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Motorola Placement Paper : Motorola Placement Paper HR Interview 31 December 2011

Motorola Interview.

There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview. Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Write a Code

To reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.

To reverse a linked list as above. given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.

Difference between Macro and ordinary definition. Difference between Class and Struct.

Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they) Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc., where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.

what is a Real Time OS.Name some.

Describe VRTX in few words.

How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled

sockets, TLI, streams.. and much about project

What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?

What is a semaphore?

What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.

What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?

Tell about strtok & strstr functions.

Motorola Placement Paper : Motorola Placement Paper College of Engineering,Trivandrum 19 May 2011

Motorola previous paper Motorola candidate experience

Motorola Telephonic Interview
The selection procedure starts with a call from Motorola. this is a telephonic interview round. They will ask you general questions such as your hobbies, your goals in life etc etc
This is just to judge your communication skills. When I was appearing for the round, one of my seniors guided me through the entire process. I will put all that guidance in square brackets.
[[For the interview, do not mention that you are interested in software or R&D, as soon as you say that, your file is closed.]]
This has been verified with some of my friends, who said this and did not get a call, even though they have very good communication skills.
[[it would be really great, if you read books or write blogs. Do make a mention of this, it will really help.]]
[[try to find out what is is patents and what are the various steps involved in the patenting process.]]
If you do all of the above, you would surely get a call (given that you have good written and oral communication skills.]]

Motorola Written Round
This round happens at the Motorola,s Gurgoan office.
It is typically a subjective round lasting 2-3 hours.
During this round you are given two technologies to compare and contrast and to write an essay as to why you want to be a patent engineer.
the technology at my time was quite simple (related to USB and some data lines). Just remeber to clearly write the similarlities and dissimilarties, do not tabulate the result.
Make sure your sentences are gramitically correct and write short sentences. Crisp sentences will help you futher.

Motorola Second Part
Why you want to be a patent engineer?
write this essay in a way that it show that your personal aspiration is to be someone who is involved with technology and specially something that is new. Read about 2-3 new technologies and make a mention that you researched on them ( dnt lie, as this will be asked in ur future rounds)
Again make sure that your sentences are gramitically correct etc etc.

There are 3-4 interview and all of those are conducted by relatively young staff, except one that was conducted by the head of the team.
During these interviews they will try to judge your technical abilities and communication skills.
Do not lie in the interview.
the interview with the head is like a stress interview, where he asks you wiered kind of question to break you down.


I did not make it . However, a couple of my friends made it.
They had the following conclusions:

1)The team works for only internal client and is a cost saving tool for Motorola. So even though the initial salaries are good, but the follow up increments are very little, almost close to zero.

2) Those who have been with the team for last 2-3 years still do the same work. When we had asked about the future path they had said you could take up managerial opportunties or become a subject matter expert.
But what i have heard is that most of the initial people left the team to join MBA programs and no one became a subject matter expert. Two of them are now maners, but that is pretty much end of the road because the team looses most of its trained people every now and then.
Please feel free to ask this question.

3) Unlike software where the position increment means change in role, here you would be doing the same work.

4) However, they did mention that this was the safest place to be in motorola and no one was fired from the team during recession
All in all, if you want stability or a brand for your mba this is a fantastic opportunity. However, if you are looking for a long term career in this with motorola, that becomes a little tough because of the stagnating nature of the job and growth.

Motorola Placement Paper : Motorola Placement Paper Technical C questions 31 December 2011

Motorola c question with answer

1.To reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.

2.To reverse a linked list as above.

3. What will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.

4. Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.

5. Difference between Class and Struct.

6. Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.

7. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc.,where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.

8. What is a Real Time OS.

9. Describe VRTX in few words.

9. How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.

10. Name some sockets, TLI, streams. and much about project.

11. What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?

12. What is a semaphore?

13. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets,

both at the client and at the server.

14. What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?

15. Tell about strtok & strstr functions.

16. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human

17.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss

18.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules

Motorola Placement Paper : Technical - Other

Motorola - Sample

Q. write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
3. what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
4. Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
5. Difference between Class and Struct.
6. Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
7. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc.,where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
8. what is a Real Time OS.
9. Describe VRTX in few words.
9. How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
10. Name some sockets, TLI, streams. and much about project.
11. What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
12. What is a semaphore?
13. What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.
14. What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
15. Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
16. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human
17.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss
18.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules

Motorola Placement Paper : General - other

T here are Three streams
1 hardware ( sps)
2 software (gsg)
3 dsp
ppt for 2 hours
salary 28000
hardware 13 questions 1hour and 15 minutes
software 20 questions
Hardware questions
Hardware questions

Draw the state transition diagram for sequence detector for the sequence 011. if the first bit detected is zero then SCRH should be asserted when the second bit is 1 the SCRH should remain asserted when the third bit is 1 the FOUND should be asserted and the SCRH should be disasserted. No bits should be left.

ts=0.5 and Th=0.7 (for the this is the setup time reqd and hold time reqd)
buffer has the delay of 1nsec
what is the setup time _________ns
what is the hold time ___________ns


for Each gate delay time is 0.5 ns

a. For each gate the delay time is 0.5 ns when will the glitch occur draw the glitch waveform.

b. How the circuit should be modified to avoid glitch.

describe the driving inverter? What inverter is weak and which has more strength? why?

what is the output of the following circuit?

