Provided by - TISL Paper Whole Testpaper TISL  Placement Sample Question Paper TISL -----------> PAPER MODELTwo parts.Part A: aptitude (100 Que) 100 marksPart B: comp knowledge test TISL(TATA-IBM)PAPER-------------------Q9). what will be the result of executing following programmain{char *x="new";char *y="dictonary";char *t;void swap (char * , char *);swap (x,y);printf("(%s, %s)",x,y); char *t;t=x;x=y;y=t;printf("-(%s, %s)",x,y);}void swap (char *x,char *y){char *t;y=x;x=y;y=t;} a).(New,Dictionary)-(New,Dictionary)b).(Dictionary,New)-(New,Dictionary)c).(New,Dictionary)-(Dictionary,New)d).(Dictionary,New)-(Dictionary,New)e).None of the above(Ans will be b or e) check Q10).If a directory contains public files (can be valied and usedby any one ) which should not be altered ,the most liberalpermissions that can be given to the directory isa)755b)777c)757d)775e)None of the above(Ans a)11) what would the following program results inmain(){char p[]="string";char t;int i,j;for(i=0,j=strlen(p);i<j;i++){t=p[i];p[i]=p[j-i];p[j-i]=t;}printf("%s",p);}a)will print:stringb)will not print anything since p will be pointing to a null stringc)will print:gnirtSd)will result in a complication errore)will print invallid characters(junk)(Ans will be b ) check12) After the following command is executed$ ln old newa listing is performed with the following output$ ls -li total 315768 -rw-rw-rw- 2 you 29 Sep 27 12:07 old15768 " " " " " " " " new15274 " " 1 " 40 " " 09:34 veryold which of the following is truea)old and new have same i-node number,2b) " " " " " " " , 15768c)old and new have nothing yo do with each otherd)very old and new are linkede)very old and old are linked(Ans is b)13) What will be the result of executing the following statementint i=10;printf("%d %d %d",i,++i,i++);a).10 11 12b).12 11 10c).10 11 11d).result is OS dependente).result is compiler dependent(Ans is e)14) What does extern means in a function declarationa)the funct has global scopeb)the funct need not be defined\c)nothing reallyd)the funct has local scope only to the file it is defined ine)none of the above(Ans will be c)15) What will be result of the following programmain(){void f(int,int);int i=10;f(i,i++);}void f(int i,int j){if(i>50)return;i+=j;f(i,j);printf("%d,",i);}a).85,53,32,21b)10,11,21,32,53c)21,32,53,85d)32,21,11,10e)none of the above(Ans is e)16). MS windows 3.1 is aa)operating systemb)Applicationc)Programing languaged)databasee)shell(Ans will be b)17).MS Windows 3.1 supports which type of multi-tasking?a)cycleb)executivec)preemptived)Non-preemptivee)Manual(Ans )18)The command ......ln /bin/mail /usr/you/bin/ma)will not be executed because you are linking filesacross different file systemsb)results ln /bin/main being the same file as /usr/you/bin/mc)results in 2 links to the file maild) " " " " me)none(Ans will be b)19)In a standerd directory lay out ,/etc is the directory wherea) basic programs such as who and ed resideb) - - - - - - -c)various administrative files such as password file resided) - - - - - - -e) - - - - - -(Ans is c)20) The command echo *a) echoes all files in the current directoryb) - - - - -c)d)e)(Ans is a)21)What will be the result of the following segment of the programmain(){char *s="hello world";int i=7;printf("%.