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Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper Noida 13 February 2011

let me take this opportunity to share my Tech Mahindra experience with u.. The overall selection procedure stretched 15 tedious hours from 9 in the morning to 1 at night! 31 out of 162 were finally selected. The selection is made on the basis of 3 rounds:

1. Online Test(Aptitude and English)

2. Technical Round

3. HR Round
The ONLINE TEST consisted of:

Aptitude => 40 min 70 questions.. with +1/-1 marking. There were 3 sections and the questions were of medium and high difficulty level...there were questions from all spheres: time n distance, hcf lcm, ratio, surds, age, upstream downstream, compound interest, logical reasoning, picture matching etc... I suggest u to attempt only the confident ones and not to attempt doubtful questions. Also try ur best not to peek on the countdown timer, it might just saturate ur mind.. I tried my best, but cud finish with only 59/70 question attempts

English => 40min 100 questions.. The english was very very easy infact... i bet u can finish all 100 in less than 20min.. there were 7 sections.. each were pretty easy.. prepositions, articles, synonyms, antonyms etc..

the online test stretched from 2:00pm to 3:40pm. The results were announced @ around 4:15pm... Out of 162 aspirants, 71 were selected for the technical round

TECHNICAL ROUND : this was the toughest round as they were testing all ur abilities... I suggest u to thoroughly prepare one fav subject... and go thru urs basics well.. the technical panel were throwing in all types of question, including 11th and 12th class physics and chemistry questions. U may even be asked to solve a puzzle! Approx 10-15min per individual was the interview time

I suggest u to reply confidently. if ur not sure about the answer, b frank and tell the truth... try not to press the panic button and make sure the interview goes on like a conversation, rather than a cruel viva session.

As of my case, since I,m from Electrical n electronics background, the first question thrown at me was why I,m opting for an IT telecom company... then I was asked abt the projects and abt any hands on technical experience. I was also asked to comment on android, software testing, software maintenance etc to which I replied i had to knowledge. it was a friendly conversation and the interviewer was telling me abt the importance of working in a team, problems that I may face in IT sector, difficulties in software testing etc... and I kept on smiling and saying that I,m ready to face the challenge.

The technical round stretched from 4:30pm to 10pm. 45 out of 71 were shortlisted for the final round: the HR.

If u thot that clearing Technical Round was enough to clear the HR round,,, u r wrong... the HR was as challenging as the other 2 rounds...We were called in group of 6, and were asked to give self introduction, to talk on various current topics, group discussions, and were even asked to cross question each other.. Fluency, presentation and confidence was thoroughly tested.. around 15-20min per batch was the time taken... the HR round finished at 12:30am...

Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper Rajampet 29 July 2011

I wrote written test of tech mahindra / mahindra satyam thru JKC on 30.07.11. The paper is very easy but the main parameter to be concentrated is time....The paper was set in a way such that everyone can do it if there is no time limit.......
3 rounds:
1. written
2. tech
3. hr


Two sections: 1. English test(100 qstns , 40 mins)
2. Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins)
English test:
consists of 8 subsections thru 8 links ( time starts wen u think to select a particular section...dont waste time in it...just go for prepositions first as there are 20 qstns in it......)
1. Prepositions( 20 qstns)
2. Articles(10)
4.Subject and verb agreement(10)
5.Fill in the blanks(10)
6.Confusable words(10)(simple...a blank will b given wer the options will be "their" r "there" etc.,)
7. Synonyms(10 r 20)
8.Tenses(10 r 20)

As far as I am concerned , time is left that i could check my answers once again....this is only in the case of verbal.....The toughest part is managing time in the apti and rsng test.....

Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins):
Consists of 3 sub-sections:
1. numerical abilities (aptitude)(15 qstns)
2. non- verbal reasoning(35)
3. verbal reasoning(20)
3 links will b given for above 3 sections....Never try to attempt reasoning first although it will b very easy...first attempt aptitude and then go for reasoning....otherwise u will not get time to do aptitude....
I dont remember the qstns ,but i know "few" topics from which the qstns were given...just go thru rs aggarwal apti and rsng buks on these particular topics...its more than enough.....the topics include:
partnership(5 qstns--- more weightage of all)
profit and loss
time and distance
ratio and proportion
paragraph based reasoning qstns (puzzle test)
direction sense test
coding decoding
figure series
alphabet test
blood relations
logical sequence of words
series completion(both numberscrapped and alphabets)
odd one out

Just go thru the examples given in rs agarwal for these topics...Believe it or not!!!!!!The qstns were dead easy...One who is very fast in doing these problems will do it for sure.....

Around 2700 members wrote along with me ...out of which 84 cleared the written test just bcos of TIME factor..
Heard that 125/170 is the cut-off....
Posted just this bcos i dont want any of u to lose the opportunity as me(I am not among the 84!!!!)...
Hope it helps you......

Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper MCKVIE Liluah 29 April 2011

the selection procedure has 3 parts-


2.technical interview, interview

each of the rounds were elimination rounds.

aptitude test consists of 170 questions-1.general aptitude test(70 questions-40 min),

2.english(100 questions-40 min).

for the aptitude do concerntrate on r s agarwal sections(compound interest,time and work,aliggation or mixture),

english portion was damn easy.i took 16 min to answer the 100 questions.

near about 100 students sit for the aptitude test and only 22 cleared.i was one of them.

now i was called for the technical interview first.i went into the room.there was two panels.i went for panel 2.the interviewer was very student friendly.

he asked me-

1.tell me about yourself

2.a program on c,



5.interest in sports,

6.any questions u wnt to ask.

now out of 22 19 cleared technical.i was one of them

now i was calld for the hr first.

it was almost a formality round.

basic questions-intro,hobbies,where you want to see urself after 5 years?,etc

finaaly at about 8:30 in the night results were declared and 18 out of 19 going to hr were selected and i was one of them.

Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper Sharada Center Pune 11 February 2011

I am Anup Chaudhari,Alumni of RCPIT,Shirpur North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon.
I want to share my interview Experince with u.......
Techmahindra Conducted an open campus drive at Sharada Center(Head Office),Pune...on 12th Feb 2011...
There were 3000-4000 students appeared for the test....
My aptitude test was held at 7.00pm in evening....
The TechMahindra,s Selection procedure was so fast they try to conduct all the rounds on the same day.....
Aptitude test: 170 ques 80 mins
Techmahindra,s Aptitude paper is so vast. it includes 95% Verbal-NonVerbal and English part, for Maths only 8-10 ques were there...
I suggest u dont go for maths.....try the English section,s last 20 -25 ques first which are easy and less time consuming...
Time Management is very Crucial to crack this Aptitude.....
Technical Interview: I was called for the Technical Interview At 9:00pm..

Interviewr:Interviewr was so cool.....
tell about yourself,,,then he asked 2-3 ques on java,,,,,,,then he asked about project ......
Then he diverted me from technical to physics....directly (This was for checking my self-confidence only)
he asked me to rate myself for physics then he asked me the questions like....Why the sky is blue?though its a colorless. 2-3 question was there....
HR Interview:It was just for formality....But they had rejected many peoples in this also.....
HR person asked me only the relocation flexiblity and bond...(You have to sign the bond of 1lakh for two years...........You dont need to pay this money..)

Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper 04 December 2011

1. Simplify the following 515*515*515-221*221*221/(515*515+515*221*221+221)

A. 280 B. 290

C. 295 D. 294


2. Find the value of 40000-40000÷100

A. 0 B. infinity

C. 39600 D. 100


3. Simplify the following (578291*578291-457428*457428)/120863


4. If the value of a-b=6 and a2+b2=40, then find the value of ab.


5. Find the value of ((598+194)2-(598-194)2)/(598*194)


Find the next terms for the following question.

6. 2,5,10,17,26, ___


7. 5, 13, 37, 109, ___


8. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26,37, ___


9. Solve the problem

Sachin’s average in his first 50 innings was 50. After the 51st innings, his average was 51. How many runs did he score in his 51st innings. (Supposing that he lost his wicket in his 51st innings)

A.100 B. 51

C. 101 D. 50


10. What is the sum of the first 20 natural odd numbers?

A. 200 B. 400

C. 800 D. none of these


11. The sum of any seven consecutive numbers is divisible by

A.2 B. 7

C. 3 D. 11


12. A rectangular plate with length 8 inches, breadth 11 inches and thickness 2 inches is available. What is the length of the circular rod with diameter 10 inches and equal to the volume of the rectangular plate?

Ans - 2.24 inches

13. 8. If time at this moment is 9 P.M., what will be the time 23999999992 hours later?

A. 1PM B. 2 PM

C. 2.30 PM D. 3PM


14. Find the next term

1, 8, 9, 64, 25, ___

A.215 B. 216

C. 219 D. 220


15. Find the next term

100, 80,55,35,0,___

A. -35 B. -40

C. 40 D. 35


16. A copying machine "P" can copy 135 pages in 9 minutes, P and Q together can copy 300 pages in 12 minutes. In what time Q can copy 80 pages?

A. 7 B. 5

C. 4 D. 8


17. Find the number when 270 increased in 9: 11 ratio.

A. 330 B. 390

C. 380 D. 310


18. The ratio between two numbers is 3 : 4 and their sum is 420. What is the greater of the two numbers?

A. 175 B. 315

C. 200 D. 240


19. In a joint business, the capital of A, B and C were Rs. 45000, Rs. 30000 and Rs. 22500 respectively. A withdrew half of his capital after 4 months. After 9 months of this withdrawal, there was a total profit of Rs. 28400. Find the each share of profit.

Ans- Rs. 10200, Rs. 10400, Rs. 7800

20. The probability of two events A and B are0.25 and 0.40 respectively. The probability that both A and B occur is 0.15. The probability that neither A nor B occur is _________

A. 0.35 B. 0.65

C. 0.5 D. 0.9



1. The grapes are now ...... enough to be picked.

A. ready B. mature

C. ripe D. advanced


2. In a large cities people are cut ...... from nature.

A away B. off

C. out D. down


3. Physically we are now all neighbors, but psychologically. we are ...... to each other.

A. primitives B. complimentary

C. strangers D. cowards


4. Moreover, a fact finding mission ...... by BSN to India in January this year strongly recommended that the French group should go it alone, and not hand over ...... to an Indian Partner.

