Provided by - Ramco Placement Paper Technical 31 December 2010 RAMCO PAPER - 2011 (answers may not be correct please be careful) 2. M > D > Y ans: (a) 6. 10 in 4 seconds, ? in 6 minutes = 10x6x60/4 = 900 ans: (a) 7. a=2, b=4, c=5 (a+b)/c - c/(a+b) = 11/30 (ans). 8. 100(100000000+100000000)/10000 = 2x1000000 (ans). 9. what does the hexanumber E78 in radix 7. (a) 12455 (b) 14153 (c) 14256 (d) 13541 (e) 131112 ans: (d) 10. Q is not equal to zero and k = (Q x n - s)/2 find n? (a) (2 x k + s)/Q (b) (2 x s x k)/Q (c) (2 x k - s)/Q (d) (2 x k + s x Q)/Q (e) (k + s)/Q (from GRE book page no:411) data: A causes B or C, but not both F occurs only if B occurs D occurs if B or C occurs E occurs only if C occurs J occurs only if E or F occurs D causes G,H or both H occurs if E occurs G occurs if F occurs 11. If A occurs which of the following must occurs I. F & G II. E and H III. D (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I,II, & III (e) I & II (or) II & III but not both ans: (e) 12. If B occurs which must occur (a) D (b) D and G (c) G and H (d) F and G (e) J ans: (a) 13. If J occurs which must have occured (a) E (b) either B or C (c) both E & F (d) B (e) both B & C ans: (b) 14. which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned (1) D (2) A (3) F (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 & 2 (d) 2 & 3 (e) 1,2,3 ans: (c) 15. E occurs which one cannot occurs (a) A (b) F (c) D (d) C (e) J ans: (b) 11 to 15:- ----------- e , a , b , c , b --------------- 16. to 20. answers: a,b,a,c,d (or A,B,A,C,D) mostly small letters i.e not the A,B, etc. given in question, a,b, etc. are the answers of a,b,c,d,e the five choices. 16 to 20:- ----------- a , b , a , c , d --------------- RAMCO ,C, QUESTION PAPER ****************************************************** 1). main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); } Ans : An empty String 2). main() { int x=20,y=35; x = y++ + x++; y = ++y + ++x; printf("%d %d\n",x,y); } Ans 57 94 3). main() { int x=5; printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x2); } Ans 5 20 1 4). #define swap1(a,b) a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b; main() { int x=5,y=10; swap1(x,y); printf("%d %d\n",x,y); swap2(x,y); printf("%d %d\n",x,y); } int swap2(int a,int b) { int temp; temp=a; b=a; a=temp; return; } Ans 10 5 10 5 5). main() { char *ptr = "Ramco Systems"; (*ptr)++; printf("%s\n",ptr); ptr++; printf("%s\n",ptr); } Ans Samco Systems amco Systems 6). #include main() { char s1[]="Ramco"; char s2[]="Systems"; s1=s2; printf("%s",s1); } Ans Compilation error giving it cannot be an modifible ,lvalue, 7). #include main() { char *p1; char *p2; p1=(char *) malloc(25); p2=(char *) malloc(25); strcpy(p1,"Ramco"); strcpy(p2,"Systems"); strcat(p1,p2); printf("%s",p1); } Ans : RamcoSystems 8). [1]. The following variable is available in file1.c static int average_float; Ans all the functions in the file1.c can access the variable 9). Ans : [2]. extern int x; Check the answer 10). [3]. Another Problem with # define TRUE 0 some code while(TRUE) { some code } This won,t go into the loop as TRUE is defined as 0 Ans NONE OF THE ABOVE i.e D 11). Ans : [4]. A question in structures where the memebers are dd,mm,yy. mm:dd:yy 09:07:97 12). Ans : [5]. Another structure question 1 Rajiv System Analyst 13). Answer INFILE.DAT is copied to OUTFILE.DAT 14). A question with argc and argv . Input will be c:\TEMP.EXE Ramco Systems India Output will be India: I n d i a Systems: S y s t e m s Ramco: R a m c o Answer is choice d 15). Structure swap Ramco India Ramco Systems Corporation Ramco . Limited . After swapping the result will be First two will be swapped. Ramco Systems Corporation Ramco India Ramco . Limited . 16). int x; main() { int x=0; { int x=10; x++; change_value(x); x++; Modify_value(); printf("First output: %d\n",x); } x++; change_value(x); printf("Second Output : %d\n",x); Modify_value(); printf("Third Output : %d\n",x); } Modify_value() { return (x+=10); } change_value() { return(x+=1); } Ans : 12 1 1 17). main() { int x=10,y=15; x=x++; y=++y; printf("%d %d\n",x,y); } Ans : 11 16 18). main() { int a=0; if(a=0) printf("Ramco Systems\n"); printf("Ramco Systems\n"); } Provided by - Ramco Placement Paper Technical 31 December 2010