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PapersIntegra Placement PapersIntegraphr Placement PapersInterwoven Placement PapersIntex Placement PapersIOCL Placement PapersIonnor Solutions Placement PapersiSoft Placement PapersIspat Placement PapersISRO Placement PapersIttiam Placement PapersIvega Placement PapersJ&B Placement PapersJataayu Placement PapersJean Placement PapersJean Martin Placement PapersJet Placement PapersJEYPEE Placement PapersJindal Placement PapersJKT Placement PapersJOHN Placement PapersKalam Software Technology Placement PapersKanbay Placement PapersKeane Placement PapersKenexa Placement PapersKkshema Placement PapersKleward Placement PapersKnoah Solutions Placement PapersKPIT Placement PapersKPIT Cummins Placement PapersL&T Placement PapersL&T Infotech Placement PapersL&T(EEC) Placement PapersLCube Placement PapersLG Placement PapersLG Soft India Placement PapersLifetree Placement PapersLinkwell Placement PapersLionBridge Placement PapersLogica Placement PapersLucent Placement PapersM-Phasis Placement 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PapersPentaware Tech Placement PapersPerot Placement PapersPersistent Placement PapersPhilips Placement PapersPlanetasia Placement PapersPNESTEC Placement PapersPolaris Placement PapersPoor Placement PapersPramati Placement PapersProdEx Placement PapersPSI Placement PapersQuark Placement PapersQuinnox Placement PapersQwest Placement PapersR Placement PapersRamco Placement PapersRapidigm Placement PapersRBI Placement PapersRedpine Placement PapersReliance Placement PapersReliance(RIL) Placement PapersRinl Placement PapersRipples Infolink Placement PapersRobert Placement PapersRobert Bosch Placement PapersRockwell Placement PapersRRB(Railway Placement PapersRRB(Railway Recruitment Board ) Placement PapersRSsoftware Placement PapersSahi Placement PapersSail Placement PapersSamsung Placement PapersSamtel Placement PapersSAP Placement PapersSapient Placement PapersSasken Placement PapersSatyam Placement PapersSBI Placement PapersScandent Placement PapersSchneider Placement PapersSCT 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Download polaris Placement Papers in MS Word and PDF Format for Job Interview

List of all download polaris placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Click Here View Job List. This page will help you to get all details about download polaris placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Download polaris placement papers in PDF and Ms word format. Latest and polaris last 5 years placement papers with solutions pdf download for campus job.

Polaris Placement Paper : Thousand Lights, Chennai

Hi All of you,

I am happy to inform you all that with the grace of God I got selected at Polaris.

I share some of the questions I faced in interview. As I am from Electrical they asked from, basic circuits like half adder, full adder, how it is functioning, boolean algebra, some basic laws, how to implement a circuit with the given function, why we are using karnau map, basic C program stuffs, rectifier operation, math puzzle.

About my project work. Hey asked me in detail what are its applications, how it is working. Don,t get shock why for a software c/y they ask all these. They are really good in the sense that they will see only how you are answering, and how you are confident.

Always be strong in your core subject. They asked why you want to come to software c/y. "How to answer 64 tougest interview questions" book would help anyone how to present their ideas in interview.

I was very frank and didn,t tell false or fake things. Interviewers are really good and they checked only your IQ and how you can handle things.

Eventhough I didn,t have much knowledge in software, they selected me only for this reason. you can do it. Work well. Get into a good company like Polaris.

Polaris Placement Paper : NIT, Hyderabad

I placed in Polaris atleast 240 students were sit for written, from there 72 clered & finally 47 students placed. I was among dem. I,m really thank full to god. Here are the some tips about interview.

There were two steps.

1/ written. It was easy.

2/ pi =technical+ hr
In technical they ask me frm robotics as I was the student of ECE. Then from project. Try to waste time by saying what you know. Never give them any chance to say something. MIND IT.? then from digital. I forgot the question. It was easy if you anyhow manage to clear technical round then you have 90% chance of selection. So give your best don,t scared infrnt of them.

Ok bye, holpe for the best because God is great!

Polaris Placement Paper : Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technologies

1. Written test
2. group discussion (there would be group discussion it depends up on the croud)
3. technical
4. hr

1.written apptitude(cProg+microprocessor+verbal+reasoning+logical)the main topics are

2.blood relations
4.percentages etc....