A. organised, papers B. constituted, authority

C. sponsored, power D. dispatched, control


5. Now, the management graduate can expect to have a prosperous life on a ...... income without having to depend on finding a place in family busiess having to tend the paternal estates.

A. professional B. regular

C. meaningful D. dependable


In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A. Reticent B. Talkative

C. Garrulous D. Verbose



A. Frugal B. Thrifty

C. Stingy D. Generous



A. Resurgence B. Breakthrough

C. Continuation D. Combination


9. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.

“To catch a tarter”

A. To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty

B. To catch a dangerous person

C. To meet with disaster

D. To deal with a person who is more than one,s match


10. In the question below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

“Who is creating this mess?”

A. Who has been created this mess?

B. By whom has this mess been created?

C. By whom this mess is being created?

D. By whom is this mess being created?


Directions (For questions 11 to 14): In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the sixth sentence (S6) are given in the beginning. The other four sentences in each set have been jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly.

11. S1: There was a boy named Jack.

S6: At last she turned him out of the house.

P: So the mother asked him to find work.

Q: They were very poor.

R: He lived with his mother.

S: But Jack refused to work.

A - R Q P S B- P Q R S

C- Q P R S D- R P S Q


12. S1: But Bhutan is a curious mix of modern and the medieval.

S6: His license plate reads simply ‘BHUTAN’.

P: It was next to a speed limit sign: 8 km an hour.

Q: Even the king zips through in a navy blue Toyota Land Cruiser.

R: I noticed a rusty sign for the Kit Kat chocolate bar and realized it was the only advertisement I had seen.

S: Yet in the cities, most middle class people drive brand new Japanese cars.

A - R Q P S B- P Q R S

C- Q P R S D- R P S Q

13. S1: A city tour organized by the airport got our next vote.

S6:“We can only grow in height as most of our land is reclaimed from the mud Brought from neighbouring countries”, said Bernadette.

P: A bumboat ride through the Singapore River gave us a vantage view of the country’s prized possession of skyscrapers in the central business district.

Q: The tour is very popular with transit passengers and there are many such buses doing the route.

R: We were greeted into an air-conditioned Volvo bus with a bottle of chilled water.

S: On the drive through the ‘colonial heart’ of the city, our guide, Bernadette, pointed out the Parliament House, Supreme Court and City Hall to us

A - R Q P S B- P Q R S

C- Q P R S D- R P S Q

14. S1: His usually fretful features composed, Javagal Srinath announced his retirement from international cricket.

S6: He finished with 236 wickets in 67 Tests and 315 in 229 one-day Internationals.

P: He had spent the early years of his 13-year career sitting out nine Tests when he was at his quickest, being reminded of everything he was not.

Q: In a classic case of appreciating a good thing when it is gone, the tributes poured in for India’s most successful pace bowler after Kapil Dev.

R: Not aggressive enough, not a non-vegetarian, not an all-rounder.

S: Srinath soldiered on, whether wickets were flat or causes lost, as they often were when India toured.

A - R Q P S B- P Q R S

C- Q P R S D- R P S Q

Directions (For questions 15 to 19): Each of the following six items consists of a word in capital letters, followed by four words or groups of words. Select the word or group of words that is most similar in meaning (Synonym) to the word in capital letters.


A. Intimidate B. Humiliate

C. Predict D. Postpone


A. Cancel B. Enjoy

C. Praise D. Receive


A. Pathetic B. Tiresome

C. Guarantee D. Magnanimous


A. Novice B. Dishonest

C. Futuristic D. Traditional


A. Skill B. Softness

C. Charm D. Gist

20. In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

“A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power”

A. Expert B. Intellectual

C. Snob D. Literate


Logical Reasoning

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

The district administration has issued a circular to all the farmers under its jurisdiction advising them for not using pesticides indiscriminately as it may pollute the ground water.

I People may stop using ground water if the farmers continue to use pesticides indiscriminately.

II Farmers may refrain from using pesticides indiscriminately.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit


2. The Government has decided to levy 2 percent on the tax amount payable for funding drought relief programmes.

I The Government does not have sufficient money to fund drought relief programmes.

II The amount collected by way of surcharge may be adequate to fund these drought relief programmes.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit

C. Either I or II is implicit

D. Neither I nor II is implicit

E. Both I and II are implicit


3. Find the statement that must be true according to the given information

Vincent has a paper route. Each morning, he delivers 37 newspapers to customers in his neighborhood. It takes Vincent 50 minutes to deliver all the papers. If Vincent is sick or has other plans, his friend Thomas, who lives on the same street, will sometimes deliver the papers for him.

