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Syntel Placement Paper : Syntel Placement Paper Chennai 11 November 2012

Written test questions :

Q1. In a circus there are five entertainers P, Q, R, S, T. There is a card player, a fire walker and a joker in the circus. T is the husband of a member of the circus and the two are the only married couple in the circus. Q is the brother of R. Q is neither a fire walker nor a joker. None of the women is either a card player or a joker. P and S are unmarried and neither of them is a card player or a fire walker or a joker.Which of the following entertainers is T’s wife?

Q2. Find out the one word among the options which cannot be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

Q3. Question contains four scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.
a. which naturally lacks in conviction
b. but the theory too is interesting
c. though there is a great deal of theory without application
d. the successful application of any art is delightful
d b c a
b d c a
c d a b
a b c d

Q4. Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence.
Anil entered college .....when sixteen years were his a geat sixteen years age when he had sixteen year sat the age of sixteen

Q5. If * represents addition and $ represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
5 * 15 $ 15 $ 10 $ 20 * 25 $ 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 $ 10

Q6. Each question has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.
A. No ghosts laugh; some who laugh are demons; some demons are not ghosts.
B. Some lunatic people are guitarists; all lunatic people are vocalists; some vocalists are guitarists.
C. All jesters are colorful; some jesters do not sing; some singers are not colorful.
D. Soccer players indulge in betting; those who bet are punished; those who are punished are not soccer players.
A and B only
C only
A only
A and D

Q7. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
We are looking forward to see you again.
forward to see
None of these
forward to seen
forward to seeing

Q8. Solve the following question:.
If Tanja is younger than Tarunya, Tanya is younger than Tobaiah and Tobaiah is as old as Tarunya then which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
Tanya is older than Tanja.
We cannot make any inference on the ages of Tanja and Tanya.
Tanja is as old as Tanya.
Tanja is older than Tanya.

Q9. Identify the pair of words which has a relationship similar to the pair in question.
Pale: Tale
Story : Epic
Habit : Old
Custom : Solemn
Foil : Toil

Q10. If $ represents addition and * represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
15 * 5 $ 15 $ 10 $ 30 * 25 * 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 * 20

Q11. In a certain code language if “METRO” is coded as NGWVT, then how will you cod “MANGO”

Q12. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
In his middle age even he preferred working hard than to amusing himself.
Even in his middle age
In his middle age too
None of these
In his middle age even

Q13. Each question has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.
A. No clerks cry; Some who cry are phoenixes; Some phoenixes are not clerks.
B. All dreams are colourful; Some dreams are not scary; Some that are scary are not colourful.
C. Jesters indulge in lying; Those who lie are crucified; Some who are crucified are not jesters.
D. Some modern artists are moody; All modern artists are gourmands; Some gourmands are moody.
D only
A and B
C only
A and D

Q14. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.
(i) A,B,C,D,E,F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii) C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii) B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv) G is between E and F.
(v) D is sitting third from the south end.
Which of the following pairs of people are sitting at the extreme ends?

Q15. Identify the pair of words which has a relationship similar to the pair in question.
Crime : Accomplice
Journey : Train
Legislation : Parliament
Repair : Mechanic
Textbook: Co-author

Q16. Each question has a main statement followed by four statements labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the ordered pair of statements where the first statement implies the second and the two statements are logically consistent with the main statement.
Whenever Sam walked in the park, he noticed a rainbow.
A. Sam did not walk in the park.
B. Sam did not notice a rainbow.
C. Sam noticed a rainbow.
D. Sam walked in the park.
A B and C D

Q17. There are 4 items presented here.
Mark 1, if only 1 item is different from others.
Mark 2, if 2 items are differerent from the remaining two.
Mark 3, all items are different.
Mark 4 if all items are the same and no item is different from the others.

Q18. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
Of the three branches of the armed service, the Air Force has been the more favoured in recent years.
has been the more
have been the most
have been the more
has been the most

Q19. The most vulnerable section of the society from the point of view is the students.
However if these become violent, the antisocial elements get encouraged and undisciplined and put all proper working out of gear.
a. Revolutionary and new fledged ideas have a great appeal to them.
b. Agitations may be non-violent methods of protest.
c. They cannot resist the charm of persuasion.
d. They are to be taught that without discipline they cannot get proper education.

Q20. The following CAPITALIZED pair of words is followed by four other pairs. Choose the pair, which has a relationship similar to that in the capitalized pair.
Radiation : Bomb
Writing : Plagiarism
Remarks : Insult
Bank : Cashier

Q21. Sentence has been broken up into four parts sequentially. Choose the part which has a mistake or word(s) not quite appropriate.
have always adviced
Advocates of non-violence
to the most complex problems.
peaceful solutions

Q22. What day of the week would be 26th March, 2023?

Q23. For each question in this section, select the best answer.
Now is an excellent time to invest in the catering business. A survey conducted by Weddings magazine found that 70 percent of the magazine’s readers want a catered wedding reception. An analysis of the catering industry, however, shows that the current number of caterers serve only 55 percent of the weddings likely to occur each year.
Which of the following, if true, would undermine the validity of the investment advice in the paragraph above?
Only half of all catered wedding receptions include sit-down meals.
Approximately a quarter of all weddings take place without a reception.
The average wedding reception involves between 50 to 100 guests.
Only half of those who say they want to have a catered wedding actually have one.

Q24. Read the question below to answer the question.
A mobile is found in the bus. The driver asks two passengers A and B if they know the owner. A says “I am the owner” and B says “I don’t know the owner. The mobile does not belong to A". If one of them is lying, which of the following is true?
Cannot say
B is the owner.
A is the owner.
A is not the owner.

Q25. A sentence is broken up into four parts sequentially. Choose the part that has an error.
felt badly about
losing all his crop
The farmer

Q26. The following are the details of the score of 5 students in 5 subjects– Hindi, Math, English, Science and Social Science. The maximum marks of the test in each of these subjects is 20.
The highest scorer scored a total of 90 marks in all subjects put together. Mala got 13 in Math and Miralini 10 in Science. Malathi’s total was less than Mala’s. Malini is one of these 5 students. Madhuri got as many marks as Miralini. None got 20 marks in any subject. Who scored the highest total in all these subjects put together?

