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Sasken Placement Paper : Sasken Placement Paper Chennai February 2012

These are the programmaing Questions

1.How Jk F/F can be converted into T F/F.

2.Difference between display and write in Verilog.?

3.ASIC flow steps? (RTL design ->Functional Verification->Synthesis ->STA->Place and route)

4.Difference between Latch and F/F?Which is faster?

5.Difference/Comparison between DRAM and SRAM?

6.what happens to Vth if temp Increases>?

7.In a negative feedback control System ,If feed factor Increases what happens to Gain and Bandwidth?

8.NMOS and PMOS will pass which value without degradation?[NMOS -0 and PMOS -1]


(i).Cant be further reducible and glitch

(ii)Can reducible further and cant glitch

10.which is faster :read cache or write cache?

11.Noise Margin Definition?

12.What happens to power If Vth increases In CMOS?

13.enum = {a=1,b=5,c,d} What is the c and d?

14(.A’+B’) is equivalent to?

15.How can we Increase the slope of Trasnfer chacteristics of a CMOS?

(i)Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In the same proportion

(ii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In different proportion

(iii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS only

(iv) Increasing W/L ratio of NMOS only

Sasken Descriptive Questions

Descriptive Questions

1.What happens If we interchange PMOS and NMOS in a CMOS Inverter?

2.Why PMOS width should be greater than NMOS? a =0;

If(a++) print (“Example1”);

else if (++a) print (“example2);

(i)What is the output if the program?

(ii)What is the value of i?

4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pipeline operation?

5.Draw the output waveform?

(i) initial begin

Y = #5 0;

Y = #3 1;

Y = # 8 0;

(ii) Y <= #5 0;

Y <= #3 1;

Y <= # 8 0;

6.Write a Verilog code for async RESET and sync SET F/F?

7.Design NAND gate using 2:1 MUX?

8.Design 4 input NAND gate using 2 Input NAND gate?

9.Design 3 input AND gate using 4:1 MUX?

10.CMOS schematic for (AB+C(A+B))’

11.Different Types of power dissipation in CMOS?

12.Moore overlapping sequence for 1101.

13.Difference between MELAY and MOORE?

14.Design a latch using MUX?

15.Characterstic Equations for SR, JK,T,D F/F.

16. void main()



printf("Typical Problem");

return 0;


Output : "Typical Problem".// NO warnings & NO Error.

17 void main()


int a=-60,b=-34;

unsigned int c=-24;


return 0;


Ans : WARNING: initialized to negative value ,-24, to ,unsigned int,.

18 void main()


printf("%u",-1<<4); \

return 0;


Ans : ffff0

void main()


printf("madhu ");


return 0;



19. void main()


int count=10,*temp,sum=0;





printf("%d %d %d\n",count,*temp,sum);

return 0;


ANS : 20 20 20

20 void main()


char ch;


printf("%c %d",ch,ch);

return 0;


void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf("%d %u %u\n",sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf("%d %u %u\n",sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


If the address location of ,a, is 65000 the output=?

Ans : 65000 65016 65048

9. What is the size of a String Variable ?

10. Good way of representing the variables in RECURSION is ?

a)Static b)Global c)Local d)Register

11. True/False based on Storage Classes in ,C, .

12. How to call the function for the below : void f1(int **x)

Options: a) int *x,f1(&x);

b) int x,f1(&x);

c) int *x,f1(&&x);

d) int *x,f1(x);

13. They asked to choose a program which leads to Stack Overflow, among given 2 Factorial programs(one contains recursive function, & other general loop logic)

14. variables of Function calls allocated in :

a) Stack & Heap, b) Stack & Data, c) Data & Register d) None

15. #include

Void main()


int a=10,j; j=fun(a);



case 30 : printf("Printed 30 \n");


case 50 : printf(" Printed 50\n");


default : printf("Not 30 or 50 ");



return 0;


int fun(int a)




16. malloc() internally calls: a) salloc() b) stbrk() c) alloc() d) none.

17. #include

void main()


char *p="madhu";


return 0;


18. Question based on Structures (some what complicated)

Some more Questions on Pointers in ,c,. Three more question based on Unix.

some Aptitude Questions asked in Sasken recruitment


1. Two people were walking in opposite directions. Both of them walked 6 miles forward then took right and walked 8 miles. How far is each from starting positions?

a) 14 miles and 14 miles
b) 10 miles 10 miles
c) 6 miles 6 miles

2. A person has certain number of cows and birds. They have 172 eyes and 344 legs. How many cows and birds does he have?

3.A person has 14 red socks and 14 white socks in a drawer. What is the minimum number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair?

