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CTS Placement Paper : CTS Placement Paper MLRIT, Hyderabad 06 November 2010

I,m a CSE student. I had attended CTS Off-Campus written test on 25th September at MLRIT, Hyderabad. The test was conducted 2 days(25th and 26th, mine was on 25th).

It was an online test. 55 questions and 50 mins.

No negative marking.

It was conducted by Merit track ppl.

Everyone will get a different paper.

The test consisted of 2 parts.
Analytical and logical, once you jump from one section to another you cannot come back to previous one( you can jump between questions in the same section though).

Time management is very important.

Before the test you have to fill in a form like S/W orientation, long term goals etc as said by others in the website(that too online only).

I will tell you the type of questions asked.

CTS Part 1(Analytical)30 questions:

* A pie diagram with data is given and questions will be asked on that(Bit difficult)
* Syllogisms(1st only one conclusion is given and 2 statements are given choose the statement).
* Completing the figures, next figure in the series.
* Data sufficiency qustions.
* Coding and decoding.
* Finding conclusion for a statement.
(No cube question in off-campus)

CTS Part 2(Verbal) 25 questions:

* Two very very long passages and 10 to 12 questions from it. I didn,t have time so did it randomly. do passages at last).
* Finding the correct and incorrect sentences.
* Finding the incorrect part in a sentence.
As I said time management is very important. Don,t go for questions you dont know, try them out at last.

Just concentrate on the exam because some people will come many a times to the exam hall and announce something, They try to kill your time. Don,t concentrate on them, just be with your exam.

CTS Technical interview:

I cleared the test, had interview on 7th Oct, 2010 at 2.30 pm in CTS company, Hyderabad.
I have waited for 6,o clock & then i was called for Technical interview.

Me: Good evening, sir.
He: Good evening, sit down.

He: Where are you from?
Me: Sir, i,m from khamma (AP)

He: OK, vikram, what is trouble pointer?
Me: I don,t know sir.

He: Ok, how we implement linked list?
me: Sir, I,m not good at data structures.
He: Do you know Java?
me: Not completely, I just know opp,s concepts in it.

He: Do you know xml?
me: No sir,but said the purpose of xml.

He: What is valid xml?
me: I dont know.
(to the first 5-6 questions my answer was just"i dont know")
He: Do you play games?
Me: Not often.

He: Tell me about ur college life?
Me: Told

He: So, you are intrested in business management.(I mentioned in the resume)
He: What are your goals?

Me: told
He: Why do we need programming languages?

Me: To develop softwares.
He: Why do we need softwares?

Me: I thought a while and said, oh! it,s a difficult question.
He: Yes it is.

He: Ok, what are the five big problems in India?
Me: Told 3 and was thinking for rest 2.

He: Ok, do you know about stock market. (as i am interested in MBA, he asked this sort of questions.)
Me: Yes, sir.

He: Tell about it?
Me: Told

He: Which subject would you like to talk about for 1 hour, xml or C++ ?
Me: C++, sir.

He: For 1 hour?!
Me: Yes, sir.

He: Are you sure?
Me: 100%. Showing him my thumb(he was just checking my confidence)

He: Ok, then start.
Me: Can i come from C to C++.

He: No, only C++ for 1 hour.
Me: Started telling about cpp(and i kept telling about C++ for about 15 -20 mins, and suddenly he stopped me.)

He: Ok, Vikram, tell about your project?
Me: Told

He: What are your hobbies?
Me: Yold

He: Nice talking to you, Vikram.
Me: For me 2, thank you, sir.

Tip: Tell yes, if you are completely sure about something and never try to be oversmart. If you really want to impress interviewer, be very good at just 1 subject, it,s enough.

After 10 minutes, i was intimated that i have cleared technical interview and called for HR interview.

CTS HR interview:

Me: Good evening, sir.
He: Please sit down.

He: Asked about percentages from
Me: Told

He: Where are you from?
Me: Told

He: Do you watch movies?
Me: Sometimes.

He: Recent movie?
Me: 3 idiots

He: Tell me the story.
Me: Told

He: Vikram, you do one thing!
me: What ,sir?

He: Now you go to your home and after 7 days check out your mail, you will be getting an offer letter.
Me: Thank you sir, thank you very much.

CTS Placement Paper : CTS Placement Paper Kolkata 05 January 2012

Analytical reasoning

1. A family I know has several children. Each boy in this family has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there?

Ans: 4 boys and 3 girls.

2. In a soap company a soap is manufactured with 11 parts. For making one soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the end of the day u have 251 such scraps. From that how many soaps can be manufactured?

Ans: 25.

3. There is a 5digit no. 3 pairs of sum is eleven each. Last digit is 3 times the first one. 3 rd digit is 3 less than the second.4 th digit is 4 more than the second one. Find the digit.

Ans : 25296.

