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Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Placement Paper MEPZ Chennai 01 December 2010

Hi friends i gave a written test to Covansys.. this company is too good
I will give the test pattern hope it will help you all
I cleared And waiting for results..............

it consists of three sections
1.Critical reasoning..... questions like
p,q,r,s,t,u,v are staffs
B,C,D should select staffs some conditions wre given...little bit tough but refer Barrons it ll be easy

2.Aptitude General...refer agarwal verbal and non verbal plus GRE mathematics,tactics
Questions like 1,2,3,4....99
wat is the 100th digit
ans:5(not sure check out using cross check method)

3.technical...very very easy basic computer questions

2 nd round was tech and HR combined.

Int: tell me about yourself starting from your personal profile
Int: positives and negatives
Int: some technical questions from c++,java
Int: why covansys should select you
Me:I have excellent leadership skills which i acquired through effective communication,hard worker and good learner Which would achieve team goals
Int: then again some technical questions......5 to 6 ques then
Int: about my project

be bold and answer brush up with basics for technical questions surely you ll get through

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Placement Paper 09 January 2010

COVANSYS Candidate Experiences, COVANSYS Exam Patters

covansys is recruiting heavily many people have been asking abt covansys first round pattern;
You will be given a question booklet that contains many papers on different topics. Some are compulsorywhile some are optional (i.e. you can take this or that). All the papers are objective type.

Aptitude will be your first section-aptitude will be quite easy (simple distance, time, numbers etc.)
problems. You’ll probably also have one question like the GRE analytical section (i.e. you will be given a paragraph followed by a set of 4/5 questions based on that paragraph). This section is easy but don’t spend too much time on any question (time will be a factor) for some of the questions u can easily work out the solution backwards (I mean you can form an equation and then substitute the choices given in your answers instead of trying to solve equations)

Next you will have to take 2 papers on programming languages : you can choose between C/C++, Java and VB. Just glance thro the 3 papers and choose 2 which you are comfortable with. I think C/C++ and Java will be easy. Time is not a problem for these papers.

Next you will have to take one of the database related papers (I think there is oracle and something
else) oracle seemed easy (though I have never worked in oracle)-questions are basic and even if you don’t know oracle you could just try to find some tutorial on the net.

Then you have choice of paper between Windows Server 2000 and Unix (I’m not sure of these choices since I took the test in May). Again the questions will be easy (basics).

Well, that’s all there is in all I think u have to take 5 papers (apt., 2 languages, 1 database and 1 OS)

So, those of you taking your test best of luck-just stay calm-if you have studied oracle,unix it will be
very easy (for others like me just relax and give it your best shot-you have nothing to lose).

********************* ANOTHER Comment

Don,t worry abt the so called english test held by covansys....i was called a few weeks back (for the 2nd round) and they had mentioned the same stuff to us also.....but the english test was: write an essay on "should every indian know at least two indian languages".they gave us 30 minutes or so for the essay.....then GD was just a formality.....don,t worry about it....just talk something sensible.....

everyone called will attend the interview....and in the interview they,ll ask you about the papers that you chose for the written test (if u remember for the covansys test we had a choice of papers like C++/vb/java and oracle etc...)....tehy,ll usually ask you what paper you chose and then they,ll ask some basic questions from that subject....

don,t worry too much.....just brush up a little with whatever subject you wrote the test (if you took C, brush up with that)....

don,t worry too much abt vocabulary....just keep your language simple and express your ideas properly.....i think the same process will be followed this time as well (i doubt whehter they will give you any english test paper)....

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Placement Paper 01 December 2011

hi friends,

This is ashma. I wrote the written test of covansys on 2nd of dec and cleared it. Then i appeared 4 the interview and now am waititng 4 the results.


Totally there are 2 rounds.

Total no of questions: 80
Duration: 1 hr

1st Round : Written Test

There are 3 sections in the written test.
1st section:
Total no of questions are 15 and each question carries 2 marks. 3 critical reasoning were given in this section and each one has 5 questions.
Mostly seating arrangements were given.
2nd section:
Total no of questions are 15 and each carries 3 marks. All are puzzles better prepare it from Sakunthala Devi,s book.
3rd section:
Total no of questions are 50 and each carries 1/2 mark. In this section the questions were based on fundamentals of computer.

2nd Round: Technical and HR
He asked me questions from DBMS, Software Engineering and also asked me to write a simple c program.

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Placement Paper 02 January 2012

Company Name: COVANSYS
Category: FRESHERS

Total No.Of Questions : 100, Duration : 2 Hrs

The Procedure :
There are 5 sections, 20 questions each summing up to 100.The following are the split up of the sections:

1) Aptitude

2) Languages - any 2 from C/C++ , VB , Java , COBOL

3) Databases - any one from Oracle, Sybase, Sql Server2000 , DB2

4) OS - any one from Windows , Unix , IBM Mainframe

Important : There are 2 question booklets, the following questions are from the Question Booklet 2 as on 22/10/03

Aptitude :

1) All the children were arranged in rows.all the rows containing equal no.of students.

