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efunds Placement Paper : efunds Aptitude - General

efunds Sample Test Paper

1. Aptitude test - 35 aptitude questions & 15 engineering questions (1 hr) There is some min cut off Book of R S Agarwal is enough 4 aptitude test Eng also easy..... synonyms, sentence completion

2. Computer awareness test - 25 questions(15 min) questions from C,OS,DBMS,n/w,data structures.... some questions

1) Deadlock involves
a) hold & wait b) circular chain c) .... d) all of these
Ans) d
2) Some questions related 2 windows.... Ans) FAT 32 

3) Which of these is not a feature of AVL tree
a) Balanced b) while insertion its rotated... etc
4) Feature of primary key
a) clustered b) nonclustered c) unique but clustered or no clustered... etc
5) Which is true 4 referential integrity
a) while insertion in foreign key its master table is checked
b) while insertion in master table its foreign key is checked
c) while deletion of foreign key its master table is checked.....etc
6) Given that some 110101 * xx = 1001101 ( data mite b wrong ) find the value of x 
( related 2 binary xion)
7) Virtual mem concept involves
a) lazy swappin.... etc
8) Which of these is not a windows system file.... some choices
3. Technical interview (30 - 45 min) questions from C, C++, Area of interest & final sem project
if v study "pointers in C" by "Y.Kanetkar" then v can
answer C
questions.other qns r general concepts... b confident while answering questions
4. HR interview (10 - 15 min) .... some questions..

1) Tell about yourself & your family background?
2) your strength, weakness?
3) which is important 4 a s/w - development or testing?
4) what kind of work enviornment do u prefer?
5) what do u know about our company?

efunds Placement Paper : efunds Whole Testpaper1

efunds Sample Test Paper

Section 1: Quantitative 20 mins

1)Fresh grapes 90%water content by weight .dried grapes 20%of water by weight .find weight of dry grapes from 20 kg of fresh grapes a) 2 kg b)2.4kg c) 2.5 kg d)2.2 kg

2)Possible words using COMMON is formed and then arranged in alphabetical order.position of NOMCOM a) 117 b)113 c) 111 d)114

3)Missing letters: abb_baa_a_bab_aba a)abba b)abab c)ccac d)aabb

4) 3 brothers a,b,c sum of their ages 48,diff of ages of a and c=9 ,ratio of ages of a and c=4:7,b’s age=? a)12 b)15 c)18 d)21

5) A program encodes the word COBOL into 235 and output of the same prg

for the word JAVA is a)180 b)136 c)175 d)142

6)What is the max value of 3.5-4y-4*2 for real values of y? a) 0 b)1.5 c)0.5 d)-0.25

7)A Voter should vote for 6 candidates from 3 parties,1st party->5 candidates, 2nd party->3 candidates, 3rd party->2 candidates, if he has chosen atleast one from each party .in how maby ways can he vote a)180 b)165 c)175 d)195

8) 2 modes of travel,distance to be covered is 200 km,train 40km/hr,bus 20km/hr for the time he traveled by train had he traveled by bus and viceversa he would have covered 20 kms more in the same time.time to cover whole distance a)7 hr b)6 hr c)5 hr d)4 hr

9)After revising the  budget computer cost increased by 18% 80 dealers increase the price by 10% even though he gets rs 600 per compu.what is the profit margin ,if before the budget is revised computer was Rs 25000? a)15000 b)16000 c)17000 d)18000

10)1/3 rd females in a collegeand 1/3 rd males in a college eat in number of students using the canteen a)0.416666 b)0.3125 c)0.75 d)cannot be determined

11)Peter has some hens ,8 cows.if no of heads is 48 and total number of feet is 140.number of hens peter has?

