Provided by - Samsung Placement Paper GSAT 17 October 2012 Samsung Test pattern 1. Aptitude Test(1h.15m)-max 200 mks 2. Written Technical Test(30m)-max 60 mks 3. Pre-placement Talk(30m) 4. Technical Interview (1:1)(30-45min) and HR Interview (1:1)(5-10min) 1. Samsung Written Aptitude Test Known as GSAT (Global Samsung Aptitude Test) No of questions :50 Time limit :1 Hour 15 Minutes each question carries equal marks(4 marks to each).. Section-1: Quantitative Ability:- total 25 ques-20 question FOCUS:Data Interpretation(pie chart, bar chart, line graph) and 5 quant very simple(age and percentage, average, mean)no need to study quant except DI for GSAT. Section-2: Logical Reasoning(solve reasoning questions given in GRE or solve from any puzzles book(I studied LR from T.I.M.E.)). I don,t remember the exact ques but giving here brief intro abt some questions in reasoning. Ques: Question is specified and on it 4 to 5 condition are given : Analyze the problem and make a table as it is easy t solve Based on above 5-6 ques are given If you understands the condition and question very well then you can answers all of the questions very fast otherwise it is very hard to answer even a single answer……. (Note:- they uses EMR scanner answer seat, so fill the circle as dark as possible using HB pensil) 2. Samsung Written Technical Test 30 ques 30 mins: Paper was for c(pointers)/c++(concepts,virtual,abstract class). In c/c++ paper :- 20 ques were frm c/c++(18 c and 2 c++) and 5 ques frm os and 5 ques frm d.s.(os nd ds basic concepts shud b clear) (Note:- Each ques carry +2 mk and wrong ans will give u -0.5 mark So attept those ques to which u knows the ans correctly..) some ques i m giving here: 1. Int *p; Printf(“%d”,*p); 2. Ques on abstract class 3. Ques on friend class 4. Diff bet 32bit and 64bit os 5. Ques on pure virtual method 6. Ques on max heap 7. And so on….. 3. Samsung Technical Interview:- 1. (mainly focuses on C(basics), C++(Concepts), OS(goes to deep for concepts) and DS… 2. Tell me abt ur 3. 2g/3g/4g technology? What is difference? 4. Big indian, small indian? 5. Diff bet Samsung vs apple? 6. Some ques from tech test… 7. Const pointer and pointer to constant… 8. Vector and maps in c++; 9. How to reverse, find cycle,sort linked list.. 10. How to delete node in BST? 11. In which way we can implement the dictionary? 12. Storage classes in c++; 13. Why we use extern in file; 14. How Memory allocated when we execute any c/c++ program… 15. Prog to count no of 1’s in binary form of number both using or /,% 16. Semaphore and mutex 17. Os structure of linux, 18. File system. 19. Paging, 20. TLB, 21. Memory management in os 22. Why we need paging? Demand paging? Page Replacement policy… 23. Any ques? 24. (interviewer asked me more questions but I didn’t remembered it, but once again I want to mainsion that, fust go with the C,C++,DS,and OS …it will be enough for SEL…) 4. Samsung HR Interview:- 1. Tell me about u 2. Family 3. Town/Village 4. Achievement 5. Hobbies 6. Activities in vjti 7. Any sport team support(if u luv football, support to chealse because see front side of chealse’s t-shirt…. 8. Any ques… (it went for around 10 min) Provided by - Samsung Placement Paper GSAT 17 October 2012