Provided by - SAIL Placement Paper HYDERABAD 14 July 2012 EXAM PATTERN: 1.TECHNICAL(100Q-EACH CARRY ONE MARK) 2GENERAL AWARNESS AND APTITUDE(100Q-in this ga contain approx 30Q and remaining aptitude and reasoning,english) some of the quetions i rememberd listed below TECHNICAL: 1.what is the sending end pf if resistance of line 500ohms ,300v and an impedence of 0.8j a.unity b.0.8lag c.0.86lag d.0.8 lead 2.double integration of step function is ---- a.ramp b.parabola c.impulsre 3.what is frequency at which voltage across capacitor is maximum if r=25ohms ,L=0.04H,c=0.01uf a ckt ideal voltage sources and resistors are connected then if the value of resistance doubled then what happend to voltage? a.doubled 2.unchanged c.none 5.transfer function means... a.ratio of output to input in z transform b.ratio of output to input in laplace transform 6.finding inductance value for cables 7.temp coeff of intrinsic semi conductor 8.which of the following have high mobility b.SI c.GE AS p 9. finding peak over shoot and determinin type of system 10.two bits on insulators 11.if two inductors are L1=3mH ,l2=3mH connected in sreies differential connection and mutual inductance of 0.15mH,then wt is eq.inductance GA: 1.LINEN is made from 2.alum is used to... Answer:purification of drinking water 3.first atomic power plant established in....tharapur 4.based on which book "three idiots movie"released 5.satellite-B was launched by wich country 6.home rule league moment started in....etc APTITUDE # simple and compound intrest #profit and loss...more pbs on this nearly 20 problems # Critical reasoning ENGLISH @ ARTICLES-5MARKS @PASSAGE-5M @PREPOSITIONS-5M @SYNONYMS-5M Provided by - SAIL Placement Paper HYDERABAD 14 July 2012