Provided by - CMC Placement Paper Technical Question Paper 30 April 2012 CMC Technical Questions 1. what is NFS? a.Networking File System. 2. what is BIOS? a.Basic Input Output System. 3. What is RPC? a. Remote procedure Call. 4. Find shortest Path (graph has given). a. 45 5. What is the output ? main() { int i=5; if(i>5); { i=100; printf(" %d ",i); } } a. 100 6. On huffman code one question has been given. 7. No. of comparisions ina merge sort? A. (2n+1) 8. Sorting of N elments how many comparisions are required? a.n-1. 9. One question on selection sort (to find third pass of give list) 10. What is a daemon process? a. 11. What is the use of fork system call? a. To create child processes. 12. In CPU scheduling , Non preemptive or pre emptive which one is best? a. Both have negetive as well as positive. 13. DBMS queries (two questions ) 14. "" 15. If two entities have m,n elements.what is the result of cross product? 16. For every table, IS foreign key mandatory ? a.NO 17. Three questions on OOPS(Operator over loading,inheritance) 18. 19. 20. One question on system maintainance. a.perfect 21. He has given base address of an array . find the address of given element. 22. One question on calling main in main. 23. main() { int x=32; x=x>>6; printf("%d",x); } a. 0 24. main() { int x=5; x=x----1; printf("%d",x); } a.error. 25. main() { int x=0xff; if(x12) printf(" ...... "); else printf(" .... "); } a. 26. Find number of bytes of a given structure. a. 27. On a static variable 5 question have been given. Provided by - CMC Placement Paper Technical Question Paper 30 April 2012