Q27. Answer each of these questions independently
From a bag containing 34 balls, one ball weighs 4 grams and all the other weigh 5 grams each. Using a simple balance where balls can be kept on either pan, what is the minimum weighs required to identify the defective ball?
Q28. Select the best answer.
Reading poetry in translation has been described as an experience akin to looking at the wrong side of a carpet, for a translation can seldom match the colour and the sheen of the original. A harsh pronouncement no doubt, but contains an element of truth.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage ?
A good translator is one who has expertise in both languages.
Certain literary works cannot be translated from one language to another.
Poetry is similar to a carpet in its colour and sheen.
A translated work often doesn’t have the beauty of the original.

Q29. The following CAPITALIZED pair of words is followed by four other pairs. Choose the pair, which has a relationship similar to that in the capitalized pair.
Settle : Negotiation
Scalpel : Operation
Fly : Bird
Heat : Oven

Q30. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 8 W R A 4 Z 9 H T Q 7 S 4 U 5 V 2.
If the second half of the above series is reversed, and then all numericals taken out to form a series, then what would be 4th number in such a series ?

Q31. Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence.
.........., he would have signed his name in the corner.
If Hussain had painted that picture
If Hussain would have painted that
If Hussain painted that picture
If Hussain paints that picture

Q32. A person starts from his office and goes towards his house. To reach his house, he has to follow the following directions: Travel 5km towards northeast from the office followed by 5km towards southeast; then travel 5km towards southwest followed 5km towards northwest. Approximately how far is the office from his house (in km)?

Q33. Each question below has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced from the preceding two.
A. Tarun is a graduate. A few graduates are artists. Tarun may be an artist.
B. Some graduates draw. Some graduates paint. All graduates are artists.
C. Arun is a painter. Sam is a writer. Some men are painters.
D. Authors are critics. Some critics write. No writer is an author.
None of these
Only B
Only A
Only C

Q34. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
In spite of all his faults I cannot but like him.
like him
liking him
but like him
but to like him

Q35. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 2 W R A 4 F 9 H T Q 7 O 4 U 5 V 8.
If the second half of the above series is reversed, how many such letters would you find which are immediately preceded by a letter and immediately followed by a number?

Q36. Each question consists of 5 statements followed by options consisting of 3 statement put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
A. Herbal cosmetics are in great demand.
B. Revlon and Wella are in great demand.
C. Revlon is in great demand.
D. Wella is in great demand.
E. Revlon and Wella are herbal cosmetics.

Q37. K,s father,s brother,s daughter,s husband,s mother-in-law is related to K as

Q38. The question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
A. All states vote for JPP Party.
B. Mumbi votes for JPP Party.
C. Mumbai is a state.
D. Some states vote for JPP Party.
E. Mumbai votes only for JPP Party.

Q39. From among the four options, choose the one that is different from the others. i.e. find the odd one out that does not belong to the group.

Q40. For each question in this section, select the best answer.
For over fifty years, the ocean-freight industry worked to make ocean freighters faster and to lower their fuel consumption. Despite considerable success, the economics of the industry grew worse, until the industry was almost dead. What was wrong was an incongruity between assumptions and realities. The real costs came not from time spent at sea, but from time spent in port during loading and unloading.
Which of the following actions would be most likely to lead to a solution of the problem faced by the ocean freight industry, as it is analysed in the passage?
Implementing a system to ensure that ocean freighters are loaded to capacity whenever they leave a port.
Developing a ship whose freight capacity related to the ship’s total volume is much larger than that of any existing ship.
Developing a ship’s engine that runs on a cheaper type of fuel than that traditionally used by ocean freighters.
Developing a ship with accessible cargo compartments that can be mechanically loaded and unloaded very rapidly.

Q41. If $ represents addition and * represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
15 * 5 $ 15 $ 10 $ 30 * 15 $ 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 $ 10

Q42. Question below consists of a sentence, part or whole of which is underlined. From the choices given below, choose the option that follows rules of standard written English.
The Soviet Union has restricted its economy toward the goal of diminishing and to possibly replace United States’ influence.
possibly replacing
possibly to replace
to possibly replace
to replace possibly

Q43. There is an alarming growth of engineering and other professional colleges in the state. Several families are put into deep financial crisis because of the huge capitation fee demanded by professional institutions. It is high time we took stock of the number of students who continue to be unemployed or poorly employed after qualifying from these professional colleges.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage above?
There are more number of colleges than expected, which collect capitation fee from students.
A sound policy of man-power planning and the corresponding growth of educational institutions, is lacking.
Industry is not taken into confidence while designing course curricula for professional colleges.
Educational policy makers and planners are unaware of the changing trends in professional education.

Q44. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 2 W R A 3 F 9 H T Q 7 O 4 U 5 V 8.
If the first half of the above series is reversed, and then all numericals taken out to form a series, then what would be 5th number in such a series ?

Q45. Question consists of few statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two.
A. No attendants are qualified.
B. Some nurses are qualified.
C. Some nurses are not qualified.
D. All nurses are attendants.
E. All attendants are qualified.
F. Some attendants are qualified.

Q46. Money::Embezzlement ( and similar 4 options)

Syntel Placement Paper : Syntel Placement Paper Chennai 26 November 2012

Since I like to take only one step at a time and concentrate on the task at hand, I have broken down the entire selection process in these convenient parts:

1. Written Test: 45 Questions 45 Minutes

2. Post Written Test Procedure

My Comments: Not very difficult. A little practice will take you a long way. Try to save time.

Post Written Test Procedure

I was called for the Post written test procedure by Syntel on 27 Nov 2011 at Sharda University, Gr. Noida. Again I have broken down the events into sub categories (my nature, you know!!)


The Syntel Selection Commitee will brief you about their company,s profile and everything worth knowing about them at the point. So even if you haven,t went through the company,s profile before actually going for Post written Test procedure, you need not worry about it. They will also introduce themselves and inform you about the selection process to be followed.

I found candidates paying no attention to what they were telling us, but don,t make this mistake because this information might come in handy (Even the names of people in the commitee!!).

My Comments: Listen to them!!!