4.When a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amount with which it is lesser to105 by now. What is the number

5.When asked what the time is, a person answered that the amount of time left is 1/5 of the time already completed. What is the time?

6.When I become as old as my father is now, I will be 5 times the age of my son. And my son will be 8 yrs older than what I am now.father+my old is my son now?

7.Two peoples on cycles are traveling at 10 miles / hour. When they reach a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the other and so on…at a speed of 16 miles/hour. What is the distance covered by fly before cyclist meet?

8.My successor,s father is my father,s son. and i don,t have any brothers or sons. Who is my

Sasken computer Science Questions


1. which of these checks for structural errors of a language
a)lexical analyser
c)intermediate code
d)code optimization

2. threads in the same process share the same
a)data section
d) thread id

3.the depth of a binary tree...
a)nlogn(base 2)
b) n*n

4.a program computing log(n) accepts 1000 inputs its execution time is 110 ms...when it doubles n to 2000 inputs. It becomes 120.....and what will be for 4000

5.algorithm to find the balancing of parenthesis was given and output had to be obtains...using stacks...easy year....

6.which of the following is non preemptive
round robin
shortest job first

7.problem to find the average waiting time of sjf..given the burst times of each process

8.which of the following may be implemented using a stack
parenthesis matching
local variables stored in runtime
all the above

9.which of the full data structures can be randomly accessed giving loc
1.linked Kist implemented using array
2.singly linked list
3.double linked list
4.both single and double linked list


1. The hours remaining in a day is one-fifth of the hours passed in the day. What is the time?

2. My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid. (somewhat like this)

3. A and B starts from the same point and moves in opposite direction for 8 miles and 6 miles respectively. After that A turns right and moves for another 6 miles. B also turns right and moves 8 miles. What are their respective distance from the starting point? 10,10

4. In a pet shop there are 120 eyes and 172 legs. How many birds and puppies are included in these?

5. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly? 50 80 100

6. Guru’s draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color? 14 15 13 16


1. Find output ………….
Int *ptr=&const;
………… ((((( ans:error)))))

2. Find output ………..
…………… (((((ans:error)))))

3. #define SWAP(x,y) t=x;x=y;y=t;
{ int x=5,y=6;
if (x>y)
Printf(“x=%d y=%d\n”,x,y);
((( note that the function SWAPis not within
4. sum(int x)
{int t;
if(x<=1) return (1);
return (t);

if 6 is passed to the function, what is the value returned to the
calling function.
(((((((ANS===== 9)))))))))
[ans:don’t remember the actual _expression.if the _expression is the
same the ans was nine]

5. what is int (*ptr)[]()?

6. Main()
{int a[]={0,2,4,6,8};
int *ptr;
printf(“%d”, *((char *) ptr+4));
find output
8 2 4 6 (((((( ANS==== 4)))))))

7. which takes the same memory space regardless of the type of
operating system?
Char* char int float
8. main()
{ int I=3;
{int I=100;
Printf(“%d”, I);
find output.
100 99 98 99 98 97 99 99 99 error ((((( ANS== 99
99 99)))

9. main()
{char ch;
printf(“%c”, ch);
((((((([ans : infinite loop))))))
10. some program using variable b which was not initialized so
((((ans error))))

Sasken Placement Paper : Sasken Placement Paper Pune February 2012

Sasken PAC on line test on C programming. It consists three sections

Time duration:90 Minutes

a)Basic C

b)Advanced C

c) Expert C

Second and Third Round

Sasken Technical and HR Interview

Some of Interview Questions are:

1. Tell me about your self ?

2. Tell me about your project ?

3. What is difference between enum & union in C (not structure & union) ?

4. What is the specific use of union in C i.e particular application of union ?

5. What are the Universal gates? why? Implement X-OR & OR gate from that ?

6. What is difference between Voice & Audio ? (General Question)

7. What is difference between Hobby & Interest ? (General Question)

8. What is Padding concept in C programming.

9. What is AVL & Binary Tree ?

10. Write program to insert & delete node from Doubly Linked List ?

11. Tell me sorting techniques that u know? Explain two of them ?

12. How much max. switch cases can we give in Switch statement ?

13. Can u give new name to main function ? if yes, how ?

14. What is default value of float in advance compiler ? (Ans- 0.00)

15. if i is static. i++ -i++ +++i ---i = ? in C.

