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Synergy Placement Paper : KOLKATA ,25 September 2011

General Awareness Questions:

1. Indian National Army in 1943 was formed at:

2. NRSA centre location

3. name of India-France joint naval exercise

4. Rihand Dam is located on which river

5. Election Comission is given status of Constitutional body under article(constitution):

6. Universal Adult Franhise, related article(constitution) number

7. Prohibit of child labour under which article:

8. India among the number of countries having Nuclear Power submarine

9.Financial Emergency under which article:

10.Highest growth of population according to last census among: Tamil Nadu, kerala,Mizoram,nagaland

11. Raths of mahabalipuram were carved under ruler of which dynasty

12. SLR bonds of bank which can be sold anytime under RBI juridisction

13. temperate grassland in Africa is called

14. Which bollywood personaliti is recently awarded highest french honour

15. World Econonmic Outllok is published by

16. Dongria, Jharia belong to which tribes ? bcz recently they were in news in Orrisa due to some land deal related problem

17. India collabarated which country for their AN 32 upgradation

18. Vitamin C is also known as

19. Chemical Compounds which have same chemical prop n all..related ques

20. Plants which grow in shady places are called

21. One more ques. related to biology:

22. Eiffel tower was in which country:


Majority of questions were from: Instrumentation, Communication System, microprocessor, Networks, Engines n all, Digital Electronics, Few from Control Systems, Analog Electronics(EDC).

Basic questions on Laplace from Signals & Systems

Netwoks: Theorems and 2 port networks

Commn. Systems- Whole coverd both digital and analog commn. questons

Microprocessor- lot of questions were asked

Instrumentation- some questions asked

Synergy Placement Paper : Mumbai ,25 September 2011

Dear Friends..
My self Amit Singh, B.Tech in Metallurgy..
The paper is quite nice..
the core branch ques..
1) Leachingis used for which
2)ore of tin
3) Ore of Titanium
4)cupla furnace use for which
5)study well about corrosion it contain 10 question
6) extraction of Ti, Hf, Ze
7) study about mechanical metallurgy

Callistre play a big role in this exam..

For G.K... hardest section

Question on the history, sections of constitute of india, some geogrophical question... about laws and defence

Apptitude is just fine... question on percentage, ratio and average..

english passage is nice...

Best of Luck.... for ur exams...General Awareness Questions;

1. Indian National Army in 1943 was formed at:

2. NRSA centre location

3. name of India-France joint naval exercise

4. Rihand Dam id located on which river

5. Election Comission is given status of Constitutional body under article(constitution):

6. Universal Adult Franhise, related article(constitution) number

7. Prohibit of child labour under which article:

8. India among the number of countries having Nuclear Power submarine

9.Financial Emergency under which article:

10.Highest growth of population according to last census among: Tamil Nadu, kerala,Mizoram,nagaland

11. Raths of mahabalipuram were carved under ruler of which dynasty

12. SLR bonds of bank which can be sold anytime under RBI juridisction

13. temperate grassland in Africa is called

14. Which bollywood personaliti is recently awarded highest french honour

15. World Econonmic Outllok is published by

16. Dongria, Jharia belong to which tribes ? bcz recently they were in news in Orrisa due to some land deal related problem

17. India collabarated which country for their AN 32 upgradation

18. Vitamin C is also known as

19. Chemical Compounds which have same chemical prop n all..related ques

20. Plants which grow in shady places are called

21. One more ques. related to biology:

22. Eiffel tower was in which country:


Majority of questions were from: Communication System, microprocessor, Networks, Engines n all, Digital Electronics, Few from Control Systems, Analog Electronics(EDC).

Basic questions on Laplace from Signals & Systems

Netwoks: Theorems and 2 port networks

Commn. Systems- Whole coverd both digital and analog commn. questons

Microprocessor- lot of questions were asked

Synergy Placement Paper : DELHI ,25 September 2011

Dear Friends..
My self Amit Singh, B.Tech in Metallurgy..
The paper is quite nice..
the core branch ques..
1) Leachingis used for which
2)ore of tin
3) Ore of Titanium
4)cupla furnace use for which
5)study well about corrosion it contain 10 question
6) extraction of Ti, Hf, Ze
7) study about mechanical metallurgy

Callistre play a big role in this exam..

