Oil India Limited Placement Papers Ramco Placement Papers Rockwell Placement Papers3i Placement PapersABB Placement PapersAccel Frontline Placement PapersAccenture Placement PapersAcumen Software Placement PapersAditi Placement PapersAdobe Placement PapersADP Placement PapersAgile Placement PapersAgreeya Placement PapersAIG Placement PapersAkamai Placement PapersAks Software Systems Placement PapersAlcatel Placement PapersAllahabad Placement PapersAlle Placement PapersALLFON Placement PapersAlter Placement PapersAlumnus Placement PapersAmdocs Placement PapersAMI Placement PapersAndhra Bank Placement PapersANZ Placement PapersAppLabs Placement PapersAricent Placement PapersASDC Placement PapersAshok Placement PapersAshok LeyLand Placement PapersAspire Placement PapersASPNET Placement PapersAST Pvt Ltd Placement PapersAsto Placement PapersAtlas Placement PapersAxentis Soft Placement PapersAxes Placement PapersAztec Placement PapersBAAN Placement PapersBajaj Placement PapersBank Of Maharashtra Placement PapersBARC Placement PapersBEL Placement PapersBEML Placement PapersBently Placement PapersBFL Placement PapersBHEL Placement PapersBirlasoft Placement PapersBlueStar Placement PapersBOB Placement PapersBOSCH Placement PapersBPL Placement PapersBrakes Placement PapersBSNL Placement PapersC-DOT Placement PapersCadence Placement PapersCalsoft Placement PapersCampaq Placement PapersCanarys Placement PapersCapgemini Placement PapersCaritor Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd Placement PapersCaterpillar Placement PapersCD Placement PapersCDAC Placement PapersCelstream Placement PapersCGI Placement PapersChangepond Placement PapersChatargee Placement PapersCisco Placement PapersCiticorp Placement PapersCMC Placement PapersCOGNIZENT Placement PapersComputer Placement PapersConsagous Placement PapersConsagous Technologies Placement PapersConvergys Placement PapersCORDYS Placement PapersCOSL Placement PapersCovansys Placement PapersCrompton Placement PapersCSC Placement PapersCTS Placement PapersDaimler Placement PapersDell Placement PapersDeloitte Placement PapersDelphi-tvs Placement PapersDeutsche Placement PapersDharma Placement PapersDigital Placement PapersdMtechnologies Placement PapersDot Placement PapersDot Com Infoway Placement PapersDRDO Placement PapersDSL Placement PapersDSQ Placement PapersDSRC Placement PapersE2E Placement PapersEasyTech Placement PapersEDS Placement PapersEFFIGENT Placement Papersefunds Placement PapersEIL Placement PapersELGI Placement PapersELICO Placement PapersEnercon Placement PapersEpson Placement PapersEricssion Placement PapersEssar Placement PapersFCG Placement PapersFidelity Placement PapersFlextronics Placement PapersForbes Placement PapersFORCE Placement PapersFuture Placement PapersFX Placement PapersFX Labs Placement PapersG2One Network Private Limited Placement PapersGDA Placement PapersGE Placement PapersGenpact Placement PapersGeodesic Placement PapersGeometric Placement PapersGlobal Placement PapersGodrej Placement PapersGoogle Placement PapersGrapcity Placement PapersGSSL Placement PapersHAL Placement PapersHCL Placement PapersHCL Technologies Placement PapersHello Placement PapersHexaware Placement PapersHFCL Placement PapersHindustan Placement PapersHo Placement PapersHoneywell Placement PapersHorizon Placement PapersHP Placement PapersHPCL Placement PapersHSBC Placement PapersHuawei Placement PapersHughes Placement PapersI-Flex Placement PapersI-Gate Placement Papersi2 Placement PapersIBM Placement PapersIBPS Placement PapersIBS Placement PapersICICI PO DRIVE Placement PapersIDBI Placement PapersIikanos Placement PapersIindus Placement PapersIkosindia Placement PapersImpetus Placement Papersinautix Placement PapersIndian Overseas Bank Placement PapersIndusTeqsite Placement PapersInfineon Placement PapersInformatica Placement PapersInfosys Placement Papersinfotech Placement PapersInphlox Placement PapersIntec Placement PapersIntegra Placement PapersIntegraphr Placement PapersInterwoven Placement