A. Vincent and Thomas live in the same neighborhood.

B. It takes Thomas more than 50 minutes to deliver the papers.

C. It is dark outside when Vincent begins his deliveries.

D. Thomas would like to have his own paper route.


4. In the given questions, a statement/group of statements is given followed by some conclusions. Without resolving anything yourself choose the conclusion which logically follows from the given statements).

In this company, 60 per cent of the employees are males, 40 per cent are females, 80 per cent of the employees are sincere and 40 per cent of the employees are from this city - Rawalpura.

A. All male employees are from out station.

B. All male employees are sincere.

C. 20 per cent of female employees are not sincere.

D. All female employees are from Rawalpura.

E. None of these


5. Fill the blank with appropriate word.

QAR, RAS, SAT, TAU, _____




6. Fill the blank with appropriate word.

ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, _____

A. E7V B. V2E

C. VE5 D. VE7


7. A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his shares for Rs.75000. What is the value of Business

A. 100000 B.200000

C. 150000 D.250000


8. If 12 file cabinets require 18 feet of wall space, how many feet of wall space will 30 cabinets require?

A.20 C.35

B.30 D. 45


9. A monkey climbs 6 months and falls 3mts in alternate minutes. Then time taken to climb a tree 60metres high?

A. 35 B. 37

C. .32 D. 34


Complete the number series

10. 3,18,4,24,5,30,?

A. 1 B. 6

C. 3 D. 4


11. 6,18,36,108,216,648,?

A. 1296 B. 1266

C. 1230 D. 1240


12. Ravi has bought ten trees for her garden. He wants to plant these trees in five rows, with four trees in each row. How must Ravi plant the trees?

13. There are 5 yellow shoes, 4 black shoes. If one draw randomly a shoe what is the probability of getting a yellow shoe?


14. A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps he won,t able to buy 3 paise stamps.


15. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

gorblflur means fan belt

pixngorbl means ceiling fan

arthtusl means tile roof

Which word could mean "ceiling tile"?

A. gorbltusl B. flurgorbl

C. arthflur D. pixnarth


16. Find (7x + 4y ) / (x-2y) if x/2y = 3/2 ?

17. Suppose one man built a square house in a particular place in the earth. Each side there is a door for outside. But all the doors are facing to northern side. How it is possible?

18. You are standing next to a well, and you have two jugs. One jug has a content of 3 liters and the other one has a content of 5 liters. How can you get just 4 liters of water using only these two jugs?

19. These words follow a logical progression:







Which one of these comes next?



Quantitave Aptitude

1. Jothi,s father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother four years younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents?

A. 2 years B. 4 years

C. 6 years D. 8 years


2. The sum of two numbers is 184. If one-third of the one exceeds one-seventh of the other by 8, find the smaller number.

A.72 B. 74

C. 76 D. 78


3. Of two numbers, 4 times the smaller one is less then 3 times the 1arger one by 5. If the sum of the numbers is larger than 6 times their difference by 6, find the two numbers.

Ans-59 &43

4. A number consists of two digits. The sum of the digits is 9. If 63 is subtracted from the number, its digits are interchanged. Find the number.

A.72 B. 84

C. 76 D. 81


5. If three numbers are added in pairs, the sums equal 10, 19 and 21. Find the



6. Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T. If the sum of the ages of R and T is 50 years, what is definitely the difference between R and Q,s age?

A. 1 year B. 2 years

C. 25 years D. Data inadequate

E. None of these


7. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence, father,s age will be twice that of his son. The ratio of their present ages is:

A. 5 : 2 B. 7 : 3

C. 9 : 2 D. 13 : 4


8. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth. If its length is decreased by 5 cm and breadth is increased by 5 cm, the area of the rectangle is increased by 75 sq. cm. Find the length of the rectangle

A.20 B. 24

C. 25 D. 26


9. A motorboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes. The speed of the stream (in km/hr) is:

A. 4 B. 5

C. 6 D. 10


10. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10hours and 12 hours respectively while a third, pipe empties the full tank in 20 hours. If all the three pipes operate simultaneously, in how much time will the tank be filled?

A.6 hrs 20 min B. 7 hrs 15 min

C. 5 hrs 30 min D. 7 hrs 30 min


11. 39 persons can repair a road in 12 days, working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons, working 6 hours a day, complete the work?

A. 10 B. 13

C. 14 D. 15


12. Arrange the fractions 5/8, 7/12, 13/16, 16/29 and 3/4 in ascending order of magnitude.

13. If (1 / 3.718) = 0.2689, Then find the value of (1 / 0.0003718).


14. Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be:

A. Wednesday B. Saturday

C. Tuesday D. Thursday


15. Stewart started a business investing Rs. 45,000. After 3 months, Jackson joined him with a capital of Rs. 60,000. After another 6 months, Rooney joined them with a capital of Rs. 90,000. At the end of the year, they made a profit of Rs. 16,500. Find the Share of each.

Ans-6600,6600,3300 respectively

16. Four milkmen rented a pasture. A grazed 24 cows for 3 months; B 10 for 5 months; C 35 cows for 4 months and D 21 cows for 3 months. If A,s share of rent is Rs. 720, find the total rent of the field.