4. Every day a cyclist meets a train at a particular crossing. The road is straight before the crossing and both are traveling in the same direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 10 Kmph. One day the cyclist comes late by 25 min. and meets the train 5km before the crossing. What is the speed of the train?

Ans: 60 kmph

5. Two twins have certain peculiar characteristics. One of them always lies on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other always lies on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On the other days they tell the truth. You are given a conversation.

Person A-- today is Sunday my name is Anil

Person B -- today is Tuesday, my name is Bill

What day is today?

Ans: Today is Tuesday

6.. What was the day of the week on 17th June, 1998?

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

7.. If a - b = 3 and a2 + b2 = 29, find the value of ab.

A. 10

B. 12

C. 15

D. 18

8. A trader owes a merchant Rs. 10,028 due 1 year hence. The trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. If the rate of interest 12% per annum, how much cash should he pay?

A. Rs. 9025.20

B. Rs. 9200

C. Rs. 9600

D. Rs. 9560

9. A pupil,s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is

A) 10 B) 20 C) 40 D) 73

Ans: C

10. The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 43 kg, then the weight of B is

A) 17 kg B) 20 kg C) 26 kg D) 31 kg

Ans: D

Directions 11-15: Each problem consists of a problem followed by two statements. Decide whether the data in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer according to whether:

(A) statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question

(B) statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question

(C) both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient

(D) each statement alone is sufficient

(E) statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question

11. If x and y are both positive integers, how much greater is x than y?

x + y = 20

x = y²

Ans: C

12. Fifty percent of the articles in a certain magazine are written by staff members. Sixty percent of the articles are on current affairs. If 75 percent of the articles on current affairs are written by staff members with more than 5 years’ experience of journalism, how many of the articles on current affairs are written by journalists with more than 5 years’ experience? 20 articles are written by staff members. Of the articles on topics other than current affairs, 50 percent are by staff members with less than 5 years’ experience.

Ans: A

13. Is xy > 0 ?

x/y < 0

x + y < 0

Ans: A

14 One number, n, is selected at random from a set of 10 integers. What is the probability that ½ n + 13 = 0 ? The largest integer in the set is 13.

The arithmetic mean of the set is zero?

Ans: E

15. Is w a whole number? 3w is an odd number. 2w is an even number.

Ans: B

Directions (Question 16 to 19 ) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

i) There are six friends A,B,C,D,E and F

ii) Each one is proficient in one of the games, namely Badminton, Vollyball, Cricket, Hockey, Tennis and Polo

iii) Each owns a different coloured car, namely yellow, green, black, white, blue and red.

iv) D plays Polo and owns a yellow coloured car

v) C does not play either Tennis or Hockey and owns neither blue nor yellow coloured car

vi) E owns a white car and plays Badminton

vii) B does not play Tennis, he owns a red coloured car.

viii) A plays Cricket and owns a black car

16. Who plays Volleyball ?

A) B

B) C

C) F

D) Data inadequate

E) None of these

Ans: B

17. Which coloured car F owns ?

A) Green

B) Blue

C) Either Green or Blue

D) Data inadequate

E) None of these

Ans: B

18. Which of the following combinations of colour of car and game played is not correct ?

A) Yellow - Polo

B) Green - Tennis

C) Black - Cricket

D) Red- Hockey

E) None of these

Ans: B

19. In a group of six women, there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists. Girija and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shailaja do not know how to play on the violin. Shailaja and Tanuja are among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shailaja and Tanuja are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is both a dancer and violinist ?

A) Jalaja

B) Shailaja

C) Tanuja

D) Pooja

Ans: C

20. Salay walked 10 m towards West from his house. Then he walked 5 m turning to his left. After this he walked 10 m turning to his left and in the end he walked 10 m turning to his left. In what direction is he now from his starting point?

(A) South

(B) North

(C) East

(D) West

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

21. Manish goes 7 km towards South-East from his house, then he goes 14 km turning to West. After this he goes 7 km towards North West and in the end he goes 9 km towards East. How far is he from his house?

(A) 5 km

(B) 7 km

(C) 2 km

(D) 14 km

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

22. Laxman went 15 kms from my house, then turned left and walked 20 kms. He then turned east and walked 25 kms and finally turning left covered 20kms. How far was he from his house.

(A) 5 kms

(B) 10 kms

(C) 40 kms

(D) 80 kms

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

23. The door of Aditya,s house faces the east. From the back side of his house, he walks straight 50 metres, then turns to the right and walks 50 metres, then turns towards left and stops after walking 25 metres . Now Aditya is in which direction from the starting point?

(A) South-East

(B) North-East

(C) South- West

(D) North-West

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

24. P, Q, R and S are playing a game of carrom. P, R, and S, Q are partners. S is to the right of R who is facing west. Then Q is facing ?

(A) North

(B) South

(C) East

(D) West

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

25. A clock is so placed that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards north-east. In which direction does its hour hand point at 1.30 p.m?

