Provided by - Nagarro Placement Paper NIT kurukshetra 09 October 2012 Q1. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not. For example: str1: Are you engineer. str2: You are engineer. Output: yes str1: Am i fine. str2: I,m fine. Output: No str1: Am i fine. str2: I am fire. Output: No -------------------------------------------- Q2. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0. For example: array 1: {2,1,4,7} array 1: {3,-3,-8,0} array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6} Output: pairs = {2,-8,6} {1,3,-4} {4,-3,-1} {7,0,-7} ------------------------------------------ Q3. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits. For example: array={1,0,1,1,0,1,1} Output={1,0,1,0} array={1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1} Output={1,1,0,1,0,0} ----------------------------------------- Q4. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user For example: string = abcba Output : c string = abcdecbae Output : d string =naveen Output : a Provided by - Nagarro Placement Paper NIT kurukshetra 09 October 2012