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Maharashtra Placement PapersBARC Placement PapersBEL Placement PapersBEML Placement PapersBently Placement PapersBFL Placement PapersBHEL Placement PapersBirlasoft Placement PapersBlueStar Placement PapersBOB Placement PapersBOSCH Placement PapersBPL Placement PapersBrakes Placement PapersBSNL Placement PapersC-DOT Placement PapersCadence Placement PapersCalsoft Placement PapersCampaq Placement PapersCanarys Placement PapersCapgemini Placement PapersCaritor Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd Placement PapersCaterpillar Placement PapersCD Placement PapersCDAC Placement PapersCelstream Placement PapersCGI Placement PapersChangepond Placement PapersChatargee Placement PapersCisco Placement PapersCiticorp Placement PapersCMC Placement PapersCOGNIZENT Placement PapersComputer Placement PapersConsagous Placement PapersConsagous Technologies Placement PapersConvergys Placement PapersCORDYS Placement PapersCOSL Placement PapersCovansys 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PapersIntegra Placement PapersIntegraphr Placement PapersInterwoven Placement PapersIntex Placement PapersIOCL Placement PapersIonnor Solutions Placement PapersiSoft Placement PapersIspat Placement PapersISRO Placement PapersIttiam Placement PapersIvega Placement PapersJ&B Placement PapersJataayu Placement PapersJean Placement PapersJean Martin Placement PapersJet Placement PapersJEYPEE Placement PapersJindal Placement PapersJKT Placement PapersJOHN Placement PapersKalam Software Technology Placement PapersKanbay Placement PapersKeane Placement PapersKenexa Placement PapersKkshema Placement PapersKleward Placement PapersKnoah Solutions Placement PapersKPIT Placement PapersKPIT Cummins Placement PapersL&T Placement PapersL&T Infotech Placement PapersL&T(EEC) Placement PapersLCube Placement PapersLG Placement PapersLG Soft India Placement PapersLifetree Placement PapersLinkwell Placement PapersLionBridge Placement PapersLogica Placement PapersLucent Placement PapersM-Phasis Placement PapersMA Placement PapersMANGANESE Placement PapersMascot Placement PapersMastek Placement PapersMatrix Placement PapersMAXSOFT Placement PapersMcAfee Placement PapersMECON Placement PapersMentor Placement PapersMerrill Placement PapersMicrosoft Placement PapersMindfire Solutions Placement PapersMindtree Placement PapersMiraclesoft Placement PapersMistral Placement PapersMotorola Placement PapersMTNL Placement PapersNagarro Placement PapersNalko Placement PapersNCR Placement PapersNess Placement PapersNest Placement PapersNewgen Placement PapersNFL Placement PapersNHPC Placement PapersNihilent Placement PapersNIIT Placement PapersNovartis Placement PapersNovell Placement PapersNTPC Placement PapersNucleus Placement PapersNYROS TECHNOLOGY Placement PapersOil Placement PapersONGC Placement PapersOnline Education Placement PapersOnMobile Placement PapersOracle Placement PapersOrange Placement PapersParagon Placement PapersPCS Placement PapersPDIL Placement PapersPentaware Placement 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List of all download philips placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Click Here View Job List. This page will help you to get all details about download philips placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Download philips placement papers in PDF and Ms word format. Latest and philips last 5 years placement papers with solutions pdf download for campus job.

Philips Placement Paper : Technical - Other

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that circuit was asked.

15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

ava is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d

The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

HR questions

What is your strengths and weaknesses

What are the values u respect

Site a reason why philips should hire u

What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely skip its deadline.


What is runtime locatable code?

What is volatile, register definition in C

What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : General - other

Philips Genaral Paper :

1.6*12*15 is the volume of some material.How many cubes can be inserted into that?

2.Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours.If all three pipes operate simultaneously,in how many hours the
tank will be filled ?
Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

3.Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler(some instrument)dia is 1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by 5.6cm.

