Provided by - Global edge General - other Sample Test Paper  Globaledge 1)what is big-endian.a) MSB at lower address LSB at higher addressb) LSB at lower address MSB at higher addressc) memory mgmt techniqued) none of the aboveans:a2)what is Little-endian.a) MSB at lower address LSB at higher addressb) LSB at lower address MSB at higher addressc) memory mgmt techniqued) none of the aboveans:b3)8086 hasa)16 bit data bus ,16 bit address busb)16 bit data bus,32 bit address busc)8 bit data bus,16 bit address busd)8 bit data bus,8 bit address busans:a4) what is the scheduling algorithm used in general operating systems.a) FCFS algorithmb) Highest Priority First algorithmc) Round-Robin algorithmd) None of the aboveans:c5)Router is present ata)Physical layerb)Data Link Layerc)Network Layerd)None of aboveans:c6)Condition for deadlock occurancea) Mutual Exclusionb) no premptionc) hold and waitd) circular waite) all of the aboveans:d 7)PCI stands fora)Programmable computer Interfaceb)Peripheral Computer Interfacec)programmable Control Interfaced)Peripheral Component Interfaceans:d8)Toggle state in J-K flip-flop isa)0 1b)1 0c)1 1d)0 0ans :c9)Interrupt is serviceda)Immediatly when it occursb)After the completion of current instruction.c)Ignoredd)None of the above.ans:b C:1.what is the o/p ?void main(){ char *mess[]={"Have","a","nice","day","Bye");printf("%d \t %d",sizeof(mess),sizeof(mess[1]));} a. 16 4b. 5 4c. 20 4d. Erroranswer: c2.what is the o/p of the following programe?void main(){int i,count=0;char *p1="abcdefghij";char *p2="alcmenfoip";for(i=0;i<=strlen(p1);i++) { if(*p1++ == *p2++)count+=5;elsecount-=3;}printf("count=%d\n",count);} a. 15b. 6c. 12d. compiler erroranswer: b ( note : strlen(p1) == i when i=6)3.what does main return on successful execution?a. 1b. 0c. -1d.Nonzeroanswer:b4.main(int argc,char *argv[]){printf((argc > 1 ? "%c" : "%c",*++argv);}If the i/p string is "GESL Bangalore".a. Gb. Ec. Bd. GESLanswer: c5. How do u declare a pointer to an array of pointers to int?a. int *a[5];b. int **a[5];c. int *(*a)[5];d. u con not declareanswer: cQuestions on OS:1.UDP is aa. Reliable protocolb. Unreliable protocolc. Connectionless protocold. Both b & cAnswer: d2.Real Time OS usesa. RISC processorb. CISC processorc. SISC processord. Any of the aboveAnswer: a3.Race condition could be overcome usinga. A global variableb. A local variablec. Mutexd. All of the above4.Repeaters are ina. Data link layerb. Physical layerc. Network layerd. Transport layerAnswer: b5.Telecom Networking usesa. Packet switchingb. Circuit switchingc. Message switchingd. Non of the aboveAns : b ( normally )( packet switching in ISDN ) Provided by - Global edge General - other