Group Discussion (GD Round)
The first of the Post Written Test Procedure is usually a Group Discussion or GD round. They put candidates in groups of atmost 12 candidates and give a topic to discuss for 10 min. Unlike other GD,s I have participated in where usually a time of 5 min or so is given for preparation, they don,t give any time to prepare for the topic. This is very critical round for your selection process so be prepared for it.

GD Topics
Grass on the other side is Green (this was my topic).
Mobile Phones to be allowed in colleges or not.
The topics were pretty generic and not the usual GD topics like Corporal Punishments in schools, TV and kids etc. They actually want to know your attitude towards these generic things. Positive attitude will get you selected for sure.

My Comments:
Be really confident.
Speak your points clearly.
You,ll have to grab your opportunity to speak, so don,t waste time.
Speaking "more" points will not get you selected.

In a nutshell, speak only relevent points which show your thinking and not that you approve or disapprove others. For instance I spoke only 3 points during my GD but I spoke my mind clearly and with confidence (Confidence is the key!!).
Technical Interview
You,ll have to fill up a form with your basic details before appearing for technical interview. This form also contain sections for technical interviewer and HR interviewer to fill. Take your time and go through the form(although its not necessary).

The Technical interview will be based on the course you are currently pursuing and skills mentioned in your resume. You can also be asked to explain a little about your major project(final year project for B.Tech Students). You can also be made to write pretty basic C programs like sorting, finding prme numbers, finding palindromes etc.

Points to follow:
If you have mentioned any skill of information that you don,t actually possess in your resume, do yourself a favour and take it out, cause it can mess up with your chances if you get caught.
If you are a non CS or a non IT field student, polish the basics concepts like an electronics student would revise- flip flops, latches, memories etc. A little practice of basic C programs like the ones mentioned above will help you a lot.
If you are a CS or an IT field student, they would most likely go for basics of Operating systems, OOP concepts etc. If you have mentioned any JAVA course that you have done, in your resume, they can make you write some JAVA programs.

My Comments:
Stay Calm and confident, a little smile on the face won,t hurt anybody!
Don,t make wild guesses if you don,t know any answer, just politely say "I don,t know".
Don,t argue with the interviewer, even if you are right!!! He/she might be testing your composure. Trust me, they do that sometimes and how do I know that? well they tried it with me!!
Give to the point answers. No need to fill the interviewer with unnecessary details- remember, he already knows the answer!!

HR Interview

Don,t get too worked up if you made it through the technical round because the HR round can be very tricky and even the most eligible candidates are not able to make it through this round.

The HR interview is nothing like the technical one, the HR interviewer/interviewers are usually very friendly and ask all sorts of questions about you. They want to know your true personality through their questions, so you have to answer their questions smartly. Again confidence is essential in whatever you speak. Speaking fluently in English will surly impress them. Some preparations must be done on the candidate,s part before appearing for the HR interview like:

Tell me about yourself (Sounds simple but speaking non stop about yourself without missing any important detail is not very simple. Tell important points before the secondary points like hobbies etc. This shows you are "well organised ").
What do you know about Syntel? (This is where their presentation round helps)
What are the 5 key "S" features/pillars of syntel? (Presentation round)
Why do you want to join Syntel.
Tell about your family background.
What do your friends say about you?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?

These are just few examples. Confidence is the key. They asked me the name of the Vice-President present their at the time of Orientation round. I,m glad I paid attention during the orientation.


Answer smartly, don,t say anything silly or something that can ruin your chances, they are searching for these little hints when you are speaking.
Trust me, to make you a friend is the last thing they want to do, so please don,t think of them as your friends even if they seem real friendly. You are there to get a job, so focus on that.
Don,t speak/switch to any other language than english, this can be a disaster.
Interviewers are looking for positive attitude towards work and other aspects. If you are able to show it through your answers. You,re in.


As I mentioned above, my Post Written Test Procedure took place on 27 Nov 2011, and I got the result from my placement officer on 03 Jan 2012, so its quite some time before they declare the result. Never mind though, cause all the waiting is worth it. I,m happy to be selected among the 2 other candidates selected from my college.


In the End I would like to wish all of you good luck and my best wishes. Remember they are looking for good communication skills and the grand daddy of all - "Confidence". Thank you for reading my experience and I,ll see you at SYNTEL- Consider IT Done.

Syntel Placement Paper : Syntel Placement Paper Banglore 21 Jan 2012

1) Maximum numbers that can be formed using all the 4 digits 6 4 8 1 without repetition and which is divisible by 9 ?

2) Find the number of sides of a regular convex polygon whose angle is 40degrees?

3) a+b+c=0, then roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 is?

4) A monkey climbs 6 mts and falls 3mts in alternate minutes. Then time taken to climb a tree 60metres high?

5) 6 pipes fill or empty the cistern. find the number of emptying pipes if it takes 18hrs to fill and 18 hrs to empty?

6) The largest no: which is a factor of 1080 and 729?

7) There are 6 keys and 6 locks. then number of combinations to be tried out to get the actual solution?

8) if a sales man gets successive gain of 15% and 20% then his actual gain?

9) A string of pearls such that 1/3 is lost and of that 1/4th is missing, remaining is 20 then actual number of pearls?

10) A clock was 7minutes behind the actual time on 3 p.m. on Wednesday and 8 minutes ahead of actual time on 4 p.m. Friday. when will it show the correct time?

11) A cistern will be filled in 9 hrs, but because of an outlet it is filled in 10 hrs, if the cistern is filled, then how much time the outlet takes to empty the cistern.?

12) The compound interest for first and second years is 200 and 220 on a certain amount. Find the sum?

13) Marked price of a commodity is 35% above the cost price. If he gives a discount of 15%, how much he gains on the deal.?

14) 5 mangoes + 4 oranges = 7 mangoes + 1 orange. Find the ratio of mango to orange ?

15) Food is sufficient for 100men for 60days. For how many days the food is sufficient for 500men?

16) If 8men 8hrs per day works for 8days get 45/- then how many men required if the work is 5hrs per day for10days they get 60/-?

17) find (1 ½ /((3/4-2/5 )/(2/3+4/5))) * ((2 ¾/((4/3-2/5 )/(5/3+6/5))))

18) Avg age of X number of adults in a class is 30yrs. If 12 new adults with avg age of 32 joined with them then the avg age increases by one. Find X?