4.Cost of an item is x. It,s value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.

5.A right circular cylinder and a cone are there.Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder.What is the ratio of height to slant side.

6.Distance between two poles is 50 meters.A train goes by 48 kmph in one minute.How many poles will be crossed by the train.

7.A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

8.15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for 40 people--how much has to pay ?

9.if p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is even or odd ?
choices:a)first condition is sufficient
b)second condition is sufficient
c)both are sufficient
d)both are not sufficient

10.What is the value of m given that
i) m is devided by 2
ii) m is devided by 5
Ans: none of these

11.If he sells 40 magoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is his %
increse in profit ?
Ans: 25%

12.100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise.At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely.
Ans: 95

Some questions on reasoning

1.Fastest logic ..
Ans: ECL type of IP address belong to which class.
Ans:class B

3.Mod K ring counter requres how many number of flipflops.

4.ftp is in application layer.

5.Problem related to Ternary operations.

6.Problem related to macro # define square x x*x.

7.Problem related to 5 pointers..refer Page.123 of C prog.,by Keringan and Ritchie.

8.Ideal op-amp CMRR.
Ans: infinity.

9.13-bit DAC MSB resistance 2kohms.LSB resistance ?
Ans: 2k * 2 to the power of 12.

so take care of all the things

section I and section II and sec III

Questions r not in sequence .................

1. forall(roar(x)=> lions(x)) what does it mean ?
ans all lions roar .

2. p<=>q read about this

3. when 2 dice r thrown atleast one of them shows 6 probability is
ans 11/36.

4.2,s complement of a 2,s complement number is
ans . same no.

5. internatioaal court is at -----------
ans Hague.

6. Meaning of ambasador ?
uca ( u can ans)

7. automata DFA dia is given

ans most probably B. chec

8.criticall section

( uca )

9. No of page faults asked by giving the sequence 2 3 6 7 1 3 4 8 9 10 3 2 4 ( just for example I have given this seq .) thro LRU.

ans 6 ( corect).

10.problem in scheduling RR , a sequence is given just like abovewith time slice of 1 and completion period for a process is asked

ans . 11

11.A directory has write permission then a user can create a file.

12.Java is

a. compiled

b. interpreted.

c. OOP

d. mutithreaded.

e. all

ans e.

13. Bubble sort is given ., No of times it executes

ans . n(n-1)/2

14. The appriximate ratio for no of internal nodes to total no

of nodes in k-ary tree of depth n.

ans. 1/k

15. what is fidelity

satya u check

16 what is microprogram.

u check

17. joke :: laugh

ans. cracker : blast

18. question on deadlock

19. How do u remove a ghost in t.v

u check ( clue. ghost means shadow of pictures i.e

20. Queston about a familiy eric, koren, davis etc .

ans . for first one of question. mother

21. If a channel has 2400 bauds what is the data rate it support. check in data commn book stalins

22. if Band width is w what is data rate

ans 2w

23. A graph is given u have to answer

shotest path a to f ans. none of these

shotest path between a to f ans. 17

shortest path between b to f ans . 16

meanings of tact , grudging check

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

1. A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that
circuit was asked.
2. 15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

Computer Science

1.Java is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d
2. The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

A graph was given and questions regarding shortest path was asked.For one question shortest path was asked and the answer is none of the above. Overall the question paper was easy.

I will try to mail u the entire question paper.


HR questions:
1.What is your strengths and weaknesses
2.What are the values u respect
3.Site a reason why philips should hire u
4.What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely
skip its deadline.

Technical (for me)
1.What is runtime locatable code?
2.What is volatile, register definition in C
3.What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : General - other

Philips Genaral Paper :

1.6*12*15 is the volume of some material.How many cubes can be inserted into that?

2.Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours.If all three pipes operate simultaneously,in how many hours the
tank will be filled ?
Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

3.Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler(some instrument)dia is 1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by 5.6cm.

4.Cost of an item is x. It,s value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.