2.Group Discussion in this each team around 12 people and the topic our team got is "reducing the Eamcet qualifying cut off marks" some more topics other teams got is "is artificial intelligence dominates human", "banning of showing animals in movies", "education is necessary to get stardom"

some questions i faced are
1.void main()

{ int i;i=(2,3);printf("%d",i);

2.void main()
{ int i;for(i=0;i++;i<100)

printf("%d",i); }
How many times does the loop executes
a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d) infinite
ans: b) 0

3. void main()


int i;for(i=1;i++;i<100)
printf("%d",i); }
a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d) Infinite
ans: d) infinite

4) void main()
{ char[]="cdef";printf("%d%d",sizeof(c),strlen(c));}

5) local variables will get stored in ________
a) Stack b) queue c) register d) all the above

6) register variables r stored in _______
a) heap b) cpu register c) stack d) none

7) Program code is stored in ________
a) Heap b) CPU register c) stack d) None

8) Which of the following interrupts has the heghest priority________
a) Rs6 b)RS7 c) INT d) Trap ans: d) trap

9) wat is the function of the kernal_____
a) Process b) task c) not defined d) none of these

10) WAT DOES Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt____
a) finishes d current executing instruction n then serves interrupt b) finishes d current executing task n then serves d interrupt c) serves d interrupt at once d )none of these ans: a) (not sure)

11)the storage type used by microprocessor iz__
a) LIFO b) FIFO c) use both d) none ans:a LIFO

12)use of _____ clocking circuit is advantageous in term of use of power
a) osscillators b) crystal c) d) none ans: b)

13)when microprocessor encounters d HLT instruction_____
a) halts the execcution b) halts the execution and busses enter in to tri state c) d)all the above

14)busses in micro,sor does which of d following job ____
a) carrys d data b) carrys d address c) carrys d control signal d) all d above ans: d

3.HR round this round is very importnt and the hr is very cool morning in the presentation section he looks aggresive but in hr round he is very cool ..they people observes our facial expressions,body language ets. i faced some questions from hr is

a) about ur self(hobbies, family background)
b) wat news paper ur studying
c) wat magagines ur watching
d) strengths and weaknessess
e) he ask me abt my e-mail id ( and guitars(i put my hobbies as guitaring )
f) if u r in a bike and it fails breaks, how can u stop it(like these questions r to get our mental ability)
there is no other tech round for me hr only ask some tech questions on pl/sql ,c etc.....

u r very care full to answer the hr questions..dont worry its very easy 4 u .... I dont remember the remember the questions clearly i hope these questions are very use full to u alll coz i got help of the previous papers....

all the best u people

Polaris Placement Paper : Vel Multimedia Engineering College


Hai friends i got placed in polaris hosted by our college on 19th of july 2006 i am sending the questions i got along with this,

Totally 2080 attended in that 170 short listed in the first round and 63 selected finally.

There are four sections in the first round:(60 minutes)

1.Technical à 20
(C programming,Microprocessor,general computer concepts)

2.Logical Reasoning. à 5

3.Aptitude(mostly from R.S.Agarwal) à 30

4.Antonyoms(From Brarrons Gre guide) à 5

I will give you the questions I remember section wise.

Section 1.
void main( )
int i;
a) 2 b) 3 c) garbage value. d)none of these.
Ans : b)3.

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : b)0

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : d)infinite

void main( )
char c[ ]="cdef";
printf("%d %d",sizeof( c ),strlen( c ));
a) 5 4 b) 4 5 c)2 5 d) none of these
Ans:a) 5 4

5) Local Variables will get stored in ____________.

a) Stack b) Queue c) Register d) All the above.
Ans:b) Queue(not sure)

6)Register variables are stored in _________ .

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : b) CPU Rgister

7) Program code is stored in_______________

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : a)Heap(not sure)

8 )Which of the following interrupts has the highest

a)RS6 b)RS7 c)INT d)Trap

9)What is the function of the kernel__________

a)Process b)Task c)Not Defined d)none of these

10)What does Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt______________
a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves theinterrupt.
b) Finishes the current executing task and then serves the interrupt.
c)Serves the interrupt at once.
d)none of the above

Ans : a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves the interrupt.(Not sure)

11)The storage type used by micro processor is________________

a)LIFO b)FIFO c)Uses Both alternatively d)none.