PapersIntex Placement PapersIOCL Placement PapersIonnor Solutions Placement PapersiSoft Placement PapersIspat Placement PapersISRO Placement PapersIttiam Placement PapersIvega Placement PapersJ&B Placement PapersJataayu Placement PapersJean Placement PapersJean Martin Placement PapersJet Placement PapersJEYPEE Placement PapersJindal Placement PapersJKT Placement PapersJOHN Placement PapersKalam Software Technology Placement PapersKanbay Placement PapersKeane Placement PapersKenexa Placement PapersKkshema Placement PapersKleward Placement PapersKnoah Solutions Placement PapersKPIT Placement PapersKPIT Cummins Placement PapersL&T Placement PapersL&T Infotech Placement PapersL&T(EEC) Placement PapersLCube Placement PapersLG Placement PapersLG Soft India Placement PapersLifetree Placement PapersLinkwell Placement PapersLionBridge Placement PapersLogica Placement PapersLucent Placement PapersM-Phasis Placement PapersMA Placement PapersMANGANESE Placement PapersMascot Placement PapersMastek Placement PapersMatrix Placement PapersMAXSOFT Placement PapersMcAfee Placement PapersMECON Placement PapersMentor Placement PapersMerrill Placement PapersMicrosoft Placement PapersMindfire Solutions Placement PapersMindtree Placement PapersMiraclesoft Placement PapersMistral Placement PapersMotorola Placement PapersMTNL Placement PapersNagarro Placement PapersNalko Placement PapersNCR Placement PapersNess Placement PapersNest Placement PapersNewgen Placement PapersNFL Placement PapersNHPC Placement PapersNihilent Placement PapersNIIT Placement PapersNovartis Placement PapersNovell Placement PapersNTPC Placement PapersNucleus Placement PapersNYROS TECHNOLOGY Placement PapersOil Placement PapersONGC Placement PapersOnline Education Placement PapersOnMobile Placement PapersOracle Placement PapersOrange Placement PapersParagon Placement PapersPCS Placement PapersPDIL Placement PapersPentaware Placement PapersPentaware Tech Placement PapersPerot Placement PapersPersistent Placement PapersPhilips Placement PapersPlanetasia Placement PapersPNESTEC Placement PapersPolaris Placement PapersPoor Placement PapersPramati Placement PapersProdEx Placement PapersPSI Placement PapersQuark Placement PapersQuinnox Placement PapersQwest Placement PapersR Placement PapersRamco Placement PapersRapidigm Placement PapersRBI Placement PapersRedpine Placement PapersReliance Placement PapersReliance(RIL) Placement PapersRinl Placement PapersRipples Infolink Placement PapersRobert Placement PapersRobert Bosch Placement PapersRockwell Placement PapersRRB(Railway Placement PapersRRB(Railway Recruitment Board ) Placement PapersRSsoftware Placement PapersSahi Placement PapersSail Placement PapersSamsung Placement PapersSamtel Placement PapersSAP Placement PapersSapient Placement PapersSasken Placement PapersSatyam Placement PapersSBI Placement PapersScandent Placement PapersSchneider Placement PapersSCT Placement PapersSemanticSpace Placement PapersShriram Placement PapersSIEMENS Placement PapersSierra Placement PapersSkyTECH Placement PapersSLK Software Placement Paperssobha Placement PapersSoftSol Placement PapersSonata Placement PapersSony India Placement PapersSQL Placement PapersSQL Star Placement PapersSSC Placement PapersStarent Placement PapersStarent Networks Placement PapersSTMicroelectronics Placement PapersSubex Placement PapersSUN Placement PapersSuther Placement PapersSynergy Placement PapersSynopsys Placement PapersSyntel Placement PapersSystech Solutions Placement PapersTalisma Placement PapersTata Placement PapersTata Technologies Placement PapersTavant Placement PapersTCE Placement PapersTCS Placement PapersTech Placement PapersTech Mahindra Placement PapersTELCO Placement PapersTelserra Placement PapersTEMNOS Placement PapersTesco Placement PapersTexas Placement PapersThermax Placement PapersThink Placement PapersTHOROGOOD Placement PapersThoughtWorks Placement 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Download thoughtworks Placement Papers in MS Word and PDF Format for Job Interview