5.A right circular cylinder and a cone are there.Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder.What is the ratio of height to slant side.

6.Distance between two poles is 50 meters.A train goes by 48 kmph in one minute.How many poles will be crossed by the train.

7.A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

8.15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for 40 people--how much has to pay ?

9.if p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is even or odd ?
choices:a)first condition is sufficient
b)second condition is sufficient
c)both are sufficient
d)both are not sufficient

10.What is the value of m given that
i) m is devided by 2
ii) m is devided by 5
Ans: none of these

11.If he sells 40 magoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is his %
increse in profit ?
Ans: 25%

12.100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise.At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely.
Ans: 95

Some questions on reasoning

1.Fastest logic ..
Ans: ECL type of IP address belong to which class.
Ans:class B

3.Mod K ring counter requres how many number of flipflops.

4.ftp is in application layer.

5.Problem related to Ternary operations.

6.Problem related to macro # define square x x*x.

7.Problem related to 5 pointers..refer Page.123 of C prog.,by Keringan and Ritchie.

8.Ideal op-amp CMRR.
Ans: infinity.

9.13-bit DAC MSB resistance 2kohms.LSB resistance ?
Ans: 2k * 2 to the power of 12.

so take care of all the things

section I and section II and sec III

Questions r not in sequence .................

1. forall(roar(x)=> lions(x)) what does it mean ?
ans all lions roar .

2. p<=>q read about this

3. when 2 dice r thrown atleast one of them shows 6 probability is
ans 11/36.

4.2,s complement of a 2,s complement number is
ans . same no.

5. internatioaal court is at -----------
ans Hague.

6. Meaning of ambasador ?
uca ( u can ans)

7. automata DFA dia is given

ans most probably B. chec

8.criticall section

( uca )

9. No of page faults asked by giving the sequence 2 3 6 7 1 3 4 8 9 10 3 2 4 ( just for example I have given this seq .) thro LRU.

ans 6 ( corect).

10.problem in scheduling RR , a sequence is given just like abovewith time slice of 1 and completion period for a process is asked

ans . 11

11.A directory has write permission then a user can create a file.

12.Java is

a. compiled

b. interpreted.

c. OOP

d. mutithreaded.

e. all

ans e.

13. Bubble sort is given ., No of times it executes

ans . n(n-1)/2

14. The appriximate ratio for no of internal nodes to total no

of nodes in k-ary tree of depth n.

ans. 1/k

15. what is fidelity

satya u check

16 what is microprogram.

u check

17. joke :: laugh

ans. cracker : blast

18. question on deadlock

19. How do u remove a ghost in t.v

u check ( clue. ghost means shadow of pictures i.e

20. Queston about a familiy eric, koren, davis etc .

ans . for first one of question. mother

21. If a channel has 2400 bauds what is the data rate it support. check in data commn book stalins

22. if Band width is w what is data rate

ans 2w

23. A graph is given u have to answer

shotest path a to f ans. none of these

shotest path between a to f ans. 17

shortest path between b to f ans . 16

meanings of tact , grudging check

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

1. A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that
circuit was asked.
2. 15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

Computer Science

1.Java is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d
2. The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

A graph was given and questions regarding shortest path was asked.For one question shortest path was asked and the answer is none of the above. Overall the question paper was easy.

I will try to mail u the entire question paper.


HR questions:
1.What is your strengths and weaknesses
2.What are the values u respect
3.Site a reason why philips should hire u
4.What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely
skip its deadline.

Technical (for me)
1.What is runtime locatable code?
2.What is volatile, register definition in C
3.What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : philips innovation campus,bangalore

The Selection Procedure of Philips.

Written test consists of 3 sections. (There is no negative marking.)
Section 1 consists of analytical
Section 2 consists of C and Data structures.
Section 3 depends on ur branch ...
For ECE section 3 consists of some electrical and electronics questions and for CS it consists of algorithms and OS.... test duration is for 1 hour... section 1 15Ques...
section 2 15Ques and last section consists of 20 Ques.... paper will be difficult...