*%s",s);}a)syntax errorb)hello wc)d)e)(Ans is b)22) What will be the result of the following programmain(){int a,b;printf("enter two numbers :");scanf("%d%d",a,b);printf("%d+%d=%d",a,b,a+b);}a)- - - - -b) - --c) will generate run time error /core dumpd)e)(Ans is c)23) What is the size of ,q,in the following program?union{int x;char y;struct {char x;char y;int xy;}p;}q;a)11b)6c)4d)5e)none(Ans is b why because no of bytes for int =4 given in instructions)24) Which message is displayed when a window is destroyeda)WM_CLOSEb)WM_DESTROYc)WM_NCDESTROYd)E)(Ans is b)25)Send Message and postmessage area)send message puts the message in the message queue and results,postmessage processes the message immediatelyb)Sendmessage processes the message immediately,postmessage putsthe message in the queue and returnsc) Both put the message in the message queue and returnsd) Both process the message immediatelye) None of the above(Ans will be b check)26) Which of the following message is used to limit the sizeof teh Windowa)WM_SIZEb)WM_PAINc)- - - -d)- -- - -(Ans is a)27)until who|grep marydosleep 60donea) is syntactically incorrectb) waits 60 seconds irrespective of Mary being logged in or notc) waits until Marry is logged ind)waits till Mary exitede)None(Ans is c)28)The UNIX system call that transforms an executable binary file intoa process isa)execl()b)execv()c)execle()d)execve()e)All of the above(Ans will be d check)29)Which of the following is true about fork()a)- - - - -b)causes the creation of a new process ,the CHILD processwith a new process IDc)d)e)(Ans is b)30) What do the following variable names represents?sort registervolatile defaulta)- - - -b ) - - - -c)all the above are keywords(Ans is c)31)What will be the result of the following programmain(){char *x="String";char y[] = "add";char *z;z=(char *) malloc(sizeof(x)+sizeof(y)=1);strcpy(z,y);strcat(z,y);printf("%s+%s=%s",y,x,z);}a)Add+string=Add stringb)syntax error during compilationc)run time error/core dumpd)add+string=e)none(Ans will be e consider cap&small leters)32)What does the following expression meansa)b)c)d)an arrey of n pointers to function returning pointers tofunctions returning pointers to characters(ANS IS d)33)Which of the following is not a DDL objecta)HBRUSHb)HPENc)HBITMAPd)HRGNe)HWND(Ans ic e)34) Which of the following message is used to initialize thecontents of a dialoga)WM_CREATEb)WM_SIZEc)WM_COMMANDd)WM_INITDIALOGe)none(Ans will be d)35)Interprocess communication in UNIX can be achieved usinga)pipeb)Messagec)Semaphoresd)Shared Memorye)All of the above(Ans is e)36) Which of the following is truea)UNIX is a time sharing multi-user OSb)UNIX has a device independent file systemc)UNIX is full duplexd)UNIX has command interpretere)All of the above(Ans is e) Q). PS1 pwdexport PS1 results ina). your primary prompt being your current directoryb). " " and secondary prompts being the current dirc). " " prompt being your home dird). " " and secondary prompts being the home dire). None of the above.Q). If you type in the commandnohup sort employees > list 2 > error out &and log off ,the next time you log in . the outputwill bea). in a file called list and the error will de typed ina file error outb). there will be no file called list or error outc). error will be logged in a file called list and o/pwill be in error outd). you will not be allowed to log ine). none of the aboveQ). In UNIX a files i-nodea)is a data structure that defines all specificationsof a file like the file size ,number of lines to afile ,permissions etc.b).