(A) North

(B) South

(C) East

(D) West

(E) None of these

Ans: C

26. A man walks 30 metres towards South. Then , turning to his right, he walks 30 metres . Then turning to his left, he walks 20 metres. again he turns to his left and walks 30 metres . How far is he from his initial position?

A. 20 metres

B. 30 metres

C.60 metres

D. 80 metres

E None of these

Ans: E

27. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation? of

168 ? 15 ÷ 5 +? = 549 ÷ 9 + 235

1) 189

2) 107

3) 174

4) 296

5) None of these

28. Four of the following five parts numbered (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are exactly equal. Which part is not equal to the other four parts? The number of that part is your answer.

1) 2x (x + 5) + 12

2) 2x (x + 3) + 3 (x + 4) + x

3) (x + 3)2 + (x + 1) (x + 3)

4) (x + 1 ) (2x + 3) + 2 (x + 3)

5) 2 (x + 1) (x + 3) + 2 (x + 3)

29. 12 men can complete a piece of work in 4 days, while 15 women can complete the same work in 4 days. 6 men start working on the job and after working for two days, all of them stop working. How many women should be put on the jobto complete the remaining work, if it is to be completed in 3 days?

1) 15

2) 22

3) 18

4) Data inadequate

5) None of these

30. A shopkeeper sells milk which contains 5% water. What quantity of pure milk should be added to 2 liters of milk (containing 5% water) so that proportion of water becomes 4%?

1) 100 ml

2) 250 ml

3) 400 ml

4) 350 ml

5) None of these

Verbal Ability Test

Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees comes from the groundbreaking, long-term research of the great conservationist, Jane Goodall.

Jane Goodall was born in London, England, on April 3, 1934. On her second birthday, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. Jubilee was named after a baby chimp in the London Zoo, and seemed to foretell the course Jane’s life would take. To this day, Jubilee sits in a chair in Jane’s London home. From an early age, Jane was fascinated by animals and animal stories. By the age of 10, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there. At the time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves. As a young woman, Jane finished school in London, attended secretarial school, and then worked for a documentary filmmaker for a while. When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress until she had earned the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old. Once in Kenya, she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous paleontologist and anthropologist. He was impressed with her thorough knowledge of Africa and its wildlife, and hired her to assist him and his wife on a fossil-hunting expedition to Olduvai Gorge. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person to complete a study he had been planning for some time. She expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals through paleontology. Dr. Leakey and Jane began planning a study of a group of chimpanzees who were living on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Kenya. At first, the British authorities would not approve their plan. At the time, they thought it was too dangerous for a woman to live in the wilds of Africa alone. But Jane’s mother, Vanne, agreed to join her so that she would not be alone. Finally, the authorities gave Jane the clearance she needed in order to go to Africa and begin her study. In July of 1960, Jane and her mother arrived at Gom@

CTS Placement Paper : CTS Placement Paper Banglore 25 September 2011

I am Santanu Ghosh, a final year student from Govt. College Of Engineering & Ceramic Technology, Kolkata. I am currently pursuing B.Tech in Information Technology. I am very much glad that I’m placed at one of the fastest growing company, its Cognizant. Now I am going to share my Cognizant experience with you. Cognizant visited GCELT campus on 26th Sep, 2011 for recruitment from both GCECT & GCELT, Kolkata.

At first the Cognizant people came to the college at 9:30 a.m., gave the pre placement talk. It was very good and there was an inspirable video clip which influenced me very much. After that selection procedure was started.
There were two stages:

1. Aptitude test
2. HR and Technical Interview

Before actually start written test, they provided the OMR sheet to fill the following information:

1. Name, Date of Birth, Cognizant Application ID (which will be provided by College after registration)
2. Gender, 10th class percentage, 12th class percentage, UG percentage, Year of passing, if there any Backlog/Backlogs (current and previous)
3. Details of 10th, 12th standard school and UG college, like Degree Name, Branch, Year of passing, Name of the Institution
4. Permanent Address, Mobile and Telephone No, E-mail1, E-mail2, Nationality, Current Address
5. One question will be asked on Soft skills which needs a detailed answer in your own words.
Now I want to tell something about Aptitude Test.
It had two parts, Verbal and Analytical.

1. Verbal part:

Two long passages were given but needed to read thoroughly because the questions were simple and direct. After that there were finding the correct and incorrect sentences, arranging a group of sentences in an order so that they have a meaning. There were total 25 questions and time was 25 minutes. Overall it was quite tough paper. Time was very short for answer completely to the whole paper.

2. Analytical part:

It contained finding the odd figure, finding the next figure in the sequence, syllogisms, data interpretation, data sufficiency, coding-decoding, finding logically correct statements, and puzzles. It was compared to easy than other section. The book of R.S.Agarwal is enough for covering most of the tropics. There were 30 questions and time was 30 minutes. In this section also time is too short for answer properly all the questions.

There was sectional cut-off for each part. Don’t worry about it, keep your cool and do as much as possible. No negative marks were allowed for wrong answers.