19) A sphere of radius 2cms is dropped into a cylinder of radius 4 cms containing water upto 2.2cms. The raise in the water level is ?

20) In a school there are 1000 students in the year 1999. The number of students increased by 20% in the year 2000. And it is increased by 15% in the year 2001. But it is decreased by 18% in 2002. Then what is the strength in 2002 ?

21) Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank ?

23) Two trains from the points A and B moving in opposite direction , at the point they meet the second train travels 120 kms more than the first. The speeds are 50kmph and 60kmph respectively find the distance between A and B?

24) One monkey climbs a poll at the rate of 6mts/min and fell down 3mts in the alternately. Length of the poll is 60 mtrs , how much time it will take to reach the top?

25) A number when multiplied by 7/18 instead of 7/8 and got the result 770 less than the actual result , find the original number?

26) The volume and the radius of both cone and sphere are equal , then find the ratio of height of the cone to the diameter of the sphere?

27) A and B started a business with 1500 and 2500 and got a profit 800 rs. Half of the profit is shared equally the remaining is shared according to their investment. Find their profits?

28) A:B =2:3 and B:C=5:6 then find A:B:C

29) If 8men 8hrs per day works for 8days get 45/- then how many men required if the work is 5hrs per day for10days they get 60/-?

30) Length of a rectangle is increased by 50% and breadth is decreased by 25% what is the difference in the area?

31) A two digit number is 4 times to its sum of digits , when 9 is added to the number, the digits will get reversed. Then what is that number?

32). Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day.How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job?

33) A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long.Find the area it can graze?

34) If A + B means A is the brother of B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P?


1. A3P means A is the mother of P

2. A4P means A is the brother of P

3. A9P means A is the husband of P

4. A5P means A is the daughter of P

Which of the following means that K is the mother-in-law of M?

36) A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son of Z. Which of the following statements is true?

Directions to solve

Each of these questions is based on the following information:

1. A + B means A is the mother of B.

2. A - B means A is the sister of B.

3. A * B means A is the father of B.

4. A β B means A is the brother of B.

37) Which of the following means Q is the grandfather of P?

38) Which of the following means that N is the maternal uncle of M?

39) Directions to solve

Each of these questions is based on the following information:

1. M % N means M is the son of N.

2. M @ N means M is the sister of N.

3. M $ N means M is the father of N.

1. Which of the following shows the relation that C is the granddaughter of E?

2. Which of the following shows the relation that S is the father of Q?

40) Directions to solve

Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.

a) It is up to our government and planners to devise ways and means for the mobilisation of about ten crore workers whose families total up about forty crore men, women and children. Our agriculture is over-manned. A lesser number of agriculturists would mean more purchasing or spending power to every agriculturist. This will result in the shortage of man-power for many commodities to be produced for which there will be a new demand from a prosperous agrarian class. This shortage will be removed by surplus man-power released from agriculture as suggested above.

The passage best supports the statement that:


employment in production is more fruitful than employment in agriculture.


Indian economy is in a poor shape basically due to improper mobilisation of man-power.


a shift of labour from agricultural sector to the industrial sector would uplift the living standard.


the industrial sector is labour-deficient while the agricultural sector is over-manned in our country.

b) Exports and imports, a swelling favourable balance of trade, investments and bank-balances, are not an index or a balance sheet of national prosperity. Till the beginning of the Second World War, English exports were noticeably greater than what they are today. And yet England has greater national prosperity today than it ever had. Because the income of average Englishmen, working as field and factory labourers, clerks, policemen, petty shopkeepers and shop assistants, domestic workers and other low-paid workers, has gone up.

The passage best supports the statement that:


a country,s economic standard can be best adjudged by per capital income.


a country,s balance of trade is the main criteria of determining its economic prosperity.


a nation,s economy strengthens with the increase in exports.


English trade has continually increased since the Second World War.

c) Satisfaction with co-workers, promotion opportunities, the nature of work, and pay goes with high performance among those with strong growth needs. Among those with weak growth needs, no such relationship is present - and, in fact, satisfaction with promotion opportunities goes with low performance.

This passage best supports the statement that:


satisfaction is an inevitable organisational variable.


job satisfaction and performance are directly and closely related.


relationship between job satisfaction and performance is moderated by growth need.


every organisation has few employees having weak growth need.


high performance is essential for organisational effectiveness.

d) The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child,s powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling, and to conceive himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.

The passage best supports the statement that real education -


will take place if the children imbibe action and feeling.


will take place if the children are physically strong.


is not provided in our schools today.


comes through the interaction with social situations.


comes from the self-centred approach of the students.

e) The press should not be afraid of upholding and supporting a just and righteous cause. It should not be afraid of criticising the government in a healthy manner. The press has to be eternally vigilant to protect the rights of the workers, backward and suppressed sections of the society. It should also give a balanced view of the things so that people can be helped in the formation of a healthy public opinion.

The passage best supports the statement that


press has a great role to play in a democracy.


the press is the only means to project to the masses the policies of the government.


the freedom of press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy.


the press can be used by the governments as an effective media for the upliftment of the backward sections of society.


all the information given by the press should be well-articulated so as to gain a good opinion towards the ruling party.

2) Group discussion:

GD Topics

“Boom in IT Industry”


"Is Mobile should be prohibited in school and colleges

“What is happening in Egypt and Kashmir?”

"Globalization of IT Companies to Government Sector"

3) Technical & HR interview:

Questions based on

C++, Java, .net, Linux OS, SQL, HTML, XML,etc….

Syntel Placement Paper : Syntel Placement Paper Chennai 12 November 2011

Q1. In a circus there are five entertainers P, Q, R, S, T. There is a card player, a fire walker and a joker in the circus. T is the husband of a member of the circus and the two are the only married couple in the circus. Q is the brother of R. Q is neither a fire walker nor a joker. None of the women is either a card player or a joker. P and S are unmarried and neither of them is a card player or a fire walker or a joker.
Which of the following entertainers is T’s wife?

Q2. Find out the one word among the options which cannot be formed by using the letters of the word as given in each question.

