Provided by - ValueLabs Paper Whole Testpaper Karshak Engg. College, Uppal - 3 June 2006 The pattern : 1.Wrtten2.GD3.Tech-Interview Total Appered candidates--800Written cleared--200GD cleared---81Got Offered--25 Quetions may consist of Vocabulay, Analytical, Genaral Knowledge, Simple Logical and Some C technical Quetions. Total of 25 Quetions 1-5. Q  are Vocabulary, Genaraly from Gre Barrans6-10.Q are Fill in the blank, Genaraly from Gre Barrans11-12- are Analytical13-17 are  GenaralKnowledge18-22 are Simple Logical23-15 are C technical Quetions mostly on pointers Follwed by GD and Tech Interview. Its quite easy and prepare well   Provided by - ValueLabs Paper Whole Testpaper Karshak Engg. College, Uppal - 3 June 2006