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Ashok Placement Paper : Ashok LeyLand Placement Papers and Candidate Expereince

Ashok leyland conducted campus recriutment for 3 colleges simultaneously and together..
one was our Rajalakshmi Engineering College...
The other two were Panimalar Engineering College & SVCE..
all the 3 coll had on-line test on 17th sep at panimalar campus...

mech and automobile students had 3 sections... 1.aptitude..
2.general maths & phy...
3.basic mech qns...

i,m not exactly sure of this pattern...

but we EEE guys had two sections in online test...
1.aptitude... - 30 mins - 60 qns..
2.basic EEE aptitude... - 30 mins - 40 qns..

both d sec were clubbed 2gether for a total duration of 60 mins...

and for the first time ASHLEY tried on with an ONLINE test...

only the aptitude part was really challenging...

it had simple logical reasoning qns only...

but the toughest part is to solve it in 30 seconds of time...

we had qns from
1.number series
2.odd man out,left & right view of an object
5.speed and distance
7.coding and decoding
8.non verbal reasoning type

after 30 mins of time, the aptitute section will automatically wind up to is next section...

the next part was basic EEE aptitude which was a little bit easier..

we had 2 solve 40 qns from 30 mins...
we basically had 90% of qns from machines and drives...
the others were from transformers,logic gates etc...

our college EEE had our ONLINE test around 3pm and by 6.30pm the shortlisted students were announced..

out of 182 eligible students from our coll, 16 of them were shortlisted including 4 EEE students, and i was one among them...!!!!

After a long waiting, i had my interview after 21 days on 9/10/10...

Being my first interview, i had all my nerves tickling throughout the day... we were asked to be there by 11am and i was the first person to be called in , by 11.45.....

the environment which i had was totally different from d one which i had imagined abt my interview...

there were 2 in the panel.. one was from HR and the other from technical...

I went in and wished them...
they wished me back and asked to take my seat..

HR : yes purushothaman... give a brief introduction abt urself, and abt ur family background...

Me : said well...

Tech Intv: (interrupted..) ok fine... what is a relay?

Me : answered..

TI : what is ur area of interest?

Me : Circuit analysis sir..

TI : what do you do in ckt analysis?

Me : explained..

TI : wat r d softwares which u use under it..

Me : sir, we,ve learnt it theoretically only sir...

TI : Oh so u,ve not heard abt MATLAB??

Me : yes sir, we hav learnt matlab...

TI : k fine.. expand MATLAB and wat do you do in that???

Me : explained...

TI : wat is a switch??

Me : answered...

TI : wat is d diff b/w relay and a switch???

Me : answered...

TI : k... draw a schematic diag of a relay??? ( gave me a plain sheet to draw...)

Me : (out of fear, i drew it in a horrible way...) Sir this is it...

TI : wat is an transducer?

Me : answered...

TI : explain an practical application??

Me : Sir can I explain it in a paper???

TI : ya sure...

Me : (this time explained LVDT in a neater way...)

TI : Wat is hall effect???

Me : Sir i hav heard abt it... but i couldnt get it now...

TI : Which transmission is better?? HVAC or HVDC???

Me : HVAC sir..

TI : Why???

Me : Coz we can stepup or stepdown voltages easily and the losses are less in HVAC sir...

TI : Are u sure???

Me : Yes sir..( confidently..!! But the ans was obviously wrong..!!!!!)

TI : wat is the dimension of force in MLT form??

Me : answered..

TI : wat is a ZigBee..??? why didnt you go for Bluetooth in ur project???

Me : (an expected qn which i had prepared with reasonable points, i explained them clearly abt my project..)

HR : have you gone for any inplant training..???

Me : (as i,ve been to Ashok Leyland once i explained them in neater way.. also i prepared this already...)

HR : Why u had a shift from CBSE to STATE BOARD...??

Me : Sir we had an entrance exam for getting into 11th std.. And i was below the cut off.. so i had to choose a state board school nearby my home.. But at last i made up well with a pretty decent score in my 12th exam sir...

Hr : What is ur place of preference..???

Me : sir i,m comfortable at location, but my first preference is Chennai..

HR : In wat dept shall i place you???

Me : R&D sir...

HR : Ok.. Thank you purushothaman.. U may leave now...

I went in by 11.45 and came out by 12...
All of us had an very short interview of abt 15 to 20 mins..
I came back home and by 4.30 in the evening, i got a call from my placement officer that i got selected...