16. Difference between bitwise AND & logical AND ? explain with example.

17. Tell me about storage classes? for loop variable which u,ll preffer ?

18. Write just 4 line program & check whether in given string, there are number of opening & closing braces are same or not ?

19. How to see, total memory consumed by our C program ?

20. puzzle: You have 3 boxes, one contain red balls, second contain green balls & third contain mix balls (red + greens). red balls box have red labble on it. green balls box have green labble & mix balls box have r+g labble. Now, all the labbles are made wrong i.e. like red to green, r+g to red, green to r+g. now, u have to just select one ball from any one box & do labbles correct. HOW ?

21. How to Play song from C program ?

Sasken Placement Paper : Sasken Placement Paper C-DAC Pune February 2012

during the campusing at C-DAC ACTS Pune held on 29th & 30th February 2012. Here, I have tried my best to help you guys by giving information about the pattern used by SASKEN. There was no negative marking but there was individual cut-off marks for each section (in written round)

Sasken Test Pattern

1. Written test
2. Technical interview
3. HR interview
4. Personal Interview (just as a formality, in this part of interview they will ask, whether you agree with the bond or not and finally they will give you an offer letter).

Sasken Written Test Round

1st round is totally based on online C programming test which contain 3 parts:


Intermediate and


Question level increases as you move to beginner to intermediate to expertise.

Maximum question is based on file handling. This round is tough. If you clear this round then its easy for next round.

Sasken Technical Round

In Technical Round, as I was from ECE department and did Embedded course from CDAC they asked me most of the questions from embedded side and Linux device driver and C & DS.

The questions were like

1.What is your aim in life?
2.What is difference between static and volatile class?
3.What is difference between structure and union & enum?
4.How dynamically memory is assigned in C.
5.Some program based on linked list and stack.
6.What is difference between process, thread and task?
7What is page fault?
8What is semaphore, shared memory. Difference between semaphore and mutex?
9.What is the specific use of union in C i.e particular application of union ?

10.What is AVL & Binary Tree ?

11.How to see, total memory consumed by our C program ?

12.How to Play song and open web browser from C program ?

Around 45 min, interviewer asked such question and I answered very clearly. After these basic

question interviewer asked me about my project for about 50 min.

Sasken HR Interview Questions

In HR round they asked me the basic questions.

So, just prepare some HR questions which are generally asked during the interview.
and remember one more thing, collect some information about Sasken (visit the website of sasken you can easily gather some information).

Sasken Placement Paper : Sasken Office,Bangalore ,13 June 2010

Sasken Interview

It was one and hour paper. It has got three sections. Total Marks 60

1.Multiple Choices.

2.TRUE and False.


Following are section 1 and section2 questions.

1.How Jk F/F can be converted into T F/F.

2.Difference between display and write in Verilog.?

3.ASIC flow steps? (RTL design ->Functional Verification->Synthesis ->STA->Place and route)

4.Difference between Latch and F/F?Which is faster?

5.Difference/Comparison between DRAM and SRAM?

6.what happens to Vth if temp Increases>?

7.In a negative feedback control System ,If feed factor Increases what happens to Gain and Bandwidth?

8.NMOS and PMOS will pass which value without degradation?[NMOS -0 and PMOS -1]


(i).Cant be further reducible and glitch

(ii)Can reducible further and cant glitch

10.which is faster :read cache or write cache?

11.Noise Margin Definition?

12.What happens to power If Vth increases In CMOS?

13.enum = {a=1,b=5,c,d}

What is the c and d?

14(.A�+B�) is equivalent to?

15.How can we Increase the slope of Trasnfer chacteristics of a CMOS?

(i)Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In the same proportion

(ii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS and NMOS In different proportion

(iii) Increasing W/L ratio of PMOS only

(iv) Increasing W/L ratio of NMOS only

Descriptive Questions

1.What happens If we interchange PMOS and NMOS in a CMOS Inverter?

2.Why PMOS width should be greater than NMOS? a =0;

If(a++) print (�Example1�);

else if (++a) print (�example2);

(i)What is the output if the program?

(ii)What is the value of i?

4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pipeline operation?

5.Draw the output waveform?