Q3. Question contains four scattered segments of a sentence. Indicate the sequence which correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.
a. which naturally lacks in conviction
b. but the theory too is interesting
c. though there is a great deal of theory without application
d. the successful application of any art is delightful
d b c a
b d c a
c d a b
a b c d

Q4. Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence.
Anil entered college .....
when sixteen years were his age
at sixteen years age
when he had sixteen years
at the age of sixteen

Q5. If * represents addition and $ represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
5 * 15 $ 15 $ 10 $ 20 * 25 $ 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 $ 10

Q6. Each question has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.
A. No ghosts laugh; some who laugh are demons; some demons are not ghosts.
B. Some lunatic people are guitarists; all lunatic people are vocalists; some vocalists are guitarists.
C. All jesters are colourful; some jesters do not sing; some singers are not colourful.
D. Soccer players indulge in betting; those who bet are punished; those who are punished are not soccer players.
A and B only
C only
A only
A and D

Q7. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
We are looking forward to see you again.
forward to see
None of these
forward to seen
forward to seeing

Q8. Solve the following question:.
If Tanja is younger than Tarunya, Tanya is younger than Tobaiah and Tobaiah is as old as Tarunya then which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
Tanya is older than Tanja.
We cannot make any inference on the ages of Tanja and Tanya.
Tanja is as old as Tanya.
Tanja is older than Tanya.

Q9. Identify the pair of words which has a relationship similar to the pair in question.
Pale: Tale
Story : Epic
Habit : Old
Custom : Solemn
Foil : Toil

Q10. If $ represents addition and * represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
15 * 5 $ 15 $ 10 $ 30 * 25 * 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 * 20

Q11. In a certain code language if “METRO” is coded as NGWVT, then how will you cod “MANGO”

Q12. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
In his middle age even he preferred working hard than to amusing himself.
Even in his middle age
In his middle age too
None of these
In his middle age even

Q13. Each question has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.
A. No clerks cry; Some who cry are phoenixes; Some phoenixes are not clerks.
B. All dreams are colourful; Some dreams are not scary; Some that are scary are not colourful.
C. Jesters indulge in lying; Those who lie are crucified; Some who are crucified are not jesters.
D. Some modern artists are moody; All modern artists are gourmands; Some gourmands are moody.
D only
A and B
C only
A and D

Q14. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions below it.
(i) A,B,C,D,E,F and G are sitting on a wall and all of them are facing east.
(ii) C is on the immediate right of D.
(iii) B is at an extreme end and has E as his neighbour.
(iv) G is between E and F.
(v) D is sitting third from the south end.
Which of the following pairs of people are sitting at the extreme ends?

Q15. Identify the pair of words which has a relationship similar to the pair in question.
Crime : Accomplice
Journey : Train
Legislation : Parliament
Repair : Mechanic
Textbook: Co-author

Q16. Each question has a main statement followed by four statements labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the ordered pair of statements where the first statement implies the second and the two statements are logically consistent with the main statement.
Whenever Sam walked in the park, he noticed a rainbow.
A. Sam did not walk in the park.
B. Sam did not notice a rainbow.
C. Sam noticed a rainbow.
D. Sam walked in the park.
A B and C D

Q17. There are 4 items presented here.
Mark 1, if only 1 item is different from others.
Mark 2, if 2 items are differerent from the remaining two.
Mark 3, all items are different.
Mark 4 if all items are the same and no item is different from the others.

Q18. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
Of the three branches of the armed service, the Air Force has been the more favoured in recent years.
has been the more
have been the most
have been the more
has been the most

Q19. The most vulnerable section of the society from the point of view is the students.
However if these become violent, the antisocial elements get encouraged and undisciplined and put all proper working out of gear.
a. Revolutionary and new fledged ideas have a great appeal to them.
b. Agitations may be non-violent methods of protest.
c. They cannot resist the charm of persuasion.
d. They are to be taught that without discipline they cannot get proper education.

Q20. The following CAPITALIZED pair of words is followed by four other pairs. Choose the pair, which has a relationship similar to that in the capitalized pair.
Radiation : Bomb
Writing : Plagiarism
Remarks : Insult
Bank : Cashier

Q21. Sentence has been broken up into four parts sequentially. Choose the part which has a mistake or word(s) not quite appropriate.
have always adviced
Advocates of non-violence
to the most complex problems.
peaceful solutions

Q22. What day of the week would be 26th March, 2023?

Q23. For each question in this section, select the best answer.
Now is an excellent time to invest in the catering business. A survey conducted by Weddings magazine found that 70 percent of the magazine’s readers want a catered wedding reception. An analysis of the catering industry, however, shows that the current number of caterers serve only 55 percent of the weddings likely to occur each year.
Which of the following, if true, would undermine the validity of the investment advice in the paragraph above?
Only half of all catered wedding receptions include sit-down meals.
Approximately a quarter of all weddings take place without a reception.
The average wedding reception involves between 50 to 100 guests.
Only half of those who say they want to have a catered wedding actually have one.

Q24. Read the question below to answer the question.
A mobile is found in the bus. The driver asks two passangers A and B if they know the owner. A says “I am the owner” and B says “I don’t know the owner. The mobile does not belong to A". If one of them is lying, which of the following is true?
Cannot say
B is the owner.
A is the owner.
A is not the owner.

Q25. A sentence is broken up into four parts sequentially. Choose the part that has an error.

felt badly about
losing all his crop
The farmer

Q26. The following are the details of the score of 5 students in 5 subjects– Hindi, Math, English, Science and Social Science. The maximum marks of the test in each of these subjects is 20.
The highest scorer scored a total of 90 marks in all subjects put together. Mala got 13 in Math and Miralini 10 in Science. Malathi’s total was less than Mala’s. Malini is one of these 5 students. Madhuri got as many marks as Miralini. None got 20 marks in any subject. Who scored the highest total in all these subjects put together?

Q27. Answer each of these questions independently
From a bag containing 34 balls, one ball weighs 4 grams and all the other weigh 5 grams each. Using a simple balance where balls can be kept on either pan, what is the minimum weighs required to identify the defective ball?

Q28. Select the best answer.
Reading poetry in translation has been described as an experience akin to looking at the wrong side of a carpet, for a translation can seldom match the colour and the sheen of the original. A harsh pronouncement no doubt, but contains an element of truth.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage ?
A good translator is one who has expertise in both languages.
Certain literary works cannot be translated from one language to another.
Poetry is similar to a carpet in its colour and sheen.
A translated work often doesn’t have the beauty of the original.

