Provided by - CTS Interview Question My interview lasted about 1 hour.they gave me a yellow that form they asked about my skill set.I mentioned "C,C++,OS,Datastructures,Computernetworks".one cool guy interviewed me.He asked questions in all main subjects.but he asked only basics in all subjects.the questions areC Basic datatypes,how many bytes for each datatype bytes for various datatypes in Ansi C,boroland C. Diff between Calloc and malloc. diff between structures and union. call by value,call by reference Gave some code snippets in pointers and asked outputs. gave one code snippet and asked to optimize it. C++ OOPS concepts Inheritence concepts. Access specifiers particularly about Protected access specifier friend functions. about constructors virtual constructor. can we have more than one constructor. how can we call diff constructors. About destructors memory leaking.OS what is OS? memory mangement concepts. Virtual memory concpets. in virtual memory paging concepts. Mutual exclusion concept. Semaphore conceptsData structures What is linear & non-linear data structures. Asked about linked list basics(no programs) About stacks and queues. various sorting algorithms asked to explain quick sort with an example. asked to explain binary search algorithm with example.Software engineering various process models. asked to explain the waterflow model various testing methods.Computer networks OSI layer. Asked about presentation layer various topologies. asked to explain about the ring topology asked about the hardware address. ARPDBMS difference b/w DBMS and RDBMS asked about the keys particular about the foreign key. asked an example for Where and having clause query.HR tell about CTS I am ME why you studied ME are you ready to work in mainframe Are you willing to relaocate. Provided by - CTS Interview Question