Provided by - CDAC Placement Paper Latest 16 May 2012 C-DAC Latest Placement papers Technical Questions Technical Interview Questions CDAC Placements Design and Gate using Mux? Explain about Linking (Dynamic & Static)? Write a function to insert a node in the linked list for the given position ? What are the methods to find out the stability of a system? How to find the stability of the system using Poles? Where should we use processes & where to use thread? What are the disadvantages of using array? Explain the advantages of threads over processes? CDAC Microprocessor Questions what is virtual in C Expain your project What is volatile What is near and for pointer Difference between array and linked list what happened when a function is called Different type of segment in 8086 What is ISR What is IVT ? and rectored interrupt Explain rectered interrupt how it work? Provided by - CDAC Placement Paper Latest 16 May 2012