For G.K... hardest section

Question on the history, sections of constitute of india, some geogrophical question... about laws and defence

Apptitude is just fine... question on percentage, ratio and average..

english passage is nice...

Best of Luck.... for ur exams...

Synergy Placement Paper : Delhi/chennai ,12 December 2010


1. Technical :

Basic fundamentals question from Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, hydraulic machines, RAC, material science, production engineering and industrial engineering, Strength of materials. IC engine, Heat and mass transfer and power plant.

NOTE- Direct questions from khurmi objective Mechanical Engineering.

2. Non-Technical:

(1) General Knowledge: G.K. was easy comparatively.

1. 2010 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratn Award is given to- Sania nehwal

2. BIHU is local dance of which state- Asam

3. 2012 Olympic will organize in- London.

4. Sign of Indian Rupees is made by. D. uday kumar.

5. Brahm Society was established by- Raja Rammohan Ray

6. State of max. population in density in India- W.B.

7. Who is the ex-officio of planning commition of india is- P.M..

8. Which temple is made up by cutting Kailasa Mount- Ajanta, Alora,elephentas etc

9. 20-20 cricket world cup winner of 2010- England

10. Which river drains in Arabian Sea- Tapi.

11. Which country is recently become the member of SAARC- Myanmar, Sri lanka, Bhutan etc.

12. Durand line is in between of which two countries - pak/afganistan.

13. Currency of Bhutan …..And few more

(2) English: Synonyms, preposition, 5 best meaning and 2 para graph having 5 question each.

(3) Aptitude: Profit loss, Ratio and proportion, time and work, simple interest, compound interest

(4) Reasoning: There was 5 question each from Analogy, Venn diagram, Statement and conclusion, Direction sense test, cube.

Aptitude and reasoning was difficult and time taking. R.S Aggarwal is the best for aptitude and reasoning

NOTE- make sure you attempt all the sections to qualify, well I was one of, to qualify written test.


My interview was on 9 March 2011 in Chennai, almost after a month, the result was announced. So you will get enough time for interview preparation .

There will be two round more to go.

1. Group discussion

In GD there will be three round in continuity. It will take almost 1:20 hour so get prepared well.

1) simple GD on a social topic. eg-( euthanasia- mercy killing )

2) ranking some points given and then GD on same. eg-( point on National integration)

3) case study. eg-( a data base of a company).

2. Interview-

My interview took about 20 mins. I was first candidate after their lunch, I was still hungry. There was a panel of 4 person. Some of the question they asked.

1. why mechanical?

2. tell your subjects you studied in last sem.

3. how you judge your self a bright study or what?

4 .why SAIL?

5. will you be able to do job any were in India?

6. what is maintenance, its type?

7. what is Entropy, its significance.

8. Define Enthalpy, Unit?

9. Iron carbon diagram draw?

10. steel types

11.what will you do if your worker says that a machine doesn’t need maintenance.

12. what u have contributed to your family.(don’t hesitate to say u are down to earth)

13. carnot cycle, otta cycle all processes.

14 few quick questions on IC engine.

NOTE-More over they ask about the related topics of their field –material science, thermodynamics, IC Engine, production and all cycles.

It was a nice experience throughout the interview. Finally I m selected in SAIL. Result announced on 20 april after 1 month, so no need to waste time on net, as it is crucial.

Synergy Placement Paper : CPS, Kalikapur, Kolkata ,12 December 2010

Technical (Section 1) 100 marks, 0.25 negative for every wrong answer.

1. main()

What is the output ?