A.3200 Rs C. 3210 Rs

B. 3250 Rs D.3300 RS


17. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?

A. 3 B. 4

C. 9 D. 6

E. None of these


18. A number consists of 3 digits whose sum is 10. The middle digit is equal to the sum of the other two and the number will be increased by 99 if its digits are reversed. The number is:

A. 145 B. 253

C. 370 D. 352


Tech Placement Paper : TechMahindra(MBT) Placement Paper 04 Dec 2011

1. choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

She said to her friend, "I know where is everyone"

A. She told that she knew where was everyone.

B. She told her friend that she knew where was everyone.

C. She told her friend that she knew where is everyone.

D. She told her friend that she knows where was everyone.


2. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power

A. Expert

B. Intellectual

C. Snob

D. Literate


3. Rearrange the following five sentences in proper sequence so as to for a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.

1. John did not have the money to buy the beautiful clip.

2. After a while, Jane explained to John that she had sold her hair to buy a gold chain for his watch.

3. As it was Christmas, john want to give Jane a surprise present.

4. When Jane saw it, she felt like crying.

5. He decided to present her a clip made of ivory for her long flowing hair.

6. He, therefore sold off his watch and brought home the present.

I. Which of the sentences should come first in the paragraph ?

A. 3

B. 6

C. 2

D. 5

E. 4


II. Which of the sentences should come second in the paragraph ?

A. 6

B. 1

C. 5

D. 4

E. 3


III. Which of the sentences should come forth in the paragraph ?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 6

E. 5


4. In question given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative

Will you kindly open the knot?

A. untie

B. break

C. loose

D. No improvement


5. In Question given below a sentence broken into five or six parts. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence.

1. was 2. and 3. Suresh 4. kind 5. loving

A. 31425

B. 54213

C. 34251

D. 15243

E. 12345


6. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

he members thought that the task was feasible.

A. impractical

B. impossible

C. difficult

D. impracticable


7. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase

It was universally characterized as a progressive measure.

A. regressive

B. obstructive

C. retrograde

D. abhorrent


8. Select the word or phrase which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase

It is one of pernicious customs prevailing in the society.

A. permanent

B. beneficial

C. parochial

D. dangerous


9. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

The great dancer impressed the appreciative crowd by his nimble movements.

A. Unrhythmic

B. lively

C. quickening

D. clear


10. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence

Some people just cannot compromise where truth is concerned.

A. adjust

B. accommodate

C. yield

D. conciliate


11. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence

A person unrestrained by the rules of morality or tradition is called a licentious person.

A. libertine

B. loafer-type

C. criminal

D. freelance


12. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence

When he could not endure the cruel ragging any longer, the new recruit bravely stood up to all his bullying seniors.

A. challenged

B. fought back

C. resisted

D. defeated


13. Find out that word, the spelling of which is WRONG. The letter of that word is the answer.

A. Righteousness

B. Musician

C. Inflamable

D. Negotiate

E. All correct


14. our words which are lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D) have been printed in bold type, one which may be either inappropriate in the context of the sentence or wrongly spelt.The letter of that word is answer.

A. He was invited

B. to attend the

C. inaugural of the all party

D. meat

E. All correct


15. Find the correctly spelt words.

A. Ommineous

B. Omineous

C. Ominous

D. Omenous


16. Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct?

The research study is an eye-opener and attempts to acquaint us with the problems of poor nations.

A. attempted to acquaint

B. attempts at acquainting

C. attempt to acquaint

D. attempting to acquaint

E. No correction required


17. The first and sixth sentence are given in the begining. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.

S1: I keep on flapping my big ears all day.

P : They also fear that I will flip them all away.

Q : But children wonder why I flap them so.

R : I flap them so to make sure they are safely there on either side of my head.

S : But I know what I am doing.

S6: Am I not a smart, intelligent elephant?

The Proper sequence should be:






18. choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Do you imitate others?

A. Are others being imitated by you?

B. Are others imitated by you?

C. Have others being imitated by you?

D. Were others being imitated by you?


19. Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

You need to clean your shoes properly.

A. Your shoes are needed to clean properly.

B. You are needed to clean your shoes properly.

C. Your shoes need to be cleaned properly.

D. Your shoes are needed by you to clean properly.


20. . Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice

He is said to be very rich.

A. He said he is very rich.

B. People say he is very rich.

C. He said it is very rich.

D. People say it is very rich.


21. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence

A. The Indian radio

B. which was previously controlled by the British rulers

C. is free now from the narrow vested interests.

D. No error.


22. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence

A. I have got

B. my M.Sc. degree

C. in 1988.

D. No error.


23. Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

I saw a ...... of cows in the field.

A. group

B. herd

C. swarm

D. flock


24. Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

My uncle decided to take ...... and my sister to the market.

A. I

B. mine

C. me

D. myself


25. Rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.

It has been established that

P : Einstein was

Q : although a great scientist

R : weak in arithmetic

S : right from his school days

The Proper sequence should be:






26. An incomplete statement (Stem) followed by fillers is given. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.

His appearance is unsmiling but ......