And yes.. it was one of my precious moments in my life....!!!

there is only one thing to keep in mind... just be yourself throughout the interview...

just prepare for all the possible questions from which u answer....

the best way to prepare is to write down all the points in a note whenever it comes in ur mind...
always be prepared for all the basic HR qns and also be prepared for ur inplant training, project, paper presentations, workshops etc....

Always have a smile in ur face and maintain eye contact throughout the interview... those were the things which i struggled to have during the initial period of my interview... and remember the interview qns might go anywhere at anytime depending upon ur answers...

everytime when i used 2 visit a blog for sample qns and interview experience of the selected students, i also wished to post my experience to this world in a useful tone 4 all the ppl...

And now by living up to all expectations, i m happy in sharing my experience to all of u ppl...

Always be positive and GOD will be on your side...!!
Meet in you in ASHLEY..!!!!

Ashok Placement Paper : Ashok LeyLand Test Paper

there are 3 papers in ashok leyland. 2 from technical and 1 from non-tech. you shud go thru any objective book for technical. they will cover all the topics in 2 papers even engg. drawing also.
for 1st technical paper- 25 min 50 ques
2nd technical paper- 30 min 50 ques
for non-tech 30 min 60 ques..

i think most difficult portion is non-tech, covering english and r.s. agarwal reasoning.

so go through the syllabi and r.s.agarwal and for english go thru any book like manohar prasad or barrons....
waise non-tech portion will be ceciding for toppers. so b careful in that.

for interview,if you are from btech.they will ask you from your core subjects like thermal,automobile and i.c.engines or ur area of interest. they will also ask about ur training(vocational) and ur project.
if u r frm mtech,they will ask for ur thesis.

the knowledge of software CATIA will be helpful because this is an automobile company and all automobile companies use CATIA for designing.  

Ashok Placement Paper : Ashok LeyLand Whole Testpaper

ASHOK LEYLAND Test Paper 2006

The test consisted of 3 sections 50 or 30 questions each. all were objective questions havin 4 or 5 choices.

section 1 - basic maths (30 min)

questions are easy. the paper is basically a test of fundamentals & speed.
consisted of questions on basic maths that you learn in 12th n first year of engineering.
just know the basics of functions, sets & relations well.
definitions of stuff like order of ordinary differential equation bcoz u r asked to identify a given differential equation.
know basics of geometry well and funda of folds i.e. a given piece of paper if folded along given lines will give wat shape.
fundas of equation solving, determinants & matrices. the determinant usually is zero magnitude.

section 2 - basic mechanical & general Engineering 40 min

this section separates the best from the rest. questions are only concept based.
all subjects are covered in one way or other.
know the fundas of pulleys n other basic mechanics stuff.
if u havent studied automobile engineering then just go thru functions of fundamental stuff like differential, overdrive, gears, clutch.
know wat type motors are used in machines like Lathe etc.
one question was on crystal structure of graphite( Ans: HCP)

section 3 - reasoning 30min

this was the toughest in terms of time management.
its virtually impossible to solve even 100% questions even if ur CAT preps are at peak. i put blind guesses the last minute for abt 15-20 questions.
the questions were basically finding pattern, breaking codes n the fundas of assumptions, conclusions .. the one u have in CAT.

I am not sure if they have a section wise cutoff or overall cutoff. but all ppl above the minimum cutoff are shortlisted for interview.
It was raining heavily so none of were in either formals or wid our files. but the HR was cool. he said dont bother for dresses.
As for the files he said they are not needed if u can explain ur project or training well.
so there i was wearing a tight T-shirt n faded jeans facin my biggest interview till date.

interviews were Tech+HR combined 20-40mins duration each.
stress was on how much you have learnty frm ur summer project n how much can u relate it to the real stuff.

I was the last person in.