2. Which one is the OOP language
a. Small talk, b. Pascal. c. Basic

3. Which is not the featues of OOP
a. Reflection b. Encapsulation, c. Abstraction d. Inheritence

4. What is the typed language of C++
a. Static b. Dynamic c. Link-binding

5. Which property of OOP makes let the user know only the functinality of method but not the detail how it is working
a. Abstraction b. Encapsulation c. Inheritence

6. How you define abstract class in C++
a. Using abstract mentod b. By writing keyword "abstract". c etc

7. Which one is the two way linked list
a. Circular linklist b. Node having header and trailer in the list C. Array

8. Which one uses the indexing
a. Linklist b. Arrays c. Stack d. Queue

9. Which is having many to many mapping
a. graph, b. tree, c. stack etc

10. Which one is not the behaviour of binary search
a. Deletion of any node. b. comparing with the middle value. etc

11. When data moves from lower layer to upper layer in OSI then what happens to headed
a. Removed b. Added.

12. What is called packets in network layer
a. Datagram b. Frame. etc

13. What switching is used in conventional land line
a. Packet b. Circuit. etc

14. What scheduling algo is used for real time OS
a. Round robin b. FIFO. c. Pre-emptive. etc

15. How many layers are there in OSI model
a. 7 b. 8 c. 6 etc

16. Repeaters work in which layer
a. Datalink b. physical c. Network etce

17. Process to process communication happens in layer
a. Session b. Transport c. Application d. Network

18. Which one is not in application layer
a. FTP b. TFTP. c. Virtual network terminal.

19. Which one return the acknowledgement
a. UDP. b. TCP etc

20. Which one is DDL
a. Trancate b. Delete c. Both d. None

21. Which one is true/false for using indexing in data base
a. Slow b. Fast C More space

22. Four DML given to find out the where indexing need not be used.

23. Which one create the deadlock
a. Mutex b. Semaphore c. Hold and wait

24. One numirical to find out the effective average access time where the cache and RAM memory speed given with hit/miss percentage

25. Which one do not require the context switcing
a. General registers b. PC. c. Look aside table buffer

26. What is the size of address location for 8085
a. 1MB b. 128kb c. 64KB etc

27. What is the layer where the user comes in picture
a. Session b. Application c. Transport d. Network

29. Why NAND gate is called universal gate.
a. Using this, all other gates can be realised
b. This is largely used
c. etc etc

30. For 3 bits adder, what is the number of adder required

a. 2 full adder& 2 half adder b. 3 full adder and one half adder etc

31. One numiraical to find out the number of address bit from the 32 segments of 1MB memory location

32. What comes previous to this 10000
a. 1111 (binary) b. FFFF (hex) c. 7777 (Oct)

33. Questions related to full binary tree to find the number of nodes in leaf

34. What does parity bit
a. Error detect b. Header c. Trailer

35. How to create and interface in C++
a. by virtual functions
b. by abstract class/method
c. by creating the class using "interface" keyword

36. What is for namesapace used in C++
a. To resolve the name clashing
b. To create different name etc

Synergy Placement Paper : Shri Venkateswara College, Bangalore ,12 December 2010

Section I

E&T Technical questions. (100 questions)

1) Nearly 20 questions were based on Op-Amps like the highest frequency of OP-Amp depends on
a) Input V b) Output V c) Bandwidth d) Max Output V
2) The purpose of Op-Amp clamper is for what
a) Clamping the output voltage b) Lowering the output V c) Lowering the input V d) None of these

3) What is the purpose of PWM in current source inverter?

4) At higher frequencies which of the following noises become significant?
a) Thermal Noise b) Short noise c) White noise

5) Nearly 10 questions were based on Flip-Flops like what is the number of flip-flops required for decade counter?
a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4

6) How many flip flops are required for input frequency to be divided by 32?

7) What is the output frequency of a T-Flip flop if the input if input frequency is f
a) f/2 b) f c) 2f d) 4f

8) Nearly 8 questions were asked on RLC circuits like what is the effect on resonance frequency when all the values of RLC are doubled?
a) 4f b) 3f c) f/4 d) f

9) What is the voltage on capacitor at resonance with input voltage a 10v and Q factor of the circuit is 40?

10) Which of the following is S.I engine?
1) Gas 2) Petrol 3) Diesel 4) Kerosene engine

11) What is the difference between petrol and diesel engine?

12) Which of the facts is true?
a) All reversible engines have same efficiency
b) All engines are designed reversible to obtain maximum efficiency?
c) Irreversible engines have maximum efficiency?

12) What is the characteristic of an isolated system?
a) No transfer of mass both the directions
b) No transfer of heat on both directions
c) No transfer of heat and mass on both directions
d) Maximum transfer of mass and heat in both directions

13) What is the power transferred to a load if R+ix and with an internal resistance of R-ix of the source with voltage V?