Philips Placement Paper : General - other

Q1)for all X(roar(X)=3D>lion(X))
a)all lions roar
b)some lions roar
Q2)on some polynomial bounds
Q3)on emiter coupled logic
q4)four qustions on given digital ckt
from kennedy book ther are 5 questions.

Q5)one from recivers,one from digital comm,one coaxial cable repeater
distace depends on the channel BW.What is the use of IF
Q6)If channel BW is 35khz.What is the maximum freq of data u can
Q7)line with 2400buads,the dat u can ransmit on it is
these are the qustions in 1 st section
Q1) void(int *a,int *b)
*b=3D*b^*a; /* ^ is exclusive OR */
this function gives the value
a)a & b values swaped
b) a&b unchanged
Q2) on inorder traversal in binary tree
Q3) on black box testing
Q4) on fun(n)
unsigned long n=3D~0; /* ~ is ones complement */
Out put of this programme segment is
a)it will give the word length in that machine
b)gives max int vlue in the machine

Q1)sentenc given with blanks we ahve to fill tehm with words
Q2)same as above
Q3)A qustion on relations
david is grand father to sue
karen is sister to jim
jim is uncle to eric and sue
jim is nephew to larry
only married couple can have children and blood relation can,t marry
there are 4 questions on this
Q4)on data suficiency
they will give the table of data
philips bpl onida vediocon
1989 data " " "

q1)whose is consistent growth
q2)whose is highest groth
q3)lowest growth
Q5)GK question ambassidor means
Q6)who IS WHERE ANS: hague
Q9)they will give u diagram and find the shortest path between some belman ford algo in NW.

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

1. A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that
circuit was asked.
2. 15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are
defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and
tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

Computer Science
1.Java is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d
2. The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

A graph was given and questions regarding shortest path was asked.
For one question shortest path was asked and the answer is none of the
Overall the question paper was easy.


HR questions:
1.What is your strengths and weaknesses
2.What are the values u respect
3.Site a reason why philips should hire u
4.What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely
skip its deadline.

Technical (for me)
1.What is runtime locatable code?
2.What is volatile, register definition in C
3.What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : Technical - Other

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that circuit was asked.

15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

ava is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d

The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

HR questions

What is your strengths and weaknesses

What are the values u respect

Site a reason why philips should hire u

What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely skip its deadline.


What is runtime locatable code?

What is volatile, register definition in C

What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : General - other

Philips Genaral Paper :

1.6*12*15 is the volume of some material.How many cubes can be inserted into that?

2.Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours.If all three pipes operate simultaneously,in how many hours the
tank will be filled ?
Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

3.Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler(some instrument)dia is 1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by 5.6cm.

4.Cost of an item is x. It,s value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.

5.A right circular cylinder and a cone are there.Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder.What is the ratio of height to slant side.

6.Distance between two poles is 50 meters.A train goes by 48 kmph in one minute.How many poles will be crossed by the train.

7.A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by 30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

8.15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for 40 people--how much has to pay ?

9.if p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is even or odd ?
choices:a)first condition is sufficient
b)second condition is sufficient
c)both are sufficient
d)both are not sufficient

10.What is the value of m given that
i) m is devided by 2
ii) m is devided by 5
Ans: none of these

11.If he sells 40 magoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is his %
increse in profit ?
Ans: 25%

12.100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise.At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely.
Ans: 95

Some questions on reasoning

1.Fastest logic ..
Ans: ECL type of IP address belong to which class.
Ans:class B

3.Mod K ring counter requres how many number of flipflops.

4.ftp is in application layer.

5.Problem related to Ternary operations.

6.Problem related to macro # define square x x*x.

7.Problem related to 5 pointers..refer Page.123 of C prog.,by Keringan and Ritchie.

8.Ideal op-amp CMRR.
Ans: infinity.