Draw the output waveform for the following ckt Vtp=Vtn=1V

obtain expression for the output (the i/ps may not be in correct order)

Determine the output waveform input is

a. What is the output waveform
b. What will happen when the AND gate is replaced by OR gate

using 2:1 Mux and one inverter make XOR gate

using 2:1 Mux make a transparent latch (D f/f)

Design a ckt such that f (clk_out)=2 f (CLK_in) that is frequency doubling circuit is needed

Find the outputs of the following ckts

a). assume Vt = threshold voltage



Software questions:
Totally 20 questions were asked
* Most of them from C and datastructures (in equal nos)
* few from c++

Numbers sequential search has to compare ______ elements on worst and _______numbers on an average

Which of the following algorithm is not applicable for lived list representation of numbers
1. binary search 2. Sequential search 3. Selection sort

program to reverse a linked list all the variables 3 left pair of statements they give, we have to write the logic part
i.e. live
typedef struct link
int element;
struct link *next;
struct link rev(node *p)
node *t;
node *r=0;

exactly same type of question to check whether the given string is palindrome or not

they gave one program and asked what it is (it is fibonacci series)

int i=7;
printf(“%d”,i++*i++); what is the answer

int i=7;
printf(“%d”,i++*i++); what is the answer
7. struct code
{ int I;
int t;
/* some code */

what is wrong ?
semicolon is missing after structure declaration

Selection sort for N elements the no of comparisions needed and no of swapping

One question from heap sort

One question about breadth search

what is a language
* set of alphabet
* combination of alphabet
* strings of some alphabet

Motorola Placement Paper : General - other

T here are Three streams
1 hardware ( sps)
2 software (gsg)
3 dsp
ppt for 2 hours
salary 28000
hardware 13 questions 1hour and 15 minutes
software 20 questions
Hardware questions
Hardware questions

Draw the state transition diagram for sequence detector for the sequence 011. if the first bit detected is zero then SCRH should be asserted when the second bit is 1 the SCRH should remain asserted when the third bit is 1 the FOUND should be asserted and the SCRH should be disasserted. No bits should be left.

ts=0.5 and Th=0.7 (for the this is the setup time reqd and hold time reqd)
buffer has the delay of 1nsec
what is the setup time _________ns
what is the hold time ___________ns


for Each gate delay time is 0.5 ns

a. For each gate the delay time is 0.5 ns when will the glitch occur draw the glitch waveform.

b. How the circuit should be modified to avoid glitch.

describe the driving inverter? What inverter is weak and which has more strength? why?

what is the output of the following circuit?

Draw the output waveform for the following ckt Vtp=Vtn=1V

obtain expression for the output (the i/ps may not be in correct order)

Determine the output waveform input is

a. What is the output waveform
b. What will happen when the AND gate is replaced by OR gate

using 2:1 Mux and one inverter make XOR gate

using 2:1 Mux make a transparent latch (D f/f)

Design a ckt such that f (clk_out)=2 f (CLK_in) that is frequency doubling circuit is needed

Find the outputs of the following ckts

a). assume Vt = threshold voltage



Software questions:
Totally 20 questions were asked
* Most of them from C and datastructures (in equal nos)
* few from c++

Numbers sequential search has to compare ______ elements on worst and _______numbers on an average

Which of the following algorithm is not applicable for lived list representation of numbers
1. binary search 2. Sequential search 3. Selection sort

program to reverse a linked list all the variables 3 left pair of statements they give, we have to write the logic part
i.e. live
typedef struct link
int element;
struct link *next;
struct link rev(node *p)
node *t;
node *r=0;

exactly same type of question to check whether the given string is palindrome or not

they gave one program and asked what it is (it is fibonacci series)

int i=7;
printf(“%d”,i++*i++); what is the answer

int i=7;
printf(“%d”,i++*i++); what is the answer
7. struct code
{ int I;
int t;
/* some code */

what is wrong ?
semicolon is missing after structure declaration

Selection sort for N elements the no of comparisions needed and no of swapping

One question from heap sort

One question about breadth search

what is a language
* set of alphabet
* combination of alphabet
* strings of some alphabet

Motorola Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.

bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting
d)none of the above

.c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference

.Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________

Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________

what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above

Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)

In binary tree which of the following is true
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced

Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort

In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as

Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "

Question on worst and best case of sequential search

question on breadth first search

char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);

what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon

Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child,s child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr

What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
cout<} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above

What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out

for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables

.linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type

fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation

Motorola Placement Paper : General - Interview

Motorola Interview.

There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview. Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Write a Code

To reverse a string using a recursive function, without swapping or using an extra memory.

To reverse a linked list as above. given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.

Difference between Macro and ordinary definition. Difference between Class and Struct.

Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they) Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long etc., where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.

what is a Real Time OS.Name some.

Describe VRTX in few words.

How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled

sockets, TLI, streams.. and much about project

What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?

What is a semaphore?

What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the client and at the server.

What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?

Tell about strtok & strstr functions.

Motorola Placement Paper : Motorola Paper Technical - C & C++

There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.

bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting                                                          
d)none of the above

.c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference

.Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________

Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________

what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above

Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)

In binary tree which of the following is true                                     
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced

Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort

In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as

Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "

Question on worst and best case of sequential search                     

question on breadth first search

char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);

 what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon

Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child,s child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr

What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above

What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out

for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?<end && ?==?;++ ?,--?);
return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables

.linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;                                                          
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type

fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation


Motorola Placement Paper : Motorola Paper General - Interview

Motorola Interview.

   There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview. Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
  Write a Code

To reverse a string using a recursive function, without  swapping or using an extra memory.

To reverse a linked list as above. given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}                                       
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.

Difference between Macro and ordinary definition. Difference between Class and Struct.

Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they) Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc. If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long  etc., where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.

what is a Real Time OS.Name some.

Describe VRTX in few words.

How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled

sockets, TLI, streams..  and much about project

What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?                                            

What is a semaphore?

What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the  client and at the server.

What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?

Tell about strtok & strstr functions.


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