A. his heart is full of compassion for others

B. he looks very serious on most occasions

C. people are afraid of him

D. he is uncompromising on matters of task performance

E. he is full of jealousy towards his colleagues


27. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom,

To drive home

A. To find one,s roots

B. To return to place of rest

C. Back to original position

D. To emphasise

E. None of these


28. Select the pair which has the same relationship.


A. shard:pottery

B. shred:wood

C. blades:grass

D. chip:glass


29. Select the pair which has the same relationship.


A. rooster:chicken

B. mutton:sheep

C. steer:beef

D. lobster:crustacean


30. Select the pair which has the same relationship


A. liquid:litre

B. bushel:corn

C. weight:scale

D. fame:television


Questions(31-35) read the paragraph and answer the questions that follows

Organisations are institutions in which members complete for status and power. they compete for resource of the organisation, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, grouped are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organisation may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.

31. "Organic system" as related to the organization implies its

A. growth with the help of expert knowledge

B. growth with input from science and technology

C. steady all around development

D. natural and unimpeded growth


32. Policy decision in organization would involve

A. cooperation at all levels in the organization

B. modernization of the organization

C. attracting highly qualified personnel

D. keeping in view the larger objectives of the organizations


33. The author tends to the senior managers as

A. ignorant and incompetent

B. a little out of step with their work environment

C. jealous of their younger colleagues

D. robbed of their rank, power and privilege


34. The author makes out a case for

A. organic system

B. Research and Development in organisations

C. an understanding between senior and middle level executives

D. a refresher course for senior managers


35. The theme of the passage is

A. groupism in organizations

B. individual ambitions in organizations

C. frustration of senior managers

D. emergence of sectional interests in organizations


Section B:- 20 questions Series (Number and Diagram series) –Tough

1. Look at this series: 8, 43, 11, 41, __, 39, 17, ... What number should fill in the blank?

A. 8

B. 14

C. 43

D. 44


2. Look at this series: F2, __, D8, C16, B32, ... What number should fill the blank?

A. A16

B. G4

C. E4

D. E3


3. Choose which pair of numbers comes next.

36 31 29 24 22 17 15

A. 13 11

B. 10 5

C. 13 8

D. 12 7

E. 10 8


4. Choose which pair of numbers comes next.

9 11 33 13 15 33 17

A. 19 33

B. 33 35

C. 33 19

D. 15 33

E. 19 21


5. Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, ... What number should come next?

A. 20

B. 22

C. 23

D. 26


6. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.

CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU






7. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.

JAK, KBL, LCM, MDN, _____






8. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series

ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, _____

A. E7V

B. V2E

C. VE5

D. VE7


9. Select correct pattern.


10. Select correct pattern.


11. Select correct pattern.


12. There are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e). You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.


13. There are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e). You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.


14. There are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e). You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.


15. There are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e). You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.


16. There are two sets of figures namely the Problem figures containing five figures A, B, C, D, E and the Answer figures (a), (b), (c), (d), (e). You have to select one figure from the Answer figures which will continue the same series as given in the Problem figures.


17. Select correct pattern.


18. Select correct pattern.


19. Select correct pattern.


20. Select correct pattern.


Section C:- 20 questions Quatitatve Aptitude(All questions from R.S.Aggarwal )

1. Anita had to do a multiplication. Instead of taking 35 as one of the multipliers, she took 53. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the new product?


2. If the cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 16 articles, What is the percentage of profit or loss that the merchant makes?

Ans-25% profit

3. A rectangular parking space is marked out by painting three of its sides.If the length of the unpainted side is 9 feet, and the sum of the lengths of the painted sides is 37 feet, then what is the area of the parking space in square feet?

A. 46

B. 81

C. 126

D. 252 litres


4. The length of a rectangualr hll is 5m more than its breadth. The area of the hall is 750 m. The length of the hall is


5. Two boys begin together to write out a booklet containing 535 lines. The first boy starts with the first line, writing at the rate of 100 lines an hour; and the second starts with the last line then writes line 534 and so on, backward proceeding at the rate of 50 lines an hour. At what line will they meet?


6. Kim can do a work in 3 days while David can do the same work in 2 days. Both of them finish the work together and get Rs.150. What is the share of Kim?

Ans-Rs 60

7. A man bets on number 16 on a roulette wheel 14 times and losses each time. On the 15th span he does a quick calculation and finds out that the number 12 had appeared twice in the 14 spans and is therefore, unable to decide whether to bet on 16 or 12 in the 15th span. Which will give him the best chance and what are the odds of winning on the bet that he takes? (Roulette has numbers 1 to 36)

8. A positive integer, which when added to 1000, gives a sum which is greater than when it is multiplied by 1000. This positive integer is


9. A, B and C play cricket. A,s runs are to B,s runs and B,s runs are to C,s as 3:2. They get altogether 342 runs. How many runs did A make?