Ans : a)LIFO.

12)Using of ___________ clocking circuit is asvantageous in terms of usage of power.

a)Oscillaor b)Crystal c) d)none

Ans : b)Crystal

13)When microprocessor encounters the HLT instruction _______________

a)Halts the executions.
b)Halts the executions and busses enter into tri state.
d)All the above.

14)Busses in Microprocessor Does which of the following job(s)

a)Carrys the data.
b)Carrys the address.
c)Carrys the control signal.
d)All the above.

Ans : d)All the above.

Polaris Placement Paper : Mumbai

Hi all,

First of all let me thank you all. I made it into Polaris Software Lab Ltd., SEEPZ, Mumbai. This Company being one amongst teh top 8 Indain IT companies , is a well-reputed Co. I got this info thru, thsi group. I am very grateful to this colorful group. Yesterday I got the job offer. Whenever i posted a request I ,d get a fair response from the group.

I,d given the All India Polaris Talent Search test on 10th of Aug at Mumbai location, and attended the Personal Inteerview on 6th Sep, and eventually I got the job ofer yesterday. Frankly speaking, I got the info from this group.

Now I am very happy to say that I,m one-step ahead in my career ladder.

The Written Test Pattern:
Analogy (35 Q)
Quanatitative (45 Q)
Verbal (40 Q)

In Total, We,d to attend 120 Qs in 90 Min, so we,d to race against the time. The English paper was just a bit higher than Spoken English, but was not hi-fi like GRE English. But this could b completed within 15 min. And reg -ve marnking, nothing was mentioned, so we,d to refrain from wild guessing. There was no restriction of order of the sections, we cud attend it in any order. And Persaonl Interview was quite cool.

I thank you very much. And my sincere request to the group members, whoever gets a job, don,t wind up from the group all of a sudden, serve as far as u can, and remember they,d helped u in the difficult situations.

Polaris Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technologies - 23 September


Hi Friends i got placed in Polaris hosted by our college on 23rd September 2006 and i am sending some questions to u people i think these are very important for u.
Totally around 250 people are attended( + M.C.A)and finally 14 people are selected...

The selection will be in this way

1. Written test
2. group discussion (there would be group discussion it depends up on the croud)
3. technical
4. hr

1.written apptitude(cProg+microprocessor+verbal+reasoning+logical)the main topics are

2.blood relations
4.percentages etc....

2.Group Discussion in this each team around 12 people and the topic our team got is "reducing the Eamcet qualifying cut off marks" some more topics other teams got is "is artificial intelligence dominates human", "banning of showing animals in movies", "education is necessary to get stardom"

some questions i faced are
1.void main()

{ int i;i=(2,3);printf("%d",i);

2.void main()
{ int i;for(i=0;i++;i<100)

printf("%d",i); }
How many times does the loop executes
a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d) infinite
ans: b) 0

3. void main()


int i;for(i=1;i++;i<100)
printf("%d",i); }
a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d) Infinite
ans: d) infinite

4) void main()
{ char[]="cdef";printf("%d%d",sizeof(c),strlen(c));}

5) local variables will get stored in ________
a) Stack b) queue c) register d) all the above

6) register variables r stored in _______
a) heap b) cpu register c) stack d) none

7) Program code is stored in ________
a) Heap b) CPU register c) stack d) None

8) Which of the following interrupts has the heghest priority________
a) Rs6 b)RS7 c) INT d) Trap ans: d) trap

9) wat is the function of the kernal_____
a) Process b) task c) not defined d) none of these

10) WAT DOES Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt____
a) finishes d current executing instruction n then serves interrupt b) finishes d current executing task n then serves d interrupt c) serves d interrupt at once d )none of these ans: a) (not sure)

11)the storage type used by microprocessor iz__
a) LIFO b) FIFO c) use both d) none ans:a LIFO

12)use of _____ clocking circuit is advantageous in term of use of power
a) osscillators b) crystal c) d) none ans: b)

13)when microprocessor encounters d HLT instruction_____
a) halts the execcution b) halts the execution and busses enter in to tri state c) d)all the above