After a long wait around 2 p.m. our Aptitude result was declared and my name was in that list. Total 111 students cleared the Test, 47 from our college and 64 from GCELT. Any way there were 15 panels and I was selected for 9th panel and I was the first person in that panel. My interview time was 2:30 p.m. I was little-bit tensed as that was the first interview in my life. Hopefully my HR was a nice person and quite friendly. Before entering into the room, I took the permission of the HR and the whole interview process like that:

HR: Are you Santanu Ghosh?
Me: Yes sir.
HR: ok, please have a seat. (In the mean time he was going through my aptitude marks, the aforesaid forms)
Me: Thank u sir.
HR: Give your CV.
Me: Yes sir, please take it.
HR: Tell me about yourself.
ME: I started and after a sometime he stopped me.
HR: why are you tensed?
ME: Sir, as it is my first interview in my life and I am the first person in that panel, that’s why I am little-bit tensed.
HR: ok, be cool…. carry on.
ME: Thank u sir, continuing………….
HR: What was your Joint-Entrance rank?
ME: Told
HR: what is your position in the class according to semester marks?
ME: Told.
HR: Where do you live? How many times does it take to come to your college?
ME: Bla…..Bla
HR: What are your interests and hobbies? (He looked my CV attentively and praised for my good academic marks)
ME: Told
HR: what computer related subjects did you read up to this semester?
ME: I told all the computer related subjects from First year to third year, like C, Data Structure,………, DBMS, Networking, etc.
HR: What is your favourite computer language?
ME: I answered C.
HR: Why c?
ME: Told some points regarding C………as it is the fundamental of other languages.
HR: How many C programs have you done into your machine?
ME: Answered…………. (I thought for a while as I was not ready for such type of question, and took time for assuming proper figure.)
HR: (with a smile) ok, very well. Do you know pointer?
ME: Yes sir.
HR: What is pointer in C? Explain with an example.
ME:I defined it clearly and explain with a short C program also its pictorial representation.
HR: (he satisfied with my answer) What do you mean by call by value and call by reference?
ME: Told
HR: Explain it with help of C programs.
ME: (He gave me blank page for writing)……I wrote these two programs promptly…as it was quite easy for me.
HR: Does C support call by reference?
ME: Told.
HR: Are you sure?
ME: Yes Sir
HR: (with a smile) How much? ...........100% or 200%?
ME: (At this time I think for a while……If I say its 200% then it may be indicated overconfidence) I told 100%. (Then he wrote a complex C program through a whole A4 page and explained it and asked the next question)
HR: ok tell me what are the outputs of that program?
Me: There were two outputs of that program I told the 1st one correctly……….but unfortunately I did mistake for the second…….It was pretty tough for me and code was very complex using multiple pointers.
HR: (He was not satisfied with my answer then he told me the right answer and moved up to next question) Do u know Data Structure?
ME: Told
HR: What is the definition of Data Structure?
ME: I gave the definition from my knowledge…….not actually as proper definition……..
HR: What are the practical applications of Data Structure?
ME: Told some points………(Here I emphasized the application of tree also)
HR: What do you mean by tree?
ME: Told
HR: What is its importance?
ME: bla bla
HR: What is the definition of Operating System?
ME: I told the exact definition (Here I use the words ’user interface’)
HR: why mouse/key-board are not OS though they have user interface?
ME: I explained the reason vividly. (He looks satisfied with my answer)
HR: What do you mean by Data Base Management System?
ME: Told
HR: What are the practical applications of Data Base Management System?
ME: Told
HR: so what is the difference between DS and DBMS?
ME: Bla bla(When I answered he looked at my face)
HR: Are you tensed?
ME: no sir………..(Each and every time he observed my face and checked my confidence label and I also always maintained eye contact with him )
HR: what is the uniqueness with you that’s why I select you?
ME: I told two points of my uniqueness (but he looks not satisfied with my answer and after that he asked some cross questions depend on my answer like Why do you think this is unique? Etc…etc.)
HR: Why I select you?
ME: I told some points (my innovative skills, flexibility, adaptability ……..etc.) regarding this question………
HR: Why Cognizant?
ME: Bla Bla………Here I told that Cognizant is my dream company from starting of my B.Tech course….and Cognizant is the best platform for freshers for expressing their innovative power….and another points and information about Cognizant. Actually I was ready for answer this question and also prepared it carefully (He was very much satisfied with my answer).
HR: Why Cognizant is your dream company?
ME: Told
HR: ok that’s all … Have you any question?
ME: I asked about the initial training program of Cognizant and the role of freshers at Cognizant.
HR: Gave the answers very carefully.
ME: Thank you sir.
HR: Thank you.
ME: Then I shook hand with him………. And told nice to meet you, sir….May I leave now
HR: Ok, You may go now.
ME: Thank you sir very much (And I left).

It was around 30 minutes.

