Provided by - Globaledge Placement Paper 31 December 2010 Sample Test Paper Globaledge 1)what is big-endian. a) MSB at lower address LSB at higher address b) LSB at lower address MSB at higher address c) memory mgmt technique d) none of the above ans:a 2)what is Little-endian. a) MSB at lower address LSB at higher address b) LSB at lower address MSB at higher address c) memory mgmt technique d) none of the above ans:b 3)8086 has a)16 bit data bus ,16 bit address bus b)16 bit data bus,32 bit address bus c)8 bit data bus,16 bit address bus d)8 bit data bus,8 bit address bus ans:a 4) what is the scheduling algorithm used in general operating systems. a) FCFS algorithm b) Highest Priority First algorithm c) Round-Robin algorithm d) None of the above ans:c 5)Router is present at a)Physical layer b)Data Link Layer c)Network Layer d)None of above ans:c 6)Condition for deadlock occurance a) Mutual Exclusion b) no premption c) hold and wait d) circular wait e) all of the above ans:d 7)PCI stands for a)Programmable computer Interface b)Peripheral Computer Interface c)programmable Control Interface d)Peripheral Component Interface ans:d 8)Toggle state in J-K flip-flop is a)0 1 b)1 0 c)1 1 d)0 0 ans :c 9)Interrupt is serviced a)Immediatly when it occurs b)After the completion of current instruction. c)Ignored d)None of the above. ans:b C: 1.what is the o/p ? void main() { char *mess[]={"Have","a","nice","day","Bye"); printf("%d \t %d",sizeof(mess),sizeof(mess[1])); } a. 16 4 b. 5 4 c. 20 4 d. Error answer: c 2.what is the o/p of the following programe? void main() { int i,count=0; char *p1="abcdefghij"; char *p2="alcmenfoip"; for(i=0;i 1 ? "%c" : "%c",*++argv); } If the i/p string is "GESL Bangalore". a. G b. E c. B d. GESL answer: c 5. How do u declare a pointer to an array of pointers to int? a. int *a[5]; b. int **a[5]; c. int *(*a)[5]; d. u con not declare answer: c Questions on OS: 1.UDP is a a. Reliable protocol b. Unreliable protocol c. Connectionless protocol d. Both b & c Answer: d 2.Real Time OS uses a. RISC processor b. CISC processor c. SISC processor d. Any of the above Answer: a 3.Race condition could be overcome using a. A global variable b. A local variable c. Mutex d. All of the above 4.Repeaters are in a. Data link layer b. Physical layer c. Network layer d. Transport layer Answer: b 5.Telecom Networking uses a. Packet switching b. Circuit switching c. Message switching d. Non of the above Ans : b ( normally ) ( packet switching in ISDN ) Provided by - Globaledge Placement Paper 31 December 2010