14)busses in micro,sor does which of d following job ____
a) carrys d data b) carrys d address c) carrys d control signal d) all d above ans: d

3.HR round this round is very importnt and the hr is very cool morning in the presentation section he looks aggresive but in hr round he is very cool ..they people observes our facial expressions,body language ets. i faced some questions from hr is

a) about ur self(hobbies, family background)
b) wat news paper ur studying
c) wat magagines ur watching
d) strengths and weaknessess
e) he ask me abt my e-mail id ( and guitars(i put my hobbies as guitaring )
f) if u r in a bike and it fails breaks, how can u stop it(like these questions r to get our mental ability)
there is no other tech round for me hr only ask some tech questions on pl/sql ,c etc.....

u r very care full to answer the hr questions..dont worry its very easy 4 u .... I dont remember the remember the questions clearly i hope these questions are very use full to u alll coz i got help of the previous papers....

Polaris Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Vel Multimedia Engineering College - 19 July 2006


Hai friends i got placed in polaris hosted by our college on 19th of july 2006 i am sending the questions i got along with this,

Totally 2080 attended in that 170 short listed in the first round and 63 selected finally.

There are four sections in the first round:(60 minutes)

1.Technical à 20
(C programming,Microprocessor,general computer concepts)

2.Logical Reasoning. à 5

3.Aptitude(mostly from R.S.Agarwal) à 30

4.Antonyoms(From Brarrons Gre guide) à 5

I will give you the questions I remember section wise.

Section 1.
void main( )
int i;
a) 2 b) 3 c) garbage value. d)none of these.
Ans : b)3.

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : b)0

void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes

a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : d)infinite

void main( )
char c[ ]="cdef";
printf("%d %d",sizeof( c ),strlen( c ));
a) 5 4 b) 4 5 c)2 5 d) none of these
Ans:a) 5 4

5) Local Variables will get stored in ____________.

a) Stack b) Queue c) Register d) All the above.
Ans:b) Queue(not sure)

6)Register variables are stored in _________ .

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : b) CPU Rgister

7) Program code is stored in_______________

a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : a)Heap(not sure)

8 )Which of the following interrupts has the highest

a)RS6 b)RS7 c)INT d)Trap

9)What is the function of the kernel__________

a)Process b)Task c)Not Defined d)none of these

10)What does Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt______________
a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves theinterrupt.
b) Finishes the current executing task and then serves the interrupt.
c)Serves the interrupt at once.
d)none of the above

Ans : a)Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves the interrupt.(Not sure)

11)The storage type used by micro processor is________________

a)LIFO b)FIFO c)Uses Both alternatively d)none.

Ans : a)LIFO.

12)Using of ___________ clocking circuit is asvantageous in terms of usage of power.

a)Oscillaor b)Crystal c) d)none

Ans : b)Crystal

13)When microprocessor encounters the HLT instruction _______________

a)Halts the executions.
b)Halts the executions and busses enter into tri state.
d)All the above.

14)Busses in Microprocessor Does which of the following job(s)

a)Carrys the data.
b)Carrys the address.
c)Carrys the control signal.
d)All the above.

Ans : d)All the above.


I Don,t remember the remaining questions clearly.

Polaris Placement Paper : Technical - Other

The test was for one hr.-- 40 technical qns (electrical) for 1/2 hr. and 30 aptitude qns (1/2 hr.)
there are two sets of qn papers
Some Tech qns

What is motor is used in ceiling fan & washing m/cs

In electric traction

wt is 8255

8085 has ___ address and ___ data lines

8051 is a ____ bit microcontroller (ans:8 bit)

74LS244 is _____

Bucholz relay is used for _____ protection (trnsfrmr)

Transmission line parameters are called ____

No. of poles and freq given find speed

In which motor starting torque can be incr by adding rotor resistance (IM) there were 4 qns frm Power plants (had to guess in that) 4 qns frm Controls (pretty zetaL)
1 means a)underdamped b)undamped c)overdamped d)critically damped

qn abt transistor..basic workin

boolean expn was given for simplification-simple

How many flags does 8085 have? (ans-5)

which of the following are universal gates? (ans-nand,nor)

whts the frequency range of mobile communication?