9.13-bit DAC MSB resistance 2kohms.LSB resistance ?
Ans: 2k * 2 to the power of 12.

so take care of all the things

section I and section II and sec III

Questions r not in sequence .................

1. forall(roar(x)=> lions(x)) what does it mean ?
ans all lions roar .

2. p<=>q read about this

3. when 2 dice r thrown atleast one of them shows 6 probability is
ans 11/36.

4.2,s complement of a 2,s complement number is
ans . same no.

5. internatioaal court is at -----------
ans Hague.

6. Meaning of ambasador ?
uca ( u can ans)

7. automata DFA dia is given

ans most probably B. chec

8.criticall section

( uca )

9. No of page faults asked by giving the sequence 2 3 6 7 1 3 4 8 9 10 3 2 4 ( just for example I have given this seq .) thro LRU.

ans 6 ( corect).

10.problem in scheduling RR , a sequence is given just like abovewith time slice of 1 and completion period for a process is asked

ans . 11

11.A directory has write permission then a user can create a file.

12.Java is

a. compiled

b. interpreted.

c. OOP

d. mutithreaded.

e. all

ans e.

13. Bubble sort is given ., No of times it executes

ans . n(n-1)/2

14. The appriximate ratio for no of internal nodes to total no

of nodes in k-ary tree of depth n.

ans. 1/k

15. what is fidelity

satya u check

16 what is microprogram.

u check

17. joke :: laugh

ans. cracker : blast

18. question on deadlock

19. How do u remove a ghost in t.v

u check ( clue. ghost means shadow of pictures i.e

20. Queston about a familiy eric, koren, davis etc .

ans . for first one of question. mother

21. If a channel has 2400 bauds what is the data rate it support. check in data commn book stalins

22. if Band width is w what is data rate

ans 2w

23. A graph is given u have to answer

shotest path a to f ans. none of these

shotest path between a to f ans. 17

shortest path between b to f ans . 16

meanings of tact , grudging check

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

1. A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that
circuit was asked.
2. 15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

Computer Science

1.Java is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d
2. The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

A graph was given and questions regarding shortest path was asked.For one question shortest path was asked and the answer is none of the above. Overall the question paper was easy.

I will try to mail u the entire question paper.


HR questions:
1.What is your strengths and weaknesses
2.What are the values u respect
3.Site a reason why philips should hire u
4.What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely
skip its deadline.

Technical (for me)
1.What is runtime locatable code?
2.What is volatile, register definition in C
3.What is compiler and what its output.

Philips Placement Paper : PHILIPS Paper Technical - Other

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude  

Electronics and computer science

A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that circuit was asked.

15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.                                     
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
         -- -- --
         15 14 13

ava is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d

The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

HR questions

What is your strengths and weaknesses

What are the values u respect

Site a reason why philips should hire u

What will u do if u are asked to manage a project which will definitely skip its deadline.   


What is runtime locatable code?

What is volatile, register definition in C

What is compiler and what its output.


Philips Placement Paper : PHILIPS Paper General - other

Philips Genaral Paper :

1.6*12*15 is the volume of some material.How many cubes can be inserted into that?

2.Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 1nd 12 hours while third pipe will make the tank empty in 20 hours.If all three pipes operate simultaneously,in how many hours the
tank will be filled ?
Ans.7hours 30 minutes.

3.Diameter of a beaker is 7cm. Mambler(some instrument)dia is 1.4cm.How many mamblers has to be put to increase the water level by 5.6cm.

4.Cost of an item is x. It,s value increases by p% and decreases by p%Now the new value is 1 rupee, what is the actual value.

5.A right circular cylinder and a cone are there.Base radius of cone is equal to radius of cylinder.What is the ratio of height to slant side.

6.Distance between two poles is 50 meters.A train goes by 48 kmph in one minute.How many  poles will be crossed by the train.

7.A pole seen from a certain distance at an angle of 15 degrees and 100 meters ahead by  30 degrees. What is th height of pole.

