Provided by - Globaledge Paper Whole Testpaper - 1 February 2005 GLOBAL EDGE Placement Question Paper 2 2005 main(){ int arr[]={ 1,2,3,4 };int *ptr ;;;;ptr++ = arr;printf("%d,%d",ptr[2],arr[2]);return 0;}what is the output : a> compile time error :multiple termination statements for pointerb> lvalue required for ptrc> prints 3 3d> printd 4 3 ans b: lvalue required for ptr;   2> main(){char s[10];scanf ("%s",s);printf(s); } what is the output if input is abcd : a> prints abcdb> compiler errorc> prints abcd and 6 junk charactersd> printd s ans a: prints abcd. 3> main(){char c = 255;printf ("%d",c);return 0;} what is the output a> illegal character assignmentb> prints -1c> prints 2d> prints 255 ans b: prints -1.   4>main(){int i;for (i=7;i<=0;i--)printf ("hello\n"); } what is the output a> prints hello 7 timesb> prints hello 8 timesc> prints hello onced> prints nothing ans b: prints nothing. 5> main(){printf( printf ("world") ); } a> prints worldb> prints printf ("world")c> prints nothingd> compiler error ans d: compiler error. computer concepts 1> A c source code file can be a> compiled onlyb> interpreted onlyc> both compiled and interpretedd> nothing ans c : both compiled and interpreted 2> c prigramming approach is a> Top downb> bottom upc> both topdown and bottom upd> none of the above ans a:top down approach 3> The access time is less for a> hard diskb> cachec> registersd> main memory ans c:registers 4>resolving of external variables in a program is done at a>complie timeb>run timec>link time4>load time ans c: link time. 5> interrupts inform process about a> events external to process asynchronouslyb> events external to process synchronouslyc> both a and bd> events internal to a process ans a: events external to process asynchronously /* C question and answers All questions are tested in Turbo C compalier and have not beentested in gcc or ( linux platform) */----------------------------------------------------1)#include<stdio.h>main(){scanf("%d");printf();}which of the following is correct?a)compilation errorb)Run time errorc)No outputd)depends on the compiler ans : a---------------------------------------------------------2)#include<stdio.h>#define islower(c) (,a,<=(c) && (c)<=,z,)#define toupper(c) (islower(c)?(c)-(,a,-,A,)c)) main(){char *p="i am fine";while(*p)printf("%c",toupper(*p++));}a)bcdb)AFEc)aFed)BCd ans : b ( macro substitution 3 times)----------------------------------------------------------3)#include<stdio.h>main(){200;printf("tricky problem");}a)warning messageb)compilation errorc)run time errord)none of these ans : a------------------------------------------------------------4)which is the null statement?a) ;b) {}c) ,\0,;d)all of these ans : a------------------------------------------------------------5)what is the correct prototype of printf function ?a)printf(char *p,...);b)printf(const *char *p,...);c)printf(const char *p,...);d)printf(const *char p,...); ans : c----------------------------------------------------------- /* questions on computer concepts */ 1)which of the following is not a system file?a).sysb).comc).inid)none ans : d---------------------------------------------------------------2)A magnetic tape is equivalent to which of the following structure?a)Graphsb)treesc)Listsd)Dictionaries ans : c------------------------------------------------------------3)For a linked list implementation which  searching technique is notapplicable?a)linear searchb)nonec)quick sortd)binary search ans : d----------------------------------------------------------------4)Encryption and decryption is done in which layer?a)DLLb)Network layerc)transport layerd) Presentation layer ans : d------------------------------------------------------------5)which of the following is not performed by the OS?a)cpu shcedulingb)memory managementc)Transactiond)none ans : c    Provided by - Globaledge Paper Whole Testpaper - 1 February 2005