12)A watch which loses 6 min every hour is set to correct time at 12 noon.actual time when time indicated by the watch is 8p.m? a)0.916666666666…7 b) 0.875 c)0.9 d)0.941666666666667

13)Pipe A can fill a tank in 6 hours and pipe B can fill in 4 hrs.if they are opened on alternate hours and if the pipe a is opened first ,in how many hours will the tank be full

a)4 b)6 c)5 d)3

14)A garrison of 60 men has food for 28 days.8 days later reinforcements arrive reducing the no of days the food would last to 15 days. What is strength of the reinforcement?

a) 15 b)20 c) 12 d) 10

15) 2,5,10,17,26,? a) 35 b) 37 c)38 d)42

16)6,6,7,9,8,6,? a)5 b) 8 c)7 d)9

17)B434B0.what no must be substituted with B to make it divisible by 36?

a) 7 b)4 c) 8 d) 3

18)Dept A has 40 wooden desks and 120 metal desks.dept B has 90 wooden desks ,60 metal desks,difference between % of wood desk in each dept

a)0.25 b)0.33 c)0.35 d)0.4

19) A taxi company charges $1.75 for the 1st quarter mile and 15 cents for additional quarter mile.what’s the max destination you can travel with $4.90?

a) 4 b) 5 and 1/4 c)5.5 d)5.75 miles

20) In a class of 100 students ,20 play football,20 don’t play rugby,10 play neither of the games.find the no of students who play both the games.

a) 15 b)12 c)10 d)9

Section 2: Verbal 20 mins

1) Although she is certain to alienate her colleagues in a short period of time because of her overall -----------------attitude a)gregarious b) amiable c)truculent d)munificient

2)Although she didn’t take any formal biology classes in school ,her discovery-----------the notion that she was unfamiliar with the way living organisms behaved

a)underscored b) undermined c) substantiated d)documented

3)The media reports on cross border terroism -------------all assertions mode by government that peace had been resorted

a)bolstered b)buttressed c)belied d)substantiated

4)Which word describes something different from the others

a)enquiry b)biography c)history d)memoir

5)I don’t think these flowers are-------------to new England .although I’venever seen them

a)ingenuous b)fluent c)indigenous d)exigent

6)A----------seemed to befall the entire community as it heard a horrid news

a)malfeasance b)blasphemy c)largess d)malaise

7)The u conn women basketball team’s perfect season --------------in a championship win over Tennessee.

a)culminated b)fulminated c) fomented d)alleviated

8) Maria was so ------------- that she couldn’t follow even the simple directions on the cake box.

a) officious b) obtuse c)candid d)opulent

9) George had the -----------to suggest that we hire a new coach.

a)discretion b)disdain c) surfeit d) temerity

10)The ------------- facts of the matteer were obvious to most of the witnesses

a) perfunctory b)gratuitous c)salient d)bodacious

11) Aberrant (opp) a)blissful b)normal c) predictive d)attractive

12)Estrangement(oppo) a)consolation b)reconciliation c)dissemblance d) negotiation

13)Belief that science destroysart appears to be supported by historical evidence that arts have--------------- only when science has been-----------

a)decline,attacked b)flourished,neglected c) matured,unconcerned d)succeeded,developed

14) He executed his tasks successfully using more of his charisma than experience gained over a was evidence where----------overtook-----------

a)time,space b)virtues,skills c) action,inaction d)success,failure

15) None of the batsmen displayed any character in their approach so of the seniors-------said -----mended

a)more,better b)least,soonest c)nothing,nothing d)all,well

16)Palatable(opp) a)culinary b)garnish c)noxious d)disgusting

17)Amend(meaning) a)shorten b)praise c)revise d)suggest

18)The education system had -----------over a period of time when authorities got preoccupied with petty politics and didn’t update syllabus

a)underscored b)relegated c) burnished d)ossified

19)The ------------allowance he received as a pension forced him to spend the rest of his life in---------

a)magnanimous,austerity b)meager,penury c)munificient,conundrum d)mundane,malady

20)Although david was severely critical of his wife,he didn’t dare treat his wife with-------

a)insularity b)comtempt c)superciliousness d)mendacity


efunds Placement Paper : efunds Whole Testpaper

efunds Sample Test Paper 

Elimination Round

40 qus, Time;-40min

20 quant , T 20 English;-


1)- x/y=3, x-a/y-b=3,a/b=

2)- date problem (2)

not exact but if thureday (5)1947 then

what day will be

the of 1999=(2question)

3)- deer is chaned by time the speed is given i both and disrence of

200 m is given than how time will deer run before bring cought.