8.15 people--each has to pay Rs.20.. 20 people--each has to pay Rs.18.. for 40 people--how much has to pay ?

9.if p=2q then q=r*r,if p-odd then q is even,whether we decide r is even or odd ?
choices:a)first condition is sufficient
b)second condition is sufficient
c)both are sufficient
d)both are not sufficient

10.What is the value of m given that
i) m is devided by 2
ii) m is devided by 5
Ans: none of these

11.If he sells 40 magoes, he will get the selling price of 4 mangoes extra, What is his %
increse in profit ?
Ans: 25%

12.100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the  glasses without any damage he will et 3 paise otherwise he will loose 3 paise.At the  end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paise, how many glasses were supplied safely.
Ans: 95

Some questions on reasoning


1.Fastest logic ..
Ans: ECL type of IP address belong to which class.
Ans:class B

3.Mod K ring counter requres how many number of flipflops.

4.ftp is in application layer.

5.Problem related to Ternary operations.

6.Problem related to macro # define square x x*x.

7.Problem related to 5 pointers..refer Page.123 of C prog.,by Keringan and Ritchie.

8.Ideal op-amp CMRR.
Ans: infinity.

9.13-bit DAC MSB resistance 2kohms.LSB resistance ?
Ans: 2k * 2 to the power of 12.

so take care of all the things

section I and section II and sec III

Questions r not in sequence .................

1. forall(roar(x)=> lions(x)) what does it mean ?
ans all lions roar .

2. p<=>q read about this

3. when 2 dice r thrown atleast one of them shows 6 probability is
ans 11/36.

4.2,s complement of a 2,s complement number is 
ans . same no.

5. internatioaal court is at -----------
ans Hague.

6. Meaning of ambasador ?
uca ( u can ans)

7. automata DFA dia is given

ans most probably B. chec

8.criticall section

( uca )

9. No of page faults asked by giving the sequence 2 3 6 7 1 3 4 8 9 10 3 2 4  ( just for example I have given this seq .) thro LRU.

ans 6 ( corect).

10.problem in scheduling RR , a sequence is given just like abovewith time slice of 1 and completion period for a process is asked

ans . 11

11.A directory has write permission then a user can create a file.

12.Java is

a. compiled

b. interpreted.

c. OOP

d. mutithreaded.

e. all

ans e.

13. Bubble sort is given ., No of times it executes

ans . n(n-1)/2

14. The appriximate ratio for no of internal nodes to total no

of nodes in k-ary tree of depth n.

ans. 1/k

15. what is fidelity

satya u check

16 what is microprogram.

u check

17. joke :: laugh

ans. cracker : blast

18. question on deadlock

19. How do u remove a ghost in t.v

u check ( clue. ghost means shadow of pictures i.e

20. Queston about a familiy eric, koren, davis etc .

ans . for first one of question. mother

21. If a channel has 2400 bauds what is the data rate it support. check in data commn book stalins

22. if Band width is w what is data rate

ans 2w

23. A graph is given u have to answer 

shotest path a to f ans. none of these

shotest path between a to f ans. 17

shortest path between b to f ans . 16

meanings of tact , grudging check

Section 1 - Electronics and Mathematics - 20 questions
section 2 - Computer Science
section 3 - Aptitude

Electronics and computer science

1. A circuit was given with lot of flip-flops etc and the operation of that
circuit was asked.
2. 15 software functions are there. It is known that atleast 5 of them are defective. What is the probability that if three functions are chosen and tested, no errors are uncovered.
Ans : 10 * 9 * 8
-- -- --
15 14 13

Computer Science 

1.Java is
a) Multithreaded b) intrepreter c) compiler d) all of the above
Ans :d
2. The number of nodes in a k-level m-ary binary tree is :

A graph was given and questions regarding shortest path was asked.For one question shortest path was asked and the answer is none of the above. Overall the question paper was easy.

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