If 4 students were removed from each row 10 more rows had to be added.if 5 students were added in each row no.of rows were reduced by 8.find the no.of children. the choices were like this
2)500 etc..

Ans) 800

2) 2/3 of people read newspaper A , 3/4 read newspaper B.if 38 read both and 8 didn’t read any of the many read A?

ans) 48

3) There are 5 questions based on a murder story.the questions concentrate on the seating arrangements of people mentioned.

4) A plane goes from Chicago to Columbus and then comes back. It takes the same time to travel in either ways. It leave Chicago early in the morning 0644 LOCAL TIME and reaches the destination Columbus at 0849 LOCAL TIME. In the same evening it leave Columbus at 1625 hrs LOCAL TIME and reaches the destination at 1638 LOCAL TIME. Find the time that the plane takes to travel either way?

Ans: 69 mins

5) There is a 14 digit credit card number in which every 3 consecutive digits add to 20. Here is a part of it.. Find the value of ‘x’?
_ _ _ 9 _ _ _ x _ _ _ 7 _ _

Ans : 4

6) Ram gets 148 marks for 20 questions. +10 for correct. -3 for wrong. How many correct answers?
Ans : 16

7) Ganesh and Shankar travel abroad and take more luggage than the airlines allow. They have to pay extra money for it. They carry 52 kgs together and pay $60 and $100 respectively. Now, if the same luggage was carried by only Ganesh it would cost him $340. If the airlines charges only at one rate for extra luggage what is the maximum luggage that a person can carry without paying extra?

Ans : 18 kgs

8) There are 6 consecutive numbers P, Q, R, S, T, U, not necessarily in that order. Given that, Q is 2 less that P, P is 3 less that T and R is 2 less than S, arrange them in an ascending order.

9) Number of digits with a 2 in them between 100 and 400?

Ans : 138

10) Bactria double every 3 mins. It is N in 1 hour, when was it N/4?

Ans : 54 minutes.

11) One day the Finance minister decides that the country should have only 33 paise and 56 paise.If there are two traders having enough change in the two denominations, what is the minimum amount for which they can transact?

Choices :1,2,3,6

Ans: 3

12) Out of the following numbers which is the greatest number when 7 times that number is < 100

1) 12 2) 13 3) 15 4) 14

Ans : 14

13)There is 31 days in the month of January. If there is 4 Sundays and 4 Thursdays exactly.what day is the first day of the month?

ans: a) Monday. Please cross check the answer

14)there are 5 tyres including a spare number of Kms to be covered is 10000 and each tyre should run may Kms does each tyre run?
I don’t remember the order of the choices but the figures were like this

Ans: 8000.

15)a question with the same logic as question 6.I don’t remember the question

16)8 persons A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H are sitting in a round dining table.some arrangement was given and position of H was asked.I don’t remember the question exactly.

Ans)I guess it is between A and F.refer RS Agarwal seating puzzles.It’s very easy

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Test Paper

 Covansys Test Pattern
Apptitude:20 questions 25 minutes
1 Analytical(4 questions)
other apptitude and puzzles
20 questions
20 questons
20 questions
20 questions
all other sections except apptitude you will have enough time.
Just be good in the basics you will be shortlisted and there will be a G.D and followed by an interview..

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys General - other

covansys is recruiting heavily many people have been asking   abt covansys first round pattern; 
You will be given a question booklet that contains many papers on different topics. Some are compulsorywhile some are optional (i.e. you can take this or that). All the papers are objective type.

Aptitude will be your first section-aptitude will be quite easy (simple distance, time, numbers etc.)
problems. You’ll probably also have one question like the GRE analytical section (i.e. you will be given a paragraph followed by a set of 4/5 questions based on that paragraph). This section is easy but don’t spend too much time on any question (time will be a factor) for some of the questions u can easily work out the solution backwards (I mean you can form an equation and then substitute the choices given in your answers instead of trying to solve equations)

Next you will have to take 2 papers on programming languages : you can choose between C/C++, Java and VB. Just glance thro the 3 papers and choose 2 which you are comfortable with. I think C/C++ and Java will be easy. Time is not a problem for these papers.

Next you will have to take one of the database related papers (I think there is oracle and something
else) oracle seemed easy (though I have never worked in oracle)-questions are basic and even if you don’t know oracle you could just try to find some tutorial on the net.

Then you have choice of paper between Windows Server 2000 and Unix (I’m not sure of these choices since I took the test in May). Again the questions will be easy (basics).

Well, that’s all there is in all I think u have to take 5 papers (apt., 2 languages, 1 database and 1 OS)

So, those of you taking your test best of luck-just stay calm-if you have studied oracle,unix it will be
very easy (for others like me just relax and give it your best shot-you have nothing to lose).