Q29. The following CAPITALIZED pair of words is followed by four other pairs. Choose the pair, which has a relationship similar to that in the capitalized pair.
Settle : Negotiation
Scalpel : Operation
Fly : Bird
Heat : Oven

Q30. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 8 W R A 4 Z 9 H T Q 7 S 4 U 5 V 2.
If the second half of the above series is reversed, and then all numericals taken out to form a series, then what would be 4th number in such a series ?

Q31. Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence.
.........., he would have signed his name in the corner.
If Hussain had painted that picture
If Hussain would have painted that
If Hussain painted that picture
If Hussain paints that picture

Q32. A person starts from his office and goes towards his house. To reach his house, he has to follow the following directions: Travel 5km towards northeast from the office followed by 5km towards southeast; then travel 5km towards southwest followed 5km towards northwest. Approximately how far is the office from his house (in km)?

Q33. Each question below has a set of four statements. Each statement has three segments Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced from the preceding two.
A. Tarun is a graduate. A few graduates are artists. Tarun may be an artist.
B. Some graduates draw. Some graduates paint. All graduates are artists.
C. Arun is a painter. Sam is a writer. Some men are painters.
D. Authors are critics. Some critics write. No writer is an author.
None of these
Only B
Only A
Only C

Q34. Choose the best word/phrase to replace the underlined part in accordance with grammatical usage, wherever necessary.
In spite of all his faults I cannot but like him.
like him
liking him
but like him
but to like him

Q35. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 2 W R A 4 F 9 H T Q 7 O 4 U 5 V 8.
If the second half of the above series is reversed, how many such letters would you find which are immediately preceded by a letter and immediately followed by a number?

Q36. Each question consists of 5 statements followed by options consisting of 3 statement put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
A. Herbal cosmetics are in great demand.
B. Revlon and Wella are in great demand.
C. Revlon is in great demand.
D. Wella is in great demand.
E. Revlon and Wella are herbal cosmetics.

Q37. K,s father,s brother,s daughter,s husband,s mother-in-law is related to K as

Q38. The question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.
A. All states vote for JPP Party.
B. Mumbi votes for JPP Party.
C. Mumbai is a state.
D. Some states vote for JPP Party.
E. Mumbai votes only for JPP Party.

Q39. From among the four options, choose the one that is different from the others. i.e. find the odd one out that does not belong to the group.

Q40. For each question in this section, select the best answer.
For over fifty years, the ocean-freight industry worked to make ocean freighters faster and to lower their fuel consumption. Despite considerable success, the economics of the industry grew worse, until the industry was almost dead. What was wrong was an incongruity between assumptions and realities. The real costs came not from time spent at sea, but from time spent in port during loading and unloading.
Which of the following actions would be most likely to lead to a solution of the problem faced by the ocean freight industry, as it is analysed in the passage?
Implementing a system to ensure that ocean freighters are loaded to capacity whenever they leave a port.
Developing a ship whose freight capacity related to the ship’s total volume is much larger than that of any existing ship.
Developing a ship’s engine that runs on a cheaper type of fuel than that traditionally used by ocean freighters.
Developing a ship with accessible cargo compartments that can be mechanically loaded and unloaded very rapidly.

Q41. If $ represents addition and * represents subtraction, what is the value of the following expression?
15 * 5 $ 15 $ 10 $ 30 * 15 $ 35 * 25 $ 20 * 25 $ 10

Q42. Question below consists of a sentence, part or whole of which is underlined. From the choices given below, choose the option that follows rules of standard written English.
The Soviet Union has restricted its economy toward the goal of diminishing and to possibly replace United States’ influence.
possibly replacing
possibly to replace
to possibly replace
to replace possibly

Q43. There is an alarming growth of engineering and other professional colleges in the state. Several families are put into deep financial crisis because of the huge capitation fee demanded by professional institutions. It is high time we took stock of the number of students who continue to be unemployed or poorly employed after qualifying from these professional colleges.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage above?
There are more number of colleges than expected, which collect capitation fee from students.
A sound policy of man-power planning and the corresponding growth of educational institutions, is lacking.
Industry is not taken into confidence while designing course curricula for professional colleges.
Educational policy makers and planners are unaware of the changing trends in professional education.

Q44. Direction for question: Answer the question based on the following alphanumeric series:
1 2 W R A 3 F 9 H T Q 7 O 4 U 5 V 8.
If the first half of the above series is reversed, and then all numericals taken out to form a series, then what would be 5th number in such a series ?

Q45. Question consists of few statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two.
A. No attendants are qualified.
B. Some nurses are qualified.
C. Some nurses are not qualified.
D. All nurses are attendants.
E. All attendants are qualified.
F. Some attendants are qualified.

Syntel Placement Paper : Meghnad Saha Institute Of Tech, Nazirabad ,15 January 2011

Today is 15th January,2011 (Saturday).Today, I gave the aptitude examination of Syntel.Our reporting time is on 8am.A online aptitude examination conducted at our college.A 45 minutes of exam which contain 45 question and each question contain 1 mark.I remembered few questions.One thing, you have to remember that there is no negative marking and if you skip any of the question to do in later period,you cant do that.So, be careful about that.Once you skip the previous page,it cant be done later.

1. DESIM is coded as CAMEL,then TIGER is coded as "______"?

2.COLOUR is coded as OCOLURL,then SPECTRUM is coded as "______"?

3.Three dog Roxy,Tiger,Jack.They want to be a friend of 2 cat named Sally and Billy.Among the 3 dog,one dog failed to make a fiend.Sally and Billy succed to make a friend.Then, Tiger succeed to make friend with?

4.A,s father has a mother K and K,s husband is T and T,s brother is M and M,s grandson is S.Then what is the relation of A and S?



7.(A direction question,but cant remember the exact question) Africa is north of Atlanta,greenland is in the south of Africa,Aulica is in the east of Atlanta and in the west of New Zeeland and Texus is in the South of New Zeeland.So,Africa is in which side of Texus?

8.In a job seekers line,every 3rd man is liar and every 4th man is a B.Tech holder.Then how many B.Tech holder are liar?

