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Honeywell Placement Paper : CHENNAI ,11 June 2006

Today(11.06.06) I have attended Honeywell (Madurai) aptitude at loyola college Chennai.

There was an introduction about their company and the test started
they didnt announce the results there
The pattern of questions was
totally 100*1=100
and they told that there is negative marks (0.25) for every wrong answer

The Technical questions were basically from
Data structures
Operating systems
Dbms concepts

The Aptitude questions are basic which are available at
QA books (20*1=20)
and cprograms 30 q,s
and in the descriptive part

three programs were asked
1st is sorting the no in the descending order
2nd is type of hash table program
3rd i didnt remember that

Honeywell Placement Paper : Future Institute , Kolkata ,20 April 2007

Written Test.
2>Technical Interview.
3>H R Interview.

Written Test
It consisted of 2 parts General Maths,General English.....Almost 1500 students appeared for the test and 43 students cleared the aptitude test.After that we had our technical round 21 cleared the round.At last 14 of us cleared the H R round.

Written Test(30 questions)
1>R.S Agarwal Will do The job.
simple percentage,profit and loss,work and wages etc

General English(15 questions)
1>Consult GRE Barrons.

Best of luck guys,

Honeywell Placement Paper : Future Institute , Kolkata ,20 April 2007

Written Test.
2>Technical Interview.
3>H R Interview.

Written Test
It consisted of 2 parts General Maths,General English.....Almost 1500 students appeared for the test and 43 students cleared the aptitude test.After that we had our technical round 21 cleared the round.At last 14 of us cleared the H R round.

Written Test(30 questions)
1>R.S Agarwal Will do The job.
simple percentage,profit and loss,work and wages etc

General English(15 questions)
1>Consult GRE Barrons.

Best of luck guys,

Honeywell Placement Paper : CDAC Noida ,19 December 2006


Hello friends….

I am .... and I just share my views with regard to Honeywell…

I am presently doing CDAC embedded system course from mohali joint –placement with cdac noida…

Honeywell visited there on 19th...CDAC noida

Total strength: near abt 200 people of different course

Cleared the written: 45

Take the interview: 22

Select: 4

There are two set of paper EC and CS…

EC people can even take CS set…

CS syllabus is very easy please refer other paper on net our paper was same to same like net so please solve all questions …

First attend technical paper than C then appti…

Appti and C are very easy…

They just check ur technical ability.. Please be full prepare with ur complete resume and each and every topic written in ur resume…

My interview was very long and take 2 hour in two part.. in first part they just check my approach and in second part they ask me technical questions…

Please be prepare with OS,DS,C,C++, ur project and other ur skills that u write in ur resume…

HR is just for formality….

Honeywell Placement Paper : Bishep Heber College Trichy , 7 April 2007


I attended the HONEYWELL written test on 7th April 2007 at . The selection proceture has 4 rounds.

1st round-----------> written test
2nd round----------> tech interview
3rdd round----------> tech interview
4th round----------> HR interview

1st round
In first round they separate the whole candidates as two screams namely electronics stream and IT stream. we have separate paper according to our stream. I,m a EEE student so I come under electronics stream.

Ist round contains two types of paper
1) objective type
2) descriptive type

Objective type:
It contains 100 objective type questions.
50 tech [ Electronics, DSP, Control Systems, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc,]
30 C[structure, Array, pointer, data types, functions ]
20 aptitude[very eay R.S Agarval enough]
all in 100 minutes. 25% negative marking for each wrong answer.

Descriptive type:
It has two section
1) tech part [Electronics, DSP, Control Systems, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc]---> 10 mark
2) Programming part [ u,ve a option to choose C, C++, JAVA, .NET] ------->10 mark
All in 20 minutes

2nd round.
I attuned it for about 1 hour.
all questions from basics from your dept [ Electronics, DSP, Control Systems, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc,] and C, and maily your project. Focus on your RESUME. That,s ver very important.

3rd round
I attended it for about 45 minutes, some what depth in your dept. and C. They(2 pannel) asked me about past interview experience in this round.

4th round
This is HR round. It was very easy. It contains genral questions like what,s ur strength?, what your frinds think about u?, ur achivements and etc... I attended the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds in HONEYWELL TECH SOLLUTIONS, MADURAI.

I,ve been selected in HONEYWELL. The result was announced on May 14th, 2007 thro mobile.

Honeywell Placement Paper : HYDERABAD ,22 June 2006


I am Haritha. On 23rd June i have attended Honeywell written test in CBIT, Hyderabad. The eligibility for the written test was through noukri and referrals and only 70%+ in B-tech.

I have applied it 2 months back n got a call letter recently. They informed bfore 15days by mails about the written test.I would like to share my experience so that it becomes easy for others who r appearing for it in future.

Cutoff: 70%+ in B-tech

Selection Procedure:

Written test (overall cutoff is 52 marks and no negative marking)
2 technical interviews
1 HR interview

Paper Pattern

100 questions : 100 minutes.
The questions were from many subjects.
They are DBMS - 10 to 15 questions(Dont remember in exact figures)
C and DS - 10 to 15
Microprocessors - 10 to 15
Computer networks (the same no:)
Operating systems
General Aptitude 20 questions.