10. Find the range of real values of x satisfying the inequalities 3x - 2 > 7 and 4x - 13 > 15.

11. Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons per minute. All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank is

Ans-120 gallons

12. The cost of painting the whole surface area of a cube at the rate of 13 paise per is Rs. 343.98. Then the volume of the cube is

Ans-9261 cm3

13. Two merchants sell, each an article for Rs.1000. If Merchant A computes his profit on cost price, while Merchant B computes his profit on selling price, they end up making profits of 25% respectively. By how much is the profit made by Merchant B greater than that of Merchant A?


14. How often between 11 O,clock and 12 O,clock are the hands of the clock together at an integral number value?


15. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability taht the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?


16. A clock loses 1% time during the first week and then gains 2% time during the next one week. If the clock was set right at 12 noon on a Sunday, what will be the time that the clock will show exactly 14 days from the time it was set right?


17. A man sitting in a train which is travelling at 50 kmph observes that a goods train, travelling in opposite direction, takes 9 seconds to pass him. If the goods train is 280 m long, find its speed.


18. Two trains 100 meters and 120 meters long aer running in the same diredtion with speeds of 72 km/hr and 54 km/hr. In how much time will the first train cross the seconds?


19. Three math classes: X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test.

The average score in class X is 83.

The average score in class Y is 76.

The average score in class Z is 85.

The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79.

The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81.

What is the average for all the three classes?


20. A student finds the average of 10 positive integers. Each integer contains two digits. By mistake, the boy interchanges the digits of one number say ba for ab. Due to this, the average becomes 1.8 less than the previous one. What was the difference of the two digits a and b?


Tech Placement Paper : Vasavi engineering college,thadepalligudem ,29 May 2010

1)Written Test

2)Technical Round

3)HR Round

1) Written Test

Around 1000 ppl attended for written test, total 54 were furthered to technical round.

It comprises of total 6 sections

a)Logical Reasoning

b)Verbal Reasoning





Total 100 questions 60 min

All u need to do is dat u need to be fast in ur calculations.

here time plays a crucial role.

Every question is very easy,u hv to maitain ur time correctly...

My suggestion is to start from reasoning,quant followed by english

generally reasoning and quant takes much more time compared to give least time

to English and u know English section is very very easy jst basic grammer..

In reasoning section u may encounter questions on blood relations,analogies in alphabets(dfh:ikm::adg:?),numerical series etc..refer R.S agarwal verbal and non verbal reasoning.

In Quant section u,l see questions on mostly allegation and mixture,clocks,SI and CI,time and work,time and distance,problems on train,partnership problems.refer R.S agarwal quantitative aptitude… it is more enough…

questions are very easy.

English is very easy u can give less time to this section.

In english-1 u,l see synonyms,antonyms

english-2 general grammer refer Wren & martin.

english-3 Two simple reading comprehention of 10th and intermediate standard.

Technical Interview

My panel has two members they are really very kewl.They are very friendly with me.Interview goes on 45 min.

They even asked me to take 5 min to freeup myself and comeback again.

Then tech questions started

INTRVR1: what is view?


INTRVR1: what are access specifiers?gv me an example.


INTRVR1: write a program and xplain each and every step.


INTRVR1:Have u done ur project of ur own or fake one???

Me:answered confidently becoz our HOD guided us in doing our project we hv done it in college itself.

INTRVR1: Shall I ask ur team members abt ur project ? and give their names and contact numbers.

Me: I hv given their details confidently.

and so many basic questions hv been posed on me,it lasts for 25 min and in same round second interviewr started interviewing me on hr questions.many questions we cant say yes or no..becareful....jst think a while before answering.

Luck also plays a vital role……………………


This is very easy , if u r confident with ur techincal interview this is jst for formality

INTERWR: Tell me abt urself?

me: blaa blaa blaa.......

INTERWR: Why we should hire u?

me:told my strengths......

INTERWR: Do u have any problem working in different locations?

me:NO……….(This is main …..they’l check our adaptability(flexibility)).

INTERWR: Ask any questions.

me: sir,could u plz tell me abt working nature in Mahindra Satyam.

INTERWR: first u will be taken as trainee and u can reach highlevel positions depending on ur capabilities,then I got a positive signal dat I may be selected……chill……..

Finally results were announced….Iam one among 38 members……..

Tech Placement Paper : Annamacharya,Rajampet ,30 July 2011

Two sections: 1. English test(100 qstns , 40 mins)
2. Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins)
English test:
consists of 8 subsections thru 8 links ( time starts wen u think to select a particular section...dont waste time in it...just go for prepositions first as there are 20 qstns in it......)
1. Prepositions( 20 qstns)
2. Articles(10)
4.Subject and verb agreement(10)
5.Fill in the blanks(10)
6.Confusable words(10)(simple...a blank will b given wer the options will be "their" r "there" etc.,)
7. Synonyms(10 r 20)
8.Tenses(10 r 20)

As far as I am concerned , time is left that i could check my answers once again....this is only in the case of verbal.....The toughest part is managing time in the apti and rsng test.....