14) If 4 batteries of voltage 6V each are applied parallel to a load of 1.25 ohms with batteries of internal resistance of 0.2 ohms then what is the current through the load resistance?

15) What is the percentage power loss when a battery of 6 V has internal resistance of 0.2 ohms and applied to a load of 6 ohms?

16) What are the frequencies of a system with a transfer function of 100(1+0.5s)(1+0.25s)?
a) 4,2 b) 0.5, 0,25.

17) Which of following is used in SSB AM receiver?
a) LC circuit b) diode rectifier

18) What is the average value of current if the voltage of 10 sin (314t ) is applied to a resistance of 10 ohms?
A) 0.485 B) 0.637

Section II

It contained 4 more more sub-sections General Awareness, Verbal ability, Quantitative aptitude, Logical reasoning

General Awareness (25 questions)

1) Who was the winner of 2010 Twenty-20 world cup?
2) Who is the winner of 2010 Rajiv Khel Ratna award 2010?
3) Bihu is the folk dance of which state?
4) Which river has delta in Arabian sea? A)Tapi B) Mahanadi C) Krishna D)Godavari
5) Which of the following states is with highest population density?
a) WB b) UP c) Jharkand d) Bihar

6) Who is the Ex Chairman of planning commission?
a) PM b) Loksabha Speaker c) Vice President d) President

7) Jim Corbett national park is in which state?

8) Durand line is between which countries? Ans Pakistan and Afghanistan

9) Measles is a disease caused which of the following?
a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Protozoa

Verbal Ability (25 questions)

5 Questions on articles

5 Questions on fill in the blanks with correct words

10 Questions on paragraph reading.

Quantitative Ability (25 questions)

Most of the questions were based on Compound interest, Simple interest, Work, Age related which can be founnd in R.S Aggarwal

Logical Reasining (25 questions)

A situation was given and questions were based on that situation like cube pained with 3 colors and then divided into 64 equal cubes what no of cubes with single color and so on.

Two statements are given and asked whether the question can be solved based on the statements?
A person traveled east west and finally how far is from the source?

Note: To clear the exam you need to clear the sectional cutoff of each sub-section in Section-II also. This was the major deciding factor as after attempting section-I for 75 min then only section-II can be attempted for the next 75 mins

The technical paper of E&T was difficult as it was mainly theoretical and were based on concepts of the subjects. Section-II will be easy for an engineer, but the time may not be sufficient as there is sub sectional cutoff.

Note: In the instructions of admit card it was told to bring only ball point pen but in the exam they the answers were needed to be marked with HB pencil. So, please take pencils with you for the examination. Good luck for your attempts to be a part of SAIL. Awaiting result of the exam now.

Synergy Placement Paper : Guru Nanak Public School, Chandigarh ,12 November 2010

Hello Guys,

My Self Omprakash Kumar/Computer Science/HETC have been appeared SAIL Examination at Kolkata center on 12th December. My experience about SAIL Exam is:

Generally Questions were Given About:

1. Oracle(Sql Command)
2. Computer networking
3. C
4. Data Structure.
5. Digital Electronic
6. C++ and Java etc.

Also in This exam had two parts one part related to technical (Computer) and in second part was

1. General Awarence

2. English (Two Paragraph, Some fill in the blanks etc.

3. Aptitude.

I am share some technical question which are:

1. Main( )
main( );

a) Print Tim Tim b) Keep Print Tim Continue c) Print Tim Once d) Display Blank Screen.

2. Number of Input & Output in Full adder are
a) 2 and 1 b) 2 and 2 c) 3 and 3 d) 3 and 2

3. Topology used in large Network is
a) Bus b) Star c) Ring d) Non of these

4. The Number 10000 appear just immediately after
a) FFFF(Hex) b) 1111(Binbary) c) 7777(Oct) d) All

5. Which is the Following language is Not Supported by C++
a) Exception Handing b) Reflection c) Operator Overloading d) NameSpace