The resolution of picture in tv depends on..
a. no: of lines scanned b. video detector o/p and 2 more choices were given...

Qn on stability of FET

Wht is the modulation used to transmit sound in tv signal
a. VSB
b. FM and 2 more choices were there...

Wht is double integration of a unit step signal?
a. ramp signal
b. parabola

It mainly covers Operating system..consists of questions in semaphore( 2 questions), job scheduling algorithms (shortest job),paging (2 or 3 questions),virtual memory,hashing, etc virtual memory is used for............

Rdbms covers "Define Query"(simple but 4 options made some complications)

Datastructure : order of randomly serached binary tree

Electronics based questions which covers microprocessor 80386(not 8085) 2or 3 questions

A pulse is passed through a detect any damage..this process is called ..........
a. Time reflectometry
b. Piggy backing

Given a 3x3 matrix, find the minor of one of the elements

find the odd one out of the series 48 47 44 40 32 23 12

A goes to school at 4 kmph and reaches 10 mins b4 schedule and at 3 kmph reaches 10 mins after schdule find thedist (ans 4 km)

Meaning of COY (iritated)

Opposite of Grimace

Opposite of FLOODED WITH

JUMBLED letters find out the word, the word was FATIGUE

Simple interest problem

Smallest of four given fractions

A guy walks @ 4kmph from a point..After 4hrs a cyclist starts from the same point @ 10kmph....At wht distance will they meet from the starting point? the qn was almost like this.

x% of people have tea, y% have coffee, z no: of people have both...find the total no: of people... soln: easy..have to use n(AUB)=n(A)+n(B)-n(A intersctn B)..

Complete the series.... 1,4 ,9,25,... (choices- 47,49,64,none)

Analytical qn
"failures are stepping stones to success" this means...
a. all success are preceded by failures
b. success consists of failures
c. future can lead to success
d. none..

abt matrices.. which of the following don,t have inverse? u have to find for which matrix |A|=0...time consuming...

There was 1 big sqr which had 16 sqrs in it..4 in a row & column.. each sqr had a no: in it.. except one sqr.. . had 2 find the missing no:...i dont remember the nos...

4 sentences given..& 4 choices of word given...have to choose 1 word that suits all the 4 sentences... *the police are ___ about the miising boy in the forest. * the detective was ___ her face for marks. and 2 more sentences were there... choices(investigating, searching....).ans:investigating.

Hcf of 2 nos...1024 & 1214...don remember nos in rs aggarwal...

out of 500 students,75% of boys and 72% of girls passed.Total pass percentage is 77%.How much girls ...?

how many prime numbers are between 1 to 100?

A greater than B and B less than C. what is the relation between A and C ?

given a set of different sentences ...we have to choose an appropriate word which should be matching with all sentences
eg: A person --------------the child
The government---------------the people options may be 1)saved 2)preserve (this is not the exact question)

Polaris Placement Paper : Aptitude - General

Question Paper Heading Here
section A -35 questions (arthimatic)
section B - 7 questions(analytical)
section C -10 questions( VERBAL ANALAGIES).

How to delete variables that are dynamically allocated?

If s=a/b +c/d +1/e. and 0
which is the prime number? a. 119 b.115 c.127 d. none. ( ans for this question is :c)

If x is an odd integer, which of the following is even: ( answer for this question is 2(n+1). )

There are 30 balls , out of which 60% are green balls and the rest are blue balls. how many waysthat we can pick the pair of blue balls?
a .21 b.2 c.12 . d none( answer for this is : 2 --plzz check it)

An officer is getting the salary of S rupees for H days of work, he has taken x days of medical leave , then what is his average salary per day?

How many 2 digit numbers , which is a square ,with last digit as 8?( answer for this is: 0)

One tank will fill in 6 min ar the rate of 3cu ft /min , length of tank is 4 ft and the width is 1/2 of length, what is the depth of the tank ? (answer for this is: 3 ft 7.5 inches)

Find the next number in the series 3,4,6,9,13,?( ans: 18)

which one is the least likely of the other? a. triangle b. sphere c.pyramid d. circle.

