Provided by - Aptitude - General C,C++ & Unix paper:             C++ paper: cin is ana.functionb.objectc.class.   what is the use of scope resolution operator? advantage of inline function? copy constructor is ans:call by value.                                                       ques on vertual destructor? inautix one ques? one q, on container class? con,t remember the ques but the ans is Virtual base class          C paper How will u terminate the statement? ans: ; select the wrong onea.a+=1;b.a*=2;c.a**=1;(ans)d.a>>=1; main(){  int n,i=1;  switch(n)     {      case 1:                some stuff;      case 2:                some stuff;      default:       i=10;    } printf("i=%d",i); }what will be value of i; ans:non of the above4.pick ut the wrong one   #typedef some stuff    {      ---    }; pick ut the wrong one#typedef some stuff{   ---}; one q,s on do loop? pick the odd one                                                                                char *ptr;p=malloc(20);How will u de allocate the memory? main(){   char **p=="Hello";   printf("%s",**p);}Ans: Garbage or nothing main(){   printf("%d%c\n");   printf("%d%c\n");}Ans: Garbage Value main(){   int x==5;   printf("%d%d",x++,++x);}Ans==6 6  main(){   int x==4;   printf("%d",printf(" %d %d ",x,x) );}Ans: 4 4 5 main(){union {   int i;   char p;    struct                                                                                                        {   int t;   char e;   char o; };}; printf("%d\n",sizeof(l) );}Ans: 4  main(){   int i==0,n==6;   while(n--0);          i+==n;          printf("%d\n",i);  }Ans: -1 main(){    char a[]=="Hello";    printf("%c\n",*a++);}Ans: Error  a=3,b=2,c=1;What,s the value of k?k=  a< b < c-1;Ans: 0 main(){        int a==3; do{   printf("%d", a);                                                                                                     a= 1; } while(a0);}Ans: 3 It is not "exact" Question; But the given Answers is:a) PASS1 PASS2b) PASS1 FAIL1c)FAIL1 FAIL2d)FAIL1 PASS2main(){   char c==-32;   int i==-64;   unsigned u==-26;   if(ci)printf("PASS1");  if( i < c)        printf("PASS2");else       printf("FAIL1");if(i<U)    printf("PASS2");else     printf("FAIL2");}Ans: PASS1 PASS2 PASS1 main(){int i==0;for( i==0; i<= ;i++)    {        switch(i)                                                                                                      {            case 0: i+==5;            case 1: i+==2;            case 2: i+==5;            default: i+==4;            break;    }        printf("%d",i);}Ans: 16 21 main()       {         int i==4;         switch(i)           {             case 1:                       printf("HEllo"):             case default: // "case" should not come with "default"                  printf("****");          }   }   Ans: Error main()      {        int sum= 0,count;        for(count= 1;sum+= count)        printf("%d\t",sum);        }Ans: Error #define cond(a) a=e && a<=0                                                                    main()        {          char s=,R,;          if( cond(s) )              printf("UPPER CASE");         else             printf("LOWER CASE");        } Ans:UPPER CASE .main()     {       static int i==5;       printf("%d\t",i--);       if( i)       main();  }Ans: 5 4 3 2 1 main()     {       char *a1=="new",*a2=="dictionary",*t;       swap(a1,a2);        printf("(%s%s)",a1,a2);       t=¡;       a1=¢;       a2= t;       printf("-(%s%s)",a1,a2);    }     swap( char *s1,char *s2)                                                                                 {             char *temp;             s1==s2;             s2=s1;             temp= s1;         }  Ans: (newdictionary)-(dictionarynew)  main()       {           char *a1= "new",*a2= "dictionary",*t;           swap(a1,a2);            printf("(%s%s)",a1,a2);           t=¡;           a1=¢;           a2=t;           printf("-(%s%s)",a1,a2);        }        swap( char *s1,char *s2)          {            char *temp;            s1= s2;            s2= s1;            temp= s1;     }       Ans: (newdictionary)-(dictionarynew) main()  {    int a[]=={ 10,20,30,40,50};    char*p==(char*)a;    printf("%d", * ( (int *) p+4);                                                                          }Ans: 50                UNIX paper:   How will u do version maintaince? sccs(source code control system) a program in shell script? find the o/p. awk $2 which signal u can,t catch?ans:sigkill core dump is due to ?ans:segmentation fault.                                             .echo "todays date is ,date,"; o/p = ? process synchronisation is done by ?ans:s,phore process synchronisation is done by ?ans:s,phore    Provided by - Aptitude - General