Senior Sales Manager National Sales Mumbai Job In Marriott International In Mumbai

List of all senior sales manager national sales mumbai job in marriott international in mumbai. Click Here View Job List. This page will help you to get all details about senior sales manager national sales mumbai job in marriott international in mumbai. Senior Sales Manager National Sales Mumbai job 2024 in marriott international company in Mumbai location. Apply online for senior sales manager national sales mumbai vacancy in marriott international.
Job Details
JOB SUMMARYManages and/orprovidesdedicated account management support to a targetedportfolioofnationalaccounts Builds andmaintainsbusinessrelationshipswithkey buyers by applying theprinciplesof strategic account management toachieveaccount market sharegoalsacrossallMarriottlodgingbrandsinthe market Develops strong partnershipswithbuyers for the purpose ofpenetratingandgrowingmarket share anddrivingnationalaccountsalesforallpropertiesLeveragesMarriott'sproducts andservicesas a team member withintheirassignedaccountportfolioResponsibleforincreasingMarriott'spreference,loyaltyandprofitableshare withinassignednationalaccountsandcontributetooverallNationalSalesTeam success through thedirectsalesefforts of revenuegenerationandvaluecreation.

Executes the overall account strategy forassignednationalaccounts to generate and maximizebusiness CANDIDATE PROFILEEducation and ExperienceRequired:
  • Minimumof 2 years ofrelevantsales andmarketingexperience
  • Relevantuniversityor collegequalificationor degree
  • TotalAccountManagement experience
  • Hospitalitysalesexperience.

  • Englishlanguage,writtenand spoken
  • Locallanguage,writtenand spoken
CORE WORK ACTIVITIESTheroleof theSalesManager, NationalSalesisto support the NationalSalesTeam vision and mission byexecutingtransactional salesexcellence Salesand Account Management
  • Executesales strategy toachieveaccountgoals
  • Retains,expands and grows account revenue of assigned accounts through total account penetration, margin management, andimplementationofsalesand marketinginitiatives.

  • Penetratesassignedaccounts for group and transient, aswellas exploringopportunitiesfor extended stay andcateringsalesbusiness
  • Identifiesandaggressivelysolicitsnew accounts in coordination with anyrelevantSalesand Marketing
  • Qualifypotentialaccounts andre-qualifiesexisting accounts with accuracy
  • Demonstratesbenefitsof total account management and team-basedsales
  • Developsopportunitysalesplanwithactionablestepstoattainrevenuegoals.

  • Identifieskey purchase points anddecision-makersthatinfluencethe 'buy'decision
  • MaintainsaccountinformationinOperaSalesand Catering to ensure accurate and up-to-date account reporting
  • Qualifieseach business opportunity and recommend Marriott products that match both the customer needs aswellas the hotel's business needsSuggestpositive alternatives whenever necessary
  • Leveragesappropriatesalesand propertyLeadershipto ensure accountsaturation,pull-throughof accountstrategiesandsellingsolutions at thelocalpropertylevel.

  • Assumesresponsibilityfor proactive account, segment orregionalsales
  • Supportsdatagathering,reporting&trackingfunctions
  • Understandstraditionalindustryprocesses(pricing,RFPs, proposals, etc)
  • Executesand supportsMarriott'sCustomerServiceStandardsandhotel'sBrandStandards
  • Executesexemplarycustomer service todrivecustomer satisfaction andloyaltyby assisting the customer andensuringtheirsatisfaction before andduringtheirprogram/event
  • Servesthe customer by understandingtheirneeds andrecommendingtheappropriatefeatures and services that best meettheirneeds and exceedtheirexpectations,whilebuildingan Account andloyaltytoMarriottInternational.

Revenue Generation
  • Relatescustomer needs to productcapabilities
  • WorkswithRevenue Management to support account strategyin-market
  • Buildsand strengthens accountswithexistingandnewcustomers,industryorganizationsand brand network toenablefuture bookings,includingsalescalls,entertainment,familiarization('fam')trips,trade shows, etc
  • Pursuesinitiativesto capitalizeonstrengths and marketopportunities,and to countercompetitivethreats
Value Creation
  • Anticipatesand quickly seizes opportunities not obvious to otherstobuildcustomersatisfaction.

  • Deliversoncommitmentsto customers
  • Deliversvalue-addedproducts andservicesto createlongterm customerloyalty
  • Focuses on two-way communication to ensurewin-winrelationshipismaintained
  • Servesas the account's'localservice guarantee' by ensuring thatoutstandingservicedeliveryismaintained at every customer touchpoint,issuesareresolvedtimelyand to the customers' 100% satisfaction
  • Understands theoverallmarket dynamics - competitors' strengths and weaknesses, economic trends, supply and demand etc.

    and how toselltoassignedaccountsActas thecustomer'sadvocate through understanding account needs and opportunitiesIdentifyemergingbusinessopportunitiesandriskswithin assigned accounts andprovidefeedback to keystakeholders(iepropertyLeadership).

