Provided by - Technical - C & C++ Nautix C,C++ & Unix paper:                    C++ paper: cin is ana.function                                                                                                             b.objectc.class. I  con,t remember the ques but the ans is Virtual base class what is the use of scope resolution operator? Advantage of inline function? copy constructor is      ans:call by value. ques on vertual destructor? template one ques? one q, on container class? C paper  How will u terminate the statement?      ans: ; select the wrong one        a.  a+=1;        b.  a*=2;        c.  a**=1;(ans)        d.  a>>=1;  main()          {           int n,i=1;          switch(n)              {                case 1:                      some stuff;               case 2:                         some stuff;              default:                        i=10;              }                printf("i=%d",i);               }         what will be value of i;         ans:non of the above pick ut the wrong one       #typedef some stuff            {               ---             }; one q,s on do loop? pick the odd one          a.     malloc          b.     calloc          c.     new(ans) char *ptr;       p=malloc(20);         How will u de allocate the memory?        a.  delete.         b.  free.      There r about 20 q,s in this section rest i am un able to remember? UNIX paper:  How will u do version maintaince?sccs(source code control system) awk $2 A program in shell script?                                                                                         find the o/p. Which signal u can,t catch?      ans:sigkill Core dump is due to ?     ans:segmentation fault. Echo "todays date is ,date,";       o/p = ? process synchronisation is done by ?          ans:s,phore    Provided by - Technical - C & C++