The result was declared at 8:30 p.m. on that day by Cognizant HR Manager. Total 69 students had been selected, 30 from our college and 39 from GCELT. When my name was called out, I could not control myself, it’s a joy of heaven. Actually I was more than happy. Thank God, and to my parents, my respected teachers, my friends and seniors, without their inspiration I could not achieve such type of great success.

My advice is keep yourself cool, calm and not to get over smart at the time of interview and be confident about your every answer. Never tell a lie about yourself….Always say Cognizant not CTS for a single time. It will be better if you try not to get tensed the whole day.

CTS Placement Paper : Cognizant off campus march 13th 2010 Placement Papers

Hi Friends,

i attend cognizant off campus march 13th..

Here m Posting d Question Pattern asked @ Cts


The Selection Process consists Of 3 Rounds :-

i) Written Test

ii) Technical

iii) Hr

Before d test u ve to fill a form
Do it Carefully Bec i gt quest 4m tat..

1) s/w orientation

2) Interest,Hobbies nd Exta curricular

3) strength & Weakness

4) Short term & ling term Goal

5) Expectation from Cts

6) What r d Qualities Necessart 4 s/w Professional 2 be Successful.?


There Was 2 Section :- (totally 55 Questions)

* Analyticai - 30 ques

* verbal - 25 ques

The Analytical Section Was Easy Compare 2 Verbal Section becz Time Management Is Very Important


Find d odd one from d given set of figures



find d missing term

Data interpretation

logical Question


Comprehension {passage was 2 big nd difficult 2 understand}

find d incorrect Sentences

find d correct Sentences

Arrange d jumbled Sentences

I Suggest u ppl 2 take d Comprehension based ques @ last

Hope Dis Paper ll Help u...

{dont blame me if it was little different for u }

CTS Placement Paper : CTS Candidate Expereince and Placement Paper July 2008 by PIYUSH

hi friends i am currently place in CTS i got through 2 rounds

I st round is Aptitude Test
II nd round is Technical Interview and HR

Aptitude consists of foloowing section

3)Logical Resoaning

Analytical section consist of 5 Venn diagram questions
converting a number to binary as $ rep. as 1 and * represented as 0
problems on data sufficency
problem on painting faces of cube

English section is too hard
it consist of identifying correct and incorrect sentences
2 passage
etc. other i did not remember

Logical Resoning Consist of
1.syllogism problems
2.Identifying odd figure etc

Now comes most important part Technical and HR
my Interview took abt 45 min
Interviewr asked me about median,modes used in staticstics
then difference between permutations and combinations
definition of probabillity and what is sample space

then he asked me about oop concepts
what is inheritance?
what is composition/contentment?
why inheritance and not composition?
what is oveloading and overriding?
be confident and correct about ur answers.

then he asked me about the DBMS concepts

what is use of Normalization ?
what are joints in DBMS?
what is datamining and datawarehouse?

then came HR questions
Ur selling points and weakness?
why cognizant?
what are the points that i am going to reject u?
what are the points that i am going to select u?
are u able to relocate?

after this much of grilling i finally got job in cognizant

CTS Placement Paper : CTS Candidate Experience July 2008 by DHIVYA

hi folks..
i got placed in Cognizant couple of weeks before..
we got only 2 rounds.. writtens and personal interview...
in writtens v got 3 sections.. 1.anlytical
1.Analytical is ok. v got 5 aptitude questios, and 1 puzzle and this sort of 30 questions..
2. then they gave verbal part.. too tough for me... pray ur god and tick the options.. dont waste the time in reading comprehension.better take it last. in addition to tat v had, jumbled sentences, choose the correct sentence, choose the wrong sentence etc.. totally 25 questions.
3. then logica reasoning.. it is too easy..
prepare from "verbal and non-verbal reasoning of R.SAgarwal"..its useful...
in the total of 1043, 300 got selected.. me too was the one..
Then next day, v had personal interview.. i was interviewed at 1.45 p.m.
i was in panel 26. unfortunately it is pure technical and rejection panel..
it was a 45 minute pure technical interview... my interviewer asked questions only from the word i last uttered..
First he asked me abt my paper... i explained him for nearly 4 minutes.. then he flatly said " i didnt listened to u.. come again." i explained him again without any hesitation.
then he asked many technical questions..
then he came to DBMS. i am not pretty good at the querries of this subject.. then when i was asked abt the subject, i started saying wt all i studied in tat subject except the word querry.. then he questioned me in TRANSACTIONS as i told tat word..the interview can be taken in the way in which v want..
1. plz dont do any face expressions if u dont know t answer.
2. treat the interviewer as ur friend not the enemy.
3. dont use the word "CTS" .. tell as "COGNIZANT".
4. listen the ppt carefully.
5. browse abt the company before interview..
6. dont b tensed or dont show the tension in ur face.
7. be confident.
8. in the case of stress interview, show u r kool and confident.
9. greet the interviewer while entering and leaving..
10. be gud at ur communication...
the IT interviews will be the cake-walk if u r confident and honest...................
C U IN CTS....