(i) initial begin

Y = #5 0;

Y = #3 1;

Y = # 8 0;

(ii) Y <= #5 0;

Y <= #3 1;

Y <= # 8 0;

6.Write a Verilog code for async RESET and sync SET F/F?

7.Design NAND gate using 2:1 MUX?

8.Design 4 input NAND gate using 2 Input NAND gate?

9.Design 3 input AND gate using 4:1 MUX?

10.CMOS schematic for (AB+C(A+B))�

11.Different Types of power dissipation in CMOS?

12.Moore overlapping sequence for 1101.

13.Difference between MELAY and MOORE?

14.Design a latch using MUX?

15.Characterstic Equations for SR, JK,T,D F/F.

Sasken Placement Paper : TECHNO INDIA college kolkata ,23 September 2008

1.written test
2.technical interview
3.HR interview
4.personal interview(just as a formality, in this part of interview they will ask , whether you agree with the bond or not and finally they will give you an offer letter).
written test comprises of 65 questions having three different sections

1)English 2)verbal & non-verval reasoning 3) c & c++ questions

There were two paragraphs (5*2=10 marks) and synonyms(5 marks).
IN reasoning part, ..........there were 2 puzzles(5*2=10 marks) and the other questions were
from coding & decoding (5*1=5 marks) and logical reasoning(syllogism).i don,t remember the rest.
In the c & c++ part , most of the questions were from pointers , functions, files, array, dynamic memory allocation(malloc based questions).the pattern of the question was to find out only errors or the o/p of the given program.

in technical round, as i was from ECE department they asked me most of the questions from my core subjects.
the questions were like
1) what is your aim in life?
2) which is your fav. subject?(i said microprocessors and networking)
3) what is the diff. bet. 8085 and 8086?
4) what are the no. of flags in 8085 & 8086?
5) details of flags.
6) why 8085 is called 8-bit processor and why 8086 is called 16-bit?
7) about address bus and data buss.
8) what is the difference between software and hardware interrupts?
9) what are the different layers in osi model?
10) difference between internet model and osi model ?
11) what is TCP and which layer it belongs to?
12) what is UDP and which layer it belongs to?
13) diff. between tcp and udp?
14)what is crossbar switching and strowger switching system?
15)diff. betwwen analog communication and digital communication?
16) what is the difference between structure and pointer?
17) how to create a structure?
18) what are the storage classes? explain register and static storage class?
19) write a program to swap the values using pointer?
20) how the memory is allocated in case of structure and union?

for the ECE students most of the technical questions were asked from microprocessor, networking, digital eloctronics, basic electronics and few questions were asked from c,c++.

In hr round they asked me the basic questions. so, just prepare some hr questions which are generally asked during the interview.
and remember one more thing ,collect some information about sasken(visit the website of sasken you can easily gather some information).

Sasken Placement Paper : Vidyaniketan,Tirupati ,12 August 2008

1.Written test
5.H.R-2(Finalising round)

Written Test: 65 questions in 75min.(1 1/4 hr)-No Negative marking.Each one carries 1mark.

Question paper is different for ECE & CSE.This paper is for ECE students. There were two sets of question papers. For us it started around 9.40 AM & ends by 10.55 AM.

There were three sections (No core subjects in written).

1.Verbal ability-15ques:15min
5ques on synonyms.i,e italic word in a sentence must be replaced by a synonym.
Two technical passages (abt SQL,Communication) with 10ques were given.
Technical passages to check the inference capability abt topic.

2.Logical Resoning-25ques:30min.- R.S.Agarwal is enough.
Two puzzles-10ques,Coding&Decoding-5ques,Syllogism-3ques,Arguments-3ques

3.C language-25ques:30min.-Pointers in C,Test your C skills by Yashwanth Kanetkar.
No basic ques they will go in deep.Here we got 3 to 4 C++ questions also.Pointers,malloc(),calloc(),enum,functions,macros,directives are some of the imp topics. Results are out at 1.30 PM.Out of 700+ students 120 cleared written test.

For 40 students who cleared written test they conducted Technical & HR on 12th evening and selected 13 students(they gave spot offer letters), for remaining students on 13th.My number was 114.So my interview was on 13th that too last.I am so lucky that I got time for preparation.

My Technical round started at night 9.30.I went inside there was a young HR person. He started asking me from my resume.He asked me about paper presentation (specified), some core subjects like AC,DC,STLD and more abt C,ComputerNetworks.I answered the questions that I perfectly know.If you don’t know the answer tell him sorry sir I don’t know.I told like that for one que.My technical went for 45min here project,paper presentations will help us by this we can divert his mind from core subjects.