List of all download thoughtworks placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Click Here View Job List. This page will help you to get all details about download thoughtworks placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Download thoughtworks placement papers in PDF and Ms word format. Latest and thoughtworks last 5 years placement papers with solutions pdf download for campus job.

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : TThoughtWorks Placement Paper (2012-2013)

All these phases you have been in process of getting interviewed. Now you have got an interview call! It is time for you to present yourself best to the recruiter. You should enhance your technical skills,soft skills and should impress the recruiter.

There are many ways to get success in an interview. Some tips to get success in interview are as follows.

Dress professionally and be in time to the interview.
Be polite and calm when you are seated before recruiter
Be confident in answering recruiter’s question
Acquire details about the company through websites and show your knowledge about the company to the recruiter.
Show evidences of your skill and make them believe that you are the right person to the specified job.
Show them you are responsible and can take the job.

1.Tell me about yourself?

2. How has your experience prepared you for your career?


Aside from the discipline and engineering foundation learning that I have gained from my courses, I think the design projects, reports, and presentations have prepared me most for my career.

Work Experience:

Through internships, I have gained self-esteem, confidence, and problem-solving skills. I also refined my technical writing and learned to prepare professional documents for clients.

Student Organizations:

By working on multiple projects for different student organizations while keeping up my grades, I,ve built time management and efficiency skills. Additionally, I,ve developed leadership, communication, and teamwork abilities.

Life Experience:

In general, life has taught me determination and the importance of maintaining my ethical standards.

3. What made you choose your major?

My academic interests are broad, so I sought civil engineering to achieve a great balance of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and writing.

4. What contributions could you make in this organization that would help you to stand out from other applicants?

In previous internships, my industriousness and ability to teach myself have been valuable assets to the company. My self-teaching abilities will minimize overhead costs, and my industriousness at targeting needs without prompting will set me apart from others. Additionally, one thing that has always set me apart from my scientific/engineering peers are my broad interests and strong writing abilities. I am not your typical "left-brained" engineer, and with my broad talents, I am likely to provide diverse viewpoints.

5. What do you plan to be doing in five years, time?

Taking the PE exam and serving in supervisory/leadership roles both at work and in professional/community organization(s).

6. Describe the ideal job.

Ideally, I would like to work in a fun, warm environment with individuals working independently towards team goals or individual goals. I am not concerned about minor elements, such as dress codes, cubicles, and the level of formality. Most important to me is an atmosphere that fosters attention to quality, honesty, and integrity.

7. What do you know about this organization?
This question is one reason to do some research on the organization before the interview. Find out where they have been and where they are going. What are the current issues and who are the major players?

8.What kind of salary do you need?
A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, That’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.

9. Do you have any questions for me?

Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the organization are good. How soon will I be able to be productive? and What type of projects will I be able to assist on? are examples

10. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization ?

You should be anxious for this question. It gives you a chance to highlight your best points as they relate to the position being discussed. Give a little advance thought to this relationship.

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : ThoughtWorks Placement Paper MIT Pune 27-June-2012

1Basics of c,c++ in aptitude followed by
2.Coding test
4.Hr Interview.
In aptitude questions were like
1.They give 11 q in 60 min. ,q3 is having 2 subq,q10,11 having 3 sub questions. if in q3 you lost 1 then no marks for both subq.
In questions
-They give you ,on the upper side a long box array containing some digits
-below that a flowchart with different steps ,& instr in those steps ,u have to follow them ans the q below ,
-whichever ans you found, search the same in boxes n write the box no. on the front ans sheet
3Questions on finding ans of given q a/c instr given in flowchart
3 Questions on finding missing no. in the box to get the ,last
2 Questions on finding the ans a/c to given treen eg-there r 4 no. is 1greter follow this
else other path .
2 Question on finding the missing step in the algo.
1Question for fingering the correction in wrong step in algorithm
dont know about coding of luck 2 all.bye

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : VIT University, Vellore ,1 August 2011

1st round: 1and half hour
Logical aptitude.I have attached the paper.

2nd round: 1and half hour
Lab. given a application; have to build the application and later optimize;
one of the student got: inventory control system. ipod is available in two countries brazil and argentina. in brazil it costs $100 and in argentina it costs $50. also in case if one countary imports from other extra $400 has to be paid per 10 units. the inventory of ipod availabe in each country is 100 units each. so you have to develop a program that show the optimized cost. for ex: you palce order for 10 ipods in brazil - it costs 100x10=$1000. in case u import from argentina it costs 10x$50+$400=$600. or if order is placed for eg.120 units 100 can be sold from the same country and the rest 20 has to be imported. that way u haveto check all the possible combination and show only the best one also the output should be in the format as
: : ;
once u complete the program, one of the representative of the company comes to you, verifies the result, asks you to optimize the program further, etc.