4)- truck going fore one plaee to one there 18 blocks whit distance of 1 mile between

3 blocks. what is the speed of truck if it teken 9 min.

5)- what is the parssing percentage of non(. )cheek the ans is.


6)- A person is to finish his work on wed 95th sepetember but he will by 48 days on.

which day he complete the work.

7)- probatrisiy. two out herant dier are rulled. what are one the chenese of getting some digit.


8)- A,B two truck. distanes between to point is given.if A gets 48m start then he reached 1/10the sec

elso if B gets starts then reached .

so find the speed of (A or B).

9)- temperelieer 8. first four day avg given last four avg aveirge given. then find the temp of the 4th


10)- maker a century in 11th month this avereg in oreases by 5%. what was averese of last 10 month and

what is the averes (11th)month.

11)- 1, 2, 6, 24, 120-------(720).

12)- one sereis 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8---------------------


13)- A+B+C=45,


B+C=43, (find the veelu of B.).

14)- Bes relatid Q A R F type regose then he doennot go.

(option 3).

2end part;-


study the antonyms & synonyms for there words;-

1)- enervate

2)- pragmatice

3)- phlagmatic

4)- insipidness

5)- exceprt; noval;; nomalies.

6)- question for paliament ans(excption to it).

7)- dogmatic

8)- anomaly ans (deviation from rules).

9)- two related words. ans(redundancy).

10)- premonitoin->it is the answer;

11)-do the subject and predicati;

12)- opaque;; light->(anomaly);

3rd part;-

techincal question;-

only for qualified student;-

25Q;----------------------------->15 min;

1)-what is link or c?

2)- which company invented transistor for (options)


3)-what is the value returen by printf on error always.

ans;- -ve;

4)-Nortel is associted which?

5)- cylomatic complesilty-----------

ans;- white ,box ,testing;

6)- water fall model ;- ans;- a

7)- alpha and beta-------------- testing;

8)- c--- prog; ans;- b;

9)- default part of UDP.

10)- how to acess remote login?


11)- two question besed on RAM .

(It,s composetion);

12)- what is the thing used in  laptop but not in persanal computer. aphtoin;- paraelel, USB,IEEE,102.3;

13)- which I.P adderss in

invealide.(142;,7;,192;,11) this is not the ans but the patteren ;

14)- aouble to float conversin;

what is called; ans;- casting;

15)- what is truncation?

16)- what is not true regarding AVL frees.


1)- strers on area of interset;-

2)- write"C",code;

linked , list;

fibonacci, series;

 SQL Questions

staek prog;


there may be some error in ques...........

efunds Placement Paper : efunds Paper Whole Testpaper

efunds Sample Test Paper

Section 1: Quantitative 20 mins

1)Fresh grapes 90%water content by weight .dried grapes 20%of water by weight .find weight of dry grapes from 20 kg of fresh grapes a) 2 kg b)2.4kg c) 2.5 kg d)2.2 kg

2)Possible words using COMMON is formed and then arranged in alphabetical order.position of NOMCOM a) 117 b)113 c) 111 d)114

3)Missing letters: abb_baa_a_bab_aba a)abba b)abab c)ccac d)aabb

4) 3 brothers a,b,c sum of their ages 48,diff of ages of a and c=9 ,ratio of ages of a and c=4:7,b’s age=? a)12 b)15 c)18 d)21

5) A program encodes the word COBOL into 235 and output of the same prg

for the word JAVA is a)180 b)136 c)175 d)142

6)What is the max value of 3.5-4y-4*2 for real values of y? a) 0 b)1.5 c)0.5 d)-0.25

7)A Voter should vote for 6 candidates from 3 parties,1st party->5 candidates, 2nd party->3 candidates, 3rd party->2 candidates, if he has chosen atleast one from each party .in how maby ways can he vote a)180 b)165 c)175 d)195