The straight distance between A and C IS 60 miles,the straight distance between A and B is 50 miles. the straight distance between B and C is 50 miles then what is the distance from B to the straight line of A AND C? ( answer is: 40 miles)

11.& 12.If A,B,C are having x,y,z marbles initially, A has given the same number of marbles to both B & C ,as they have. next B has given the same number of marbles to both A and c as much they already have, Similarly C also given to A & B . then

How many marbles that B has finally? ( ans: 2( 3y-x-z) )

if the total number of marbles are 72, then how many marbles A had initially?
a. 22 b. 20 c.36 d.39 ( ans for this is :39 , plzz check this)

A is 8 km east of B
B is 10 km north of C
C s 13 km east of D
E is 2 km north of D.
then what is the shortest distance beteen A and E.? a. 5km b. 6km .c.13km d.18km

If the cost price of an item is x rupess,it was sold out after the successive discounts of y% and z%. then what is the selling price of the item?

Cost price of an item is $50,the price has been increased to 108% ,and after some days it was sold out with the discount of 10%, then what is the sold price of the item?( ANS: $ 48.60 )

How many 3 digit numbers are there in between 100 and 300 , having 1st and the last digit as 2.
a.9 b.10 . c. 11 d. 12 ( answer for this is : 10)

If a=26, b=25, c=23...............z=1.then what is the value of z+y+x+...........+a=?
a.351 b.531 c.335 d. 235 ( answer for this : 351)

Pipe A will fill the tank in 6hr and B in 4hr,if the pipes are opened alternatively, in which A is opened first,then how many hours it will take to fill the tank?( answer is : 5hr.)

A ,B, and C ,went to do mean in a hotel, A has apid 50% more than the amount that B has paid. and c has paid 5/6 of that opf A has paid. also B has paid $2 more than that os c has paid. then what is the total amount that all the three paid for their meal? ( ans for this is: $ 30

Cost price of the item is $2500 ,in the year end it will be 4/5 ,after 3 yrs , what will be the cost?

section -B
This section contains analytical 2 questions-( there are 2 questons in 1st ans 5 questions in 2nd) (this also i can,t say exactly the quetions..)

There are 2 marriage groups red and brown, in which no induviduals from the same group can marry each other,if a guy marries a gal of any group the guy ,s group becomes that of the gal.the children have the same group as their parents. diversed and widowed guys goto their own birth group. questions are:

A .for girl is in brown group then?
a. Grand father is in red group
b. grand father is in brown group.
c. grand mother is in brown group.
d. grand father in both the groups.
B. If girl is in red group then?

*( plzzz check any book whether these type of question that u will get)

A causes B or C but not both
D occues only if B occurs
G occurs if E or F or both occurs
LIKE THIS some staements are there and u will be asked 5 questions bel;ow this.

Polaris Placement Paper : General - other

hi all,

i,ve got placed at polaris s/w lab,chennai. i got my offer letter and have been asked to join on 13th october.
a short recap of the whole procedure.

am a b.e.(i.t.) grad-2003 passout. the ad from polaris calling for freshers appeared in "The Hindu" sometime around july end/august beginning(i dont exactly remember)-i applied to the id specified in the ad. then,got shortlisted for the written test which was at loyola college,chennai on 10th august,2003. was called for the interview on 30th august to the shakti towers office in anna salai...finally,on 16th sept, got anintimation mail that i,m selected as a "project

got my offer letter on 18th septhave been asked to join on 13th october.
the written test was based on GRE/IIM CAT pattern
the written test pattern was:
Analyical (35 Q)
Quanatitative (45 Q)
Verbal (40 Q)
in 1 1/2 negative marking--so,i patiently answered anals and verbal and guessed mostly on quantitative since some tedious calculations were
involved and there wasnt enuf time.
There was no restriction of order of the sections-so,one cud attempt questions according to one,s comfort and preference.
Personal Interview was partly technical and partly hr--no fixed format and duration.mine was for 15 minutes.

i really must thank chetana ma,am for this wonderful group which was my source of encouragement thru,out the difficult phase of job hunt for the past 2
months...whenever, i,d lose hope,some new suitable opportunity wud crop up on the grp and i,d enthusiastically apply if it were not for this
group, i,d have ended up getting depressed long ago.i just hope and pray everyone of us gets a worthy job. and hope this group continues to
remain an inspiration and encouraging factor for the hordes of jobseekers every year.

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