. By Friday afternoon, nearly 17,000 Yahoo users had responded.

Hawking,s question: "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"
Some of the answers were short -- "get rid of nuclear weapons" -- and others vague -- "Somehow we will." Many were doubtful: "I don,t think it is possible unless we expand into space," one user wrote.

A number of people suggested thinking differently, ending bickering or fostering cooperation.
Officials at the University of Cambridge, where Hawking is a mathematics professor, confirmed that Hawking wrote the message but said he would have no further comment.

Hawking,s groundbreaking research on black holes and the origins of the universe has made him one of the best-known theoretical physicists of his generation. Author of the global best seller A Brief History of Time, Hawking is known for proposing that space and time have no beginning and no end.

Lately, he,s been pondering about the fate of humans. In a June 13 speech in Hong Kong, Hawking said the survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there,s an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth.

He said that if humans can avoid killing themselves in the next 100 years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth.

Hawking is one of 10 celebrity questioners Yahoo solicited as part of its "Ask the Planet" campaign.

The Sunnyvale, California, internet company spent weeks trying to track Hawking down but got his participation within a day of reaching the correct assistant, said Patrick Crane, vice president of marketing for Yahoo Search.

The question was submitted a few days before the Hong Kong speech and posted this past Wednesday.

Over the next week, Yahoo employees are expected to work with Hawking to sift through the answers and select one or several to highlight as best responses.

Yahoo Answers, like an offering from Google and one planned by Microsoft, is among the services aimed at tapping the collective intelligence. It,s based on the premise that humans as a group can do a better job at finding information than machines or any single person can.

Anyone can ask or answer a question, regardless of expertise, although Yahoo will eventually implement a rating system meant to elevate users with better reputations, based on their past questions and answers.”


Section 2

1)      A site received 419 visits on 3 of its links, there were 145 hits on “Contact us”, 11 visitors hit all the 3 links, while “FAQ” and “Home” links had the same no of hits. 2 visitors hit “Contact” and “Home”; 11 visitors hit “FAQ” and “ Home” and another 11 “FAQ” and “contact”


Then there were 4 questions

A)    How many visited the FAQ link

B)     How many visited the FAQ link only

C)    How many visited the Contact us only

D)    Don’t remember this 1

·        There were 3 questions in all from Set theory n Venn Diagram, I don’t exactly remember the other 2 questions but they were similar and quite easy.


     4) If 1st October is a Sunday then wats the day on 1st November

                  Ans: Wednesday

    5)    Vipul pointing at a photograph said “The girl in the picture is my grandfather’s only sons daughter”

     How is Vipul related to her

            Ans: Brother       

6)      There were around 12-15 questions on Data Sufficiency.

22) There was a Cube coloring Problem with 5 subquestions

A painter is asked to cut a wooden cube which is painted in black, then again he cut the top layer in 4 parts, middle layer in 9 and bottom layer in 16 cubes

A) How many cubes are painted on 3 sides

             Ans: 8

B) How many cubes were painted only on 2 sides

             Ans: 12

C) How many cubes were not painted at all

              Ans: 1

Then there were 2 more questions like this

 23) If a person has 2 coins, one with both sides as head and the other a normal coin then wats the probability of getting a head.

                 Ans: 2/3

This ends the Apti section

 Section 3 Unix:


1)      Combine $x=1;[x –ge 10] into a single statement

       Don’t remember the options

2)      cmd line1: prompt1= “Employee Id”

       cmd line2:x=1

       cmd line3:________________

                Ans: eval \$prompt$x

3)      Wats the output of the code snippet

                         echo hello

                         Eval echo Hello

                         Eval echo eval Hello

                         Ans: hello



4)    How to use the bourne shell under C shell

                       There were 4 options beginning with #!/bin/usr (something like this)

5)      What does $# represent

6)      What does $* represent

Don’t Remember the rest of them


Section 4 DBMS:

1)      Relation of an entity to itself is known as

      A)    one to many B) one to one 3) Recursive 4)??

      2)      A relation in RDBMS can exist between_______ entities

      A)    min 2 B) Atleast 1 3)three 4)none of these

3)      5th Normal Form depends upon

A)    Multivalued Dependencies B) Functional Dependencies C) ?? D) ??

4)   Which of these is not TRUE abt the joint and the union

A)   Join is always costlier than union

B)   Union always acts upon columns

C)   Union always acts upon rows

D)   Join always acts upon columns

(The options were similar to this one not exactly these)

5)In a Left outer joint operation what will be returned

A) Left table returns all rows

B) Right table returns all rows

C) Both tables return all rows

D) Right table returns NULL

6) 1 Question on ODBC

And 4 other questions on DBMS which 1 don’t remember


Section 5 C++:

1) A function in a Class by default is

A) Virtual B) Inline C) Pure Virtual D) None of these

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Whole Testpaper4


This is Radha Krishna . I completed MCA from Nagarjuna University . I attend Convergys Exam on 21st July 2007 in HYDERABAD .