First the HR tried to corner me. He told me why i was not angry since they made me wait for so long. (i turn came at 2:30pm whereas the time given by them was 1:00pm)
He asked me if my time was so worthless that i can be made to wait any amt of time by anytime. but i countered him by saying that “waitin for the Interview by your company is worth the wait”.
He seemed very impressed. They then asked me a few tech questions which i answered well. then came my masterstroke. i told them i hadnt learnt Automobile engineering as it was in the final yeat.
I told the surprisded lot that I had learnt by myself thru internet. then they asked me a lot of questions regarding Automobile engineering n i just kept surprising them wid my answers.
Then a few out of syllabus questions frm Manufacturing processes which i answered n pointed that the they were not in my syllabus but i had read abt them in the books. they were again surprised
n commented that i was way ahead of my course. Then asked abt wat n where did i do my summer projects. i gave a brief introduction abt both of them. I told them i knew “FLUENT”- a CFD software which surprised them again.them again.
Then they asked me my first choice i.e. R&D or Production or Marketing. I answered even b4 he finished “R&D”. Then he asked me the second choice: “No second option”. Then they adviced me for abt 5mins on that. In the end i told that i was open for the first two but not marketing.
Then they asked few HR questions like family background n other usual stuff. In the end they asked if i wanted to ask them sumthin.
I asked them abt the performance appraisal in their company. its very important that u ask them a good question. use the Internet n find out good q’s.
The HR was specially very impressed by me. He told me i was the best n it was a great performance.


Ashok Placement Paper : Ashok LeyLand Whole Testpaper


The test consisted of 3 sections 50 or 30 questions each. all were objective questions havin 4 or 5 choices.

section 1 - basic maths (30 min)

questions are easy. the paper is basically a test of fundamentals & speed.
consisted of questions on basic maths that you learn in 12th n first year of engineering.
just know the basics of functions, sets & relations well.
definitions of stuff like order of ordinary differential equation bcoz u r asked to identify a given differential equation.
know basics of geometry well and funda of folds i.e. a given piece of paper if folded along given lines will give wat shape.
fundas of equation solving, determinants & matrices. the determinant usually is zero magnitude.

section 2 - basic mechanical & general Engineering 40 min

this section separates the best from the rest. questions are only concept based.
all subjects are covered in one way or other.
know the fundas of pulleys n other basic mechanics stuff.
if u havent studied automobile engineering then just go thru functions of fundamental stuff like differential, overdrive, gears, clutch.
know wat type motors are used in machines like Lathe etc.
one question was on crystal structure of graphite( Ans: HCP)

section 3 - reasoning 30min

this was the toughest in terms of time management.
its virtually impossible to solve even 100% questions even if ur CAT preps are at peak. i put blind guesses the last minute for abt 15-20 questions.
the questions were basically finding pattern, breaking codes n the fundas of assumptions, conclusions .. the one u have in CAT.

I am not sure if they have a section wise cutoff or overall cutoff. but all ppl above the minimum cutoff are shortlisted for interview.
It was raining heavily so none of were in either formals or wid our files. but the HR was cool. he said dont bother for dresses.
As for the files he said they are not needed if u can explain ur project or training well.
so there i was wearing a tight T-shirt n faded jeans facin my biggest interview till date.

interviews were Tech+HR combined 20-40mins duration each.
stress was on how much you have learnty frm ur summer project n how much can u relate it to the real stuff.

I was the last person in.

First the HR tried to corner me. He told me why i was not angry since they made me wait for so long. (i turn came at 2:30pm whereas the time given by them was 1:00pm)
He asked me if my time was so worthless that i can be made to wait any amt of time by anytime. but i countered him by saying that “waitin for the Interview by your company is worth the wait”.
He seemed very impressed. They then asked me a few tech questions which i answered well. then came my masterstroke. i told them i hadnt learnt Automobile engineering as it was in the final yeat.
I told the surprisded lot that I had learnt by myself thru internet. then they asked me a lot of questions regarding Automobile engineering n i just kept surprising them wid my answers.
Then a few out of syllabus questions frm Manufacturing processes which i answered n pointed that the they were not in my syllabus but i had read abt them in the books. they were again surprised
n commented that i was way ahead of my course. Then asked abt wat n where did i do my summer projects. i gave a brief introduction abt both of them. I told them i knew “FLUENT”- a CFD software which surprised them again.them again.
Then they asked me my first choice i.e. R&D or Production or Marketing. I answered even b4 he finished “R&D”. Then he asked me the second choice: “No second option”. Then they adviced me for abt 5mins on that. In the end i told that i was open for the first two but not marketing.
Then they asked few HR questions like family background n other usual stuff. In the end they asked if i wanted to ask them sumthin.
I asked them abt the performance appraisal in their company. its very important that u ask them a good question. use the Internet n find out good q’s.
The HR was specially very impressed by me. He told me i was the best n it was a great performance.

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