3rd round:
subject based technical interview: inside out. 1on1 or 2on1;

4th round:
technical interview. resume based. inside out.

package: Rs5.85lakhs.
a company. around the world has 1200 to 1600 employees (in 9 to 10 countries). in india has 4 branches.

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : VIT University, Vellore ,1 August 2011

1st round: 1and half hour
Logical aptitude.I have attached the paper.

2nd round: 1and half hour
Lab. given a application; have to build the application and later optimize;
one of the student got: inventory control system. ipod is available in two countries brazil and argentina. in brazil it costs $100 and in argentina it costs $50. also in case if one countary imports from other extra $400 has to be paid per 10 units. the inventory of ipod availabe in each country is 100 units each. so you have to develop a program that show the optimized cost. for ex: you palce order for 10 ipods in brazil - it costs 100x10=$1000. in case u import from argentina it costs 10x$50+$400=$600. or if order is placed for eg.120 units 100 can be sold from the same country and the rest 20 has to be imported. that way u haveto check all the possible combination and show only the best one also the output should be in the format as
: : ;
once u complete the program, one of the representative of the company comes to you, verifies the result, asks you to optimize the program further, etc.

3rd round:
subject based technical interview: inside out. 1on1 or 2on1;

4th round:
technical interview. resume based. inside out.

package: Rs5.85lakhs.
a company. around the world has 1200 to 1600 employees (in 9 to 10 countries). in india has 4 branches.

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : PSG Tech, Coimbatore


Thought Works one of a good company to work with and its not a big company. TW visited campus at PSG Tech – Coimbatore 14-7-07. The pay package was around 5 Lacs pa.

Almost 400 people attended the written test, around 18 short listed for second round and 10 around for interview round-1 and 8 for interview round-2 and 6 got it finally.

Let me provide some info on written test and interview.

Round-1 : [ Written Test ]
The written test is not a technical one and not like logical reasoning on, it was little different.
They will give just 10 questions – 1 mark for each [totally 10 marks].
The questions are flow chart kind of:










ADD box 2 and box 4, Put result in box1

ADD box whose no is in box 3 with box 4, put result in box 4

Subtract 3 from box1

Whats the value in Box4 : ??




The question is to just to do manipulations with the values in the box based on the flow instructions given at each level. I have provided a very simple (my own sample) but they will ask with lot of loops and lot conditions and they will would iterate for say 5 times and ask for a particular value.

Just 10 questions, no step mark , so if all 10 correct then you are sure to go for next round. [Just concentrate on speed and don’t make simple mistakes coz this could reflect at various levels of iterations.]

Usually they bring 5 to 6 sets of question paper! Maximum filtration will be in this round.

Round-2 [Programming round]
They will ask you to do a simple problem in any languages of your choice(C,C++,Java etc..)

The problem will like you have a robot facing east initially if it has to move 3 steps north it has to satisfy some bla bla condition , and if it has to move south then some other condition …this goes on. At the end they will ask where will be the robot facing at the end of some “N” movements(bla bla).

[The catch here is if you understand the problem then you will easily make through of it. So read many a times the question.] A few will be eliminated from this round too.

Round-3[ Techincal Interview-1]
This purely technical, they will drill you out with Data Structures, puzzles and mainly they will concentrate on key technologies like Java , .Net and all languages like C# , C++, C, Java, etc etc..

So a person strong in some key technologies and knows little basic of all possible programming languages will be a crucial factor. A few eliminated from here too.

Round-4[ Techincal Interview-2]
Another round of technical interview, now they will drill you out with all sorts of questions from your resume. They will ask about your projects bla bla..

Here too a few are eliminated. If they have a tie in selecting you and another person, then they may again call (any number of times) you for a technical interview. They will select their right people in this round, others are eliminated.

Round-5 [HR]
Just for a formality. All who enter this stage will be a thought worker at the end of the day. Good Company. Try your best to crack it !

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper PSG Tech, Coimbatore - 14 July 2007


Thought Works one of a good company to work with and its not a big company. TW visited campus at PSG Tech – Coimbatore 14-7-07. The pay package was around 5 Lacs pa.

Almost 400 people attended the written test, around 18 short listed for second round and 10 around for interview round-1 and 8 for interview round-2 and 6 got it finally.

Let me provide some info on written test and interview.