Mind u: There was no verbal or verbal reasoning and any GDs

Some questions I remember:
1) A relation to be in 3rd normal form is in _ normal form
2) How can u increase ports of a microprocessor? (8251,8255,8253 and 1 more option)
3) What is 8253?(USART,DMA,programmable interrupt controller and one more)
5)How many bits microprocessor was first developed?(8 bit)
6)In a 3 bit instruction middle bit is (operand ,operator n ................)
7)Which of the following is IPv6 addressing?
8)In Which of the following layers SMTP is used?
9)About transport layer
10)To select records from a relation where primary key is ename and ename starts with "p"
11)small c logical questions
12)apti mostly from profit and loss
13)1 heights and distance prob
14)1 prob on true discount
15)Brouter is hybrid of?

The aptitude questions are really very easy u can solve them easily. There was an overall cutoff of 52 marks ofcoz they didnt announce officially. Coming to technicals u must be through with ur basics. All basics.
Frends i have got sleected in the written test.Next day i had interview.

About interview.
2 techinical rounds
the questions were like

1st technical (1 person)

1) Rate ur self in C and DS and C++
2) About linked lists(programs)
3) About sortings(logics)
4) About Normalization.
5) y do we need denormalization?
6) What r bitfeilds in C?
7) Probrams of linear search and binary search.

for somebody they asked about there project also but they didnt ask me.

2nd technical (A 2 member Panel)

1) C and Ds questions.(enum types)
2) Difference between structure and Union
3) Linked lists declarations
4) Difference between C and Java(coz i mentioned Java in my resume)
5) Say Some thing about data structures
6) What r oops principles?
7) How does an OS manage memory?
8) About AWI(java)
9) Regarding garbage collection.
10) Can we clear memory explicitly?If so how?Write a stmt for such an action.
11) exceptions
and many more.

I had my HR on the very same day.
It was kool. They asked me
Say me about ur academic profile
1) Difference between CSE and IT?
2) Why honeywell?
3) Package u desire?
4) Have u attended any other compnaies?
5) Family background?
6) Willingness to relocate and sign for bond?
7) R u ready to work in Madurai
8) Highest position u desire for?

Honeywell Placement Paper : HYDERABAD ,24 June 2006


Hi Friends,

My experience at Honey Well on 24/06/2006
Eligiblity : 70% in B.Tech
Location : Hyderabad (CBIT )
Mode : Off-Campus


Round1: Written test consists of , 50 questions from all subjects +30 questions from C + . 20 questions from aptitude(mainly concentrate on percentage problems).

Duration : 1hr 40min

There is a separate paper for CS and Electronics students,but C and Aptitude questions are same for all branches.

No. of students appeared for written test : 1100 (approx)

No. of students shortlisted for the second round are 150 students.


Round 2: Technical round-1

1.First they asked about my project (Be Prepare with it) ?
2.Tell some thing about urself ?
3.Write code for reversing the SLL(single linked list) ?
4. Explain ToH (Towers of honie) problem ?
5. He asked some basic questions on pointers ?
6.How can find missed value ,if u want to store 100 values in a 99 size array ?

U have to insert the elements randomly ? And one important thing is u have to find in . . the value in the single pass ? (hint:Use the Sum of numbers formulae n(n+1)/2)

7. And some other which I not remembered ?

Duration :20 min

No.of students shortlist for 3rd round are 30 students.


Round 3: Technical round-2

For some students they interviewed for 45min, but for some just they took 15min only

1.He asked me some typical query to write in SQL and also to write java program for that ?
2.a^b + b^ a =100? Solve for ,a, and ,b, ?
sol: (first solution) 1^99 +99^1 =100

(second solution) 6^2 + 2^6 =100

No. of students got offer : 06 (approx)


Round 4: HR round

This is just for formality

This company take the students who are sound in techinal. They least bother about the remaing thing like....

Suggestion : Don,t be in a hurry to learn too many questions. First learn the concepts then after look good number of problems on that topics.

Honeywell Placement Paper : CDAC, Pune ,29 January 2007

written test: Two set of papers were there, 1 for EC & 1 for CS. I opted for CS.

50 technical: most of the weightage was given to DBMS, data structures etc.

30 C programming: Read exploring C completely, in my suggestion that is vry good & sufficient book for C questions.

20 aptitude question:

Few questions were like-

1> Arrange Them in the order of space complexity

Merge sort, quick sort, heap sort

2> Void main()






printf (“hi”);






printf(“%d %d ”,complete,complete1);


o/p- hi 12 11

3> How many times in a day the hr. & min. hands of a clock are in straight line.

4> How many times in a day the hr. & min. hands of a clock meet each other.

5> Structure A


int x;

float y;


union B


int p;

float ;


choices: 1.all the times a & b have same size, 2. such declaration r not possible

3. a & b have same size. 4……..