  • Resolveguest issues thatariseinthesalesprocess effectively andbringsissuesto theattentionof propertyleadership,asappropriate
  • UsesknowledgeofMarriott'soperations,itsmarkets and competitors to promotedialogueandenrichcustomerinteractions
MarketIntegration & Team Participation
  • Ensuresaccount salesstrategiesarecommunicated,implementedand updated as market conditions fluctuate
  • Facilitateseducationalopportunities that enhancecredibilityand integration between theNationalSales Team andinternalstakeholders
  • Identifiesandcultivaterelationshipswithkey colleagues and stakeholdersinother parts of theorganization.

  • Participateswith account teaminmarketpull-throughactivity
  • Performsotherdutiesas assigned to meetbusinessneeds
  • Adaptability- Maintains performance level under pressure or when experiencing changes or challenges in the workplace
  • Communication-Conveys information and ideas to others in a convincing and engaging manner through a variety of methods
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making-Identifies and understands issues, problems, and opportunities obtains and compares information from different sources to draw conclusions, develops and evaluates alternatives and solutions, solves problems, and chooses a course of action.

  • Professional Demeanor- Exhibits behavioral styles that convey confidence and command respect from others makes a good first impression and represents the company in alignment with its values
Managing Execution
  • Building and Contributing to Teams-Participates as a member of a team to move toward the completion of common goals while fostering cohesion and collaboration among team members
  • Driving for Results- Sets high standards of performance for self and/or others assumes responsibility for work objectives initiates, focuses, and monitors the efforts of self and/or others toward the accomplishment goals proactively takes action and goes beyond what is required
  • Planning and Organizing-Gathers information and resources required to set a plan of action for self and/or others prioritizes and arranges work requirements to accomplish goals and ensure work is completed
Building Relationships
  • Coworker Relationships-Interacts with others in a way that builds openness, trust, and confidence in the pursuit of organizational goals and lasting relationships.

  • Customer Relationships-Develops and sustains relationships based on an understanding of customer/stakeholder needs and actions consistent with the company's service standards
  • Global Mindset-Supports employees and business partners with diverse styles, abilities, motivations, and/or cultural perspectives utilizes differences to drive innovation, engagement and enhance business results and ensures employees are given the opportunity to contribute to their full potential
Generating Talent and Organizational Capability
  • Talent Management- Provides support and feedback to help individuals develop and strengthen skills and abilities needed to accomplish work objectives
Learning and Applying Professional Expertise
  • Applied Learning- Seeks and makes the most of learning opportunities to improve performance of self and/or others
  • Business Acumen-Understands and utilizes business information to manage everyday operations and generate innovative solutions to approach business and administrative challenges.

  • Technical Acumen- Understands and utilizes professional skills and knowledge in a specific functional area to conduct and manage everyday business operations and generate innovative solutions to approach function-specific work challenges
    • SalesandMarketing-Knowledgeofsalesand marketing conceptsincludingprinciplesand methodsfor showing,promotingandsellingproductsorservicesaswellasmarketingstrategiesandtactics
    • Analysis-Theability toanalyzeandsummarizedetaileddatatomakeinferences andrecommendationsIncludedisthecreationandmaintenanceofspreadsheetsforstoringdata
    • Research-Skill incollectinginformationfromavarietyofsourcesrelating tomarket data,historicalcycles,travelandtourismtrends,andrealestatemarketdynamics.

    • ComputerSkills- Thewillingnesstolearnandabilitytousecomputersystemsandsoftwarepackagestoinput,access,modify,store,oroutputinformationortoexecuteprogramsandanalysesThisincludestheabilitytoenterandretrievedatafromcomputersystemsusingakeyboard,mouse,ortrackball
    • Economics and Finance -Knowledgeofeconomicprinciplesandpractices,P&Lstatements,operatingbudgets,forecastingandscheduling,andthereportingoffinancialdata
    • RevenueManagement-Understanding ofrevenuemanagementconcepts,processes andstrategiessuchasaveragedailyrate,revenueperavailableroom,salescyclesandtrends,accountmanagement,pricingandinventorymanagement.

  • Basic Competencies- Fundamental competencies required for accomplishing basic work activities
    • Basic Computer Skills- Uses basic computer hardware and software (eg, personal computers, word processing software, Internet browsers, etc).

    • Mathematical Reasoning- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides quickly, correctly, and in a way that allows one to solve work-related issues
    • Oral Comprehension- Listens to and understands information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences
    • Reading Comprehension- Understands written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents
    • Writing- Communicates effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience
Marriott International is the world's largest hotel company, with more brands, more hotels and more opportunities for associates to grow and succeed.

We believe a great career is a journey of discovery and exploration So, we ask, where will your journey take you
Candidate Profile
Marriott International is looking for .

Marriott International is looking for Any Graduate / Post Graduate profile candidates.

Short Job Information

Job Title : Senior Sales Manager National Sales Mumbai
Company Name : Marriott International
Job Location : Mumbai
Education : Any Graduate / Post Graduate
Category : Computers / IT
Experience : 2 ( years )
Post Date : 12 January, 2023
Last Date : 05 June, 2023
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