Provided by - SCT,Trivandrum (1)IQ(20 questions in 20 min) (a)4*4 matrix given with 1 box empty,find the no (b).5,.55,.65,.8,.....(series) (c)find no of triangles in given fig., (d)if log 3=.477 & log(1000)x=3,find value of x,odd one out,.... (2)APTITUDE(30 questions in 30 min) (a) % problems-3 or 4 questions (b) direction-from X movin forward 8m reaches Y,move towards rite 5m,reach Z,turn rite move 7m then turn rite & move 5m.find distance from X 2 this pt? (c) blood relation, (d) time& distance-car travels in 15kmph after sometime increases speed to 18 kmph & total distance is 350km,find time taken, (e) ratio & proportion-prob on (M*H*D)/W, (f) age problem, (g) coding,mensuration(cylinder), (h) simple & compound interest, (i) permutation & combinations-hw mny ways can letter,CORPORATION, b arranged so that vowels r together, (j) simple equation-If i add 7 times my age 7 yrs from nw to 3 times my age 3 yrs ago,i get 12 times my current age.hw oldi will b 3 yrs from nw, (k) progression-if 3rd term of GP is 3,find product of first 5 terms, (l) clock. (3)TECHNICAL(25 questions in 30min) Features of OOP,output of given code(2 questions),break point,worst & avg case of sorting,min no of swappin in which sortin,use of loader,use of compiler, scheduling used in Windows XP. S->(S),S->x.Is it top down,bottom up parsing or ambiguous,two threads used in same m/y if shared m/y,..... After the test,they short-listed the CSE candidates to 18.The interview started just after the result was published.There was only 1 panel(both tech & HR). Interview lasted for 20min per person.First i was asked 2 introduce myself,then abt c++(pass by value,pass by reference,static variable,dynamic m/y allocation),then questions based on our fav subj,wat impressed me in the ppt,computer configuration,hw i update new computer technology.They,ll ask abt the mini-project. The result was published by 9:30pm.Out of 18 students,they selected 7 students & i was one of them. Be confident in wat u say & always be pleasant. Provided by - SCT,Trivandrum