6> a simple qus on flow in a switch-case block

Honeywell Placement Paper : Osmania University,Hyderabad ,17 March 2008

Written Test (Technical & Aptitude papers) it is descriptive type The Technical Paper is as follows: duration 1HR there are 4 questions
1)Find string palindrome 10marks
2)Write a C function to search a number in the given list of numbers .donot use printf and scanf 10marks
3)What is the difference between delete,drop,truncate? 2marks
4)what is out put of the following code? 3marks
class Base
cout<<"constructor base";
cout<<"destructor base";
class Derived:public Base
cout<<"constructor derived";
cout<<"destructor derived";
void main()
Base *var=new Derived();
delete var;
The Aptitude Paper is follows :1HR duration
1)There are 4 women to cross bridge and Flashlight.One or two women can cross the bridge with the flash light at a time.those have different walking speeds.The pair must walk at the rate of slower pace
woman1:1 minutes
woman2:2 minutes
woman3:5 minutes
woman4:10 minutes
Then what is the minimum required time to cross the bridgeall the 4 women without throwing flashlight? 6MARKS
2)There are cats got together to decide killing the mice of 999919,each cat kills equal no.of mice and each cat kills more no.of mice than cats there were.Then what are the number of cats? 4MARKS
3)the tree grows first day 1/2 of its original size,grows 1/3 of its prevous day size,and grows 1/4 and so on.How many days it will take to grow 100 times to the original size of tree? 4MARKS
4)There is one 40 kg weight stone.How many weights are there such that it can measure any weight between 1 to 40 kg? 7Marks
5)There is one monkey climbs 3fts and slipsdown 2fts of a tree in 1 hour.Ho much time it will take to reach the top of the tree of 20fts height? 4 MARKS

II Techincal Interview
III Technical Interview

All The Best

Honeywell Placement Paper : BANGALORE ,22 July 2006


These are the questions asked for the Honeywell test conducted on 22 July 06 in their Bangalore office.

There were 100 questions:

50 Technical questions (branch wise)
30 C questions
20 aptitude questions

Aptitude is very easy. Simple questions from profit&loss, ratio, odd-man series, time-distance, clock...

Technical from OS, DBMS, CN, 8085, unix, DS.. some of the qns I remembered are given below.

1) Binary search tree is used in
a) sorting b)searching c)indexing d)all the above

2) Given a tree..write the preorder traversal

3) Given an infix expression..write its postfix

4) First general purpose microprocessor
a) 2002 b)4004 c)8080 d)8085

5) What is 8253

6) ____flag is not used in 8085 jump instructions

7) SNMP is used in which layer

8) Banker,s algorithm is used for

9) Belady,s anomaly is related to___

10) Which of the following is non-preemptive
a) FIFO b)SJF c)Round robin d)all the above

11 )A relation in 3NF is in______

12) A question on serializability

13) One SQL query

14) Functional dependency one question

15) The first general purpose microprocessor is ____-bit

16) In a three byte instruction the second byte indicates____

17) Average case analysis for partition exchange sort

18) How the receiver knows to what service the packet to be forwarded?

19) Given a binary sign magnitude no:..write its decimal

20) The order in which data is transferred frm magnetic disk
disk->main mem->cache->h/w register

21) In which layer of the network datastructure format change is done

22) Which of the following allow parallel & serial connections
a)DHCP b)PPP c)IPX d)all the above

23) Given some IP addresses...identify which one is IPv6?

24) Open addressing and chaining is used in
a)sorting b)indexing c)collision-resolution d)none of the above

25) Storage space requirement for diff: sorts in the descending order

26) Which scheduling policy is used in unix..

27) In database which mechanism is suitable for recovery?
a)checkpointing b)indexing... c) d)

28) Which of the following is not correct?
a)arrays consume less space
b)linked lists are more complex
c)linked lists use less space

29)which of the following is not correct?
a)main does not have arguments
b)main can have command line arguments
c)main have variable arguments

30) Which of the following is not correct?
a)function can call itself
b)function can have no return type
c)function cannot have multiple return statements
d)function can have arguments

31) When an interrupt is called control is given to..
a)interrupt vector table
b)interrupt service routine

32) Which of the following is not a synchronization tool
a)semaphore b)mutex c)mutual exclusion d)message passing

33) Given a graph write the BFS for it

34) How can u increase ports of a microprocessor?
a)8255 b)8259 c)8253 d)8251

35) What is 8259?

36) Which of the following maintains a constant time(best,worst,average)?
a)searching b)sorting c)indexing d)none

37) In a database a table is stored not is an example of
a)views b)logical data independence c)abstraction d)all the above

38) The time CPU takes to complete the execution of processes____

39) The minimum length of TCP/IP header and IP datagram header

40) Process spawning in OS is__________

41) The topology that uses a central hub is___

C questions were dam easy..pointers and strings ..if ur strong in pointer concepts u can score easily. 2 or 3 qns frm files,enum,extern..
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