********************* ANOTHER Comment

Don,t worry abt the so called english test held by covansys....i was called a few weeks back (for the 2nd round) and they had mentioned  the same stuff to us also.....but the english test was: write an essay on "should every indian know  at least two indian languages".they gave us 30 minutes or so for the essay.....then GD was just a formality.....don,t worry about it....just talk something sensible.....

everyone called will attend the interview....and in the interview they,ll ask you about the papers that you chose for the written test  (if u remember for the covansys test we had a choice of papers like  C++/vb/java and oracle etc...)....tehy,ll usually ask you what paper  you chose and then they,ll ask some basic questions from that  subject....

don,t worry too much.....just brush up a little with whatever subject  you wrote the test (if you took C, brush up with that)....

don,t worry too much abt vocabulary....just keep your language simple and express your ideas properly.....i think the same process will be  followed this time as well (i doubt whehter they will give you any  english test paper)....

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Whole Testpaper1


hi friends,

   This is ashma. I wrote the written test of covansys on 2nd of dec and cleared it. Then i appeared 4 the interview and now am waititng 4 the results.
Totally there are  2 rounds.
Total no of questions: 80           
Duration: 1 hr

1st Round : Written Test
There are 3 sections in the written test.
1st section:
Total no of questions are 15  and each question carries 2 marks. 3 critical reasoning were given in this section and each one has 5 questions.
Mostly seating arrangements were given.
2nd section:
Total no of  questions are 15 and each carries 3 marks. All are puzzles better prepare it from Sakunthala Devi,s book.
3rd section:
Total no of questions are 50 and each carries 1/2 mark. In this section the questions were  based on fundamentals of computer.
2nd Round: Technical and HR
He asked me questions from DBMS, Software Engineering and also asked  me to write a simple c program.

Covansys Placement Paper : Covansys Whole Testpaper


Company Name: COVANSYS
Category: FRESHERS

Total No.Of Questions : 100, Duration : 2 Hrs

The Procedure :
There are 5 sections, 20 questions each summing up to 100.The following are the split up of the sections:

1)      Aptitude

2)      Languages - any 2 from  C/C++ , VB , Java , COBOL

3)      Databases - any one from Oracle, Sybase, Sql Server2000 , DB2

4)      OS - any one from Windows , Unix , IBM Mainframe

Important : There are 2 question booklets, the following questions are from the Question Booklet 2 as on 22/10/03

Aptitude :

1) All the children were arranged in rows.all the rows containing equal no.of students.

If 4 students were removed from each row 10 more rows had to be added.if 5 students were added in each row no.of rows were reduced by 8.find the no.of children. the choices were like this
2)500     etc..

Ans) 800

2) 2/3 of people read newspaper A , 3/4 read newspaper B.if 38 read both and 8 didn’t read any of the many read A?

ans) 48

3) There are 5 questions based on a murder story.the questions concentrate on the seating arrangements of people mentioned.

4) A plane goes from Chicago to Columbus and then comes back. It takes the same time to  travel in either ways. It leave Chicago early in the morning 0644 LOCAL TIME and reaches the destination Columbus at 0849 LOCAL TIME. In the same evening it leave Columbus at 1625 hrs LOCAL TIME and reaches the destination at 1638 LOCAL TIME. Find the time that the plane takes to travel either way?

Ans: 69 mins

5) There is a 14 digit credit card number in which every 3 consecutive digits add to 20. Here is a part of it.. Find the value of ‘x’?
_ _ _ 9 _ _ _ x _ _ _ 7 _ _

Ans : 4

6) Ram gets 148 marks for 20 questions. +10 for correct. -3 for wrong. How many correct answers?
Ans : 16

7) Ganesh and Shankar travel abroad and take more luggage than the airlines allow. They have to pay extra money for it. They carry 52 kgs together and pay $60 and $100 respectively. Now, if the same luggage was carried by only Ganesh it would cost him $340. If the airlines charges only at one rate for extra luggage what is the maximum luggage that a person can carry without paying extra?

Ans : 18 kgs

8) There are 6 consecutive numbers P, Q, R, S, T, U, not necessarily in that order. Given that, Q is 2 less that P, P is 3 less that T and R is 2 less than S, arrange them in an ascending order.

9) Number of digits with a 2 in them between 100 and 400?

Ans : 138

10)  Bactria double every 3 mins. It is N in 1 hour, when was it N/4?

Ans : 54 minutes.

11) One day the Finance minister decides that the country should have only 33 paise and 56 paise.If there are two traders having enough change in the two denominations, what  is the minimum amount for which they can transact?

Choices :1,2,3,6

Ans: 3

12) Out of the following numbers which is the greatest number when 7 times that number is < 100

1)      12  2) 13 3) 15 4) 14

Ans : 14

13)There is 31 days in the month of  January. If  there is 4 Sundays and 4 Thursdays exactly.what day is the first day of the month?

ans: a) Monday.  Please  cross check the answer

14)there are 5 tyres including a spare number of Kms  to be covered is 10000 and each tyre should run may Kms does each tyre run?
I don’t  remember the  order of the choices but the figures were like this

Ans:  8000.

15)a question with the same logic as question 6.I don’t remember the question

16)8 persons A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H are sitting in a round dining table.some arrangement was given and position of H was asked.I don’t remember the question exactly.

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