9.MARRIAGE is coded is AMRRAIEG,...then you have to find some thing code that I cant remember.

10.Some questions are from Logical Reasonig.

11.Some questions on probability.

12.Arrange the sentences A,B,C,D in a logical sequence to form a coherent paragraph.

A. It is because Japanese companies do not have to pay the consultancies’ inflated fees the argument goes ,that companies have more money to devote to ‘real’ investment and because they are not tempted to follow the latest management fashions that they can develop a coherent ,long term strategy.

B. The average salary man,relaxing after a ten hour day over yakitori and sake, hardly Spends his time talking about Drucker –san and Peter-san .

C. It might seem far fetched to argue that Japan’s post war growth has anything to do With management theory.

D.Critics of management theory happily point out that thirty years after arriving ,
Western consultancies are still to make ends meet ,and that Japan has few business
Schools ,none of them very prestigious.

Options: 1. CADB 2. CBDA 3. DBAC 4. DBCA
(2-3 this type of question)

14.Odd man series out question.
I cant remember the other question.

I prefer to practice more on LOGICAL REASONING and ENGLISH part for Syntel.

Best of Luck.

Syntel Placement Paper : Asansol Engineering College(aec)Asansol ,15 January 2011

Hi Friends,

Latest update

Look all guys. Syntel online test is very simple but very tricky. 45 questions 45 minutes. Just go to your college lab and give the test infornt of your sir. Be careful. There is no negative marking and 1 page is consists of 3 questions. But after saving the page you cann,t change your answer and if you want to see the 45th question sure you have to pass all the 15 pages. There is no way to get back.

Most of are puzzle, reasoning, series, coding, decoding, rearrenging the sentences, nearest meaning, opposite, analogy, a very simple blood relation and a very very very hard also. Sentence correction.

1 quesiton on direction. That means you have to covr all the verbal reasoning part. In my paper there is no aptitude quesitons.

Time and speed is the key.

Syntel Placement Paper : KDK,Nagpur ,25 March 2008

· ESSAY WRITING( not an elimination round)

The paper comprised of 3 sections
· LR

The verbal section was damn easy….consisted of simple synonyms, antonyms (as simple as give the antonym for come i.e. go), fill with suitable prepositions, etc. This is the section, which is given utmost importance, & they even decide selection of the candidate based on his/her score in this section.

The quantitative section was a bit tough included topics like time & distance, work & time, etc. It requires constant practice dats it.
The LR section was also simple with blood relations, coding , odd one out ,etc
Total questions were 50 & time alloted was 45 min with sectional cut-off. Though I did well in verbal and LR but was not sure with quanti. Since there was sectional cut-off dat made matters worse!!! Results of the aptitude test were declared at 8 p.m and luckily I had cleared it…. Then immediately we had to write a paragraph on a topic given to us (thy jst want to check how u put your ideas on paper). The topic was MY HOBBIES. It was not an elimination round and we were asked to appear for the interview the next day.

Day 2 was the longest day in my life filled with hopes, aspirations, fear, anxiety et all!!!!!! God can never forget 26/03/2008…
The wait for my turn for the interview started from 10 in the morning & it ended at 4:00 p.m.
A ma’am took my interview (her name is Ms. Bhavisha. She told me later wen I asked her)
Me: May I come in ma’am???
Ma’am: Please come in Sheeba.
Ma’am: hi Sheeba! How r u???
Me: (tension mounting on me and bit of fever made me 4get even basic salutations..) Im 5ne ma’am thank u..
Ma’am: take ur seat Sheeba and tell me something abt u loudly & confidently…
Me: (took my seat) answered it bt voice was very feeble coz of fever
Ma’am: loudly Sheeba!!!!
Me: ma’am im havin fever so cant speak louder than this…..
Ma’am: Do u want some tablets or something (she touched me to feel the temperature. That was so sweet of her!!!!)
Me: No ma’am thank u…I’ve had my medicine
Ma’am: (again) r u sure????? U r 5ne???
Me: yes ma’am.
Ma’am: ok Sheeba tell me abt ur strengths…
Me: answered well
Ma’am: Can u draw the pin diagram of microprocessor 8085 for me?????
Me: Ma’am I’ll try to.[ my branch is CSE and mp is something I dreaded in my 5th sem] She handed me a paper and when I started drawing I realized I had drawn microcontroller 8051…..i told her that I couldn,t recollect any pin diag other than 8051..she smiled and took the paper….
Ma’am: Ok I’m done wid it do u hav any questions???
Me: ma;am I wud like to know my feed back……
Ma’am: Sheeba u’ve got good communication skills & dats what v r looking for.. Any more quest????
Me: ma’am I heard Syntel is blacklisted and some other rumors of this sort…So what is the truth behind all this???
Ma’am: She explained me all the intricacies quite well…Any other quest????
Me: Ma’am may I know ur name??
Ma’am: Bhavisha.
Me: It was a pleasure talking to u ma’am…
Ma’am: same here Sheeba..

The results were announced at 10:30 p.m. Out of 132 who appeared only 37 cleared the interview……I was one of the 37.. Finally got a job after 4 campuses!!!!!!! Syntel was my 5th company….

Moral support is quite important during campuses guys….and I must say I have a very awesome support system in the form of my friends, parents and above all GOD!!!!!! Never give up. Try till u succeed….

Syntel Placement Paper : Vidyalankaar Institute of Technology,Wadala ,28 March 2008

Sections :
1. Quantative & Logical Resoning ( 30 questions)
2. Verbal (15 Questions)

1. Aptitude test
2. HR & Tech interview.
Now let me discuss the scenario what was seen created so that u will understand more clearly
The reportinf time for syntel test was 9 am and student from Don Bosco, Sabbo Siddik, Vidyalankar
where there for giving the test where selection criteria was moe then 55 % agg in 10th, 12th and till the end of ur
last sem and no KT(either live or dead) was allowed.But the pre placement talk started at 11:30 am after getting
bored for 1 n half hr.Friends listen to the pre placement talk very carefully coz they will trap u in interview questions
based on that.