English --------à20Questions ---à20 M


They  given a passage regarding the Yahoo Answers. In this Passage An Astrnologist is in New York . He rises some questions in the Internet  regarding this world. They gives fill in the balnks . There are four words are given ,they almost similar to each other. Find appropriate word and put the blanks. These are objective type.



Aptitude ----à45 Questions---à 48 M


In this sections they are ask questions on  

1.Venn Diagrams



4.Cube coloring problems.

5. Number Series

6.Data Suffiency Questions  

7.Another easy one is

0 is represented as * and 1 is represented as $ .

For ex 3 is represented as $$

4 is respresented  as $**


They  asked me these questions  

  1. what is the  value of $$***/$$*  ?
  2. what is the value of $*** * $$   ?
  3. what is the H.C.F of 15,20,30 ?
  4. what is the L.C.M of 15,20,30 ?

Hint: Convert the result  of H.C.F value into binary form and changes it into $ and * format.  

For  example in the Venn diagrams section  

1) There are 620 people are attending to the Tennis and Cricket . In that 420 attending to the Tennis another 360 attending to the Cricket .Ho many of them attending to the both the games.(This is an not exactly the same question . Like these  there are 5questions are asked .)

1.july,june,april,January what is the next one in the sequence.?  
a)august  b)october  c)september  d)November  



In this part questions like this

1.)   if A+B>C+D

  1. if A=2,B=3,C=5 are given.
  2. If A

a) 1  b)2  c)3  d)4.

2) is ABC is an Isolises Triangle they given altitude and angle.

3)if X is given and Y is given.


Section 3: UNIX ------------à10Q ----à10 M

1 . i=0

While($i –le 10)





a)0   b)1   c)2   d)3


echo hello

eval echo hello

eval echo eval echo hello


ans: hello




Test Ur UNIX Skills is enough to answer all these questions. (author:Yaswanth Kanethkar).


Section 4: RDBMS, SQL------à10Q-----à10 M  

Questions on

  1. Normalisation
  2. Keys in SQL
  1. MERGE is a combination of




Follow the Navathe Book on Data Base programming Concepts.(First Three Chapters Important.)


Section 5: XZC++ Programming:------à15Q -------10 M

In this Qusetions on  

1.Pointer Classes in Cpp

2.virtual functions in cpp




1.Class Base


     Base( )





Class Derived: public Base


     Derived( )






void main( )


      Derived d;



a)base      b)base derived   c)derived   d)derived base.


Here in this section asked on easy questions on c++ basics.


Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys Whole Testpaper 3


Hi Pals,
Convergys papers consists of 5 sections
1) VERBAL(20Q) (20 mins) - long passage with blanks numbered 1 - 20.4 options for each and every row.
5)C++ Programming

This is the paragraph which excatly we got.Got this one in google search.
NEW YORK -- Some questions even stump Stephen Hawking.

The famed British astrophysicist and bestselling author has turned to Yahoo Answers, a new feature in which anyone can pose a question for fellow internet users to try to answer. By Friday afternoon, nearly 17,000 Yahoo users had responded.

Hawking,s question: "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"
Some of the answers were short -- "get rid of nuclear weapons" -- and others vague -- "Somehow we will." Many were doubtful: "I don,t think it is possible unless we expand into space," one user wrote.

A number of people suggested thinking differently, ending bickering or fostering cooperation.
Officials at the University of Cambridge, where Hawking is a mathematics professor, confirmed that Hawking wrote the message but said he would have no further comment.

Hawking,s groundbreaking research on black holes and the origins of the universe has made him one of the best-known theoretical physicists of his generation. Author of the global best seller A Brief History of Time, Hawking is known for proposing that space and time have no beginning and no end.

Lately, he,s been pondering about the fate of humans. In a June 13 speech in Hong Kong, Hawking said the survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there,s an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth.

He said that if humans can avoid killing themselves in the next 100 years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth.

Hawking is one of 10 celebrity questioners Yahoo solicited as part of its "Ask the Planet" campaign.

The Sunnyvale, California, internet company spent weeks trying to track Hawking down but got his participation within a day of reaching the correct assistant, said Patrick Crane, vice president of marketing for Yahoo Search.

The question was submitted a few days before the Hong Kong speech and posted this past Wednesday.

Over the next week, Yahoo employees are expected to work with Hawking to sift through the answers and select one or several to highlight as best responses.

Yahoo Answers, like an offering from Google and one planned by Microsoft, is among the services aimed at tapping the collective intelligence. It,s based on the premise that humans as a group can do a better job at finding information than machines or any single person can.

Anyone can ask or answer a question, regardless of expertise, although Yahoo will eventually implement a rating system meant to elevate users with better reputations, based on their past questions and answers.

First 10ques are based on  venn diagrams lil bit easy .Then next puzzle test question he asked some around 4 on that.