CTS Placement Paper : CTS paper on 20th May 2008 by Shaj

Hi everyone,

This is Shaj (ECE III year) from Government College of Engineering, Bargur.

Totally the selection process consists of two rounds

(i) Written

(ii) Interview (HR + Technical)

Before appearing for Written test we have to fill up the below form format. Some Q,s are listed below.

1. Name.

2. Gender

3. Current address:


pin code:


mobile no.

4. Permanent address.

5. E-mail

6. Nationality

7. Academic details (10th %, 12th or diploma%)

8. Each Semester percentage and year of passing.

9. Have u cleared all your arrears (backlogs)?

10. Do u have any standing arrears (presently do u have any backlogs)?

11. Software orientation:

12. Extra curricular, Hobbies and Interests.

13. Strengths and weakness.

14. Expectations from cognizant.

15. Your short term plan and long term plan with cts.

16. What are the qualities a software professional need to excel in his field?

(Please prepare for these questions, the answers which you have written for these questions may be asked in the interview, and this will reflect your attitude and your verbal knowledge)

Written test contains three sections

ANALYTICAL section (25 Q,s - 30 mins)

(This section is very easy, but mind the time)

(1-5) Venn diagram

(6-10) Quantitative questions

(11-15) Data sufficiency

(16-20) Binary conversion (Easiest, you can attend these first)

(21-25) Cubes (Easy ones, R.S.Aggarwal is not enough)

VERBAL section (25 Q,s - 20 mins)

(Other than comprehension, this section is quite easy)

(1-10) Comprehension (Please don,t attend these first, these are long passages and difficult to attend) (Best option will be B or C)

(11-15) Find the incorrect sentences

(16-20) Find the correct sentences

(21-25) Arrange the jumbled sentences

REASONING section (20 Q,s - 20 mins)

(Easiest section in the whole paper and you will find yourself enjoying in this section)

(1-4) Syllogism

(5-6) Logical deduction

(7-15) Find the odd figure out

(16-17) Seating arrangement

(18-20) Logical puzzles

(R.S. Aggarwal Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning is more than enough)

(Much preparation is not needed for CTS)

(Keep of the R.S. Aggarwal Quantitative aptitude, This doesn,t work for CTS)

I dint even touch Apps.

I secured (57/70). I saw this when I was attending interview.

And I hope I,m the first.


(This is based only on HR,s)

For me it was fully technical, but for my friends it was HR Question,s that played major role.

The HR,s were very friendly

Anyway I,ll explain how my interview went

Me: May I come in sir?

Int: Yes.

Me: Good morning Sir. (And gave a warm, confident hand shake)

Int: Take your seat

Int: okie Mr.Shaj. Tell me about yourself

Me: Started and went well.

Then I noticed that my voice was less intense.

As I dint have my breakfast and I,m the first one to attend
the interview (First member of first panel) so

for me it was before lunch by 12.00.

I verified him and asked whether I was audible or not?.

Then I asked him water. Water was not there, he gave ma a cup of

(This is to let u people know how friendly they were)

Me: Thank you sir. Im feeling better now.

Me: Shall I continue?

Int: Yes. You can.

Me: Started again and went till 3 mins. (There was a short pause after this)

(I just filled it by saying "Is there anything specific that you would like me to elaborate on?")

Int: okie. What is your Field of Interest?

Me: Microprocessor 8085

Int: Can you draw the Architecture of that?

Me: Yes. And I started drawing. (After few seconds he interrupted)

Int: Can you program using microprocessor?

Me: Yes sir

Int: Then can you write a program for multiplying two numbers?

Me: Finished the program within 1 min as I have prepared for this question.

Int: Asked me to explain the program.

Me: I did.

Int: Microprocessor operates only on Binary right? Which converts Hexa decimal to binary.

Me: I dunno the right answer for that. I said assembler

Int: How many transistor does 8085 have?

Me: 6500

Int: Why does frequency of the external clock applied to 8085 get divided by 2 internally?

Me: The frequency is divided to have lesser rise time and fall time

Int: Do you know Dual-core. What it consists of?

Me: A Microprocessor and Digital Signal Processor

Int: What are the differences between them?

Me: Told that it is used for specific signal processing applications and DSP consists of Integrated devices like Multiplier etc which are not present in microprocessor.

Int: okie. Tell me about your project which you have presented.

Me: I explained fully with diagram.

Int: What are the papers you presented?

Me: I explained about it.

Int: Do you know to program in C?

Me: Yes

Int: Tell me about pointers/

Me: I told him

Int: Write a program using pointers?

Me: I dint know how to write.. I jus bluffed him. He said Okie.

Int: You are basically an athlete right? Why dint you participate in any competition after joining the college?

Me: I explained.