At 10.30pm there were 25 students remaining for HR.Then they put Group discussion for us to select students as it became late at night.For each batch there were 5 students.My topic was “Is English necessary for succes in life”.It went for 10min.

After GD at 11.00pm my first HR started.There were a lady HR.She asked me about Family background,strengths,Hobbies and a situation.It went for 20min.They mainly see your attitude and communication.

At 11.25pm my second HR it was just like a catwalk.I went inside again another lady HR. She is very cool.she asked me area of interest to work.Once again family background.After that she offerd me a offer letter. It’s really a heavenly moment for me.

It was my third company.I didn’t clear satyam,Infosys.By God’s grace I got this offer.

Don’t loose cofidence on you.Pray God definitly you will get succes.

“Arise Awake and stop not, till the goal is reached”

Sasken Placement Paper : Lucknow ,25 August 2007

guys this round was really tough.......b prepared well.......
There r 5 section . each section has individual cutoff......there is no negative contain 110 110 minute.....
brief desription of written r-----section

a.)Analytical Reasoning......containing 30 ques....
it contain calculation base questions.........based on data also contain some of the ques based on apty........I cann,t remember any questn but ques were not so tough....

b.)Verbal ability......containing 10 ques
it contain a which we have to fill blanks.......on the basis of inferences

c.)Tecnical comphrensions........10 ques
it contain comphrension based entirely on some technical topic ........this is to check whether u can make poper inferences on any technical background.........

d.)C /C++ APTITUDE...........30 ques
it contain typical quest frm strucure .......and........file system in c
so prepare well for this is the only section whr u can make difference......

e.)CS or EC Core ........30 ques
it contain all the subject frm cs........stld....networking protocol...function of diff layer in osi model......general computer awareness.........this section will b different for cs /it and ec candidates


2.Technical Interview----
C and C++ with data structure r very imortant for this section.......whole of my Technical Interview was frm C++

some of ques r as follow-----

1.)To write equivelent code for calloc in terms of malloc
Ans p=calloc(m,n) is equivelent to
What malloc or calloc return........
Ans void pointer pointing to 1st byte to memory allocated
2.) To write functioun for reversing the string
3.)Prototype for pointer to a constant and pointer constant
Ans char const*p & char*const
4.)To implement operator to overload ++;
5.)What is constructure......encapsulation.....
6.)Prototype for arrray of object.
7.)Can we have private constructure
Ans yes
8.)Abt unix
9.) To selete a node in link list........

So it is clear that whole tech was based on programming prepare is the main elemination round......your programming skills going to determine your selection.......not a single puzzle was improve ur programming basic........i will suggest to go through balagruswamy for c& c++.......or u can refer ROBERT LAFORE FOR C++.........and for data structure yashwant kanitkar is best

3.HR INTERVIEW--------
In my case it was also depend on ur perfomance in technical interview.....its just a formality to b completed.........but they put weightage on percentage marks in 10,12,btech..........

In HR only they gave me T shirt......and offer letter.........believe me I got my dream job......wishes the same for u all
In our center from 51 candidates after written round abt 16 candidates were selected finally

Sasken Placement Paper : 2 June 2007

1. Aptitude test ( English - 20 question in 20 minutes,Maths-30 questions in 30 minutes,C programming-30 questions in 30 minutes and Computer sc.- 30questions in 30 minutes. the last section will b deifferent according to the branch for which u r opting the test. as i m from CSE thats why my paper was CSE paper)

2.The shortlisted candidates were grouped into GD groups. as only 150 to 180 students were selected from apti test, the GD was called off, and we r selected for technical interview. there was two panel of tech interview, one for CSE & IT and another for ECE. I was sent to the CSe panel. and after waiting for about 2 and half hours outside the room, i was really afraid of what was waiting for me there inside.i entered into the room and with a smile i shake my hand with the guy sitting in front of me.As soon as he saw my name he got interested , becoz i m chakraborty and he was too. and after doing some formal talk, he started to ask me about Linked list, array, structure,malloc, free,RAM,cache memory,some simple questions from JAVA,pointers, OSI layers and their functions, CRC,flow error controll etc. As i told him before my fevourites are C, JAVA, i answered confidently every questions from these topics. after half an hour of tech interview, he told me "Ok avijit it fine, so any question u have ?" i asked a company related question, and after that i left with a firm hadshake. and waiting for result, after 10 minutes a guy told me to go to the upstairs, and wait for the HR interview, oh god i was selected for HR. So guys from CSE have to b strong in C, JAVA, Networking.