8) 2 modes of travel,distance to be covered is 200 km,train 40km/hr,bus 20km/hr for the time he traveled by train had he traveled by bus and viceversa he would have covered 20 kms more in the same time.time to cover whole distance a)7 hr b)6 hr c)5 hr d)4 hr

9)After revising the  budget computer cost increased by 18% 80 dealers increase the price by 10% even though he gets rs 600 per compu.what is the profit margin ,if before the budget is revised computer was Rs 25000? a)15000 b)16000 c)17000 d)18000

10)1/3 rd females in a collegeand 1/3 rd males in a college eat in number of students using the canteen a)0.416666 b)0.3125 c)0.75 d)cannot be determined

11)Peter has some hens ,8 cows.if no of heads is 48 and total number of feet is 140.number of hens peter has?

12)A watch which loses 6 min every hour is set to correct time at 12 noon.actual time when time indicated by the watch is 8p.m? a)0.916666666666…7 b) 0.875 c)0.9 d)0.941666666666667

13)Pipe A can fill a tank in 6 hours and pipe B can fill in 4 hrs.if they are opened on alternate hours and if the pipe a is opened first ,in how many hours will the tank be full

a)4 b)6 c)5 d)3

14)A garrison of 60 men has food for 28 days.8 days later reinforcements arrive reducing the no of days the food would last to 15 days. What is strength of the reinforcement?

a) 15 b)20 c) 12 d) 10

15) 2,5,10,17,26,? a) 35 b) 37 c)38 d)42

16)6,6,7,9,8,6,? a)5 b) 8 c)7 d)9

17)B434B0.what no must be substituted with B to make it divisible by 36?

a) 7 b)4 c) 8 d) 3

18)Dept A has 40 wooden desks and 120 metal desks.dept B has 90 wooden desks ,60 metal desks,difference between % of wood desk in each dept

a)0.25 b)0.33 c)0.35 d)0.4

19) A taxi company charges $1.75 for the 1st quarter mile and 15 cents for additional quarter mile.what’s the max destination you can travel with $4.90?

a) 4 b) 5 and 1/4 c)5.5 d)5.75 miles

20) In a class of 100 students ,20 play football,20 don’t play rugby,10 play neither of the games.find the no of students who play both the games.

a) 15 b)12 c)10 d)9

Section 2: Verbal 20 mins

1) Although she is certain to alienate her colleagues in a short period of time because of her overall -----------------attitude a)gregarious b) amiable c)truculent d)munificient

2)Although she didn’t take any formal biology classes in school ,her discovery-----------the notion that she was unfamiliar with the way living organisms behaved

a)underscored b) undermined c) substantiated d)documented

3)The media reports on cross border terroism -------------all assertions mode by government that peace had been resorted

a)bolstered b)buttressed c)belied d)substantiated

4)Which word describes something different from the others

a)enquiry b)biography c)history d)memoir

5)I don’t think these flowers are-------------to new England .although I’venever seen them

a)ingenuous b)fluent c)indigenous d)exigent

6)A----------seemed to befall the entire community as it heard a horrid news

a)malfeasance b)blasphemy c)largess d)malaise

7)The u conn women basketball team’s perfect season --------------in a championship win over Tennessee.

a)culminated b)fulminated c) fomented d)alleviated

8) Maria was so ------------- that she couldn’t follow even the simple directions on the cake box.

a) officious b) obtuse c)candid d)opulent

9) George had the -----------to suggest that we hire a new coach.

a)discretion b)disdain c) surfeit d) temerity

10)The ------------- facts of the matteer were obvious to most of the witnesses

a) perfunctory b)gratuitous c)salient d)bodacious

11) Aberrant (opp) a)blissful b)normal c) predictive d)attractive

12)Estrangement(oppo) a)consolation b)reconciliation c)dissemblance d) negotiation

13)Belief that science destroysart appears to be supported by historical evidence that arts have--------------- only when science has been-----------

a)decline,attacked b)flourished,neglected c) matured,unconcerned d)succeeded,developed