Int: You are a Chennai guy., If I offer you a job in coimbatore are you ready to shift there? (All the students to whom this question was asked, were placed in CTS)

Me: I said okie.. It doesn,t matter where I work, rather how I work.

Int: Do you have any question?

Me: I,ve heard that CSE & IT students don,t have to undergo training in CTS. Is it true?

Int: He said no.

Me: What are the most you like and dislike in your trainees?

Int: There are lots to tell man. We will talk about this later. Please tell the next person to come in.

(As I was the first person, my interview went for almost 30 mins)

(They don,t see whether your answers are correct or wrong, they only see the way you answer, the way you hold your pen, everything matters. Please wear a smile with you, when you enter the interview hall)

(I was 1000% confident that Im gonna make through in CTS)

To be placed in CTS is very easy.
All the best.. C u in CTS.

CTS Placement Paper : CTS Placement Paper - 2008

I got selected for CTS, We had the selection process on 29th of June.
I am writing all that I could remember from the written test.

1. Some children goto ice-cream shop. 9 flavours are available there.
Each child takes a cone with two different flavours. No two children
take same combination and they have taken all such possible
combinations. How many children went to ice cream shop?

2. (1- 1/6) (1-1/7) .... (1- (1/(n+4))) (1-(1/(n+5))) = ?

Ans: 5/(something)

3. A man has to get air-mail. He starts to go to airport on his motor
bike. Plane comes early and the mail is sent by a horse-cart. The
man meets the cart in the middle after half an hour. He takes the
mail and returns back, by doing so, he saves twenty minutes. How
early did the plane arrive?

4. A,B,C,and D tells the following times by looking at their watches.
A tells it is 3 to 12.
B tells it is 3 past 12.
C tells it is 12:2.
D tells it is half a dozen too soon to 12.
No two watches show the same time. The differences between the
watches is 2,3,4,5 respectively. Whose watch shows maximum time?

5. y
/ |
/ |
/ |
C /-------|D
/ \ /|
/ \ / |
/ \ / |

It is semicircle along X and Y with radius=17. What is length of BD?

6. Ten boxes are there. Each ball weighs 100 gms. One ball is
weighing 90 gms.
i) If there are 3 balls (n=3) in each box, how many times will it
take to find 90 gms ball?
ii) Same question with n=10
iii) Same question with n=9

7. There are three different boxes A,B and C. Difference between
weights of A and B is 3 kgs. And between B and C is 5 kgs. Then what
is the maximum sum of the differences of all possible combinations
when two boxes are taken each time.

8. I lost Rs.68 in two races. My second race loss is Rs.6 more than
the first race. My friend lost Rs.4 more than me in the second race.
What is the amount lost by my friend in the second race?
Ans: 37 (check it)

9. A problem on weather. I don,t remember exactly, but its something
like this. We went to some place and it rained for 15 days. Clear
mornings are followed by rainy afternoons. And all clear afternoons
are preceeded by rainy mornings. It rained continuiosly for 10
mornings. It rained for 12 afternoons. And 13 days are without any
rain. How many days we stayed in the new place?

10. A and B are shooters and having their exam. A and B fall short of
10 and 2 shots respectively to the qualifying mark. If each of them
fired atleast one shot and even by adding their total score together,
they fall short of the qualifying mark, what is the qualifying mark?

11. A face of the clock is divided into three parts. First part hours
total is equal to the sum of the second and third part. What is the
total of hours in the bigger part?

12. A INK bug starts jumping 1 mtr to each direction north, south,
east and west respectively. It marks a point in the new locations. It
comes back to its original point after jumping in all directions. It
again starts the same process from the newly drawn unique points.
Totally how many points did the bug mark?

13. There is a six digit code. Its first two digits, multiplied by 3
gives all ones. And the next two digits multiplied by 6 gives all
twos. Remaining two digits multiplied by 9 gives all threes. Then
what is the code?

14. There are 4 balls and 4 boxes of colours yellow, pink, red and
green. Red ball is in a box whose colour is same as that of the ball
in a yellow box. Red box has green ball. In which box you find the
yellow ball?
Ans: Pink

15. Quitub Meenar height is 230 mtrs. A person lays a boulder and
stands on it. He then places a step by its side. Then he goes for
another boulder on it and so on. One step height is 1 mtr. Boulder is
one cubic mtr. Then how many steps are required to reach to the top?

16. A question on quadrilateral. Ans: 20cm sq.

17. A problem on Parallelogram.

18. There are four professors: American, English, Japanese and
Indian. Each take only one subject and all their houses are in a
straight line. Indian doesn,t teach maths. American teaches
geography. English man is adjacent to Japanese who is in red house.
Professor in green house teaches history. Indian lives in white
house. Blue house has only one adjacent house which is green. (one
more subject is phylosophy).

Two or Three questions on this, like what does the Indian teach, etc..