3. Again after 2 and half hours of waiting outside, i was called inside the HR room, oh it was the guy , who presented the PPT in the begining of the day at the college hall. I made a firm handshake with him with a confident smile, he offered me to sit down.after that he asked me some typical HR questions.
A) Ok avijit, which branch r u from?
B) Tell me why did u chose this college?
C) Whats was the reason that ur JEE rank was not so good?
D) What are ur weaknesses? (He was not satisfied with the answers,)
E) Whats ur parents?
F) Why should i hire u?
G) Have u attented any interview so far?
I) Do u want to persue highre studies ?
J) Can u do software testing for us?

The person was very friendly, but, i thought i never made him satisfied, but at the same time i was very confident and i stick to my answer to the last. That clicked and after 20 minutes of HR interview, i left the room. and waiting for the result, after 5 minutes another guy came from the room and told me to wait downstairs in front of anothre room,after sometime another guy took me inside the room and after some formal talk i was given a T-Shirt (i saw those who got selected had that T-Shirt, thus i was sure that i got selected). after giving the T-Shirt he told me "Sorry avijit i m afraid i cant give u anything more". i was shocked.where,s my offer letter. when i was about to leave, he tole me"Heres ur offerletter". oh i started to feel in the heaven.believe me frnd its the most memorable moment for me till now. i got the job.

Sasken Placement Paper : N.C.C.E. Israna, Panipat ,15 October 2008

Written Test:

It was further divided into 3 categories (No sectional cut-off and no -ve marking):

1. English / Comprehensive part (15 Questions): This part includes synonyms, comprehensive passages etc. This part was not at all difficult and no preparation for this part is required according to me.

2. Verbal / Analytical abilities(25 Questions): This part was also easy and Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal is enough to practice this part(however non verbal part is not required for SASKEN). It includes Syllogism/Logical Reasoning, coding-decoding, Puzzle test (a bit difficult) etc. I dun remember exact questions but m giving some similar examples.

(i) 3-4 questions were from Logic section from R.S. Aggarwal for ex:

(a)Some books are pens.

(b)Some pens are erasers. and some options were given...

ans: none (coz both the statements were starting with "some")

(not exactly this question was there, but ya 2 of them were alike, as both the statements in them, were startin with "some")

(ii) about 5 questions were based on statement-conclusion. for ex:

Statement: All athletes do not drink.

(a)Mohan is a athlete.

(b)Mohan is not a athlete.

(c)Mohan drinks.

(d)Mohan do not drink.

options: (1) a&c (2) b&c (3) a&d (4) b&d

ans: (3) a&d

(III) 1 condition on Puzzle test(Family Based problem, type-6 puzzle test under R.S. Aggarwal) was given and 4-5 questions were based on it. it was a bit confusing and difficult, so practice these problems well else if you find it time consuming and still not sure about the result then skip this problem.

it was something like this: there are some family member: P,Q,R,S,T,U..

-->P and Q are either males or females.

-->R or S or both are males

-->T or U or both are females

(Q1) who is the son of S

(Q2) who is wife of P

(Q3) how many females are there etc...

(iv) 5-10 questions were based on coding-decoding. these were not too difficult to solve but practicing these will save your time.

3. Programming / C ability(25 Questions): This was most difficult part and you need to practice a lot for it specially on loops and on pointers other wise u can,t do it.

Some of questions I remember were something like this:

(i) if there is a character pointer say *p having address 100, if we do p++ then what address will it contains

(a) 102

(b) 104

(c) 108

(d) 101

ans: 102

(ii) for given pattern what will b the correct algo:


12 22

13 23 33

14 24 34 44

some thing like this... and some algorithms were given and u have to choose the correct 1.

(iii) 4-5 questions were based on loop problems. A code was given based on loops (quite complex) and u have to choose the right output of it which was quite hard to derive.

Technical Interview:

(Experience and Questions asked)

All the interviewers were quite good so don,t get nervous about the interview... just be confident and don,t bluff at all if you don,t know anything, rather try to divert interviewer’s attention on the points/language/skills or subjects in which you are good, but do take care that in that thing you must be sound because after that they will ask each and everything about that particular subject. Like I said that my programming skills are good then he given me 2 programs to write and asked a lot about C++.