Is PQR a isosceles traingle?----he gave some two statements we need to choose that whether 1st stt is euf or 2nd one enuf or both are required to get solution or we cant get solution by using both satements.These kind of questions ge asked some around 8.someof them are....

a)1st Statement alone will give result.
b)2nd Statement alone will give result.
c)1st n 2nd Statement both will give result.
d)Results can not be obtained

-->Find the value of b.a n b are non negatiove numbers
1)2a-b is divisible by five
-->PQRS is a Quadrilateral.reactagle is drawn(Not excatly but these kind of ques)

1)PS n QR having positive slope
2)PQ n RS Having positive.
-->find value of Y?Y is non negative integer.


-->tank was filled up to 1/3 after that again it was filled with 3 Lts of water now the tank is 1/2 filled.wat is the capacity of Tank?(Gave 4 Options)
-->A Person painting on a glass board which is of 3:2 ratio.the smaller side size is of 15 inches.wat is total size of board?
-->one question on permutations
-->from 1 to 100 how amny numbers are diovisible by 4 and should contain  4 in the divisible number?
1)6 2)7 3)9 4)10
Ans)4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32, 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68,72,76,80,84,88,92,96,100 -  these r the nums divisible by 4 n the number wich contain 4 digit are 4,24,40,44,48,64,84.
->>A Prob on Cubes....4*4*4 cubles is there and a smaller cuble of 64 blocks are joined togeather.......(i  didnt remember excatly the questions it was very big he said we need to remove the middle 4 blocks and paint it with red some thing lik that it was a lil bit tough)

1) ____________ acts as command interpreter
2)S# is used for _________?
2 r 3 programs he asked.

-->some query is given which join is used in this query?
-->Two or Three questions on NORMAILZATION.
-->Modify is union  of ______a)INSERT and UPDATE b)UPDATE and DELETE 3)SELECT and DELETE 4)UPDATE and TRUNC
-->Some defintion is given and options as??a)Priamry Key b)Candidate key c)Foriegn Key
-->some question on ODBC.

-->He gave some around 5 programs
-->2 programs are based on inheritance.
-->some are based on theory a lil bit easy.
Time maintaing is the important.

Convergys Placement Paper : Convergys General - Interview


Hi guys!! This is Ashish Chadha from lucknow.I m more than elated to tell u that I have made it to convergys,finally. It came on 12th of may at BBDNITM,lucknow. 

Firstly there was a sectional written test comprising of following sections: 
1.WORD USAGE(20Q) This comprised of a long scientific passage with blanks labeled (1-20)and 4 options for each questions. 2.REASONING ,QUANT AND VENN DIAGRAM SECTION(45Q) The questions were moderate ,u just have to manage ur time well enough. 
3.UNIX(10Q) Just go through the syntax of various commands in echo meta,etc. 
4.RDBMS(10Q) This was the easiest section if u hav the basic knowledge of dbms and SQL. 
5.C++(15Q) Some questions were well versed with pointers,classes,inheritance 
Out of around 300 candidates,38 cleared the written. 

Then they called us for the ppt and the HR guy was very strict. He told us about the organization, its domains, industries served and all other aspects of the company. He said that they only pick the best because they offer the best to their employees. Then he gave us a 30 minutes break to eat something and come back with a presentation prepared of our own for 2-3 minutes..on any topic. 

When we came back we found that we were going straight for interviews and the presentation will be seen there only.My no.was around the 30th so i had to wait a long time for the interview and now starts the real thing….. 
When I went to greet them they stood up and shook hands with me. Then he asked me about the presentation. I had barely spoken 30-40 seconds that he said stop!! We got the gist of what you wanted to say. My topic was”Should group discussions and presentations be a part of freshera recruitment” and I was strongly in favour of it. One of the interviewer asked….. was I trying to impress them??to which I gave a flat answer..sir this, is just my view.if you are impressed then I m doing my job right.
Then he asked me some HR questions…as to who r chadha’s,what is ur objective and why.Then he asked me technical questions.. Firstly about my project then he came to SQL,DBMS..joins cursors, to keep a database secure,a query to join two tables to create a table with a primary key and a null column. Asked me some queries to which I wasn’t right but he was gauging my confidence. Then he asked about c++,object oriented programming. .inheritance. .types of classes. .types of inheritances,malloc,calloc…and he was quite satisfied with my answers.
Then the other guy asked me if this was my first interview ..i told him it was my second 1st being infosys..then he asked what went wrong there..i told him that 1 puzzle did the trick . Itold him that I was waiting for satyam’s interview.then he told me that he himself was a x-satyamite.he then explained about the policies of Indian companies and their nature of keeping guys on bench. Then he asked me if I were to choose between satyam and convergys what would I choose and why…..i told him convergys because there is a chance of going abroad….the he explaine about the whole issue of going abroad. Then came his final sentence….. Irrespective of u choosing either of the companies I would like u to be a part of convergys..i said a solid “thank you,sir” and he told me to sharpen skills in unix,dbms,sql,c,c++ before joining.

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