Provided by - BlueStar Paper Whole Testpaper - 1 March 2004 BLUE STAR INFOTECH  Question Papers 3 2004 1.What would be the output of the following program.#include<stdio.h>main(){extern int a;printf("%d",a);;}int a=20;(a) 20 (b) 0 (c) garbage value (d) error!! 2.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int a[5]={2,3};printf("\n %d %d %d",a[2],a[3],a[4]);}(a) garbage value (b) 2 3 3 (c) 3 2 2 (d) 0 0 0 3.What would be the output of the following program.main(){inti=-3,j=2,k=0,m;m=++i&&++j||++k;printf("\n %d %d %d %d",i,j,k,m);}(a) -2 3 0 1 (b) -3 2 0 1 (c) -2 3 1 1 (d) error 4.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int a,b;a=sumdig(123);b=sumdig(123);printf("%d %d",a,b);}sumdig(int n){static int s=0;int d;if(n!=0){d=n%10;n=(n-d)/10;s=s+d;sumdig(n);}else return(s);}(a) 12 6 (b) 6 12 (c) 3 15 (d) error 5.What would be the output of the following program.#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)main(){int a,b=3;a=CUBE(b++);printf("\n %d %d",a,b);}(a) 64 4 (b) 27 4 (c) 27 6 (d) 64 6 6.What would be the output of the following program.main(){const int x=get();printf("%d",x);}get(){return(20);}(a) 20 (b) garbage value (c) error (d) 0 7.A function has this prototype void f1(int **x),How will you call this function?(a) int **a; (b) int a; (c) int *a; (d) int a=5;f1(a); f1(&a); f1(&a); f1(&&a); 8.pointout the error, if any, in the for loopmain(){int l=1;for(;{printf("%d",l++);if(l>10)break;}}(a) The condition in the for loop is a must (b) The two semicolons should be dropped(c) The for loop should be replaced by awhile loop (d) No error 9.Can the following piece of code be executed?int main(void){char strA[10]="compile",strB[10];my_strcpy(strB,strA);puts(strB);}char * my_strcpy(char *destination,char *source){char *p=destination;while(*source!=,\0,){*p++=*source++;}*p=,\0,;return destination;}(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "compile"(b) The compilation error char *(char *,char *) differs in levels of indirection from ,int(), will occur(c) Yes & it will print compile on the screen (d) None of the above 10.What would be the output of the following program.#include<stdio.h>main(){char str[5]="fast";static char *ptr_to_array = str;printf("%s",ptr_to_array);}(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "fast"(b) display "fast" on screen (c) will give a compilation error (d) none of the above 11.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int num,*p;num=5;p=&num;printf("%d",*p);}(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) junk value (d) compilation error 12.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int a[3]={2,3,4};char *p;p=a;p=(char *)((int *)p+1);printf("%d",p);}(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) junk value (d) 3 13.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int i=10;fn(i);printf("%d",i);}fn(int i){return ++i;}(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) Compilation error 14. What will be the value of i & j after the loop isexecuted?<BR> for(i=0,j=0;i<5,j<25;i++,j++)(a) i=4,j= 24 (b) i=24,j= 24 (c) i=25,j= 25 (d) i=5,j=25 15.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int i,j;i=10;j=sizeof(++i);printf("%d",i);}(a) 11 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) compilation error 16.What would be the output of the following program.main(){int i=7;printf("%d\n",i++*i++);}(a) 49 (b) 56 (c) 72 (d) compilation error 17. What will the printf print?main(){char *p,*f();p=f();printf("f() returns:%s\n",p);}char *f(){char result[80];strcpy(result,"anything will do");return (result);}(a) f() returns: anything will do (b) f() returns:(c) compilation error (d) The printf statement is not going to be executed 18.How many times the following program would print ,Jamboree,?main(){printf("\n Jamboree");main();}(a) infinite number of times (b) 32767 times(c) 65535 times (d) till the stack does not overflow 19.Notice the error in the default statement in the code snippet below.Will it give a compilation error?main(){int a=10,j;j=fn(a);switch(j){case 30: printf("the value is 30");break;case 50: printf("the value is 50");break;default:printf("the value is not 30 or 50");}}fn(int a){return (++a);}(a) Will display "the value is 30" (b) Will display "The value is not 30 or 50"(c) Yes a compilation error would happen(d) No compilation errors but there will be no output on the screen 20.What would be the output of the following program.main(){struct emp{char name[20];int age;float sal;};struct emp e = {"tiger"};printf("\n %d %f",e.age,e.sal);}(a) 0 0.000000 (b) Garbage values (c) Error (d) none of the above     Provided by - BlueStar Paper Whole Testpaper - 1 March 2004