6. Which Of Following Protocol use Acknowledgment
a) UDP b) TCP c) Both d) None

7. Which Is the Advantage of a Switch Over HUB
a) More Secure b) Higher Speed c) Both d) Non

8. Diamond Inheritance Property Solve By
a) C++ b) Java c) Both d) Non

9. When in SQL Command Add four Table Then How Many While Clause will be Need
a) 3 While b) 2 while c) 4 while d) 5 While

10. Which Are DDL Function
a) Drop b) Truncate c) Both d) None

Test Paper :16
Paper Type : Aptitude - General
Test Date : 12 November 2010
Test Location : Guru Nanak Public School, Chandigarh
Posted By : Sorabh Malhotra

SAIL-2010 gk question

1) olympic 2010 held in------london

2) Currency of Bhutan-------NUGULTRAM

3) Measles is a type of--------VIRUS

4) Heart beat of Adult---------72

5) Heavy, strongest and long bone of body------FEMUR

6) JIm Corbet national park-------------Uttarnchal

7) Rupess symbol designed by-------D. UDAY KUMAR

8) Durand line is Between--------pak & afganistan

9) Winner of 20-20 world cup-----------england

10) winner of Rajiv gandhi khel rattan award-2010---------saina Nehwal

11) which river falls in arbian SEA--------------tapi

12) BIHU is a folk dance of-----------assam

13) budh name------------sidhart

14) brahm smaaj----------raja ram mohan roi

15) company related to insurance---------------IRDA

16) gadar movement telated with------------------hardyal singh

17) new member of SAARA------------------afganistan

18) olive branch signify----------------------PEACE

19) language under 8th schedual----------------22

20) alpha keratin protien present in-------------------FIBER

21) Which state receieve winter rainfall by western disturbance------Tamilnadu

22) equality of oppertunity of all citizen in matter of public employement come under------ART 16

23) Kailasa temple-----------ajanta

24) EX-office planning commision------------Prime minister

25) Most dense populated state.................UP

Sorabh Malhotra

Enter Your Comments

Fully Solved Sample Placement Papers with Answers, Detail Explanations, Time Based Approach and All India Performance Ranking is now launched at Power Placement Preparation.

SAIL-2010 gk question

1) olympic 2010 held in------london

2) Currency of Bhutan-------NUGULTRAM

3) Measles is a type of--------VIRUS

4) Heart beat of Adult---------72

5) Heavy, strongest and long bone of body------FEMUR

6) JIm Corbet national park-------------Uttarnchal

7) Rupess symbol designed by-------D. UDAY KUMAR

8) Durand line is Between--------pak & afganistan

9) Winner of 20-20 world cup-----------england

10) winner of Rajiv gandhi khel rattan award-2010---------saina Nehwal

11) which river falls in arbian SEA--------------tapi

12) BIHU is a folk dance of-----------assam

13) budh name------------sidhart

14) brahm smaaj----------raja ram mohan roi

15) company related to insurance---------------IRDA

16) gadar movement telated with------------------hardyal singh

17) new member of SAARA------------------afganistan

18) olive branch signify----------------------PEACE

19) language under 8th schedual----------------22

20) alpha keratin protien present in-------------------FIBER

21) Which state receieve winter rainfall by western disturbance------Tamilnadu

22) equality of oppertunity of all citizen in matter of public employement come under------ART 16

23) Kailasa temple-----------ajanta

24) EX-office planning commision------------Prime minister

25) Most dense populated state.................UP

Synergy Placement Paper : Rainbow Sr. Secondry School, Delhi ,12 December 2010

Part -1 Technical ( 100 Questions Computer Science)

Q(1) What will be output of the following-
(a) tim (b) keep printing tim (c) black screen (d) none

Q(2) In which Data structure insertion and deletion is not possible in middle but at ends.
(a) Linked list (b)Pointer Array (c) Queue (d) Dqueue.

Q(3) OSI Model consist of how many Layer

(a) 2 (b)4 (c) 7 (d)9

Q(4) Why NAND gate is called universal gate?

Q(5) Which of the following not supported by C++
(a) Encapsulation (b) Abstraction (c) Reflection (d) Inheritence

Q(6) Which of the following support Diamond Inheritence
(a) C++ (b) Java (c) C (d) none

Q(7) Suppose X is a class and arg is parameter then What is syntax of passing parameter in a copyconstructor
(a) X(X arg) (b) X(X *arg) (c) X(X &arg) (d)none

Q(8) What is difference between Hub and Repeater?