Aptitude and reasoning test (70 qstns , 40 mins):
Consists of 3 sub-sections:
1. numerical abilities (aptitude)(15 qstns)
2. non- verbal reasoning(35)
3. verbal reasoning(20)
3 links will b given for above 3 sections....Never try to attempt reasoning first although it will b very easy...first attempt aptitude and then go for reasoning....otherwise u will not get time to do aptitude....
I dont remember the qstns ,but i know "few" topics from which the qstns were given...just go thru rs aggarwal apti and rsng buks on these particular topics...its more than enough.....the topics include:
partnership(5 qstns--- more weightage of all)
profit and loss
time and distance
ratio and proportion
paragraph based reasoning qstns (puzzle test)
direction sense test
coding decoding
figure series
alphabet test
blood relations
logical sequence of words
series completion(both numberscrapped and alphabets)
odd one out

Just go thru the examples given in rs agarwal for these topics...Believe it or not!!!!!!The qstns were dead easy...One who is very fast in doing these problems will do it for sure.....

Around 2700 members wrote along with me ...out of which 84 cleared the written test just bcos of TIME factor..
Heard that 125/170 is the cut-off....
Posted just this bcos i dont want any of u to lose the opportunity as me(I am not among the 84!!!!)...
Hope it helps you......
If u need any help, just post a comment and I will surely reply......

Tech Placement Paper : hooghly engg & tech college,kolkata ,27 April 2011


Numerical+logical=70 questions time allowed:-40 minutes

English =100 questions time allowed :-40 minutes

Test was online.

One has to be very fast .there were sectional cutoff around 60% in both papers.

Books to be followed

Numerical and logical:-R.S Agrawal

English: objective English (S.P Bakshi)

Out of 130 students 17 had qualified this round.

Luckly I was one of them.then we were told to fill up a form for next round that was technical interview

2. technical interview

Mainly questions on subjects like

1.C and data structure

2. microprocessor

3. digital electronics

Be very confident .be very clear while speaking.

If u don’t knw the particular answer then say “sorry I don’t know”…….but assure him that by the time u join the company u will be aware of all these facts.

But it doesnot mean that in every questions u start speaking “”sorry””

Atleast u need to have basic knowledge .

Show right attitude

Out of 17 15 were selected for further process.

Again I was lucky I got through this round.

3.HR round

Mainly questions like

1.introduce urself

2.they can give u any situation….and they can ask u how to deal with such kind situation

3.regarding hobbies…and higher studies.

Go through ur resume twice or thrice before u go for hr …….they scan ur resume………so don’t write nything fake there………and be prepared to answer any questions if raised on the basis of what u have written in resume.

Above all communication skill plays very important role in getting be prepared.

Out of 15 11 were selected finally.

And that was moment of joy when they announced my name finally.

Best of luck guys!!!

If u have strong will u can achieve nythng in ur life..not just this company …. I mean nything.

See u in Tech Mahindra.

Tech Placement Paper : J.K.INSTITUTE,ALLAHABAD ,3 February 2010

1: Quantative test
2: Logical Reasoning.
3: Verbal Reasoning.
4: Comprehension Test.
5: ENGLISH these were the simple questions on prepositions and verb; followed by RTC (reference to context) and fill the blanks type of questions.
Questions on Venn diagrams, Profit loss, Average and Speed.
I don,t want to give the questions. Just follow R.S Agarwal (Verbal -nonverbal, Quantative) & M.TYRA (MATH). It will make u most prepared one. After 1 hr. they declared the names selected for Technical Interview. From 22 students 14were selected for it. At 5:30 p.m. I went to give my tetchy.
Technical Interview
Now I am giving some idea about the technical interview of mine....
which is a very friendly kind of....
I am giving some questions which they fired on me.....
1. Patel, Gujrati or Allahabadi?
2. Introduce yourself?
3. What are your –ve points?
4. Explain about your project?
5. What is your area of interest?
6. Speak 5 min on your favorite subject (area of interest)?
7. Are u ready to go anywhere?
8. Would u like to go in higher education?
9. Would u like to ask me anything?
10. Tell me your one achievement, which I can write in your record paper?
AFTER some time result was declared n again I have cleared the second step also …Now my friends told me there is nothing in hr just 3-4 questions like Describe yourself , ready for bond, ready for salary , relocatable … N I was pretty sure of my success n wait a lot for my hr call
1. Finally I was called for HR interview…
2. Leave the formal intro, and describe yourself?
3. Why I select you?
4. What is your latest project, explain?
5. Are u ready for bond?
6. U are an Electronics egg. How will u work in C, C++,Java?
Finally result was declared after 15 min n I was selected ….
Friends I have tried to cover all the things in this experience n want to thank fresher world for latest papers and exp
Last thing I want to tell if u know “C” Lang then it’s a advantage to u …N really Tech Mahindra is waiting for u all guys so go n rock them wid ur knowledge n comm. Skills ….
“Best of Luck “to every aspirant ….
Appeared for the aptitude-22
Cleared aptitude -14
Selected for the company -12
By Category
Post Your Resume Here