Provided by - Whole Testpaper QUARK Placement Sample Question Paper There was an online written test 50 questions = 10 comp. awareness, 10 mathematical (easy), 10 verbal reasoning(difficult, lenghty, you are advised to attempt them at last only ), 20 c++ or c or Java whichever u opt. then three interviews, (2 technical, one hr) are taken. quarks people stress on c++, os, dbms, SE(testing, sdlc etc.) in the interview. here are some questions that i can recall from the written test. one question of c++ main() { int x=10,y=20,z=5; x=x cout < } ans 1 here quarks was on 12-8-03 and recruit 2 mca,s and 12 be,s. first you should opt test in c++, because they have only requirements in c++. they will ask questions on virtual functions, destructures etc. there are 50 questions and time is 60 mins. 1-10 analytical reasoning 11-20 quant 21-30 computer awearness 31-50 c++ c & c++ questions are diffirent in quant and in comp awearness. the analytical reasoning will take time so u should do this at last i.e. by seeing the length of question. quant was easy 1. 165^2-164^2 a 329 ans b 325 2. there is one question onloan from father of 240 rupees the answer of that question is 21. 3. all other question in this section was easy. computer awearness 1. Leading is.... options includes from msWord 2. which of the following is not language a. Pascal b. pl/1 c. findles ans d. j 3. one question on IPC(inter process comm) 4. which of the following stores highest amt of data. a. floppy b. cd c. book d. none of above 5. all other questions were from os C++ 1. can there be a static class 2. dynamic binding is options 3 o/p of following prog main() { int i,j=9999; char buff[5]; i=sprintf(buff,"%d",j); cout< } a. 9999, 4 b 9999,5 ans c 4,9999 d 9999,1 4. class ab{}; main() { cout< } a 1 b 0 ans c 2 d 4 5. class ab { int i; public: virtual void fun(){} } main() { cout< } a. 4 ans 6. when new fails it a. send _set_new_handler b. send excection c. d. both a and b 7. #define f(a,b) a+b #define g(x,y) x*y main() { int i; i=f(4,g(5,6)); cout< } a. 34 ans 8 #define x(a) ++a + a++ +a++ like this I do not remember this question ans was 4. 9. polymorohism is 10. mutable is used for ans--changing the value in the const functions Q1. __stdcall calling convention Ans. stack is cleaned by the callee Q2. mutable key word is used for Ans. if used with a member variable it can be changes by a function declared as a constant Q3. foo & const ref Ans. this is not a good practise since references are always constants Q4. private inheritance means Ans Non private members of a base class become private members of derived class Q5. int I=2; Int j=3; Int k=4; Cout