----c). - - - --d). _ _ _( ans is ---------(a) )Q). The UNIX shell is....a).does not come with the rest of the systemb).forms the interface between the user and the kernalc)-- -- ---d) - - - -e) none(ans is (b) )Q).enum number { a=-1, b= 4,c,d,e}what is the value of e ?7,4,5,15,3(ans is 7 ) check againQ).The very first process created by the kernal that runstill the kernal process is haltes isa)initb)gettyc)d)e)none(Ans is a)Q) Result of the following program ismain(){int i=0;for(i=0;i<20;i++){switch(i)case 0:i+=5;case 1:i+=2;case 5:i+=5;default i+=4;break;}printf("%d,",i);}}a)0,5,9,13,17b)5,9,13,17c)12,17,22d)16,21e)syntax error(Ans is d )Q) What is the resultmain(){char c=-64;int i=-32unsigned int u =-16;if(c>i){printf("pass1,");if(c<u)printf("pass2"); printf("Fail2");}elseprintf("Fail1);if(i<u)printf("pass2");elseprintf("Fail2")}a)Pass1,Pass2b)Pass1,Fail2c)Fail1,Pass2d)Fail1,Fail2e)none(Ans is c)   APTITUDE TEST**************************************** Missing leter1).eefgghii- (Ans j)2)3)defdefghi- (Ans g)4)cdexyzfghxyz-(Ans i)5)defdegde- (h)6)abczabcyabc- (x)7)fgbhibjkb- (l)- - - - - (Ans is r)9)aarbsctarb- (s)10)bccdeefg- (g)11)efhikl- (n)12)abccdeffg- (h)13amnbopc- (q)14)tttssrqqqp- (p)15)ddffhhjj- (l)16)mnmnklopopkl- (q)17)cddeeefff- (f)18)gfed- (c)19)dfhjl- (n)20)abcijdefij (g)21)efgefghefghi- (e)22)bcbdedfgfhi- (h)23)aababccdc- (d)24)aibcidef- (i)25)cehl- (q)26)abdehimn- (s) check again27)becfdge- (h)28)agbhc- (i)29)adhko- (r)30)efghjklno- (q)31)aedhg- (k)32aeibf- (j)33)zdwgt- (J)34)zeyijxg- ()find35)cqreuvg- (y)36)ksjtiuh- (v)37)rsjtuhvw- (f)38)ieajfbk- (g)39)hebifej- (g)40)hjlmiel- (h)--------------------------------   TOTAL 60 QUE,S 25-PROBLEMS & 35 FIGURES(figure series,wehave to find next coming figure) HERE 13 PROB,S ARE THERS.REMAINING ALSO ALMOST LIKE THIS . 1) A boy multiplied a number with 10 and got 100,insted ofdividing it . If he devided it what would be the answer?(Ans is 1)2)If 12 shell cup board requires 18ft of wall space then30 " " " " how much wall space?(Ans is 45)3)The average salary of three employee is 95Rs.per week.If one employee earns 115 and other earns 65 much will third be earn?(Ans is 105Rs)4)A company instaled 36 punching machines at the begining ofthe year.In the spring they instaled 9 additional m/c,sand then discontinued 18 in the fall.How many were stillinstalled at the end of the year?(Ans is 9)check5)During a given week a programmer spend 1/4 of his timepreparing charts,3/8 of his time for coding,rest of his timefor debugging the programs.If he had 48 hrs during the weekhow many hours did he spend debugging the program.(Ans is 18hrs)6)A 16 story building has 12000ft on each floor. Company Arents 7 floors and company B rents 4 floors. What is thenumber of square feet of unrented floor space?(Ans is 60000 sqft)7)A man owns 2/3 of a computer service buroue business andsells 3/4 of his share for $75000.What is the value of thebusiness.(Ans is 150,000)A computer printer produces 176400 lines in a given day.If the printer was in operation for 7hrs during the dayhow many lines did it print per minute?(Ans is 420)9)From its total income a company spent $20000 for advertisinghalf of the remainder on salaries and had $6000 left.Whatwas the total income?(Ans is $32000)10)In a certain company 20% of the men and 40% of the womenattended the annual company picnic.If 35% of all the emplo-yees are men .What % of all the employee went to the picnic?(Ans is 33%)11)The dimensions of certain IBM m/c are 48"*30". If thesize of the m/c is increased proportionally until thesum of its dimensions equals to 156".What will be theincrease in the shortest side?(Ans is 30)12)If a card punch operator can process 80 cards in half an hourHow many cards can this process in 7hr30min?(Ans is 1200)13)In a computer tape library there are two racks with 40 tapesper rack.In a given day 30 tapes are in use . What fractionremains in the rack?(Ans is 5/    Provided by - TISL Paper Whole Testpaper