20. A similar question, 4 persons (Vijay, Vinay, Ajay and Nanda) in 4
professions: medical, engineering, architecture, and Accountancy.
Each play one different instrument : Sitar, Tabla, Violin and Flute.
There are some conditions and two questions on this. Its easy, just
need to understand the problem.

21. Two tribes of Jadugars are there. One type is always right about
predictions about themselves and others. Another type is always wrong
in their predictions about themselves and others.

Two questions like:
if a jadugar tells ,you are always right, to a man, to which type the
man and the jadugar belong to?

23. Ambanis took over some company. Later they came to know that the
co. was actually in loss. They have learned that ________

four options like:
All that glitters is not gold (I think this option is correct)

24. One more question like the one above.

25. Two questions are given, and some common sense is needed there,
for example,
After 180 successful days, ,News Talk, is taken out of air. The
government wants to woo the journalists before the general elections.
Mr.X of DD says that the program is not completely stopped and it is
just getting reformatted.

Question is ,What is News talk,?
i) A program on govt. issues
ii) A serial on journalists (I think it is right)
iii) A documentary on journalism
iv) Something else

Paper is not that difficult, you just need to chose ur strenth and
answer those questions first. Each right answer +1, wrong answer, -
0.25. In our campus, persons who attempted 10 questions also got thru
the written test. So the cut-off is very less.

Interview was very simple, some questions on C ( test ur c skills is
more than enough) and some questions on your area of interest. Some
puzzles were also asked. But it is more like a mere formality. The
interview panel was very co operative and it was a very good

CTS Placement Paper : CTS General - Interview 3


Hi  I ve attempted CTS written on Nov 01st It consists of 3 sections. It was conducted by third party...

3 sections 70 qs - 70 mins

1) Aptitude section 25q
    1)Logical Reasoning
    2)Puzzle test
    4)Data Sufficiency
    5)Some other...

2)Vocabulary Section 25Q
    3)Two big passages

3)Attention to details
    1)Problems on Identification
    2)problems on symbols
    3)Two qns(we ve to bring out the conclusions using given conditions)

R.S.Agarwal Reasoning is more than enough... 103 fellows were selected for interview from 300. I was the second one for that panel.

HR people r very cooperative... I entered the room. HR gave me shake hand n offered seat
HR has taken my resume.
HR : h z the test today ?
me : i explained
HR : z it very easy ?
me : i explained
HR : Tell me abt ur ambition ...
me : i explained ... i wanna become s/w prof.
HR : y r u changing ur field (i am a mathematics std ...)
me : i explained
HR : Y cant u become scientist ?
me : i explained ... i convinced him ..
HR : Tell me ur achievement so far ...
me : i explained ... i am the toppe of my batch..
HR : h did u prepare for the test ?
me : i explained our team work ...
HR : wt r qualities of a Team leader ?
me : i explained
HR : wt r the qualities of a Team player ?
me : i explained
HR : wt abt ur hobbies ?
me : cooking n playing chess
HR : Asked abt cooking (n joked)
me : answered him ...
HR : R u sincere ?
me : answered with courage n confidence n with nice reasoning ...
HR : give me some situations which show ur sincerity ..
me : i explained
HR : what is os ?
me : i explained
HR : which one did u like most (among os) ?
me : i answered
HR : can i ask u some qns regarding DBMS ? (as i studied in my graduation)
me : ya ... ( He didnt ask ...!!!)
HR : do u know cpp ?
me : yes ...
HR : in which one u r very much strong  among C/C++/VC++)
me : i amswered ... CPP
HR : r u ready to relocate ?
me : yes ...
HR : if ur parents r life partner doesnt accept then ?
me : i convinced
HR : if ur life partner doesnt agree with u to relocate ... !
me : i convinced him ...
HR gave me shake hand n told ....... "U ve did it well". Finally I was selected in CTS.

Actually i ve appeared for TCS n Infosys... I failed in those tests... do u know the reason y i failed in the earlier tests ...  bcz CTS z waiting for me (!!!else other company ...!!!) So be confident n Keep Working hard.

Confidence plays important role in CTS interview...

u R the best teacher 4 urself (if u fail in some written test... go to ur room n just look at u ... u ll find some thing to improve... make some changes... thats it... u ll be the winner )

CTS Placement Paper : CTS General - Interview2

Hi, my  technical interview held in cognizant office,thoraipakkam.firstly they asked me abut wht subject u hve interest?As i m computer science student,so i told java.then he asked me  some questions like:

1. how java runs in command promt?
2.what is the use of static variable n static method?
3.if any program hvng 2 main method then it will run or not?
4.about garbage collection?
5.about project.
6.oops concept.,finally,finalize can we force garbage collection?
9.string and string buffer class
10.what is difference between == == and equals method?
And some hr question like why cs? why java? why cts?

Always give answers confidently and  have faith in god.Before going to interview do meditation of 5 minutes n tell in urself,i will do it.i will do it. i will do it.Noone on this earth can stop me do it. atleast say it 50 times in 5 min.


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