Firstly he asked about me and then about my aim...and to explain that...

C programs asked:

1. prog. to display prime no.s

2. prog. to display even no.s .

About C++ he asked me:

4. virtual pointers

5. runtime polymorphism with examples

6. to inherit 3 classes from a single base class in public, protected and private mode and also what is the scope and how data members and member functions of base class will b derived, used and their scope in inherited classes.

Also he asked me that what i meant or understand by telecom, i asked in what sense...he replied: like networks, what u understand by network or what telecompanies do...???

Also they can ask you about your projects in detail and other questions asked from my friends were:

1. to draw block diagram of microprocessor.

2. program to swap using function call by reference and value.

3. difference b/w structures and unions.

4. static and dynamic m/m allocation.

5. task scheduling.

6. multiple inheritance.

HR Interview:

Interviewer was a lady and she was very polite...the interview goes as following:

Lady: Tell something about yourself.

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: Tell about your family background

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: You have mentioned "adaptive" in your strengths...what do you mean by it and explain in what sense you are adaptive..?

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: support your answer with a live example...

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: any other instance or example that shows you r adaptive...

Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: r u ok with the bond?

Me: ya, no problem...

-----then she signed the offer letter and handed to me----

Lady: congratulations Anuj!

Me: So am i selected mam?

Lady: yes!

Me: Thank you mam! thank you very much!!!

Me: Can i ask u one question mam?

Lady: Yes...

Me: Any negative point in me?

Lady: you should work a lil bit on your communication...

Me: k...thank you mam!

Me: Nice meeting you mam!!!

***For SASKEN you need to be good in Data Structures, Pointers, Computer N/W and programming skills.

***GuYs never underestimate yourself... i,ve done this after facing about 5-6 companies b4...

Always remember when God ordain luck for you... no-body can stop you!!!

Never loose your heart if u dun succeed rather try n try again until u succeed...

Sasken Placement Paper : Dommalur Ring Road,Bangalore ,13 December 2009

Their requirement was for RTOS-Nuclius, Linux and Symbian. They have given test(C or C++ your choice) timing for different people(nerly 100 people each batch-total 3 batches were there.

I have chosen ,C, test paper (set1 & set2), which consists 25 questions,45 minutes:

1. void main()



printf("Typical Problem");

return 0;


Output : "Typical Problem".// NO warnings & NO Error.

void main()


int a=-60,b=-34;

unsigned int c=-24;


return 0;


Ans : WARNING: initialized to negative value ,-24, to ,unsigned int,.

void main()


printf("%u",-1<<4); \

return 0;


Ans : ffff0

void main()


printf("madhu ");


return 0;



5. void main()


int count=10,*temp,sum=0;





printf("%d %d %d\n",count,*temp,sum);

return 0;


ANS : 20 20 20

void main()


char ch;


printf("%c %d",ch,ch);

return 0;


void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf("%d %u %u\n",sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


void main()


int a[3][4]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,12,14};

printf("%d %u %u\n",sizeof(a),a+1,&a+1);

return 0;


If the address location of ,a, is 65000 the output=?

Ans : 65000 65016 65048

9. What is the size of a String Variable ?

10. Good way of representing the variables in RECURSION is ?

a)Static b)Global c)Local d)Register

11. True/False based on Storage Classes in ,C, .

12. How to call the function for the below : void f1(int **x)

Options: a) int *x,f1(&x);

b) int x,f1(&x);

c) int *x,f1(&&x);

d) int *x,f1(x);

13. They asked to choose a program which leads to Stack Overflow, among given 2 Factorial programs(one contains recursive function, & other general loop logic)

14. variables of Function calls allocated in :

a) Stack & Heap, b) Stack & Data, c) Data & Register d) None

15. #include

Void main()


int a=10,j; j=fun(a);



case 30 : printf("Printed 30 \n");


case 50 : printf(" Printed 50\n");


default : printf("Not 30 or 50 ");



return 0;


int fun(int a)




16. malloc() internally calls: a) salloc() b) stbrk() c) alloc() d) none.

17. #include

void main()


char *p="madhu";


return 0;


18. Question based on Structures (some what complicated)

Some more Questions on Pointers in ,c,. Three more question based on Unix.

Thank you & All the Best,
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