Round-1 : [ Written Test ]
The written test is not a technical one and not like logical reasoning on, it was little different.
They will give just 10 questions – 1 mark for each [totally 10 marks].
The questions are flow chart kind of:










ADD box 2 and box 4, Put result in box1

ADD box whose no is in box 3 with box 4, put result in box 4

Subtract 3 from box1

Whats the value in Box4 : ??





The question is to just to do manipulations with the values in the box based on the flow instructions given at each level. I have provided a very simple (my own sample) but they will ask with lot of loops and lot conditions and they will would iterate for say 5 times and ask for a particular value.
Just 10 questions, no step mark , so if all 10 correct then you are sure to go for next round. [Just concentrate on speed and don’t make simple mistakes coz this could reflect at various levels of iterations.]

Usually they bring 5 to 6 sets of question paper! Maximum filtration will be in this round.

Round-2 [Programming round]
They will ask you to do a simple problem in any languages of your choice(C,C++,Java etc..)

The problem will like you have a robot facing east initially if it has to move 3 steps north it has to satisfy some bla bla condition , and if it has to move south then some other condition …this goes on. At the end they will ask where will be the robot facing at the end of some “N” movements(bla bla).

[The catch here is if you understand the problem then you will easily make through of it. So read many a times the question.] A few will be eliminated from this round too.

Round-3[ Techincal Interview-1]
This purely technical, they will drill you out with Data Structures, puzzles and mainly they will concentrate on key technologies like Java , .Net and all languages like C# , C++, C, Java, etc etc..

So a person strong in some key technologies and knows little basic of all possible programming languages will be a crucial factor. A few eliminated from here too.

Round-4[ Techincal Interview-2]
Another round of technical interview, now they will drill you out with all sorts of questions from your resume. They will ask about your projects bla bla..

Here too a few are eliminated. If they have a tie in selecting you and another person, then they may again call (any number of times) you for a technical interview. They will select their right people in this round, others are eliminated.

Round-5 [HR]
Just for a formality. All who enter this stage will be a thought worker at the end of the day. Good Company. Try your best to crack it !

ThoughtWorks Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper PSG Tech, Coimbatore - 14 July 2007


Thought Works one of a good company to work with and its not a big company. TW visited campus at PSG Tech – Coimbatore 14-7-07. The pay package was around 5 Lacs pa.

Almost 400 people attended the written test, around 18 short listed for second round and 10 around for interview round-1 and 8 for interview round-2 and 6 got it finally.

Let me provide some info on written test and interview.

Round-1 : [ Written Test ]
The written test is not a technical one and not like logical reasoning on, it was little different.
They will give just 10 questions – 1 mark for each [totally 10 marks].
The questions are flow chart kind of:










ADD box 2 and box 4, Put result in box1

ADD box whose no is in box 3 with box 4, put result in box 4

Subtract 3 from box1

Whats the value in Box4 : ??





The question is to just to do manipulations with the values in the box based on the flow instructions given at each level. I have provided a very simple (my own sample) but they will ask with lot of loops and lot conditions and they will would iterate for say 5 times and ask for a particular value.
Just 10 questions, no step mark , so if all 10 correct then you are sure to go for next round. [Just concentrate on speed and don’t make simple mistakes coz this could reflect at various levels of iterations.]

Usually they bring 5 to 6 sets of question paper! Maximum filtration will be in this round.

Round-2 [Programming round]
They will ask you to do a simple problem in any languages of your choice(C,C++,Java etc..)

The problem will like you have a robot facing east initially if it has to move 3 steps north it has to satisfy some bla bla condition , and if it has to move south then some other condition …this goes on. At the end they will ask where will be the robot facing at the end of some “N” movements(bla bla).

[The catch here is if you understand the problem then you will easily make through of it. So read many a times the question.] A few will be eliminated from this round too.

Round-3[ Techincal Interview-1]
This purely technical, they will drill you out with Data Structures, puzzles and mainly they will concentrate on key technologies like Java , .Net and all languages like C# , C++, C, Java, etc etc..

So a person strong in some key technologies and knows little basic of all possible programming languages will be a crucial factor. A few eliminated from here too.

Round-4[ Techincal Interview-2]
Another round of technical interview, now they will drill you out with all sorts of questions from your resume. They will ask about your projects bla bla..

Here too a few are eliminated. If they have a tie in selecting you and another person, then they may again call (any number of times) you for a technical interview. They will select their right people in this round, others are eliminated.

Round-5 [HR]
Just for a formality. All who enter this stage will be a thought worker at the end of the day. Good Company. Try your best to crack it !

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