14) He executed his tasks successfully using more of his charisma than experience gained over a was evidence where----------overtook-----------

a)time,space b)virtues,skills c) action,inaction d)success,failure

15) None of the batsmen displayed any character in their approach so of the seniors-------said -----mended

a)more,better b)least,soonest c)nothing,nothing d)all,well

16)Palatable(opp) a)culinary b)garnish c)noxious d)disgusting

17)Amend(meaning) a)shorten b)praise c)revise d)suggest

18)The education system had -----------over a period of time when authorities got preoccupied with petty politics and didn’t update syllabus

a)underscored b)relegated c) burnished d)ossified

19)The ------------allowance he received as a pension forced him to spend the rest of his life in---------

a)magnanimous,austerity b)meager,penury c)munificient,conundrum d)mundane,malady

20)Although david was severely critical of his wife,he didn’t dare treat his wife with-------

a)insularity b)comtempt c)superciliousness d)mendacity


efunds Placement Paper : efunds Paper Whole Testpaper

efunds Sample Test Paper 

Elimination Round

40 qus, Time;-40min

20 quant , T 20 English;-


1)- x/y=3, x-a/y-b=3,a/b=

2)- date problem (2)

not exact but if thureday (5)1947 then

what day will be

the of 1999=(2question)

3)- deer is chaned by time the speed is given i both and disrence of

200 m is given than how time will deer run before bring cought.

4)- truck going fore one plaee to one there 18 blocks whit distance of 1 mile between

3 blocks. what is the speed of truck if it teken 9 min.

5)- what is the parssing percentage of non(. )cheek the ans is.


6)- A person is to finish his work on wed 95th sepetember but he will by 48 days on.

which day he complete the work.

7)- probatrisiy. two out herant dier are rulled. what are one the chenese of getting some digit.


8)- A,B two truck. distanes between to point is given.if A gets 48m start then he reached 1/10the sec

elso if B gets starts then reached .

so find the speed of (A or B).

9)- temperelieer 8. first four day avg given last four avg aveirge given. then find the temp of the 4th


10)- maker a century in 11th month this avereg in oreases by 5%. what was averese of last 10 month and

what is the averes (11th)month.

11)- 1, 2, 6, 24, 120-------(720).

12)- one sereis 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8---------------------


13)- A+B+C=45,


B+C=43, (find the veelu of B.).

14)- Bes relatid Q A R F type regose then he doennot go.

(option 3).

2end part;-


study the antonyms & synonyms for there words;-

1)- enervate

2)- pragmatice

3)- phlagmatic

4)- insipidness

5)- exceprt; noval;; nomalies.

6)- question for paliament ans(excption to it).

7)- dogmatic

8)- anomaly ans (deviation from rules).

9)- two related words. ans(redundancy).

10)- premonitoin->it is the answer;

11)-do the subject and predicati;

12)- opaque;; light->(anomaly);

3rd part;-

techincal question;-

only for qualified student;-

25Q;----------------------------->15 min;

1)-what is link or c?

2)- which company invented transistor for (options)


3)-what is the value returen by printf on error always.

ans;- -ve;

4)-Nortel is associted which?

5)- cylomatic complesilty-----------

ans;- white ,box ,testing;

6)- water fall model ;- ans;- a

7)- alpha and beta-------------- testing;

8)- c--- prog; ans;- b;

9)- default part of UDP.

10)- how to acess remote login?


11)- two question besed on RAM .

(It,s composetion);

12)- what is the thing used in  laptop but not in persanal computer. aphtoin;- paraelel, USB,IEEE,102.3;

13)- which I.P adderss in

invealide.(142;,7;,192;,11) this is not the ans but the patteren ;

14)- aouble to float conversin;

what is called; ans;- casting;

15)- what is truncation?

16)- what is not true regarding AVL frees.


1)- strers on area of interset;-

2)- write"C",code;

linked , list;

fibonacci, series;

 SQL Questions

staek prog;


there may be some error in ques...........


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