Then test started at 12 pm which was
Hope this will tell u how simple it was.. some of the questions i remembered
1.anology type questions like
this was very simple u dont even have to think
2.odd man out
like glass, mug, pottery, beaker
ans is beaker this was simple but u will have to think on there properties.
3.finding relations
Marble,Slates, Gneiss
1.All 2 r metamorphic rocks
2.All 3 in white color such 4 options were theer ans is 1st one
4: If x exceed half of x by 35 then finf value of x?
5. If x is added to twelve time that no then ans is 169 the find x?
6:Coding type problem
They had given that A=1, B=2, C=3 & so on
Then what is the code for blue. such 3 questions were there
7: Now here onwards u will have to be alert
it was based on logic that if there r 5 persons a,b,c,d,e aall travel to bangalore kolkata chennai delhi hyderabad
by mumbai using train bus boat aeroplane car n some conditions were given just analyse n u can asw all 5 questions based on that
8: data interpretation
One table was given based on skilled, unskilled, semi skilled worker this was simple
9 : time and work problem
3 question out of that 1 was easy but other were bouncer but if u have studied then u can manage
10. in English just prepare for anomaly type question n article tenses simple u can manage if ur english is
not good (mind my word if not good).

After this test was over n they told results will be announced after 2 hrs but was actually announced after 3 hrs
many student were short listed will let u know after some time.

Then my interview was 17th on the 3rd list which was around 10 min interview.

Questions asked were :
1.Tell me something about yourself?
Do prepare this question properly coz they will ask u question based on that they never take your resume)
2.Stand up and go o stage n give a presentation on what u know about syntel for 5 min?
I was stunned for a moment yaar but home how i manage n was confident to what i said but friend it was done only
with me)
3.Tell me fast about your % from 10th to 5th Sem ?
Here they see your presence of mind whether u say correct or not
4.Tell me about computers
5.What is frontend and backend?
6.Founder of microsoft?
7.Who develop JAVA?

Then he told me i m glad to meet u i told y not? N that was a moment when i injured his brain coz i was confident n cool
Then after my interview they told that result will be out by 9:30 pm but after all interview they ran from the college
without saying any thing. they told that result will be sent to placement officer after one wee k but it was displayed
on the next that in which my name shining like a pearls.

In all 180 student participated out of that 125 got selected for interview n i don,t know how much got slected coz there
were 3 colleges.

Friends don,t be worried coz
"Confidence comes naturally with success,.
but in order to be success full u will have to be confident."

Syntel Placement Paper : OIST bhopal ,29 March 2008

1:Written test paper with eassy writting
2:HR(elimination round)
3:Technical inter.

Written::50 questions for 45 minutes
Q1 to Q5 Analogy
Eg 1Hourse:Mare::Husband:?
options:: wife,daughter.......etc
2 ) Doct.:treatment::advocate:? Like this

further they have given some jumbled letters and we have to put that into a correct sequence
Eg: KAAABHSR =43335126
options: 12345633
51324363(Correct option)=(Ans BHASKARA)

Next 5 questions : a puzzle was given :
Puzzle: There r 6 teachers ABCDE & a&b is teaching history &english b&c is teaching maths&hindi & so on...................
Q: How many teachers r teaching maths?
Q: How many r taking more than 2 subjects? etc (Easy but concentrate with time management )

Next 5 questions were from aptitude:
Time &Work(Go through R.S Agarwal) easy but Logic must me clear to U
Next 10 Q were the tabulation Problem similar to one given in the R.S Agarwal(Go through it)

Fill in the blanks(3-4Q)
Fill with appropriate articles.
Vocab: a word was given & we have to choose from the given options its opposite or its related meaning(Little vocab Power required)
After this 10 minutes were given to us for eassy writting.

Results were announced after 6 hrs & out of 1300 students 200 students were shortlisted for HR round

Advice ::Go through all the core questn.
q asked to me:
SHE: Speak about UR self for 1 min.
She: Tell me UR biggest strength U feel proud with
I: told
She: Biggest weakness
I: told
she :told me to discuss the topic given for eassy
She: Asked for queries

To my some friends other questions asked were Talk abt UR hairstyle
What will u do if U will be given the powers similar to God for 1 day? etc Depends

Lots of people got eliminaed from HR

There were 2 panels 4 technical inter. They had our written test paper with them .My interviewer asked me 2 solve the questions from written test paper

I: Good afternoon sir.
He: Stood up & shaked hands with me & introduced himself.
He: Have a seat preeti

Checked my resume & all the certificates.Futher he asked me to solve the Q from written test paper.

Further he helped in a q i was uncomfortable with & given me another q similar to that also asked me some more Q to related logic.He asked me about my teachnical skills & asked me 1 Q from loops.He also asked for questions 4 him. Again he shaked hands with me & said "Preeti looking forward to see U at pune".

So I had a strong hope for my result.The interviewers were so polite & cooperative just B what U R. final selections were 51 out of 200.

Never ever loose UR heart .GOD is great & their is always a second oppurtunity.(It was my 5th campus) "ALL THE BEST"

Syntel Placement Paper : KLCE, Vijayawada ,20 July 2007

1. Written test
2.GD cum hr
3. Technical

nearly 2000 students attended written test and 308 cleared it and i am one out of them.Test has the following criteria 40 Q,s 60 min .
The paper contains
2.verbal(concentrate a little bit)

Reasoning comprises of
puzzles,i didn,t remember practice R.S.AGARWAL 4r dis

verbal comprises
3.assertions and reasoning
4.correction of sentences(easy)
after written its only hr 4r me its very easy (concentrate on ppt)

next is technical round
me:gud evening sir
hr: said gud evening sravanthi,plz take ur seat
me:thanku sir
hr:asked me how is the written test
me:said its easy
hr:how is the day
me:not really
hr:asked what r u,r favourite subjects
me:answered c,c++
hr:what is diff btwn c,c++
hr:about malloc,calloc
hr:storage classes
hr: program 4r calculating the day when date is given
me:explained the logic
hr: he said i would like 2 ask more q,s 4r u but i am vexed
me:said ok sir
hr:ok sravanthi wait 4r d results
me:ok,thanq sir
around 11:15 pm d results were announced 119 got selected and i am lucky 2 b one of them overall they checked 4r confidence and good communication skills(without any grammatical errors) b cool dis is my 6th company

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