Q(9) If there are 6 input to a Nand Gate the how many column will bw there in Full addre table?

Q(10) Which of the following is a DDL statement
(a) Delete (b) Turncate (c)Both a and b (d) none

Some other questions I am not remembering exactly. But approx 8 simple questions were based on OSI model layer and 7 Question based on simple SQL queries and 15 questions based on Java and C++ and 7 question on digital electronics and 15 question on Operating System and 15 on Data structure.

C++, Java, DBMS, SQL, Computer Network, Operating System and Data Structure are the subject from which questions were asked in paper.

Overall Technicl section was easy but need some rivision of technical question.

Part -2

Section (1) Generel awareness (25 Questions)

Q(1) Who have desinged the Symbol of Indian Rupee?

Q(2) Where is Jim Nationa Corbet park in India?

Q(3) Who have got the Rajiv Khel ratan award of 2010?

Q(4) In which state of India Population density is very High?

Some other questions were asked based on current gk.

Section(2) Reasoning(25 Question)

Just like R.S. Aggrawal book Questions
Section(3) English (25 Questions)

5 Question were Based on Article use, 5 on correct preposition based, and 10 Question were based on Comperihensive Passage

Section(4) Numerical ability(25 Quetions)

Most of questions were asked from Simple intreset, Compound intrest, Percentege, Time and work. Just follow R.S. Aggrawal.

Synergy Placement Paper : CPS, Kalikapur, Kolkata ,12 December 2010

This is the continuation of paper written by Biplab(

General awareness:

101. which one is densely populated state
a. WB b. Bihar c. Uttarpradesh

102. Durand line
a. India/Pakistan b. Pakistan/Afganist c. India/China

103. Rajiv gandhi khel ratna award 2010
a. Saina Nehwal b. Krishna Poonia

104. Cobett national park in which state
a. Uttarkhanda. b.UP

105. Which state recieves the rainfall due to western disturbances
a. Kerala b. Punjab c. Tamilnadu. d. Gujrat

106. Bihu festival in which state
a. Assam, b. Bihar c. Sikkim

107. Kilash Temple in which famous rock
a. Ajanta b. Ellora. c elliphanta

108. Olympic games will held in 2012
a. London b. Chicago c. Rai di jero/brasil

109. Curreny of bhutan
a. ngultram b. rupee c. rial

110. Who invented the indian currency symbol?
a. D. Udaya Kumar b. D. Prashant Kumar

111. Who is the the ex-officio chairman of planning commission
a. President. b vice president c. speaker of loksobha d. Prime-minister

Synergy Placement Paper : L.I.E.T,Alwar ,20 February 2009

Written Test
Group Discussion
HR Interview

In First section: It contains an aptitude Test (totally quantitative) 40 questions have to be solved in 1 hour The questions comprises of simple quantitative ability based on time & Work, Distance, Trains and Boats..... A gr8 number of questions based on Profit & Loss, Percentage, Probability were there. One can easily solve these questions by practicing R.S Agarwal The paper needs lot of practice. The cut off was high.....No negative marking was there. out of 300 only 97 were selected in written.
The Next Section comprises group Discussion: They had given case study to every individual depends upon their resume profile. One should know each & everything about its resume. They asked Questions like: -

Are you satisfied with former P.M of India?
Is Television a Boon or Bean for teenagers?
Tell about your 3 disqualities?
Tell any motivational Statement?
How other sports can be made more popular than cricket?

One should have positive approach ,innovative & good communication skills to clear case study discussion in this company. Only 40 were selected out of 97 for interview.
The Next Section includes Technical + HR Interview: The Interview was very tough for all branches...... Basically this company deals with BTS Installation So it will ask mainly communicational aspects from electronics aspirants.

In my Interview they ask about: what are active & passive components?
What are multivibrators & multiplexers?
Tell about rectifiers and draw their waves?
What is MIMO & Zigbee?
What are D-Mosfet & E-Mosfet?
What are breeder Resisters?
What is 3 dB cut off frequency?
How does call generated?
What is SIM and IMEI Number?
By Category
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